�� '�_� c. 5•4 ,� kSt��_"-.:��t�'��' Iq �t � F �" �,faro i�v�i t cr � tt — *r. _ _--
<br /> I'. . .c t c .y:...'�"�. — __ --
<br /> '�'� � '( 1-.�. �� u.aa �i r 1 r�'�1�'i�tk`.a:YG._ -E���k�r -r-�yccix�
<br /> �. " �" . — ➢ . �ar � _ -� � _� _ _ _
<br /> _.
<br /> -i�r.�'' ,�, �.��,"�. ��5�'.�*�sawsrrvfs�e�w��ac� _
<br /> _" r-- '_� .:_�....�.....�.�.._...... -._�.. '^�--��.-,- . ._ .
<br /> _�.Y__��_ � ---- _
<br /> ..�_� ..,._._..' ' - ,_ .__'—_ __ '__— .- '__'_ --____'__—__
<br /> . �. Y
<br /> — •' t ;, � . ' • .�'at,, , —' ' ` r,- ' T ��� ��lE���.` .. _----
<br /> � __� t . �
<br /> �'�� ' , . of Lender,}if mnrtgage insuraace coverage(in tft�ataount u�d fbr th�qteriad . — ___
<br /> ,�,.��= Fayt�t�nt3 mdg�ao Ia�ger 6e s�q�nt�-i�t t�r;� , , .. --
<br /> _- -- -_—=� . . � thaE t.endee•rei�uires)pravidai by:�:����by��again 6eoomes avaitabte sri�ds obmiued,Bartawer shal�pay ,
<br /> _- -- =,.z`::-`..` ,�y�ce in�or te rovide a tars ceseeve,�und!the requiremeni.far maitcgage
<br /> �� < ` t�prsmtama required to maintain�g� �P . ,
<br /> __�_.�
<br /> .� � .: ins�irsncc att�ts in aceQidan�wi�a��a� w�r 1.ca� e -_ �-
<br /> ��B� and I.ender or.applicahlelnSv
<br /> = � 9.[atspect[on.Leuder or its ag��,�,'�e.reaso�abie e�tries apon and inspactiatns flf the Pe�operty. er st�ll�iv
<br /> � • � • � ' reasonabte cause for the insFectson.
<br /> �i.- :� ' � �ore�wcr nrrt�e IIt the time of ur pnor:s�:�:��n sg�yu�S . � � ,
<br /> ,� � 10.CondeuaIISttoa.Tha Qrae��€;o�aky saa�d os c�a'sm for d�nag�s,direct or conseqaenttal,i�.connecldan�vjtb cu►y .
<br /> ���� � condemt�tion oi other takiug of a�c:�ss�e��.sre PmFeRY,or�or conveyance in lieu of condemnaiion.uc�e hereDy assign�d nnd, , _- -_---
<br /> .� � ���`± , ' shall b�paid to I.eader:: , t a. ',,�. . ` � �r;�.,— _
<br /> ���'� � . �..
<br /> "'-",,,,""��,; , ��,s - . � In°fhe�venE af a totair=��a�z�;;�`���shall be apglied tQ ths sums se�ured Dy this 5ecurity in�trument. . t��.,�� -
<br /> ` �- r� � wh�tl�t ar aot thea due,wath any��.'�.�,,:$b�asser.In the event of a partial tatdng'of the Property in wh}ch thc fs�r � �ty.�s1.�. -
<br /> ,:r::s+; ..� _
<br /> . �� .:.� matrkot�vuluo of the PcogeRy imm�;_�i�,�ie ta�i�i4 ecfua!to or grea�er tUan the atnount of tM sums s�ettced,by�this . r°;'� ��__- - --
<br /> L4
<br /> Sccurity Insttument imme�ately 6efo�"s��g,u�lass,�rmwer,aad Lender otherwise agree in writins.the sums s�cured by . W -
<br /> this SeCntity tn�nt shall be redu�&��r 33?e�-�+�,*�?��P�� �P��bY �� foltowing fratiion: (a)tlte tota{ �_ _----
<br /> amount of ihe sums secu[ed immc�cliatP3�g�'�a��li�':ialt�a,�'siivided 6y(b)the fair market value of the Frapecty immediate{y ' . _ - -
<br /> � �� . �
<br /> ' before t�t�taking. Any batanc�sha�6e�;�'�o�oviei:�.I�the evenY of a partia! tak.±g of the Property in�chictt the fnir . L�___W_�,
<br /> fi..;� . mae&et v�lue of the Propecty immedi�tsiy���e�tt�ang;s 3ess t�an abze amount of the sums seoured imIICediutciy before the - -
<br /> �'-..'�` kztsin�,ante�s Borrower and Le�ler o�ber�s�:�7��.�or��ess applicable law othernise pravides.thc.pmbeeds shsll � �,r�� _-- ---
<br /> - �`��' �- 6tt aPplied to tfie sums secvued by t4is 5�+,j:�r?`����er or nc�t�e suans are then due. . • _�_-'-
<br />- . If the Prbperty is abandoned 6y.8oaro��i��,':a��::�oiioe fry�xude�to Eorrower that the condemnor offcas�o make aa =_---
<br /> award or•settle a ciaifa for damagrs.B+a�ro'w;.�•4��.��d to Lender within 30 daYs after the date tAe norice is given�
<br /> �Y -;v ,..;,,;' �. Letutec is authurized to collett and app[}�eh°�.o�'..�s:�:�'c�tion,either to restoration or regair of the Froperty or ro the sums ���"= —__
<br /> - � � secur�ti byr,tf�is Sscuriry Insu��ment,whr�h��ar r#�'��.•,. .: .. - ---
<br /> � :�,,v,� � . .� .. . ,�
<br /> u . •
<br /> � � v'= Unless Lgnder and Borcower othem�s:�� i��.'�.amY apPlication.of pmceeds to prineipal'shall,not eate�cd or � "'�= �—
<br /> ���w�:�.�, '� --------�-�ostponethedue+dateofthemonWy-paymcats.tr�erredt�xi�i�iagrapfss�land�-�rch�angethe-amouffi.of.sucb.payii�nts..--.--.----.--_-.- _ - -
<br /> �ti1���
<br /> �"_* �-'�F�°.�,��� 11.8orrower Nut Redeased;Fo r bea�,l�y I k��Yfl t a.��an�E x t e n s i o n o f t h e t i�f a r p a y r n�n t o r m o d i f i c a t i o n ��-,'
<br />���� ' oF amartixation of the ame secur�d by ti�is Se�im.-��.,.�i�¢a��granted hy I.ender to any sacoessor in interest nf Borrowet shall ' ___
<br /> �. z� i r�-� not apemte to release the lia6ility of the origir�3 E�ra�t�;��rrawer's sucoessocs in i�terest I.ender shalt not be tequired to `
<br /> "s�`'°.�_r_•��.. . _ ..
<br />_ ��r1.rY;Y_� commcnce proocedjngs ngaiast..anyr successor isr,�.-^�'r as�,�dPJSe to e�cc�uud ame for paymeat or othecwise modify amorti�ntion: � _ �
<br /> . _.
<br /> ��`i': . of the sums secured by this Sewriry I���r�:af a� •d�d made 6y the onginal Boirrower ot Bortower's
<br /> ,�-'�r,,� �:-�• • successors,in�nterest.Any, farbearartoe by•E.end�a'z��e.��u..?�r�flr remedy shall ztot be a waiver nf vc pr�lude tiu;
<br /> ._ �:�.:�:�;::,� ; .., .. ,..:..,.,.. >:.,..,.
<br /> ,;�. � .�� ' eaenise of auy right or remedY• � . .:-:: :. ,�
<br /> u
<br /> � ,���"=,: Itt �uccessors tuid Assi�ns Bound;doint ttf�'�:���,£o�s�¢ns. The covenants and agrieemeats of this
<br /> ��' '`''�� �` ��: Secuaty+lnstrument shull bind and 6enefit the successESr��am��s-�.��f i.Qnder aad Borrower. subject fa the piovisions�f
<br /> °'�^'�''��`` paragraph 17. BorcawePs covenants and agreements s�.�be;a�:are�s�veral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> ' ��" � Instrument bvt da�not ezecute the Note: (a)is co-sigr,�i�.�„a�,.om�.�`�.��ent only to martgage. grant and convey that -
<br /> ��`°' � ' Eorrativer's interes[in the�rapeny under the terms of c�s:S�;s�}p�,.��`�ent; (by is not personally obligated to pay thc sumr
<br /> � � seau�d by th.9s Security[ns![ument:and(c)agcees chai L�a�d arr�"u�ter Borrower may agree to eatend.madify,forb�u or �
<br /> �' %'t`•"'"`t'�r•�.' make any accommodations w[th regard to the temis of thi�,�art��'��wx"lmem ar th�Note without that Borrower's oortscnt. ;��'•4'�; ' .
<br /> •z IS'I �... . .
<br /> � ` . �.-t ei.i/ ;Y:� .
<br /> • `��`''"�',.� 13.Loun Cl�es.lf the loan secured by this Sec�aa?r�,���issubjecc to a law which sets maximum loan charges. ''.��s;�►
<br /> and that.!aw is firuilly inteepreted sn that the intecest or��t�s��.^'�s'coil�or to be cullected in connection with the '-.,
<br /> r
<br /> loan exceed the permltted limits.then: (u)any such toan�!'c��:�,::fi3��dnced L�;t�ie aacount necessary to reduce the chsuge '�;.�.,.• '.. • ,�,
<br /> � to the p�tn�ittM limit:and ib)ssny sums atready wltectfld���:��e��rr which exv�sted permitted limits wiU be refunded to ..::� �. g� �
<br /> �r
<br /> Borrowep��Ldnder may choosc to make this refund�by r�aa�� 'r.�: �n;rincipal o�'e8 under the Note ar by m:�cing a dinxt " ����,.
<br /> _ " � payment ta��Botrower. If a refund reduces principal. ttae s�du-���:�r:<3.be tr�:ed as a panial prepayment withont. any `.'. •.';.•, '; �
<br /> P�Payment chatge under the Notc. ' . . . �'^"'��' . '
<br />- 14.Notices.Any notire ta 8orrower pravided for in t��s�za�n�aj,�ro�»�,*steric sfiall be given byr delivering it or by mailing ';� ,�;,
<br /> it by first ctass mail unless applicablc law rec�uires use of 2*su�nes�ne'.�fld•�r�x.'�cia�shall be directed to the Property Addmss ..',-,!.��;.:
<br /> '�,,,�a::�� or any other address Horrower dcsigriatcs by notice ta i�:�: :��' n�:r L�i�de�' shall be given by first class mail to - • . ` '� `�
<br /> "r'°"�" Lender's aQdmss st�tcd heeein��r any othcr address Lender desi�naies i�y nou�e�a 16'arrower.Any notice provided for in this �
<br /> _ �,-,��;: . ��,�,f
<br /> :} ���'�'`�':`��r�� Securit Instrument sh�ll be deemctf to have been given to Borrowc�or II,�ara'�.e-a:���iven as provided in this paragraph. ' , •� •: .�`. •�.��r.
<br /> -����•='' 15.Goveming Lslw: bcvcrn611ity. This Se�urity Instnimant �:�IID �e gd�u-r.ed by federal law and the law of the , "; .�
<br /> �`:..,_ o
<br /> �'�'�•�'�' ur�sdiction in which the Pto erty is lacated. In the event that any pz�avis�aa cr, ���:,:w�f this Securiry Instrument or the Notc ° �,: •
<br /> ' i�.:�;:.'�'.'..�, l p �
<br /> ' . •..;',;,:,�;:'� conflicts with applieable law.such canflict shal!not affect othet provisicr�..s Ui�.5:s��czriYy Insmrment or the Note�vhich can be , ;
<br /> �`�' y'� '' ven effect without the mnflfctin mvisiun. To this end the rovisi�ra�o�t::s 5�c;:n lnsuument and the Ivotc are declared
<br /> ,.��;:��;: P� 8 P . P �` . , .
<br /> to be severable. • ' . �
<br /> 16.�ormwe�'s 4opy.Burrn�ver shap be�given one conformed cop-,�a�t3e ri�.cre:nd of this�curiry Instrument. , . �
<br /> Gorm 3028 9190 , " .
<br /> -_ � � �a�e4ot8 ' - .• . . ' . '.. ..
<br /> �, . , . . , � • . ..
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<br /> _ — �i1�ffC[.�r. �`�':.. +1.� .K t .. . . .a � .� .–.�1 .1 . �. . . � . . .
<br /> �°8iMA73A s�T�:'�.'Y��;3�". _ . . ... .,s. : ? }i'k..a, � .1 . .. �}.
<br /> �"'�"'f �r� � . . .,. _ . ��,y� , .
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