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<br /> �it
<br />_..._._ � ' ..�,�f3��'�'.tiy���.�rov��ea�s�toi�.or�e�4ter'crected�n tiae pzoge�iy:a.nd rJ1=n?rm�,ise..,a�p�cte�aa�es.'�nd,� .
<br /> � t � �res,Rotu-or heze�ter a paat of�th��pmp�atyr.�Al� repta�us acd sdditicsas sh.�U �is4 6e,3xivered by tta�s`S�r ' . "
<br /> �as*SU�nen�Ati of the Fongoiqg is re�'+rn��!'tn d�Pn'ss Serxrrity � nE as th�°Prape�Y.° . . , ,.
<br /> B�lARD��C1�IEMANT`5 f�&i�Bor€ower is tawfalty s�e�tPse e�e,h�bY..c+anvey�t aad fu�s tke righi to gpent aai3 . i
<br /> ___ conu�y the Pmpe�ty and,th�E tbe Fmp�tcy.is rm�cuar'oered,exr,e�t fo;en'sumbra�ces ofr re�.i�rower cva�rass�a�;�. .� �
<br /> de�etuf Sene7o11}r�e titte ta the Ptageerty.egaiASt af}claam`s apd dem�nds,sabj�i ta any enr.um6aances oF recar�� . � 4 .
<br />- ' ' THIS S�C�JAITY IAtSTRUM�'�inbines unifozm caven3hts fos na4i�na!�se anc!nrn=uniform�veaants witt�Iimieed`
<br /> - � varaatians�y jurisdiction to canstitute a nniform security inctrnm�t cove[inp tc�l P�P�Y• , � --
<br />_-_ � tI3�iIFO�M COVENANfS.Bn,rrower aad Leadet wvenant a�l ag�ee as follows;,. ..
<br /> ' _ . _ _ L.Fs�rmest4aY�gR3us'pa!suul_L�tcreSt�:Pre�YmRn4 and Late�G�ar�s. Eormvuer shail P�PUY�Y �+tten due Ehe __
<br /> = Priaci$at of and in�t�e,st on ttte i3ebt evidenced bg.tHe Note aiud�anp��ePaymem`t and Iate;clrarges dus under tiie IBote. , . _
<br /> = 2.Y��ads ftir Tases aad Ysts�aa4�Subject ta agplicabte iaw o'r�to a written waiv�r 6y I.ender,Bormwer s�at!pay to _--
<br /> _.__ Lsnder.om tt�e.da3e ui�lY FaYmea�ts are due tWder the Note.tmdl the Note.is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for.(a)year�y tr�es
<br />— end.asse�n¢eats�vhich may atrain priority uve.�thi�Se�xui�y.l�stcame�as a lien o�tt�,Prapeity;(b)Y�arIY lease$old:payments
<br /> -- ar grouad:ren�s an th�.Pmp�rty,if any;.(c}Y�[Y hazard or P�P�Y inswranr�prEmi►»Y!s:fd)Yeazly ftoad i�tce4�prgmiums, --
<br />- , if arry:{ekY�Y�rtg�ge insurdnpe pre�i�dums.if any;and,(t}az►g sums�pay,abl�byi8arrower to Leadsry i�ti�2�td�tcia witPs��;
<br /> �v tire pmvisiorls,vf PaiagraPh S.in li�u vf ifts:Faya�qcat pf mottgage in�r�na�Pr¢miu�s.These items,€►r�Rxiltcd�°E�crow,iteqisi" . °
<br /> �-_' . Ixuder may,�at,z.�7r�.timu,.c,oltet�aIId,lSO1d,,Fuads��in a,n amour�t�not..to eacoeed:th���aua�dmum amount.a Iendar,f�r.a federa2�}�f�•. .... ---
<br /> — � relatsd mnrtgage lomi zuay��quire;:for,.Aorcower's escmW��unt iuidgtt,tiiei�edetaf.Rea{Estate S�tk�xuat�t��Araredures Acr of � -_
<br /> .� I974 as.amended frt�m dma•�W.R'timRtii;12�L�.S.C.S�iqtt:�Z611i et seq.(°IZ�S�'�irA�untess another law thaf�applies to the Fands
<br /> - ,: seG�a tesser a�nnt. If so.Let�teti,i�day:.at znN�:�•:coite�t and hot�i,;�u�d�iin an amount not to exoead the lesser amount. �.
<br /> _-- Lendex ma} esC�naie thc amnunt ,f,Cu»d�?:d►�s�pn��tbQ�basis of �i���t�tl,reasonab2e�of expenditares of future -
<br /> �.. � -
<br /> iscrow Items os othernise in.aceordanee;�[k6t��A�iFp6le:Iaw. ,_,:>;;�:;,�, _
<br /> . T6e Funds shall 6e h�ld;in an instif'siial�,ev2W�;��sits atie"it�sured by a federai agency, ��tc�,�*rdfir„ or eutityr . �r_:
<br /> , .
<br /> .: >s. � ,: . . -
<br />_�^^�< ' . ' Lender:if Leadsne9:�cb an insritu6an):or ai�.i��'�r�1 Hame Lo�Bank.Lender- ---.-- �;znds ro _. -the`-----
<br /> ` '". #1?�tl��� ._._ �aFF�X�__'_'_" _"_'PaY _ �,F
<br /> _ - - $s�bw Items.Lendez may�ou�eharge Bormwer for i�old'ing and ap�lging the Funds,annnally analyzing the escrow account,or �_
<br /> __ va3fying�ihe Fscrow Items.untess Lender pays Borrower interesi on;��F�mds and apptic�ble!aw germits Lender w make such ___
<br />_=;�:!,� a ckarge.However,I,eader�may teqnire Borrower to pa�r a oae�time��.arge for an independent real estate tax reporting serva�;.�. ___
<br />°"�` - 'used by I.ender in cormection with this toan, untess applicable law provides othenvise. Unless an agreement is made.or _,_
<br />`-:'j'�. agplicabte taw iequiree interest to be paid,Lender shall.aaF be required to pay Borrower any interest ar earnings on the Fuads.' - � = _-
<br /> � Borrawer and I�ender u�ay agree in wrifing,however,tt�at intemt shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shal!give w�orroever. _
<br /> . ��..
<br />»_°-�w�:_�, withont charge,•an annaa!accounting of th�Funds,showing c�edits aad debits to the Funds ar,�!the purpose for wluch ear� _
<br /> - debit to the Fuads was made.The F�nds ar�.p�edged as additional�aity for alI sums secured fry this Securiry Instrument.. •
<br />.,.;.;� . � . If the Fu{�ds hetd by Lender exceeii�ie�emounts pe�itted ta 6��d bY apPlicable law,L�ad:r shali account to Borrower ____
<br /> .•� ��tha excess Funds in accotilarxce with the requirem�aap ef�ppficabl�1aw. If the.amount of We Funds held fx}Leader at any
<br /> '�is not suffccient to pay thr:�w�teri?s,when du�Lemder may so natify Borrower in writing,and,in sas�ti tas�Borrower. E `
<br />=� • shall•pay tu Lemder the amowGr rieaoessary�.to'make up the deficiency:Horrower shall make up the deSciency in no more than , _�-�-
<br /> -_
<br />