•. F � e <_, ' -xi.cvf"�-�iay},�js _:{„f . a c4•.. ' w�...�♦ �ea..s.i.ar.a-
<br /> ' �.c . �y- y _
<br /> . � �( ' Y.'7?�""ui::.."L:..l`l.aa..q d' 4 .A ' '�2S"�L1'w$��s�ti�� _ __ —_ __ _-__'
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<br /> -- 1�._ ;f'_��. .�..� ..���._. -- —
<br /> — . . ..___._—._. . ����i_—_,___.___._._.____ .___ _______._
<br /> a����� ..». __ __ . _._—_— — —_ _—_—
<br /> __ _ _ . _°.�--.�9—..—--'_ ---_ --__--'—
<br /> ���ms . ...�_ __ __..—' . . . . . . - ._..... ..__._... � .
<br /> � � . . _ . . ._.�_�.__._..._
<br /> .__�__—__—_.__._.`.._..-'_ '. . . -: f.� ,.' •' � • '• '� -. ' . . --_____
<br /> -- -- . ' • � ' �4 �. . . . � , - ' . ' /�q�if �_ .---�
<br /> t�
<br /> .��..�,_�.a r,c�; . . . . . . . /�f��� �---------
<br /> .-�9r�,�r.saawvr-rx�zz ` . ���i �yu�l'�51: 'Q�iitsur.u��rier pmv£d6n�t�i�nauc�s�a11 Qe sha�n by Bamu�SILa�$$. _ --- -.
<br /> � . tsppmval`whlc�t shall a�.tre.em�t+e�sanabiy w�ithiceld. If�onovrer fn�Ls t�ma' +n eoecnag�despibed abnve,i.ender ma�►.ut _ --
<br />��,e�e � Lv�eder�agtitin:i�bt�ieco�reer3go to pmtect Lender's ri�ia tfle.Prnpecty in asrardaace witP�par�gh 7. ' �--, -
<br />``��.�c=-=`-y n• •� .,o m �=��__ �
<br /> � �.,s.�t.��IIsi...ss�r_.�..��u��x�1�.�}�s�s3t«l!�Su:�E�a.�tdiao:s�^a;e ,� I,�..3� --- -
<br /> --��.�..�. - ---__ _..._--
<br />- _ - ----- � ` siiali I�tht right ta�old tP.e palieies nnd e�aewais. 1f Lender�qnir�s.Baxrower s[taU P�FUY�ive m Leader�t receigis, .�.----_---
<br /> T =- , a8 p�id psemivms aad ren�ura}rtati4�. In t��event bi Ioss,8mrowec shuil give pmmps r�atire to the insursnce ca:rier uud.. - - - --
<br /> }` , - '' i�. i�Mte�m�,y ma&e�toof of to�s if aat made F�t�Y bY Ba��� _ -_-
<br /> � ., Unless 4eades.aad Basrower othenvise a�ee in wridng.inscuaace pmceeds shalI be applied to restoratifln or iepa�s of . ��`�� - -
<br /> s;-� � < �Frdperiy d�ma�ed.if tdtQ a�QSabioa or repair is eaonomiCally feasible at�Lcad„r's setvriry is not lessene+f. If the ? ,.��,;
<br /> a a.�� �"'ti ��x r �,_
<br /> �,� ;r � c�stor�tIon or repai�r is not ecanflmicully feas�Ie or[,eader�s ses�riry�vould 6e Iesse�ed,the iasucance pmcec6s sha[J 6e ��y���:���,,��,�,_ -
<br /> -' �� , �_ � app�ed ta ths s�ums sec�zQ�y tPtis Ser�tr6ty�stname�tvhether oz nof th�due,wid� aap exc�ss paid to Bo:m�cver ff f f ���;,.�, �
<br /> s�� T�}:�t '�; � 8ozmtiver a6aadnns tae Fropecry.or ddes not a�swer wimint 30 du�rs a notice fram Le�der that t4�e utsuranoe car�iec has.• ; , ,�, -� :
<br /> � `•-- - offemrl�a scitte.a claim.Eh Le�id,.°r may coltect the rasur.uts�pm�eeds. Leader ma use the ro air ar tesiQ�e. � ���� �..� �
<br /> ��Y • �t} Y Praoeeds reF E
<br /> -��_�� fte Pt�n�erey ar to pay susns sec�ued 6y this Sec�ity fnstrnnent,�vhether or noi then due. 'tTie 34daq periad�l begia witea. . ����y:��'�'�==a�'--•'°
<br /> • _ • the na�icc is g'oven. ` } =��z��*-�'.� � ._-
<br /> _ .,� ,.;.,�;:�.,�-�.�s,,
<br /> �- � Ut�Iess Lettder ant�Sarrdwer othe�wis�ag�ee,m writing;�Y apPficatiun af proceeds to principal shall rroi excend ar. - - -
<br /> 1� pbstpa�e Kie due date of the mantHiy payrtcents refe�d co ia paragrap�s 1 aad 2 or cl�ange the amount of the paymenrs. ff ' '�``'"
<br /> �:' � .'��.:;�%;-:
<br /> • uadet para�apb 2t.the.Fto�ty is ac�uir�ed bp L�eRder,Soaqwer's right w atty iasurance policies and proceeds t�ulSng. ,�'`�',��� _
<br /> _�. .. . fmm d�naae to th�Ptv�prior tv the acquisition shaU pass w I,ender to t�e extent of the sums secured by this Secarity , �� ' .. .r.,_��.�f ,.�;
<br /> ...'. ; ,f;.;�,yr�..,�,:-�•
<br /> ,�' ` Iostt�tent imtmediateiy prior.w tI�acqnlsition, • � �.�; � .�,s.�;,
<br /> � ' 6e �i�Y. Pi�ervQt[oa. M�tint�nanoe and ProfeWWrs of the Propertp, Sorsawer's Lvan Appiiratian;. �r ,, ^"T` `- '�--
<br /> , .�`.�:,�:�-
<br /> - I�ease4�otd� �orrawer s�hhali occupy,estab4ish.and us�e the P�perty as Sormwer s priacipai�dence within sixty days aft�r � ��;;'-:;s��-__�---
<br /> the executian of this Searrity Instrament and shall continue t�occupy the Ptoperty as Sarmwer's principal residence for at �: .�,�•,.:�,3,�_ �-_._
<br /> F , :.�i,:.'.r���=r,=
<br /> " " � ` IeASt one year after.the date of accupacq,.unless Lr,�dei.othemise agrees in writing, wtrich cons�nt shalt nox 6e ` �:��''� r x. --
<br /> '� '4�-`.�;�F,•,`;_ iuueasana6ly.withheId,or onless exteauating cim�unstauces exist wiuch aie 6eyond Banvwes's cont�ol. Bo�sower sh�l!noi . t � , r ,.
<br /> uueas
<br /> . . ,,
<br /> d�roy,damage or impait the Ptpperry.allow ttte Pro�ty to deteriorate,or commii wast�on the Prnperty. Barmwer shall ��•�"` • � �}�_
<br /> .. ; _ .
<br /> . .-�. ,�-s,"�:-., be ia defauit if auY forfeitttie astion or proceeding,whetf�er civit or criminal.is beg�that in Leader�s good faith jud�ent -.- .--.--- �:.;���-=�� �4�,�,�,""-
<br /> -' � -� - -----.... _
<br /> _ .._ . pt;o�.--- �-- --�--- y � -- -- • - �- - � •- -�, - -- -
<br /> `.,;_.�r, co�l iesWt�in forfei[tue of tlte� ar othc�se matenaU_..._.a�r�tte-1[en c[e�3ed" ----flus"Secur��-1ns�t►lt ot ".'�� .' • �
<br /> ,�,� , .1.,�:� �._ a.-��—:..
<br /> �:: Le�tder�sectairy intetest. Bomawer may cure such a b°,fault an�ninstate.as provided in para�rap6 t8,By causing the.actian . ,�;�`' .:_.�.-:.s=
<br /> oF gmceeding w be dismissed cvith a ruling tbat.in I.eaderTS�ond fait8 cletenninasion,pmcludes forfeiwre of the Samnwer§ . � x.,s�.,', -
<br /> ''� iarecest m tae Pro or other material of ti�lien created 6 tbis Seeuri Instnuneni or Lender's se�ni `�,�;,��'j'�;'��'��.
<br /> �»�: �;3.�v�r Fer►Y � Y tY � " , c;`(,�,< :i =
<br /> ., . •:ca_�•�.;::• iaterest Borcuwer sha�l aLw be in defautt if 8osmwer. diu�rtg the loan applicarion pmcess,gave materiaUy false nr„ ,:� . -
<br /> r�->�';-.�<,�.;:� inaca�sase infarrnatfon a:s[a�nents to Lendec far faited w provide Lender with-anymateria!infom�ation)in co�on with-- - ,:�- , :;,`;.:
<br /> the ta�evideaced 6g the NIote, inclirding,bat not limited to..�epcesenrations ��:•,g Borrower�s occupancy of @te: '�`:�.���' ,,.;
<br /> v�f'.l-T;^�P.:S� � .t'���� �',-:
<br /> �;:_-;;'�t;;�,,..,,..�;.: pkppertS'as a princip�!msidence. If this Securiry Insonnnent is on a[easehold,Boimvresshall comply with alt the pravisinns g��;,..r
<br /> �,.��; e-s ,.�. .. ;��.tiX • ,�:y =
<br /> �;:�,�;z4:�, o�t�tease. If Boriower acquices fee 6de m the Peaperty.the leaseholc!and the fee atie sTrall not mage imless Lendn agre� �{j;�•{. y,�.
<br /> ,,�z ,u..�-�"�`, t�tSr�merger in auriting. . '
<br /> L- ��x:`�,,� . . �, .
<br /> . �.Y���!�!�+SS�ia , . . . . . . . . . :!t1, k: .
<br /> �;. . _ , ., ,.� •;; � • � �: Prote�tvu oY.3.ender's Righis�a t�e Psa�sertp. If Borrower fa�s to parfo:m the covenaats and agreements � `T�� �•.,:.
<br /> r: ,;,� . 1.��;�•=.
<br /> :��'a,'�:,r��", coataiaed in this Srrcurity Inswmen�or dre� is a legal proceeding that may significandy afFect Lender's rigUts in.the� .�v,' �,�:;
<br /> • ..�;5;.;,;�.��K:Y,�;� Pmpetty(such as a proceeding in baniwptcy,pzobaze,�or condemnation or forfeitute or to eafoire laws or regulations).tlr..n �. ;::'{�� ' . ,,�,
<br /> .•�;�?�r�=e..-�s`.-.� • L�der may dn and pay for whatever is necessary to protect th�value of the Praperty and Lender's rights in the FmpeRy. . �:;•_,� �:
<br /> "1`"�"�'�'��'`r` •� l.ender�s actions ma include a ia an sums s umd b a lien which has nori over ehis Securi Inswment, � � •���
<br /> 9�,;,;,��t��;,�._. � Y P Y P Y eC Y P� �Y tY aPB�ng :, �.
<br /> ;,f-- �.�� t ..x=.. � in coart,paying reasonab�e attomeys'fees an�entering on the Property to ma:ce rep�..AIthougti Lender may take sr�tian . . . .
<br /> - , - a , i'.. under this p a r a g r a ph 7.Lender does nnt have tu do so. � ' ,''' .
<br /> �" �.,`��5. ` '�"!• ' Any amounts disfiused by Lender uztder this p�agraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower sec�ued Iry.this . �' ~, ,
<br /> �, �,y��+=�. Secutity Instr�meat Untess Bormwer and I.ec►der agme tv othec te�ms of payment,thsSe amounts shall bear inteiest from tdae s;'•::. .'� '�"••�-_.
<br /> ;�' �;:•'�: � r�„a-
<br /> ,�.< =�;:1:�5' date of disburemem at the Note rate and shaq be payabte.with interes�upon notice from Lertder to Borrower e�aynesting :1� ;;:• :� ;;,,�f.';<,:.
<br /> � �,.�,,,,�.,, .f: .f.�
<br /> '�� P S►� . J �,
<br /> ef . •.� F..� 3 Cftt.
<br /> �•��� 1
<br /> . ��;. ,,..;„�. . & Mortg�e Iastn�aace. If Lender recryired mortgage insurance as a conditina.of makir►g the toan se�ued.by dus• !�" ' �' " ,��,��„
<br /> � Secarity In.,�tmment,Borrower sGall pay the premiums required to maintain the moKgage insvrance in effect. If,for any. :;:, . � '`''"T�.44i�� '°.
<br /> , ' `,. _ _��'' s,.= • �r'�^''?
<br /> - reason. the�artgage iRSU�ance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Hosrawer shafl pay the � •-,. �:
<br /> , '~�' � premiums�eguire8 to obL�in coverage substandally equiva!ent to the mottgage insw;rance previously in effect,at a cost . � '• �y `- �•..
<br /> �+'!�'*�l�'aY47 i��;:.4•�'� sui�tantiaUy equivatent ta ttte asst to Borrower of thc mortgage insurance pteviousl�.im effect.from an altemate mongage �',;�.,-I . . .'., .3�;�_;�j'�-`�:.:
<br /> :<' ��i::�:?�`�w�• insaierapproved-byLeader..If:etistantiallyequivatentmnetgagei�surancecoveragei.�•r�t'available.BormwershaJ}.payto ��. • •� `
<br /> � - �s''�:r' '� Lender each mopz�a a smn eqiiap ta one-twelfth af the yearty mortgage insurance p:emim:�be�g paid by Borrowec cvhen the • '�� • •
<br /> ��",;�n u'�: insurarice cover.rg�fapsed or ceased to be ue efi�ct. Lender will accep�use and retain these payments as a loss ceserve in�ieu :;�`"'��-�.
<br />���- .�.���_,�..;. of mortgage insuraace. Loss resetve paymenl�ti rt�ay no!on$er be reqnired at the oprion of Lender.if mortgage insuranca , . • '��;:_;,
<br /> "�_��,<A caverage(in tite atnaum and for the period lir�t i.�nder requires)provided by an insurer appnoved b�Lender again betomes ., ���•
<br /> available arid is obtained.Barrower shalt pay the premiur�eequired to m�intain mortgat;�e�nsucance in eftec�or to provide a ��'..'° • . ��`� �'�:•�- °•�.,.,:';.
<br /> �...� tas���eserve.until the uuem�rit for mort e insuranre ends in aceurdance with nn a•citten a
<br /> .� _ .;t��*.�' _ teq �8 Y S�mei�ebetween�snrrower . �. . .. ,,.;
<br /> • •* ,�`:�� � z�vi�aderar�tpiica6le law: � � , � �"`;;
<br /> a?e 1Fi1:'i:_;:i+�_'•.._=� • . • ,,r�.r.-'
<br /> �.r:� ,,. � . � :' 9 InsQexltutv. Lender or ifs agpnrartay make reasonable entries upnct and iirip�ctions of the�sperty. Ixnder sha!! �
<br /> `•: "`�`,r � ` =- . ve Borrmver�mtira°,at the time of ar rior Co an i pecifying pecti . : '�1''
<br /> gi p nspection s ceasonable�u`e for the ins an.
<br /> ;�;r ;;;,,��`�"�' 10 Comdemna8on. 'I3ie.proceeds of any award or claim fot damages,dimet a�cnnsequential,in connection with ar►y�,� � ''
<br /> ��. Singa:C�nmiJy--Fanak MaelFreQdio Mae UTRGdRM IN57'BUMEN'f-;Uitiffmm Covmmu 9l96 /poge 3 njb�.QCt1• � � •
<br /> ta} .�y tar.n lato�eams me.■ . . ,
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