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<br />":--.°'�.�....o,� ��......�.W�..—:-.-:-�.., �..,.: -.� .�,- -�..--_' '__ _ _--�_..�_-__ .,--... . .. . _ . _— _ '_'. ' - w -... . . ' __
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<br />— _ - _ _ !, , • . . . ' � �: ____ �. . . � . . . . �
<br /> —- __ —-_ __ � .. . . ` -- , . - _.. y _ - ,
<br /> — — � ��` � `.r•.` ' . , � . . • . :. ` . . ���. ` ������ � �
<br /> ��n�m�s.•rwwr: � , � ' . . . .. . . . �; —
<br />--_ ___ .otl.,�� ,' . �����i2'�t�r TA1�fI�C1��'IILS 1I{TW OP IIOLC'd�Et�CCt,�OIt:�'��+�@;I•P3S�""�.A+�i1I�kA�itC4'�5.�. _,, , -
<br /> ----- - � a�fi�tusts�uaw vs bt�ttep's paat of the graperty. Ali reg�acem�ni�.an��tdEiiEia�sh�ll xLto be cuveced by tfiis Seceui�y
<br />_— ---__—= . ' Iast�ateat, Atl of tB�for�gr�ing is s��f�t m in this S�amity Inst�.ent�s fEte,"Frsg'�.�!y,°- . . ..� `,
<br /> = __—___------ '�. � HQxt�ow�Et coVtfi`R3�'€�i�3 Bo,. w�is Ia�vfui3y s�i�ed o�t�a e.�aie I�,�-y co�,���d�a 3�as tI�rig#st.ro p�nt. . ___
<br /> - -- �and con�e}t�e Pt�e�ty and that t�e Pf�pezsy is�,except far e��m¢ra�oes of.tecard. Barrow�r warrants aa8 •
<br />-_— --- . ' ,av�!!d�f�ad�sseralty��itie c���ragertY agaiasc ari.claims au�dema�rds.s�1s,��auy eacumbrc�arxs of mard: � ° ..
<br /> - < . . THI.S SECiJitITYr WSTT3tJIb4ENT combittes unifosm wveas�s.fq�;natioaat ns$ and no�weifor� caveuants�with ` . _==-_
<br />;�~. .. ;�� , timited varistivns A�ivaisdict[aa to constimt�a unifona se�vuity iautcam��t�ovsring ieal EmFert3►• ' � �_„
<br />- �`���"� '``�_ l]NI�'C3I8M Q01iEDTAIDI'ia. Bomoorer aud I.end�rcuvenant a.a�a��o�tatvs: � • �..:
<br /> ��.,��� .
<br /> ' ��y S' ,._.� ' .- � , t:-P�y�etit oYirrP�ipat au�i�f't�Pa3+�egt�I,ai� Brnmvrei shat#psosnPtt3�pa��due tY�
<br /> ` grertsiPat af aa►�iat�t qi►tfle`deHt ev��ths Nac�and$aY P�Y��?and ta�:char�es due under the Nois. �`� "'
<br /> �. �s fur T�st�d�nce. Subject to applica�le lavr vr ta a wuuen waieer try Lender.8oisower�tpall pay to ._ �'�-'
<br /> ,�-..
<br /> �H-
<br /> •��r on�d'ay mnathEy payments ase due�des the Nas�u�l tI�l�Tat�is paid in frill,a svm("I�mds")for:(a)�r�arlY �_-
<br />- • . taxes aud assessments�IcH may anain Piiorit5►ovea tHis Seciuit9�t.as a•lsen on the ProPertS:@IY�Y�fl� -----
<br /> , ' .'�Sayments ar g�nnnd i+enYS,aa`t�Pmppttp, if anY: (�)Ye�y fla� os,prope�ty �tttaace p�mintns+'(d) Y�Y � _-_--
<br /> ias�aar�re p�miums,if anY.(el Y�Y�S�ins�tce ptetnioms,if�aAy; a�ld(fl�Y sums�ayable isy Bor[ower m -_
<br /> I.ender,in,a�card�witIs the pmvisions of�h 8,in lieo of the p2�ment of raortgag�insumnce premitun�s. These _ -
<br /> .' - ' i�ms ace called"Es�crow Iterns: Lensicr may,at an�tim;w�I e,c t aa�h��I�a d s in an am m m t n a t ti o e x e e e d the maaimaan - -�
<br /> � ��. �
<br /> ��; a�ttodnt a teu�faa�a federaSl�t zelaoe�!mortgage in�n snaY requ�for Buu,owei's�sccow acaotmt tmder the federal Real � �;�•
<br /> Fctata SettleII�11I�A�t o f I 9?4 as auIQII d C d f l o m tim�L o tim�.►1 2 U.S.C.$2 6 U 2 et seq.("IiESP�►°).untess au�We� �'�=-
<br /> _ , law that a�plies to the Ftinds sets a lcsser ama�t If sa Lender may at an}��coIIect and hfltd fimds in an nmount not.W �'�,`-
<br /> �,:r=
<br /> exseeci•tt� lesser amnunt I.eadez may estimate the amount of F�s�dt��cin tit�basis of ciarent data aud ieasanable. �4-.-_F
<br />- _:.:s�• �.:�,..-,�:.�- , estimat�sof e�pgadii�ues of fnmre Fscmw ItEms orottteca+ise in�ocondan���$PPlicable law. � ' '�;:;:
<br /> ,�',,,_. ' � The l�imds sfraU be Iseld 'm an instiWtion whc�e degosits.aie iasurad•by a fedeiat agency.insuun�enmli3y. os eatity , '..:
<br /> •' w ,:. (iactnding I:�der,if Lender Is s;t�an instit�a6on)ur in a�r Aed�rat Homg I:oaza Bank. Lender shall appiY the�nds to pay ' �
<br /> h i
<br />� ' � ,tt�e Escmw I�ms. Leuder may no;c53sge Baitower fox hoid'mg artd up��ying tite Fands,aQmuaUY analYtia°thS esa�ow ,'.'.`
<br />� ' _ . . acoauu�or verify�g the Fscroar I�unless�Leader pays-Hoabw�ii�tG��a-the-Funds and applirable-law pe�ts---------- .
<br /> �-
<br /> �::�
<br /> _ �. r. • �r to mai�e sacb a�harge. However,Lend�ma3t reqiriie Bosrower ta pay a one-time chazge for an indepeade�ieai �'
<br /> -U�
<br />- :.e.state tax reparung sernice used by Leadez in caan�n►with dus loan.unl�ss aPPlicable 1aw provides othercviss. Unless an u�+���
<br />: , agcee�nt is.m2de�fr agpticab2e law requimes uttet�x ta be paid,Lend�r sh�#not be ieqaired w pay Boz�awer any int�st or -_
<br /> - .� , earnings oa the Funds. Bormwer and Ixndes may agtee in wdting�acvev�'.tttat inter�st shall be paid on W��imds. Lender . , �_ ;:
<br />_ ��`°'�+'.°' shaU give w Bariuwer,withont char��un annual accoiint�ng nf..We gunds:showmg credits aad debits to the P+mds aad tke -- ..j- .
<br />- - + , Piupose for w�ticb each debit to the Far�s was made. The Fuud7.�,E►!ed$Cd as 2Qd.iiiollai seeaIily foT all•s1�ms sec�d by _ ?t f!`:"
<br /> '^:''%�. . ' tl�3s Secariiy Instimment, ; ,� ' . � � '
<br /> ��
<br /> ,�::..
<br /> ;� � I9.'the Fmids heId hy.Len�::exc�d We amounts getud+ir�:t�be held by applisable law.I.endec sha1I ar.count to` . �{r,�
<br /> ' w Bormwer far t6e ex,cess[�unds i�amordance�vitb the reguu�aenc�•af ap��ica�le Iaw. IC dte amo�mt of the Fa�mils he1�.6Y : , �;l��::
<br /> � � Lender at time is dot suff�eient:.tv t6e Esccow Items wh�m due.Gsnder may sa norify Borrower in arriting,aad:ik. '� ,{'`'
<br /> '.�,...;.�:;•�;: �l► �Y
<br /> ,r�.�;•f�:;, �' • sush case Boriawer shall pay to Le�st�•the amount neressac� w make t�p tIte deficie¢cy. Bomuwer shall make ug thss� :, .
<br /> � ,,,. � .
<br /> .��.�,�#�.. de�cieacy in ao moie thaa rne�ve me�Ai9 Payments,at Lender s sole discretion. � . .. .
<br /> •Ugoa payment in fiil!nf all sums sec�md by.this Sectuity►Insuumet►t,Lender shall psomptiy iefuad te Bozrowe���;, ' 's�;`,;.
<br />_ . . ��`.•,• �I •, Funds hela by LeIIder. If.'nnder paragr�ph 21,Lender shall acqtri�or se11 the Pro acquisifson c��
<br /> perty.Lender,prior to th� ;f,+;::
<br /> - � •-;�:'�'• • � '�� • �, ',sate vf ihe Pmperty,sha11 aPgIY a�p �ands he3d by�Lendee at Ehe time,of acquisitiaa or sate as a credit against the s� .
<br /> � y.J .��Nt�:;.;• . , sh ,.
<br /> k>�. >�
<br /> ,,: ;;���,.�.�, . . secnred 6y this Securiry Instr�a:.t. .
<br /> �• - 3. ApPl�Catfon aY Phym�ta UWess applicable law provides otAetwise, all payments mceived by i.ender,uade�
<br /> �`�; - �' :�,�. �ara hs 1 and 2 shaU De 2ied:fiist.to an a nt char PaYable under •
<br /> _` .;;�.,34 ti_� , P 8�P aPP Y P�P Y� 8es du�under the Note:secand to amouats .
<br /> - paiag�apb Z:t�rd.tn iate�e.st dae;fourth,to principal due:and tast�to any Iute churges due�nder We Note.
<br /> Q. �L a a t g�e e; Ltens. Bmmwer shaU pa y all taxes,assessm�at�,charge�fines and imposidons amibuta6le to the
<br /> - : 4 P[opertY which may attaiu prioriry over this Seciuity Instrament,a¢d leasehold p'yments or grow�d renu.if azry: Bmrower
<br /> . shall pay thes�e abligations in t�e manner provided in parag�aph 2.os if nat paid in that manner.Bom�wer shall pay them on ;�,:
<br />-- � � time direcely to the petson awed payucen� Bosrowes shall pmmptty furt►isY�w Lender all natices of amoemts to be patd under . ,y,
<br />_ . this Paragrapf�. If Bmmwer maYes these payments ditecdy,Bosrower shall promptly fumish to Leader receipts emdencing
<br /> s�• . .� die PaYmentg. ' •-
<br /> = . :si ' • Borrower shall pmmtsflp di5charge any lieo a�s3chiias pi[ority over ttris Seattit3+Ituuumeat w�tess Bo�wer:(a)ag�ees ...
<br /> . • ia writing to the payment of the obli�asian sec�ed bY'the lien in a cna�aaer acxepiable to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the �.:'-�,:
<br /> .' - "� � � liea by,oc defeads against eufarcem�a af the lien in.legal pror,�rdi�g�which in the Lcnder's opinion operate m prevent the ,
<br /> �� ti� ��`�;, ,.'`� . enfos�cemcnf of the liea:or(c)secares finm the halder of the liea:an agreemiesE satisfactary t�Lender subordiaatiag tke lien � •
<br /> �•.��: '�'i� ' to ti�s Security Ins�nnen� If L e a d e s denecmines i h at aay part a�t i:e P r operty is su bj e c t to a lien w h l r,h may a tt a i n p r i o ri ty � .
<br />= `'�, L � over thi�Secutiry Iastrument,Leader may give Horrower a notice id.�ndfying the]ien. Bazrower shall sadsfy the lien or take •
<br /> =��r�`E, • ane or mo:e of ttie actions set fortb above cvithin 10 alays of the givintg of noti�e.
<br /> � 4�1;V.1�"�:. �
<br /> •�� ?°'��_��°'''.' � • S. H�d or 8coperty Ia..�curauce. Bonoaer al�all keep the impmvements now exis6ng or hen�after erected on the ,
<br /> r�;;�?�;�:�;� • P�+ugerty.insvred a�ainst Ioss by fire,ftatasds included witmin the tetm"extended caverage"arrd:any othes hazarcls,including _
<br /> ftaods or Quodiug.for which Lend�sequiras insittance. This insumnce shall be maintairred sn the amounts and for tite .
<br /> : Farm3018 9190 lpa8e 2 oJ6 p6ges) .
<br />_ + r
<br /> , . . .
<br /> - „ :. . • - :� . >±;,. ..,t:,,..._ ..... . . , . - .�. • .,� .
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