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<br /> _ __—___—_____ _ ` c � _ r . . . .. .. . . ' . ���,`������ . t" . . ' ` . �_._—
<br /> �,, � - � ��mdeim�atie�s�os�at�icr sa�inb,of€�y��a�aa�th��r�rty,vr farc�smrcyana�e ia tieti o�con4�a�,�c�:r�y as�e�f.��ti. .. � .
<br /> - -- t shal�be�pai8 tdLendwr. . - ' � � : � . ..� �. . • .
<br /> --_ ` � dn°tl�evetit�►f��mI.takiag af Ette Ft�p�y,she.pmoeex�s shall.6e uppfi�t ta,t��+�ms secu�Q�Y:ttui S�turFtp .
<br /> - ---- _
<br /> — . yns�,.;ne�i.=u��th�t-ar��i i:�n�u�.;w�s nny cx�ss p�£�to Ssrrr���:#i��c-v�m.�����.�'�,r�cs tt�. ,-u�� � — - —
<br /> h�
<br /> —_- • .. . wftieh sfl�fntt market vQfiu;�f the Prape�gr im�ec3iateiy befare the�&ing i�c�qual to.a��ater d!aa t}f,a aim�::�a o�sums .
<br /> -= s�u�ed by t�is Seciuiay Ias,e�me�t i�di�te9y bt�'nrx the.t�g.u�tcxs Botrower and I�ender.att�twrse ug�in�s+rriBqg,• .
<br /> -- � . the sums by.t��Se�ureiy Instiu�tQnt s&z�lt 6e re�uce¢by t�Ce a�e�n�'tti��n�rce�s.aiultipfi�d byr tft�fcn9Tow�ng . . .
<br /> �, €aactian:'.(o)die ' :iiz�o�eE gf the su�s�cure+�ic�lme&iateiy befine the r� ;n.�:divid�bY(b)tt��'ai4 m�aket vahte csf the _
<br /> .���� � Ftu�y imnt�t�ty 6�4'ar�t�te tutdng. Any 6at�ot sftalt tte paid ta B�trac�-er. Irt the event of ff'partial t�kit�.of e�' , .
<br /> ..-. �.�_�. �
<br /> to
<br /> - . �ca�nir in�v�uct►ti�fair�at�et v�Ius oY�it�Propertl!immedi�tely�Y�efa�+e ch��a�$is�ess t�the amo�at o£di�e s�s°
<br /> ,��;� �� ° ` sec�r,�immedi�mly be�or� thd.talting,anicss 8oimucer ur.d�nder 4thei4vise a�in svr►t��a'maf�s spptie-�fe�i� - _ - --
<br /> y����� �:.
<br /> �;.�,�- . • ot3�e�nse provides.th��mc�Js sh�U be a�lic�w[he s�uns s�d by�is Seatrity I�s�umenc«i:��'ar not sh�s�ms u�
<br /> thcsadue. . , � , . � , _
<br /> --_==�=---- - If the P�rty is a�artCUonad Dy Botr,ower,ut if�s aurice by I.eudrt m So�rower t3tat the co�daemnor atf�2s�maYe --
<br /> -_�_-��,�;,;;:� an araard m s�ttls a clai�n fo�d�t�ge�.�orrn�er.faiis to respnad to Le�r.vitAisi 30 days r�tQr dte daie th�ao�ce es�ivea, _ ` ----
<br /> L.en�►•t is authorized to coll�i attd appIy�dfe pmc.eeds.ai its opis,an,either m rzstor�ic+A os repair nf the Froperty nr ta!be
<br /> � 3� so�s.secxued by this Saa�city InstFt�ment.whethes ar not tfsen das.
<br /> _a�;,,-��'�;,`�: � iTrdess Lende.z and Bormwer oth�vise agtee in writing,any applicaaon of prmoeeds to p�imsigaf.shali aot exte�or .-
<br /> _:�t"?��<;,.Y��r�. gostpoae tbe drte date of the sna��iy payments tefeired ro in parag�aphs I au�2 os cbange the aiuount af sac�payme�ts. _�__�_
<br />---°T t�.su,��. IL Bo�ra�er Nai.Reitased:Forbe�araar� By Lendrs NoE a Nai�: E�tension:of the.tune far paymznc or `
<br /> -_____-- "'�"'� enodification of amnnizarinn 9f the swns secured try this Se�urityr Instnunent S�auted.b3+.�er m any sao�or ir�interest
<br /> =_R�:.��.i�, af��aawer shafi�}ot opera!$to•ielease die lialsiliiy of the orig'�na3.Borsaw�ar Bumswer�s suc�sois in inter�sL'l.euder _
<br /> ' ' sY�afl aot be cequiied to corlamence proceerlings�gainst anY successor in iatemst ar tef�as�to extead time for�payufent or
<br /> '� °���-`7-�,�N::� . • ath�wi.se medify smor�uifln of ttce s�uns secumd bY this S�Iffsnument fiy reas,�af any deaiand made 1sy tha originat ���;r�-
<br /> =:n�,'..'��;�5;:;;-n w•. Eorrowes a��wer's success�s in inter�st. Aay for6�ce hl+Lender in exercisiag�y r+ghs ar remedy sbali aot be a �
<br /> ,- =.�� � wazYera£or przclnd�ths exe�sisv of aPY righs atrmedy. • � , _ - ----
<br /> r.. c�,�•
<br /> — ..
<br /> �..t<.:s-�;.�',� 1L snccessors atta�Sdgns ao�cl;a��d stvera��ab�t_y;co� rhe oovenaats az�t� ;
<br /> ._�.1.��.xi�'.� 1n rment �
<br /> ..:X���>�,�°;..� . .Se�sity �._-.- sha116ind and Denefit the successois�cd'atsigas of I.euder aad Brnma�et;s�b}ect.ca t�e provis�aus o ..- _ -
<br /> ---.�,�����:�`k`�� � p�agtaph 17 B��ver's covenants aad a�reements shail be jomi and several. Aay Satmwer who c��as dris 5ecurity
<br /> � , �p,�� Iasttx�me�i but due.s not exacate the Note: (a)is co-signu�g das Sec�ity Instrument only tu�age,g�aat and aomr�y ti3ai
<br /> `�r�r'�w;�; Bnrnawer�s mten�st ic►the Properiy uader the teims of tH'ss Sewrity Instcamen� N)is natF�rsalty obligr�d Eo pay tt��ms �
<br /> . �� �... t m
<br /> �e, .v, `:` . , secaied by dris Se�tnity im�ttumen�and<c)ageees that Leader and any oth��Bartata�t m�agree to e�madify�,fa7Lear . - - -- -
<br /> =L�;�, ,G ;�« ar make any acoommodatians�*�itb iegats�w th$tem�s of this Se�wity.Yu�xem.eni:cu t�e•Note wS@caut tha#B�miver'� �� _
<br /> � , .•j canseut. . . .. . _���
<br /> � 13. L�ta Chaig�. If th�ioan.secared hy thi4 Secatity lnstrument is sub�eet w a:Iaw which sets maxjmuai'toan . .;;� __
<br /> ,;y - ' ebarges,aad tl�t law is fiaafIy interpreted so tUat tke interest or other loan chasges col2�or ta be collected in ca�nectioa ':
<br /> -�t�s�=."�, ",, with the Ioan eacead the�pGnnitte�limits.[6ea (a}3nY such loaa ctiarge shall��reduced by the�ount neoessary to rednce ;,� ,.
<br /> — , �. .�,�, '� the charge tv the permitted luni�and(b)aag su�ns ai�eady collected from Haim�,ver y�+hic6 eaceeded per�itced limits an71 be �,, �
<br /> ,. �..'•: , . �:�
<br /> ,�•"'. ':.�s� zefunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to mase this cefund hy reducing tiis�*tincipal owed under the Note or by making a . ' `'�`
<br />_�;:1��s''. •�, �;: . . dinect paymeat to Bottower. If a tefimd r+educes principal.thc reduction wiU.fx treated as a.i?artial PmpaYment withaut any • • :..,.;,.;''
<br /> �F r�n P ;� P�P3Y�entcharge�m�theNaze. .`. ' " , `' ��`.
<br />��itr,:.;. r�x���y_.�'� 14..Piolioes. Any nutice to Borrower ptavided for in this Securiry L�nstt�mert shalf>I�;given by deliveriag i�ac Dy z �� :. .
<br /> " F� .f. -„'• mail6n it fust class maii unless a licabte taw use of another me�tvQd,The n+ntice�s4�a11 be dsected to tt�P�ircrty • �' `��,
<br /> �`,�;,r';'�_ ,;':�. :� g b3' PP� T�S, [f '� •�i..•.. .
<br />