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<br /> ,. � � i . .. .. .. . . _ _ ... . - . .. .... . . .. .. . . _.. .-'"
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<br /> 9�- it�;"�r
<br /> • .'�7_?�.-.-'� ,�'�� condemnntton or othee taking af cu�y part af the P'roperty,os for canveynnce in 1[eu of candcmnatio�.ure hereby i�ssigned and
<br /> _ shalt be pat�to l.ender. ��---
<br /> In the event of a talal taki�g af tha Ptaper¢y,ttte procctds bhait ba apPlied to the sums secured by thi.9 5ecurity
<br /> Instrumcnt,whether a�t not then due.with any excess pnid to Barrower. In the event of n purtinl taking af the Pro}�ert}r in
<br /> • ----�-- which thc fair murket valwe of tha PropeRy immcdiately bsforo th.e tnking is cqual to or srcater th;�thc anount of tt�o sums
<br /> secured by thIx Securtty Insuument immediately befaro the toking,untess Borrower Und Le�tder otherwfse agree in writing,
<br /> __ _--____— the sums secured by this Securiry lnstrument shall be reduced by the uma�ra�t of the praceeds muldplted by tltie foltuwing
<br /> �---"�-_ - _ -' fcu�ttmr. (a)the total amount of uk sums ec;cur..d ie�unatiately b;fara ttte taiting.divided by(b)tke fnir maq[cet v�+li�e of ehe ,.--
<br /> Pmperty immediately bcfone thc tnlcing. My balance shall be patd tn Barrower. 1n the event of a paniul taktng of the
<br /> Property in which the fair market value of the Property imrt�edIuteiy 6efnre ihe tnking is Ie.ss than the umount of the sums
<br /> � secured immediately befam the tuking,unl�s Borcower and Lender otherwise agree in wrlting ar unless oppUcnble !aw
<br /> - othecwise pmvides,tt�e proceeds shalt be applicd to We sumy secured by this Secudty lnstrument whether or not the sums are --
<br /> .:.
<br /> ;ti then due. �
<br /> _ ��� If tha F;aperty is u'b:u►doned by Borruuer.or!f.ufter notice by Lender to Borrower that the randemnar of�ers to malce
<br /> un nwtud or seala a claien for dama�es.Borrower fuilx to reapond to Lender withIn 30 duys after the date the natice is gtven, �-
<br />_� Lender is uuthor�zed to cnile�t nnd�pty ihe proceeds.at its opdon,either w restoration or cepair of the Pmperty or to ihe
<br /> sums secured by this Securiry[nstzumen�whetheror not then due.
<br /> Unless Lertder and Bomower othetwise ugree in writins. any application af pmceeds to prirtcipal�haU not extend or
<br /> postpone the dun dute of the mantbly pAyr►eenta referred to in pnragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such psiyments. ___
<br /> Il. Borro�er:Nat Re[eased; Farb�+ratta Hy Lender No! a Wsiver. Extension of tiie time for Qayment or•
<br /> modlRcationo�arrtart9zation of the suma secu�d by this Secariry Instrument granted by l.ender ro any siaccesso�ire i�terest __
<br /> of Bo:sower shnilaui operute ta�eleuse the Ga6ility of the originnl Borrower or Borro�tierk successors in interest,Lender —
<br /> shaU not be required to commence proceedinps against uny successor in interest or refuse to extend Ume for payment or `—=
<br /> otherwise modify mm�ortizadon of the sums secu�d by this Securiry Insmiment by renson of any demand made by the ori$inal �"`-
<br /> Bomower or Borroi«rk successors in intemsG My forbearance by Len.der in execcising any right or remedy shal!not be a �,;;,-;
<br /> waiver of or preclude the exe�+cisE of any rigdt or remedy. '
<br /> l�. Suocessors and Assigns Bound;Jotnt aad 3everal l.iabUlty;Co-stgaera The covenanta ond agreemenss of this ---_�r---`�-
<br /> '•;��ti ���j j,�. '? SecurIty Instrument shall btnd and benefit the successo�s and assigns of Lender ar+d Borrower,subject to th¢pravdsians of ���-:
<br /> paragmph 1T.Borrower's covenants and ageeEanents shall be,joint sind severnl.Any Bortawer who casf�ns this Securiry --�-�'''��''=
<br /> 'M ''''�n�� Insaument but does not execute the Note: (al is co-sigrting this Security instnunent only to mortgage.�ans amA canvey that '��
<br /> y �''"�"��� Bomnw•er�s interest in the Pro under the temu of this Securi Instrument; 1 b►is not rsonall obli ated to a the sums
<br /> .•..�.-; ., PertY q' Pe Y 8 � Y .?.;'_.
<br /> ;:�s,?Rfi� secw�by this Securiry Inswment;and(c)agrecs that Lender and any other Borrower c�eay a�mee to extend.modify.forbear ,_.. '
<br /> w"+'{�° ���,c�* or muke any uccommodations wtth regard to the [em�s of ihls Secudty [nswment or the Note without that �¢►zmwer's '�,,;�.
<br /> � ���`� x,�° consen�
<br /> _ � ` �` 1i c,�,�� ' !3. Laass'�lrarg�. :f she losn se�urec! by this Securisy Instn�met�t ic e��bjece to a luw which sets raaximum loan �
<br /> a3'y�,y v L.� �. charges.and that law is tinal4y interpreted so that the tnterest or other loan churges collected or to be collected in connecdon � -
<br /> z • +-.�M'�--� "<+: : with the loan exceed ihe pe m n itted ti m its.t hen: (n)any suc h loan c harge s h a l l b e re duced by the amount ne c e s s a ry to reduce '�4,.
<br /> '�'� ��;s' ���r-�'. the charge w the permitted limi�and(b)any sums alre.udy collected from Borrower�ti�hich exceeded permiued limics witl be ;,
<br /> :�� '��.�;:•;�
<br /> yF,,�n,';��r.�.y:�.•:��� re f un d e d to Borrower. L en der may c haos e t o m u k e[h i s re f u n d b y re d u c�n g t h e p ri rt c i p a t owed under the Note or b y makin g n ..;;
<br /> t,,r,��,'ks,�;r�r�.--:• dlrect payment to Bortower. If a refund reduces principal,the reducdon will be heated us a partial prepayment wlthaut any
<br /> �;r�:•'•'•-�� •' � prepaymentchargennderthelYote. •
<br />. �'r. . ,�,+�,.•�..r�} .
<br />- 14. Nottces. My nottce to Bormwer provided for in this Security Instrument sh�ll be given by delivering it or by '
<br /> ''�{ mctiling it by flrst class mail unless upplicab(e law requires use of anothcr method.The notice shnll bc dicected to the�hoperty
<br /> '• �"t''���` Address or any other uddmss 9arrower deslgnates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall b6 given by firAt cl�.ss
<br /> - +;; - mnil tcf L.ender!�uddress stated�eretn or any other uddtes.s Ixrtder designutes by notice to sorrower. My nodcc provlAed for
<br /> _. e
<br /> �± `�;Mq,;f�.;,;��:� in this SeCUrity Insttument shall be decmed to have been given to �arrower or C.ender when given as provided in this
<br /> _ � �r• .� . Parab�Ph.
<br /> 15. Governing Lgw;Severabllity. 'lt�is Security Insuvment shai! be govemed by fedetal law and thcs Inw of the
<br /> � ° � ' � `�� jurisdiction in whtch ihe Property is located. In the event that any proviston or clause of this Security[ttswcrtant or the Note
<br /> � '..,,;...>,;�,� • conflicts with upplicable law.such confltct shall noi nffect other provtsions of this Securiry Instrument or thcs Note+�itic�can
<br /> : ''�' ' ° � be given effect without the confllcting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security insaucrsent and thw 1C�te ac+e
<br /> � ...�..�`R"�°�`�'{'��- declaredtabeseverable.
<br /> ,+�r"?.-.��� �����" 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one canformed copy of the Note nnd of this Security Instrument.
<br /> �=' ��,;,: :•� .._ :,... 17. 11'anskr otthe Property or a BeneRclai Intc��est in Borrower. If alt or any part of the Property or str►y interest in ,
<br /> it is sold or transferred(or if n beneficial interest in Boirowcr is sotd or vansferred and Bomower is not a na3usn!person) •
<br /> �.-��,.:�.. '�� without Lender�s prior written consent.Lender may.at its option,requue immediate payment in full of all sur�s secund by ; ,
<br />- ,•� - this 5ecurity Instn�ment. However.this opdon shall noi be exereised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by fedetai law as of �:•
<br /> � , , the date of this Security Instrument. �'��,
<br /> '�'' �;«� �'� if Lender eaenises this oprion.Lender shall�ive Borrower nopce of accelemdon. The nopces 6ha!!provide u period of '���1`:��-
<br /> • �� ,�:. �.;:;;�'. not less than 30 days from the date the nodce Is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay al�soms securod by this ,�::�:
<br /> � F"'''`"� Securi Instwnen� [f Bomower fails to a these sums rior to the ex iration of this rtad.Lender ma invo�e an �
<br /> „ ,.;1��"` � { ry P Y P P Pe Y Y
<br /> � n^:.. :; ' ' r�medles pei►nitted by this Security Insuument without further nodce or demartd on Bomower. � '
<br /> ' : � .•• 18. BorroWer's Rig6t to ReSastute. If Borrower meeu ce�Rnin conditions. Bomower shall have the rig�►[to lu�ve ��:�,�:
<br /> r r"�;•�. , �,;,' enfonemettt of this Securiry Inswment discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: ta)S days(or such o:her period as �
<br /> �„ y;+•.•. ��
<br /> • .:r!'�.:�.'., .
<br /> ,'','J, '.' _ ;� � Single Fam[ly--Faank MadFlreddk Mat UNiFORM fNSI'RUl11EYC--Unitmm Coren,nts 9l90 Ipau�Q oJb paperJ I
<br /> 'tit.:-tftiy.:.::iii:�� . �l.
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