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�` • . ,,i ;. ,,,• �. •��Pr ���� — -- -- - - -- — — --=` �`ir;t ` . _ <br /> � u�a1��1� .... — _— __ — .wwvM 1 <br /> __.____�.."^__.__._".—_ _..___....� _ _______ . ..._.. _.. _._._..... ................. ..... . . ..._. . <br /> 94� ��/i�G7R/7 <br /> -- a�plicable taw may spedlfy for rcfistatemcnt)bcfore salc of the Property purru�nc to nny power Qi'salc canminecl in this <br /> _ �ccurity Instrumcnt;or(b)cntry of u judg,�ncnt cnfarctng thts Sesurity insuu�r.:nt. Thosc wrtditi�nn ar that 8orraHCr. (o) ,__`. <br /> -- �ayR I.cnder nll Kums which then wuuld he due undcr this Secudty Instcument und the Note as if no ucceleradan had <br /> � - occurn:d;(b)cures smy default oF nny oth�r covcnants or ogrcemenu�;(c)pays nll expcnses incurred in cnforcing this Sccudry <br /> -- _ (nstrumen�including,but rtot limited to,rea5annblo ettomeys'fees: and (d)wkes Ruch ucdon As I.ender may masonably <br /> Pequire to ussure t�ut the Ilen of this Sccurity Instrumcnt,l.cttder a dght4 in th�Property and Boanwor i�obligut�on to pay the <br /> suma secured hy thie Securlty Instrument Rhul� contirtne unchanged Upon reinstuument by Borrower, this Sec�uiry <br /> __� ____, � 'Insuurrteut and the obitgatluns securrd heneby sha�l remnin fally effeCtive as if av nccelemtion had occurred. However,thls <br /> right to reinstatt sAWI not appty in the case�f ciccetemuon under patagtaph 17. ` <br /> — 14 Sak ot 1Voh; Cp�nte ot I,o�tt Rervker. 'llhe Natc or n partjal Intorest in the Note(tqgather with this Securlty <br />"�� iastn�mem)may be sold one or more times wIthoat prior nodca to Bortower. A r,ule may result in a chaage in the entlty � <br /> (known ns the"Loun Servlcer")tltnt soUecta monihly Fayenents du¢unde�the Note and this Securiry Instrumen� There also <br />" '' may be one or more chaugc5 of tbe Lann Servicer unrelated ro a 4ale of the Note. If there is a changa of the Lonn Servtcer. •-- <br /> �`•; Borrower will bc Kiven writtea no6ce of the chaage In accordartce witb parngraph l4 abovc und appIfcable law. The raodce �- <br />--r -��- will�tttce.the ntune and eddress of the new I.oan Servicrr urid lite iuf��s to wttich�aymcnis shauld 6e made. The nodce t��4 �- - <br /> � also cs►nt�In siny ather infortnmdon requlred by applicutble law. �' <br /> 3�•.�' 20. H�crrdous Substanas. Borrower sball aot cause or petmft the presence,use.disposal.stornge.or celease of any <br /> Hozntdous Subsmnces on or{a We Ptoperty. Butrower shaU not do.ttor sUow nnyone else to do. anytltiug nf1'ecting the <br /> Property Wut is in vtolntion of any EnvIronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shsilll aot apply to the presence,use.or <br /> storstge on the E'roperty of small quantides of Hnzardous Substances that are geaerally recognlzed to be apprnpriate to normal ----- <br /> resident�al uses aad to malntenance of thc Property. ' � <br /> Bortower sdaU pmmptly giva Lender written notice of any investtgs�tiori.claim.demand lawsuit ar other acdon by any _ <br /> �ovenunerttal or negutatory a�ency or private pacty iavolving the Property and any Ha�.ardaus Su6stnnce or Environmeatal �_ <br /> Luw of wlucb Borrowsr dus actual kaowledge. If Bomower leams, or is notified by any sovernmental ar r�egulatory � <br /> authoriry.that nny nemoval ar other remedlaHon of auy Hsizar�dous Substarcce affecdng the Property is necessary. Borro�ver � <br /> ,. ..�. shall pmmpdy take nll necessacy remedial acduns in accotdunce with Environmental Law. �,�,. <br /> ,,:. AS used ia this Qarag�apb 20,"Hazardous Substances"are thosc substances defined as toxic or hauudous substence5 by F�. <br /> Envimtuaental Law suid the fnilowFa�subsuurces: gasolirt�,keros�ree,o�er flummable or toxia petrolcum prodacts.toaic `r�—� <br /> ' �"'�� sticides and hecbfcides,volatile solvents,m�ter�uls contaiain s�bestos or fomialdeh de.aud radioactive materials. As <br /> Ix 8 Y U I,:?`a;�,� <br /> ased in this paragraph 20,"Environiaenwl Luw"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is IocAted +,f�:'�, <br />' that celnte w or environutental protecdon. ���;� <br /> �•� NUN-UMFORM COVENAIVTS. Bonower and Lender further covenant and at,mee as foUowa: : <br /> � 21. Ac�cekratton; Remedles. i.ender sl�ll glve Rotice to Borcower prtor to ucceleraf�nn followlag Borrower's : <br /> . � �;,�.�;�, A�• b�ce�ch v!aqy covemant or agrrement W tWs Secu�ity Instrumert(but not prfor to aoceterat6on under parag�aPh 17 Y.. <br /> �.`,�1�..;�°.,,_� nnl�ss applkable Iaw pmvldes utherwtse). 17ie notlee shaU spec(t'y: (a)the defaulk tb)tt�e actba required to cure the <br /> - -- dc�nIt;fej a�ate,�t te�dtan 3ti days fi�m i6e dete the notice b gi.«,tu S�eF.ity w�ie�tife tiefat�tt a�st be <br /> x'� cared;and td)tl�t taiture to cuns tbe defanit on or betore t6e date specitied in the notfce may re5ult in aooeleration oP ;�;~;�• <br /> �` tLe sums s�eured by this Sec�rIry Iagtivment and sale o�the Property. The aotloe shall thrthec inforai Bon+nwer a[ <br />'.'",tt ,J � •'.��;� the rjght ta ix�sfata atter aoceleratton and the right to bring a court adion W assert the non�exLstence o!n ddault or � � <br /> � � �+*� �' any other dei'ffise ot Borro�ver to aaceleradon uad sale. U the dt�aWt fs not cured on or bafore We date speciited in <br /> . ,,�^.%•. ��;'• t6e nMkG i.ender at Its optton may require immediate payme�in full otup sums secured by thfs Secudty I�meut <br /> . � ���'� without turlher dem�nd and may involce We power of sak and eny oWer remedies permitted by a�rplicable Inw , <br />_ Lender slwll be endfled to colltct nU expeuses incure+ed in pursving the remedies prnvtded in this puragreph 21. <br /> inclading,bnt not limited to,rrasonable attorneys'f¢cv und casts oi t[tle evEdence. <br /> _ �' It tLe power ot sale ts invoked,'drn..atee sl�all recor�a notice of default in each coaaty tn�hi�h su�y piut o!the <br /> J. Property is la�tted nnd sh�U rtwU wpies of such nodce in the manaer pmscribed by appllcs�btQ{aw to Borrower and to <br /> ��' ' �'"�;"� the ofher peisons prescribed by applfcable law Atter the time required by applkuble law,7lrustee shull give public <br /> notioe of sale to We pessons aad in We manner prescdbed by appllcable Iaw 'liruste�without demand on Borrower, <br /> shaU sdl Wc Pcoperty at pnbfic aucKton to We highest bidder ut the tlme und plaoe and under ttte terms designnted in <br /> - , •.'�... the notice of sale in one or mon paroels and in eny order'hvstee determines. '1lrustec maY Postpone sale of all or any <br />`t�•� " '�,Y�_, " potnel of tl►e P�,rn,,�p,,epa�ty�by publfc annoancement ut the time and plaee of any previously schednled sa[e. Lender or tts <br /> �•:in r-'G ��J�Y"+`'"�"'�C�pET�IIt 8Ay SBIG <br /> - ' --' �',, Upoa receiQt ot paqazeat of the prlce bid,Trustce sh�ll deliver to the ps�rchaser 71r�stee's deed rnnveying the <br /> •�• ,-:`�"•-�'.`'= Pmperty. T6e nritals in the 7tvstee's deed shaU be prima facfe evtdence of tht trut6 of the stntezaenta made Utemin. :.;, <br /> �� `«". ��•.��� Thcstee sha11 applY t6e proceeds ot the sale in the following order. (a)to alt oosts and expenses o!exercislag the power .. <br /> � :s�!r+-.r� <br /> �;t _ .-1'., <br /> .:V`y F';4. . ,'w <br /> . � ;� ` <br /> Y.._Iy ...N � .� <br />.. "_�"�.'" ' <br /> �� �f`� � <br /> � 'r�r'� 1i� �_. <br /> 1.::L_ ' <br /> n.� _ .+;� � <br />-� r'� ':,.. �::,t�`'� <br />. ' .�+'�*,�-�Jf:.�;•"iwtY'. ��� <br />_ . '*+� �I <br /> ,�,.`L, t <br /> -._ .. . . . ._-......_.. .,t..._ ..�....._.. �r• . r: ,.S.t,.�,�� .�J,.i.• .. - ' "_ � <br /> " ... .r • •-�- -- ' <br /> "" � <br /> � ' . � _� ._.r . � � - ' . <br /> . .i <br /> ��_ . a'�_.., _ . " ___ . _�T-ciiliu..�.' _ .C:':o::'.` - <br /> 5,� ,• � _ ' _____- _'- __ ' .. .. <br /> .. 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