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<br /> � periods thnt l.cnder rcquires. 'Ihe Insumnra cnrrier pmviding thc Insurunce ehail bc choson by Barrowcr nubject to 1.cnderS�
<br /> ppprovnl which shall na16e unreasanably wtihhelti. If�arrower fuils tu mulntaio cavcrngc dcscrll�ed ubave,l.en�cr map�nt
<br /> l.endcr'��ptlan,ok�nin covcrnge to prarcct Lcndcr�rights in tho t'nipcny in accurdancc with parngm{sh 7.
<br /> —_ — All hisurnnca poltstes and renewuis shall be acceptubte to l.ender ancf ahall inciude u�tnndnrd mortsage clau5e. i.ender
<br /> � shall hnve the dght to hold the pulkies and renewnis. IP l.ender rcyuires,B�rrower shall pmmpsly give ta l.endet all reccipt�9
<br /> of paid premlums end rcnewal notices. In the ovent of loa9,8urrawer ehull glvu prompt notice to the lnsurance ciurter nnd
<br /> •� i ender. [xnder�nuy mnka praof otlasa if not mndc pmmptly by Bamawca ,
<br /> "------- __-- Unlcs�l.endet a�ni Bor.ower otincrwix�ugrcu i►�writing.insumnrc ccecls 4hn111+e npplled to►estarntion or rcpaie af
<br /> .?� the property dnmaged. if the cestora�t:on or rcpaIr i�s economirully feas b1e und l.ertderk cecuriry is�at le�sened. if the
<br /> ` ; restorntton or rcpuir is aot economfc�lly feusible or[.enderk security wauld be lcysened,the insurance pmceeds shnll be
<br /> npplled ro the sums eecumd by thia Secudty lnstrumrnt. �vhcther ar nat then due. with nny excevs paid to 8otrowcr. If
<br /> Bonower abmtdons the Property,or dces not answer within 30 dnye o notice fmm Lender that the insumnce carrier hna
<br /> offered to settle a claim,then Lcnder muy collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may usa the proceeda to repnir or restot�e
<br /> _° ..,�_: the Property or to pny aums saured by this Security Insuument.whether or not then due. 'Ihe 30�duy perlad wiil begln wizen �
<br /> the not}ce is given. F`
<br /> ";�.. Unless Lender und Sorrower otherwlse agree in wrlting.uny uppIicudon of pmceeda to prf�vsipal shull not extend ar
<br /> �.' , �,;4+ postpone the due dnte of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changl:the amount of the paymen�c. If
<br /> under parugaph 2t the Prope�ty Is ucquired by Lender.Borrower's dght to uny insumnce pol�ci:s And proceeds t�esulting _
<br /> '..�.,..p��. from dumage to the Property prior to the ucqutsition sh�ll pass to Lender ta the extent of th$sums secumd by thia Security =
<br /> Instrument tmmediately prtor to the Rcqulsidon.
<br /> � 6., Occupancy. Pe�eservaQon, Main4enance and Protectlon o! the Ptopertyt Bono�er's Loan Applicxdon;
<br /> � . ase
<br /> b I.ensehold.a. Bamower shuU cecupy.escablish.and use the Property as Horrower's principal residence within s�Cty�►ys after
<br /> .�� '^!`°:'`;���� the exeeutiun of this Security Insmianent and shnli continue w occupy the Pcoperty as Borrower's principal msldence for at _
<br />� - '� � least one year ufter the dau of accupancy. unless Lender otherwise ugreeti in wr�dn�, which consent shnil not be —��
<br /> ' • •�"����"'-�'�'�`� ' unreasunably wlthheld.or unless extenuuting circumsuu►ces exist which cue beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shuU aot
<br /> k� +u�*" r- •• desu+oy.damage or impair tha Property,allow the Property to detedorate.or commit waste an the Property. Barrower shall �:
<br /> •.����-� �, -, be in default if an y forieiture ncdon or praceeding.whether civll or cdminal,Is begun thet in Lertderh saud fuith judgment —__
<br /> '.�•;<,;.,;:.'.. .;, ' could result in forfeiture of the PropeRy or otherwise materiully impair the l ien creAte d by t h is Secu r l ry I n�u u m e n t o r �j;c:
<br /> . *;,��<�•."�'���i Lender's security interest. Barower may care such u default und reinstate.es provided in paragcaph 18,by causin�the actlon �y'•
<br /> . r�?�;�;;,;�;;�•;,;;�:':,> or pmceeding to be d[smissed with a n�ling thu�in Lender?s good falth determination.precludes forfeiture of the Bor�ower!s .;
<br /> . ;�•��: .� . tnterest in the Property or other material impatrment of the lien crented by this Securlty Instrument or Lenderk secudry =��=.
<br /> +" '-• •,.'��..`::
<br /> ,.r�;; .; interest Bortower shall also be in defualt If Borrower. durin� t he laan app t tcat ion process. �ave materially false or .•�;
<br /> • "' ' inaccur.►te information or suttements to Lender(or fatled to provide Lender wlth any materiul infarmsttion)in connection with
<br /> '�t�i � . ��� ' the loan evidenced by the Note,including, but not limited to. representadons conceming Borrower's occupancy of the .
<br /> _ �r�r., ,�,-. Y,� �'cOp�r�;as a�SS�!:scoia�z.If ihfs S�urity InSisumens�s Qn$�Pa�iu�ld,Borrowcr shWl complY wlth all the provisions �
<br /> • „;, , of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee dde to the PropeRy.the leasehold and the fec tide shnil not me�ge unless L.ender a�rees �:
<br /> ,'.�� ,;�1,, . ..r to the merger in wriung.
<br /> `:��,�'.�,•., 7. ProteMian of Lendrr's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fails to perform the covenan�s und u�recments • �
<br /> � "%`'����I' contained in this Security Instrument,or there is a legal proceeding that may significansly nffect Lender� r�ghGS in the
<br /> Property(such as e ptoceeding in bankcuptcy.probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations).then .
<br /> �:�.;: _ ,. Lender may do nnd pay for wtwtaver is necessury to protect the value of the Property and Lender�ri�hts in the Ptoperty.
<br /> Lender's actiona msy include payins nny sums secured by a lien which hzg pdoriry over thjs Security Insaument,appearing �' �.,:.
<br /> - � -` • ip court.puying r�easonable attomeys'fees nnd enter[ng on the Properfy to mxke repairs.Although Leader may take uction
<br /> h�y��;�,�;�; .; "„..�, under this paro�mph 7,Lender dces not huve to do so. .,
<br /> ,n,;,�,.,,�:.r �.:.���,t. Any amounts d�sbwsed by I.ender under this pnm�raph 7 shall become additionuf debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> _ : � • Security Insuument. Unless Borrower and l.ender agree to other terms of payment,these wnounts shall bear intemst from the
<br /> ; -� " � date of disbutsement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with intecest,upon notice frnm Lender to domower requesting
<br /> :;.;:r;°-��...,r,.., .. payment.
<br /> ;a,yr•�:,.�;,��:�• ••� _
<br /> • ,;,,., .•+_..,;-, •, .. . & Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurwue aY n condttton of maktng the loan securcd by this
<br /> ,,,,,,,,;,,;,,i�;,..:;..,n..• Security Instrumen� Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mort�uge insurance in effect. If. for any :
<br /> ` �•.��t,i�;•:::.. _ neasan, the mort�age tnsurance covemge required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the '-;;,
<br /> . premiuma required to obtain coveraga subswntiully equivolent to the mortga�e insumnce prevtously in effect, nt a cost
<br /> . -. • �':�i.?�, substanttally equlvalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortguge insutattce previously in effect,from an ultemute mortsage
<br /> ' '�;� inaurer approved by Lender. If�ubstantiaUy equivatent mort�age insurance covernge is not available.Borrower shull pay to
<br /> ;:,; .,,�,..�.:- . _ , �
<br /> •,�•: Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yeurly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> � `' ,. insurance covera�e lupsed orceased to be in effect. Lender will occept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br />- �. .__ .., � . . . ..
<br /> ����. of mottgage insurance. Loss re.serve payments muy no longer be required,ut the option of i.ender,if inortgage insurance
<br /> coverage(in the amount and for ihe periad that Lender requires)provided by un insurer approved by I.ender ugain becomes
<br /> -�"� ::'+ • �,' ; available and is obtained.Bomower shup pay the premiums cequired to maintain mortgage insurance�n affect,or to providc a .
<br /> '`''�" toss reserve.untll the requicetnent for mortgage insurance ends in accc�rdance witfi any written agreemant between Borrower
<br /> �� ,C:=� �' �•�'��� suid Lender or applicable law. � :.
<br /> � ' 9. InspeMion. L,ender or its ugent may mnke reasonable enuies upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall �;;•';,
<br /> • � ' give Bormwer notice at the time of or prior to un inspection specifying reasonable cuusr:for the inspecrion. '
<br /> 10. Condemnation. 11ie proceeds of any award or cluim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection widi�ny
<br /> • � � � Single kmity-Fhnnie Mae/FhddEe MIIC UNIFORM INSTRLJINENT--Uniform Covenants 9190 lpaRe J aJb puxP�1
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