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<br /> TOi1ETIfEEt�'liTtI �il tno improvementa no�v ar heresiftcr crccted on tho property,and ull eusement�,Ap rt�nances, �___
<br /> - —�-�y� cand flxtures now or itereafter n part of tho prapetry. All replacements and addldons Khull ulxo be covemd by this Securiry
<br /> " Irtsmment. AU of thc foregoing i�referr�d to In this Secudty Inswment av the"Property."
<br /> SQRROWER COV�NAidTS tdnt Boaower ia lawfully seised of thc e.gtntc hercby wnveyed cirid hus the right to grunt
<br /> and canvey the Praperty and that the Froperty ts unencumbecied,eacept for encumbranccw of record. Borrower w�tx and —
<br /> _ wilt def�ad genernlly the dtte to the Property against ull clnims and demands.subjest to uny encumbranaas of ercnrd.
<br /> --�-- _ --� THIS 38CURiTY INSTRIIMEMf combines uniform wvenanta far nutional use and nan-uniform coven:tnts with
<br /> -- limited variudona by jurladicdon to consdwte a uniform secudry inswment covering real pmperty. 1
<br /> UNIFORM CQVENAN7'S. Bonower aad Lender covenunt and agree us followa:
<br /> � 1. Payment o!Prtnctpel s�nd Interest;Prepayment and Late Chs�rges. Bottowcr shall promFtly pay wlhen due the _
<br /> '•� � principal of and interest on tfie de6t aviderked by the Note und nny pmpayment and late charges due under the Note. _
<br /> 2. �uds for'lbxes�Insutartoeti Subject to applicuble luw or to s►written waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to _
<br />-��� _ _ __ L.ender on the day monthly payments are due under tho Hate,until the Note is paid in full.a sum t"�nds")for. (a)yearly _
<br />._,_�, twtes and s{ssessmenta which moy attain prlority over this Securiry I�tEwman[as a lien on the Pmperty:ib)yr.stiiy le�tsehotd _--
<br /> s
<br /> - d or ro Insurance remiums; (d) earl Raod --
<br />_::, Puymenta or groand ren:a on the Property, If any: (c)Y��Y � P I�rtY P Y Y _
<br /> insurnnce premiums. If any; (e) yearly mortgagc Insurance premiums.if any: and(t)any sums payubla by Borrower to
<br /> se -
<br />�� o ara h 8 in lieu of the ent of mort a lnsurnnce reiniums. The ___
<br /> I.ender,in accordnnce w�th the�rrovlsions F p grnp , paYm �ag P _-
<br /> items are called"Escrow Items." Lender may,at any dme,collect and hold Fui►ds ia an amount�ot to exceed the ma�cimum ;���'
<br /> amount a lender for a federaily related mortgu�e loan moy requi�e for Burrower!s escrow account under the federat Real __
<br /> Estute Settlement Procedur�s Act of 1974 os amended fn►m ttme to time,l2 U.S.C.Q 2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another =
<br /> luw that applies to the Funds sets u lesser atnount if so.i,eader muy,ut any time,collect and hofd Funds ia aa aaiount noi to - _
<br /> �,.* exceed the lesser amoun� I.ender may esdmate the amount of Funds due on the basjs of cwrent duta aad reasonable =�•
<br /> ' estimates of expeadltures of future Escrow Items or otherwjse in uccordence with appllca6lc law. �'��
<br /> - :,.y .,:�,t;�,--� The Furtds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal ageacy, IasmimentelIty.or entity �::
<br /> (including L.ender,if Lender is such An institudon)or in uny Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to puy ��;__
<br /> the Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Ft�nds,enaually analyzing the er+crow
<br /> "�'�:�� .;?'�� accouat,or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower intemst on the Funds and applicable law permits
<br /> � Lender to muke such a charge. However.Lender may requicc Borrower to puy a one•ame charge far an independent real
<br /> �a� estate tex reporting servIce used by Lender in conaecdan with this loan.unless applicuble law pmvides otherwlse. Unless an
<br /> :,::;�*� ," •' up�eement is madc or appUcuble luw requlres interest to be paid.Lender shall not be required to pay Bomuwer eny interest or
<br /> y,,f �;�ji(r.��:� eamtngs on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may a�me in writing.however.thut iaterest shall be paid on the blmds. Lender
<br /> - ,p��*-�'•:° • shnll�ive to Borrower.without chsirge,an annu�l uccounting of the F�utds,showing credits end debits to the Fuads and the
<br /> . iJ`2``7 r�Y' '
<br /> �� �,�•,, .� pwpose for which e.�ch debit to the Funds wus mnde. The FS�nds are pledged as additional security for all suma secured by .
<br /> .^'�,� .... tfsis.�ccusity Jisstsuzncss.
<br /> ae
<br /> • If the Fl�nds deld by L.ender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by appiicable law, Lender shaU uccount to '�'�
<br /> :� �. 3r
<br /> ��. Borrower for the excess Funds in uccordrsnce with tha requirements of applicable Inw. [f the amount of the Punds hald by
<br /> ��� .� • ,�, Leader ut uny time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing.und.in
<br /> ; '; �,,-�� �:!;�;; such cpse Hottower shail pay to Lender We tunount necessery to make up the deficiency. Borrawer shall make up the
<br /> • �,�.,�x��.:��� deficiency ln nn moce than twe[ve monthly payments,at Lenders sole dIscretIon.
<br /> - � ���''�;!^r�t�� U n a ment ia ful!of uU sums secured b this Securi Instrument,Lender shall rom d refund to Borrower tu►
<br /> „ c. .r,.�.o� Po P Y Y �Y P P Y Y
<br /> - a �'� :�.,.:'.. Funds held by L,ender. If,under parsgraph 21.Lender shall acqui�+e or sell the Property,Lender,prior to the acquisidon or
<br /> ' �'����l� sule of the Properry. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ncquisition or sale as a cmdit a�ainat the aums -
<br />- . .�?`�'}'��' secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. Appllcat[on of Pnyments. Unless npplicable law provides otherwise, all paycnents received by Lender under
<br /> -��� ,���',;�'. paragraphs 1 and 2 shell be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due nnder the Note;second,to amounts payable under
<br /> ' � ` ` j.�'�Y'"t�'' paragraph 2;third,to inte�st due;foutth,to principal due;und tas�to uny lute charges due ander the Note.
<br /> t., .
<br /> ' a,r`:�r
<br /> ,;;� 4. Chasgea; Liens. Bormwer shall pay all taxes. assessmeats, churges, fines and imposidons amibutable to �he
<br /> ' °' � ,M,, �roperty whicb may attain priority over thls Security Insuument,+uid leasehold payments�r ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br />' - •-1„�,;,,�,°�-„�;;�,,; shall pay these obllgatlons in the munr►er provided in pamgraph 2.or if not paid in that mnr►ncr.Borruwer shall pay them on
<br />_ • ..,� ,.`;�;_�.;, time directly to the petson owed paymen� Borrower shalt promptly fumish to Lender all nodces of amounts to be paid under
<br />- '�•' • : this parngrnph. If Borrower makes these payments dlrectly.Borrower shAll promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br />-= ,J'%�r�:.'�'; the payments.
<br />_ '�°• . Borrower shall prompdy discharge any llen which has priority over this Securiry Inspument unless Borrower.(a)agr�ees
<br /> _' J �4`�t�`. " ia writing to the payment af the obligatlon secured by the lien in u munner acceptable to[.ender.(b)contests in good faith the
<br />='�yY y �:_•.�;; �� �_ lien by.or defends against enforcement of the llen in,legul procee�ings which in the Lender�opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> . ��•�� � enforeemeat of the li¢n;or(c)secures from the holder of the lten an ngreement sflusfactory to I.ender subordinutins the Iten
<br /> � �••,��;,,,_�, � to this Security Instrument If Lender determines thut any psut of ttte Property is subject to n lien which may ettain priority
<br /> ��•�, -a,. . over this Security Inswmea�Lender may give Borrower a nodce idendfying the lien. Hoaower shall satixfy the lien or take
<br /> ' ..,'r��:a�':;�`°;�; • une or more of the actlons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. °
<br /> {�:F''•.��" , • S. Harard or Property Insnranoe. Borcower shall keep the improvements aow exlattng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � -�:c�Y.'= .;' .°_ Property insured against loss by fire,hazatids included wlthin the term"extended coverage"and any other hnzards,including
<br /> y-`�,-�=;� • ;, floods or flooding,for which L.ender re.quires insurance. This insurnnce shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> � , t�:' _� �;;
<br /> , >tiF`v�� ' � Fbmt 3028 9/90 IpaBe 2 nj6 pagts)
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