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<br /> ' ?�. lt�coaveg�oe. Upon p�yaxnt of�tU wau se�wtd by thia Soc�ity Iaauument�Lender shalt�rtquest'flvsta w
<br /> neconvey the Ft+c�+erty Rr�d shall surnsndrr tht�Securlry Inxtrnmmt uxi aU notee evidencing debt �ecu�ed by t6ii Security
<br /> -,�.�----„----.. tnQrn�re�ni ec�'�t��y.re�. '[h�lcee eh�11�-ecenvey ttx�Protseny without wa:ranty and withaut charge to the perscm or pensona
<br /> - - . le�dty entided to it. 3uch pen�on or pet�wna shrU p�y u►y recordation costa. c ---
<br /> 23. SrbeNt�rtt'[tu�tte. Lender.et ite option.may f�ora tlme to time removo 7tustea end eppoiut a surassor tsuata to •
<br /> bny'Ikusue appointed hereuader by un instrument recorded in the counry in v�h�ch thia Secudty Insuument is teGOr�ed.
<br /> Wilhout cOnvey�nc�e of the l�operty, the successor uustte shall Qucoeed to atl the titte. pawer amd dudes confecred apon
<br /> 7}uscee herein and by epplIcable law.
<br /> - `�""T"�"` t4. Reque�t foc Natle�. Hormwer requeata thut cvpies oP�e nutices of default end sate.ba sent ta Borrowr.r's uddrcss -
<br /> � --- which Is tha Progasty Ad�.ws.
<br /> __ _ _ ?�. t::..�"srs!a�.°.�t:!!y�s.�st:. if art�os mvs�e rFders sre exectsted b;Borrower and rr.cnr.ied mgnrhrr witl► —.
<br /> tt�s SeCUri�y instrumcnt,the covenants and agreements of ench such dder shall ba incarporated into and sha11 amend and
<br /> supple�nent tha covenaats and agreements of this Security Insuumant as if tho dder(s)were u patt of this Secnrity Instrument.
<br /> ' (C!►eck r�ppliaAblw boa(es)j
<br /> �Adjustabls Rate Rider �Condaminium Rider a 1-4 Fsun[ly.R[dcr
<br /> ` ' �Graduated Puyment Rider �Plauned Unit Development Rider �Biwcekly f�ynnent Rider . ���
<br /> aBalloon Rider �Rsite Imprnvement Rider �Second Home Rtder
<br /> ':,._
<br />_ X�p�}�er($��spectfyj ASSIGNmENT OF RENTS RIQER
<br /> BY SI�NIN(3 BBLOW.Bomower accepu and a�rees to the tem�s:u�d covonants contained in this Security Insuument
<br /> c�nd ln any rider(s)executed by Borrower und t+ecorded with it.
<br /> VVttaess; wmess:
<br /> �/� �
<br /> .�1[ (Seal)
<br /> -6«i KEN ETH E HILLIGAS ' -Borrower ' �
<br /> — --- Seal)
<br /> -sorSroew� RAmDNA R HILLIGAS -�W�
<br /> STATE OF NF.�RASKA. HRLL County ss:
<br /> _ On this 27TM day of JUNE, 7 994 .befom me,the undersigned,a Notary Public -
<br /> — dul �ssioned und ualIfied forsaid county,personally came. KENNETH E HILLIGAS AND RA�fONA R
<br />.-_ H1�L��GRS� HUSBA(� ANO WIFE ,to me known to be the
<br />, ident�cz�yerso,n�s(s)IRhose name(s)are subscribed w the fo�going inst�ument and acknowledged the execudon thereof to =__
<br /> - be F volunusry act and deed. __.
<br /> Witness my htmd and notarial sea!at GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA in said couaty,the —
<br /> ��-
<br />_ date aforesaid ��:
<br /> .��, My Commission expinea:��,,,�,L 'pc���R q�? ___=
<br /> NoWryPublic "c�°—
<br /> ^ __ �GEMERALMOiARIt•SGIc otNebns�u --. _
<br /> -- TOTRU 1wl�IiORIbl.Etp.1tlRQ3O.1
<br />- 'Fhe underslgned is the holdcr of the note or notes secured by this Deed of 11vst. Said note or notes.rogether wIth all
<br /> o�er�indebtedaess secuced by this lleed of'ltust,have been gaid in fuli. You are hereby directed to rnncel satd note or notes
<br /> u
<br />__ -- ----= aad this Deed of'Itust,which are delivered hereby,and to reccmvey,without wananty,all the estate now held by you urtder
<br /> this Deed of'llust to the petson or persoas legally endded thereto.
<br /> Data:
<br /> J . ibmt 3028 9H0 IpaBe 6 of 6 pngea)
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