" ' '�A. ♦" r_ . i__ ..
<br /> .. ._ �L. :+: � � .. .. 1�,',
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<br /> � .- � ' 1{`._ .. . __ -.-. .. ._. _
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<br /> - - upplicable law may Kp�jfy far rcinstntcmcnt)bcfarc�ulc of tttc !'ragetty pur6uant to any powcr of�nlc ccmtaincd in�h!s
<br /> � --�'° Secudty Instrument;or(b)entry oi u judgmcnt cnforcfng thid Sccudty:nsuumcn� 'ihose candltions nrc that Borrowc�: (a)
<br /> pays I.endcr all aums which then would ba dua under this Securtty InaWment ond the Nato as if na ucceteradan haA
<br /> - acciured;(b)cures uny defuult of nny other ca�+enAnts ar Agreements;(c)pays nU exptnses lne�used in enfar+cing thte Securiry
<br /> Irtstrument, including,but not IimitCd to.rcnsonablo nttomeys'feea; mid(d) tnkes such sctimn u9 L.endcr may rcesonably
<br /> requi�c to essurC thst the lien of thls Secudry Instrumen�I.ender'R dghtx ln the Property end Borrower�obllgatian to psy tha
<br /> --�_=_= _--_—� SlIII1S SC'CUfttl I��I lIlI9 S�curity Insuument ehnll continuo unchanged. Upon r�einsta�tenuent by Horro�ver. tf�is.Secudty ,
<br /> �— Iast�ucncnt luM the obligadona euured hGreby shaU amain fully effective as!f no nccelemtion ht►d accumzd. Nowever.thls
<br /> rlght to reinstate shall aat apply In the cuscs of acceleratian under pumgraph 17.
<br /> " 19. Sxie ot Nota;Chsnge of Lan Sgrvksr. Tba Note or n pacdW intcrest (n the Note(together witb thia Securlty
<br /> � : Jasttumeat)may b�sold one or more dmes without pr�or aoHce to Boirower. A snle may result in A change in the entity
<br />. (known as tha"Loaa Servicer")that colle�ts monthly payments due under the Note aad tuis Security Inswirten� ihere niso
<br /> may bo anc or�nore chaAges of the L oan Servicer unre}ated to a snle of the Notc. If there is u ehange of the Loan Servlcer, ___
<br /> -- Hazrowcr wiU be gtvea�vduea nodce of the chen�o 1n accordance with a�tragraph l4 above and applicnble l�w. 'llte nodce =�,_
<br /> – wiit r,t�te the n�me c►nel A�i�iress af thP new L,oan Servieer and the eddress to which rnyments should He mud�. 1�te aotice will �__
<br />'" also conteiu any other lnfortnadon c�uioed by upplicable law.
<br /> ; 20. H�a�rdats Substsukes. Bamower shaU not cause ar petmit the preseace.us�.disposal,storage,or release af any
<br />-% � Hezatdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall aoi do.nor aUow nuyone elsqe to do. anything affecting the
<br /> Property that is i�violatton of uny Environmental Law. The precedins two sentences shall not apply w the presence.use,or
<br />• stotage aa the Property of small quantldes of Hazardous Subsmnces thut are genetally recog�ized to be approprtate ro notmal
<br /> residendul uses aad to malntenence of the Pm�perty.
<br />_ Borrower shaU prompdy give L.ender writtea norice of uny investigatlnn,ctuim.deu�aid iawsuit ar other acdon by any �
<br />- govemmental or regulatory agency or private pariy involviag the E'roperty and any Ha�sMous Subswnce or Environmental
<br /> ' Law of wtucd Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bomnwer leams,or fs notified by auy governmental or rcgulntory
<br /> ��' *' " autbority.Wat any removal or other mmediation of any Hazardoua Substance affecdng the Property is necessary,Borrower ___
<br /> shaU prumpdy take aU necessary cemedial actions in accordance with fiavinonmeatsill I.aw.
<br /> - As used in tids paragmph 20,"Hazardoufl Substaaces"are those substances defined es t�oxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> Environmental i.�w and the following substances: gasollne,lcerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum products.Wxic
<br />. pesdcldes and herbicides.volutile solvents,mater�als contaiaing asbestos or focmaldehyde.and radioactive materiats. As "_ .
<br /> ;. , << used ia this paragraph 20."Eavironmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdict�on where the Property is located —
<br /> ;"+`;'`• '� ��' that celate to healtb,safety or environmental pmtection.
<br /> t�' NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and i.ender further covenaat and agee as foqows:
<br /> , { p � t���;t Zl. Acceleratlon; Remedtes. Lender sdall gtve aotice•to Borrower prlor to acceleratlon following Borrower's
<br /> ��_ _ r���-t �a �- breach of eny covenani or agreetneat in this Secur[ty Iastrument(but not p r ior to a c c e tera t ion un der paragrsp h 1 7 __
<br /> �.`�'?� unless appUcable law�rovtdes otherWise). The uotice sLall speclfy: (e)tke default;(b)tde acdon required to cure t6e _
<br /> r•a,:r�,.�..���. de?ault;(c)a date,Qot less t6an 30 deye tirow the date the notice is gtven to gonower,by whtch ttte dePaalt raust be —_-
<br /> �t��r '��"'�°�}`"�'". cured;und(d)that failute W ciue tite defaWt on or before the date specifted In the not[ce msy cesWt ia atceleratlon of =_
<br /> :rti:.•'`t�.,;'Y:;•.f —_..
<br /> .s ti.�. .�. �,,e�� the sums secured by this 3ec�rtty Instrument and sale of tite Property. Tde aoHce shsill further Wform Borrower of �
<br /> <�` "����"f'`�'"��'"`' tke dght to rcinsmte aRer ecceteratlon and the rl t to br[ng a oourt actlon to assert the aon�extstence of a ddault or
<br /> '�.i�^�.�:�•��c'E`�F.; 8�
<br />___ M1k s.,�^;:.�, ,_.,,�:� a n y o t f t e r d e f e n s e of B orrower to aaeleraUon und sale. If the deFault is eot cumd on or before the date s p e c i f ted in �s�=
<br /> • ^� • �:'� ° tbe notloe,I.ender at its apEEon may require immediate payarent in fuU of aU sums secnred by thfs Secudty Iasriwaent ' -;.
<br />-- -�b�fr����':��,'+�**'�r aitbout turth�r demand and may invoke fhe power of sWe and eny other remedles permitted by appHcable law ��-;
<br />-- '; .�l,s,,,....-:,��,.; �i;,�:;.
<br /> ''�., ,.��� I,ender shall be ent[Ued to collect ell expeases iucurred ia pucs� tke rnmedies prnvtded in thfs paragiapb 21,
<br /> includiag,but not limited to,rrasonable atiorneys'fees and rnsta of tltle evidence. +i;-
<br /> _ ; �'�'�'` U the�tower of eale is invoked,llrnstae ahuU record a notice of defaWt in each county in wMch any part of We %`�
<br /> i ��=�•��"• : P r o I s I n c e t e d a n t D s h a l l m e i l o o l e s o f�s a c h n o H ce!n t h e m a n n e r p r e s c d b e d b a l i c a b l o l a w t o B o r r o w e r a n d t o
<br /> ;.�:.••�ae PePtY P Y PP `��t�.
<br /> � � �;�k�+4a�i the other peesons prescdl�ed by applfcable!aw Atter the tlme reqWred by applicable law,Tc�stee shali gtve public .. .
<br /> � ;��`.' �tice o!sale to the persons end in t6e manuer preacn'leed by appltcable law 7tnstee,without demaad on 8orrower, � ��>��
<br /> ��°�`"�"" ahaU sell tlee Property at public auctlun to the hlgltest b9dder ot the time and p[aar and under the terms deslgnated in '
<br /> the aottce of sele in one or morc parcels end in any order ltustee deter�ines. Trustee may postpone sele oi all or a»y
<br />° • � 'i'�'""7��• .4 parcel of the Property by pubiic announoemeat at We time aad pl$oe a+f aay prevtously schedWed sale. Lender or its
<br /> � ' J-.1L.. .
<br /> ,�.'��� .G�. . Y'�'•.. .
<br /> • .�;:,, desi�uee may purchase the Property at auy sale.
<br /> `�<�_��, ' :;F.. Upan e+ccefpt of payment of t6e price bid,7t�ustee shnll deUver to the purchaser'Ilruytee's deed comveying the ?,���
<br /> r:-:•�� ; Property. 'fhe recitats In the 71 ustee's deed shaq be prime facie ev[dence of the hro�tfi oY the statements made therefn. ��;,,
<br /> � • � �. . 'ilrustee shall apply tlte proceeds of the sale in the foAowing order. (a)to nU costs and expeases of exercisln�tde power �;;.:
<br />_,, . _;�_.: .
<br /> .` .�::.�, • ' �.
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