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<br /> ° � �SlfiqMEPAT!D!�A�NTi lIIDER �'f� .
<br /> ' '"HI9 ASStaNMENY bF RENTS RIQER le m�rfe and exMautad thfe_Z7TF�--d�y af JuIUE ,1�9A.r,�nd(�
<br /> . .�,�.,.� � Incorporate�Into and ehd11 be deemed to amertd end euppiert�ant Ihe Mortp�Qs or Osrd of Trust,h�relndter retured t���ths
<br /> — - — ��8eeurity Inatryment", of the aame d�te gtvAn by the undetslpn�d,hereln�ftsr retensd ta ps th�"8arrowor",ta s�aura
<br /> � �� �� Bortow�r'�i in��bt�dn���,h�nlnrlter�efer�ed to�e ths"Not�"�to hlOME FEDERAI.SAVINOt�AND LC3AN ABSOCtATlON OF
<br /> — ' � CiRANOISLANp.her�inafter r�ta���d to se the���Lendsr",of ths sams date�nd coverinfl th�prop��4y ds�orlb�d In th�Srourity
<br /> --- I�st►um�nt rnd to��ted d:
<br /> ---
<br /> _ — --._�
<br /> �_-.
<br /> (Propaty A tlewaa) - `
<br /> W1tNE83@TH:
<br /> WHERFA8, Ha►►owsr and Lendet have ap�eed that eny�ente and protite attributtbfe to the property ehouid con�tituts
<br /> � addittonat eaeurity ta tha Lender tor the peyment ot the Note;
<br /> '°;s,}� NOW,THEREFOR�,tt la agreed that the Seauriry Instrument ehall b�amended h�roby�nd deemed to tnatude the tollowing �—T
<br /> prorisidna: �
<br /> -/'�' 1. Auelanmant of Rep�and Lendar Rentat Goliaetton Ria ts.6otrower heroby absolutety and unconditlantily+�snigns aii
<br /> rente, leeues and profita of the property to 8eneflotary. Lender shetl have the NOht, power and authority durinp the
<br /> n r iits of the ro a nnd ot an pereonai property
<br /> aontinu�nce ot the Seaurity Inetrument to colleot the rente,ieaues a d p o p p �'tY !►
<br /> loaated thereon with or without takinp poaseasl��ot the property attectad hereby.Lender,however. hereby conaents to
<br /> 8otmwec'a coileotlon end retentt�nn of euoh rents,issuea and protita as they aaarue and become payabte.eo lonp as Borrower
<br /> tC:E°;;' e� le not,at euah time,In defautt wlth reapeot to payment of any Indebtedness seaured hereby,or ih Ihe per/orr�anoa ot eny �
<br /> apreement hereunder.
<br /> . - x. A o�olntm_ept of RecelYer, If any event of defavit in respeot to the Seourlty InsQrument ehall have ocaurred and be __
<br /> continulnp, Lender,as a matter of rlpht and without notice to 8orrower or anyone olaimirtg under Honower, and wfthout
<br /> +:`�, repard to the vatue of the trust estate or the lnterest af the Borrower therein,ehaH have the�Ight to appty to 8ny.00u�t having _-
<br /> ,. �„,.
<br /> Jurfsdlatlon tc appotnt e reaelver of the property. --�-
<br /> 3, gJaht to Poaseselon.ln case of default in the payment of the eaid pN�olpai Note or interest,or any part thereof,as tt ��
<br /> ' ehalt muture,or in the ease of tai�ure to keep or pertorm any of the caieaents or agreemente contained In the Seeurlty Instru• ---
<br /> '�"�= ' ment, then the Lender, Its sucaeasoro or esoigns, shall be and is hereby authorized and empowered to take Immediate
<br /> � ar%.��s•. posaeaelon of the said premisea therein desoribed and to colleat the rents thereirom,and to appiy the proceeds thereof to the
<br /> ,?,.� g t:'�
<br /> ,�,���..,��.,,, payment of the Note.
<br /> - �i. goniiaati oi Fieritn.ieaubs and Fraiiis.Ali rants aa!ls�isd by Losidor ar!As sscslssr shell!as eQp!!�s! flre*��ayment �:._
<br /> Y���-��'�+�� of tha costa of managembnt of the property end coltectlo�of rents,tnotuding,but not Iimited to,rocelver's teea,premtums on �
<br /> �€�tz,i•,+�.�•�.c, �
<br /> ' � ��,.<;:,. �•�,.,,•, . reaeiver'a bonds and reasonable attomey e fees,and then to the sums eeoured by the Seourlty inetrumant.Lender and the
<br /> ''"J� '��,'���'s`;:t�!�.,. ' reoelver shalt be Ilable to account on{y tvr those�ente actuatly received.
<br /> ..r ,•;,..< <.,,�_.
<br /> - � . �-�''°�"'`� 5, cnnstruetion ct Provlsrona.Eaob of the provislons contalned In thia Assignment of Rents Rider and the Seourity Instru- �..,.�=
<br /> 'f kti'��k���� � ment shall,unlea8 othenvise s0eo�floaliy required, be conatrued !n aaco�dance with Nebraska lav►, and fn the event any ��;
<br /> ' ...:. ,'�.;:•it-.°r.�.
<br /> ti -:...;-:�•.• - •• • provision herein or thereln contalned ehall be dete►mined by a coun o f competen t Jur is d lo t lon to be unen forc e a b l e,t h e s a m e �'�
<br />-_ '"`�9��`��`"4"`''�"'� shati be aonst►ue�d as though such unenforaeabie provlslon were�ot a part hereof or thereof. � �
<br /> E•t..�-
<br /> . '^.�,;ct#'��_«�ft,�. rn;;,
<br /> - '�*.�+�::+ •
<br /> g, �Hect of Ridsr.Eaccept as epeciticalty modifted by or Inconalstent with thie Asaignment of Rente Fifderor by any other ��'��
<br /> _ �'K.�.�^•.��.�.�:.�� appltcable rider,atl ot tho terms and provisiona contained In the Seourity I�strumertt sha�i continue in full torce and effeot. '�`4
<br /> • � '�..,.� 5�
<br /> '� ����'"��'��"'�`�� tN WITNESS WNEREOF, Borrower has exeauted this Asatgnment of Rente Rider on the date fl�st noted above.
<br /> , �,H. .
<br /> , c•£ . • r-
<br />. �;�.-' t:�°o'�i.�l",�'1°c;':.�, .
<br /> '`;, .�!f'!;d:+r'�ls�' KE ETH E NILLI 4�wer ,
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<br /> �•J��ti�t��+ , �'n . t'-
<br /> ' � �° �f RAmONA R HILLI���ower �-�'
<br /> :� �.:.1 ':.' . ,
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<br /> ``�� �'�'��-'- � � 3TArE OF NEBRASKA)
<br /> � . � (88: 5�-'I.
<br /> ,'�� ��-.. ,-.. � COUNIY OF HAIL )
<br /> ti, y • h ry ''
<br /> , ,}K,,��.._ , ';:� On this 2?TM dayof 7UNE ,� 99 4 ,�efotLLYeG�58�N�Q Rl��A R�F�ILLIGASaui�-�US8�N0 sloned and �� �>
<br /> ��r; •;�,:. • quali4ted for eaid county,pe�sona�ly oame NNE1"H Hi
<br /> ;�,,,�� : AND WIFE ,to bo the Ider►tiaal persoM8)w�se name(s)Islare subscribetl
<br /> • =��;'c`���,; � to the toregoing Instrument,and helshefthey acknowiedge the executlon thereof to be hielherltheir voluntary act and d e e d. •,;,};:
<br /> ,,.�.s... _ �i;:...
<br /> � -'�� '' GRAND ISLANO, NEBRASKA �
<br /> � -°. • • Wltness my hand and Notariat Seai at
<br />�_. ��``�� :,���'� . said county,the dat tor id.
<br /> ,�;;t��``',�-�'�,. �.' f�MEMtNOT�Rt,SbttdN�isMa
<br /> , �;.., :.. ..
<br /> � BARRYti.SANDSTRbM Notary Publie
<br />_»� ��'y � 11y0a�na�lu .1997 . I
<br /> �"�:�� - • - i My Commtsslan szplrsa: • • � 3G
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