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<br /> ca�denmeil�a�or wl�er taking oY any pArt of the Aroperty.or for convcyuncc in I�cu�f cattde2�iiatlon.arc hercUy�ssi�rcd und
<br /> ehali be palA cn L.endcr.
<br /> In ehe event oP n twal tRking of ths Pmperty. sho procec�a ahall bo uppli�d t:a the sums secuKQ by this 4ecueity
<br /> Ins�nrment,vdrhether�r nd rhen due.with any exctss pald tn Borrower. In the event af n partte!talcing of the Prc�erty in �
<br /> which the f+�ir msukct v�luo ot the Pmpeny immedlatdy befnrc tfio tnking ix equal ta or grrater than thc amount of thc eums
<br /> r,ecured 6y th[A Secui�ity Inatrumrnt imme�liately befcrte the tuking,unless Borrow�r wx!Lender otherwiso agree in wdtlag.
<br /> - �_=—=_--=-_----�w-, the sums srcurcd by tEd.v Security►nyt�t�m�nt�hn11 t,e reduced by tho amourt oi the proceeda muldpltrd b,y tiio fallowing
<br /> fraction: (�3 the tatol lum►um of tho suma tsecurcd imm�iateiy befbre the tektng,d ivided by(b)the feir market value of thc `
<br /> Praperty Immediuuly beforo thc taking. Any balance shall be patd w 8orrower. In thc event of n Qarti�l taking of the
<br /> Property in which thc fair mo�ket vaiue of ti�e Property immediutely befor�e the Wcing ie tegs than the nmaunt of the sums
<br /> --- — - sccurcd Im�nediately before the taking. unless BoRO�vcr and Lcndet otherwise agrce In wdHng or unless applicable law
<br /> - — cv�herwlse provldea the proceedR shnil be applIed to th¢sums secumd by thia Security in�uument whether or not tha sums ave
<br /> -_ —_ — - tEcca due. _
<br />— �-- If tha Ponperry[s ahundoned by Ho�ro�ver.or If.after aotico by Lender ro Hormwer that the condemnor of�'ets to make _ _ _
<br /> _,. --_ sn award or s?tt!e e elalm for d�x+we�+,Rnrnnwr.r fails ta respand to Lender withtn 30 days aftec the date the notIce is glven.
<br /> - — L.ender is nuthorized to collect uncl npply the proceecl��at its option.e[ther w restoration or repaIr of the Pinperty or to the
<br />_� sums secured by thG�Secur�ty insuumenti whathcr or not then due.
<br /> :o� Unless L,ender and Bor�ower othenvise agree in writing.any npplicudon of proceeds to prIncipal shnll not extend or —
<br /> _ poslpone the d¢e date of the monthly payments referred to in parographs 1 snd 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> `=-� 11. Borrower Not Rtl�sed; �orbearartce Sy I.ender Not a Waiver. Eatension of the ttme for payrttent or
<br />��� modificadon uf amort�Zntlon of the sums secured by rhis Securtty Inauument granteA by Lender to eny success4r tn interest
<br /> y��. of Bmrower shail not operate to release the linbiiity of the o�3ginut Bureowee ot 6orrower's sacxssors in irtt�st.Leeder --
<br /> shull not be required to commence proceedings abainst any successor in interest or�efuse to extend time for payment or _
<br /> - ottterwise modify emortization of thc sums secured by this Securiry Insdvment by neason of any demand made by the orfginnl
<br /> Bocmwer or Borrower�a successots in interest Any forbeumnce by Lender in exereisin�any nght or c+�medy shall not be a
<br />-:° wuiver of or preclude the exercisa of au�y right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Successors und AssEgns Botsnd;Jolnt and Several Lfebility;Casigners. 'Ihe covenants and$�reemenu of this
<br /> Security Instnunent shall bind and benefit the successors and Assjgns of I.ender and Borrower.subject tu the provisions of
<br /> pwagraph 1'7.Borrower's covenant�su►d�greements shall he joint um�i several.Any Borrower who cas��ns this Security
<br /> Instnsment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to mortsage.grant und convey thAt
<br /> Borrower�s interest in the Piroperty under the terms of this Securiry Instrument; (b)is not personaQy obligated to pay the sums
<br /> secw+ed by this Security Insm�ment;and(c)agrees that Lender iutd Any other Borrower may agee to extend.modify,forbeaz
<br /> - or make any accommalatIo�whh regard to the terms of this Security Insaument or the Note without that Borrower�s
<br /> " - ------ - conseni.
<br /> ' � 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security Insdument is subject to a law which sets maaimum ioan °
<br /> };, � churges.and thut law is Finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges colLected or to ba collected in connecuon
<br /> with the loan exceed the pe�mitted IimIts,then: (a)any such loan chnrge shnll be c�educed by the amount necessa�y to reduce __
<br /> the charge to the peirnitted limit;and(b)uny sums already collected from Bornawer which eaceeded pecm[tted limfus will be
<br /> � refunded to�omower. L.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the prirtcipal owed under the Note or by making a _
<br />"�•`' ,� direct payment to Borrower. If A refund reduces principal,the reducdon will be veated as a partiW prepayment without any _
<br /> . prepayment charge under thc Note.
<br /> , 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instn�ment shall be given by delivering it or by -;
<br /> a mailin�it by first dass mail unless applicable luw requires use of unother method.T'he notice shall be directed to tlte Propetty e�m-�_
<br /> Address or any other�dd�ess Bomower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by f rst cluss r�-_
<br /> ',; maii to Ler►der§addnexs stated herein or any other addness Lender desjgnates by notice to Borrower. Arty noace provided for ��
<br /> ° ���` in this Security instnunent shail be deemed to have 6een given to Bomower or Lender when given as provided in th(s ����
<br /> �.�-
<br /> P��Ph• �::.
<br /> 15. Governing I,sw; SeverabUtty. This Securlty Instrument shall be govemed by federnl law and the!aw of the °g`'
<br /> . -• Ih�Y%.:
<br /> ` jwlsdiction in whkh the Property is locuted. In the event thot any provision or clause uf thts Security Instrument or the Note °,,.�
<br /> c conflicts with npplicable law.such conflict shull not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which cun
<br /> '"��"�• '�,• be given effect without the wnflicting provisIon. 'Ib this end the provisions of this Security Insaument and the Note are �=
<br />` u=��;� declared to be severable. s. ,.
<br /> :�>•
<br /> ���.':": ;;',S�: 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shnit be given one conformed copy of the l�ote nnd of thls Security Inswment.
<br /> �1a ...;� . • ,, 1 7. '1 1 r a n s t e r o f i d e P r o p e r t y o r a B e n e fl c i a i[n t e m s t i n B o r r o w e r. I f a l l o r a n y p�r e o f t h e P r o p e c t y a r a n y i n t e r e s t i n ��r
<br /> :"'��'`�`- it is sold or transferred Qar if a beneficjal interest In Borrower is sold or trnnsfemed and Bomower is not u naturnl person)
<br /> � ��"�� ��;;;�} withoat Lender's prior wrltten consen�Lender may,at 1ts option.require imneediate payment in full of ull sums secured by "
<br /> ���� �i�',:'"�t��. this Security Insaument. However.this option shull not be exenised by Lender if excrcise is prohlbited by federal law as of
<br /> • �- •'"±- " the date of this Security Instiument.
<br /> � },�. .4.'_.� .�.
<br /> . If Lendee exercises this optIon,I.ender shall give Boirower natice of acceleration. 'Ihe notice shall provide u period of
<br /> ,.:;t �r;: not less than 30 days from the date the notice ts deliver�d or mailed within which Borrower mnst pay nll sums secured by this •
<br /> �� �^'e•:�'�' ,� : Security Instcument. (f Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiradort of this period. Lender muy invoke any
<br /> ._-�
<br /> • : `r;� �'�" `� remedies permitted by this Sesuriry insuument wlthout further notice or demand on Bomower.
<br /> ��� - ' 18. Borrower's Rtght to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditIons,Borrower shall have the right to have
<br />. �';�",rY ���::;:t� enfosicement of tt�is SecurIty Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (u)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> �"7����''��' 'C�j. Single Family--Panntc Mae/FYeddk Mas IJMFORM IN.S'fRUMENT--Uniform Covenantc 9190 fpaRt 4 nj6 ptfRes► �
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