- , ��,wS,�t�f�i�� ��Eqy�ixl:rc�T. , . ,r��� — ;r':;;,r'�� �
<br /> .... __
<br /> - RM�I. ,: . . _ __ .. .. ---
<br /> �rn+aw:�r++ .
<br /> �.� ' ����'''�� _ _ , .6d:�.:_.:�.:. -- ,.__.�.ti _ ___
<br /> . r��,� — . a-�-=--- -
<br /> _ ��� �����
<br />� _ g, p������.Trunter chell keeA the Proparty In aompllartas wltl�e11�{�pllaeble law�,Qrdlnsnc�i�►nd r�ut�t{an�
<br /> --- -- — r�taNnp ta taduot►t�t hyalRna or envlronmsnW p�otoction(�oftoattvaJy rntarred to ttnreln eo"(invltonm�r►tal Laws"►.'Ptuf��or�htil
<br /> kNp M�Frqpw4y Irw flom RII eubsUnc�t dwmed to t�hn�n�tou�ar toxto undsrtny�aviranmenul 4wa(cotNotiwly rshrnd 10
<br /> henln as Huardaus Matodale").7►ustor hont�y warrnnta nnd ro�rewnts to I.onder that there are no Huardow klxM►N�Is on a► -
<br /> --_ undr th�,P�op�rty.Tru�tor h�r�b�t a�r�a to ind�mnity��tf 4to1d hermta�s i.�nde�,its dlr�oton,af(ta�n.smpt�y�N�►nd�p�►ts.a�d
<br />_ :�:���� any eucaetsoro w t.�nder's Inte��st,from and��Inst any rnd�ali c4aim�,dam�p��u� ��Ut bh��THE F�0 01Nf� . _
<br /> �p p�QO�U��������tran�p�rt ot nny Hn�c�rdtn�n Metnrloln on, undor, _
<br /> t0. Aaqnmmt d R�nb.T�ustor hereby aeslpna to l;andor tbr►�ente,insuoa and prolite oi the Proprrly;prevld�d ttu�t T�ior
<br /> �half,untll the oaaurreaae of an Event ot Default heroundat�hava tho�pht t�aolleat and rotaln euch ront�,la�uw and proflb u tt»y
<br />�� ��� beeoms due nrtd paynBlo.Upon ths ocour�enca ot an�vant of Dotault,l.onder may,oithor in ps�on or by�p�nt,whh or wtthout
<br /> brinptn�an�aattan or procaedirtq.or by a roeef�er appr�lntod by a aouA and wlthout ropnrd to the adequaey oP tts s�curity.�nbr
<br /> " - upan and Mko gasaeaelare af the P�operty,ar any paA tharaot�in its own neme or In tho nnme of the Troste�,�nd do any at�s which it
<br /> - . � ��a����ry��u��r����•�yt�evatue,maricMabfllryorrentabilfhrofthaProperty.oramrparNtiaraotorinfprs�ttbsroin.
<br />_� � �'�';f�`' Increase the lrtaoma therehom or proteat iha seaurity horoo!and.with or wilhout taking poaseeelon ot the Fropsny►,aw toc or
<br /> J ..����.;,� .. � othnrvvi�a aot►Qat the rente,tssuos and profla thereat,ieoludin8�oae paet duo and unpa�d,and eppty the eams,��es eats�
<br /> ;'s::�r.:;r r�,;;.F �x�enoea af.oRocaUon and aolteetlon tneiuding attorneya'fees,upon any Indobtadnono aeeurod horeby,a�i ln eucb order ao tme�der
<br /> � �'*`�°'�r`���. may determirto.The entering upo�and taking qaesaoolan of the Proporty+.the colleation of auaA�ents,tasues and profit�andMo
<br /> ' :`�'�+;�:��� • �
<br /> � ,.,, appticatlon thereof as abresaid ahait not cure or waive eny datault or notice ot defau�t horeunder or�nvalidats any act dons Ire
<br />" •'�•'�'�"'"'� •• responaetosuabdetauttorpureuaMtosuahnotiaeoidetsultend,notwlthstandingthecorninuanceinpoasesalonoltAsProperlyor
<br /> :¢',,&.-e�rc- n
<br /> � -`;_�-�=;•;�,°".;:; the coilaadon,receiRt and epDlicadon ot ranta isaues ar qrofite�and Tiustee and I.sndor shell•be eMiUed to exeralas avsry rF�ht
<br /> � '�°' providediorinanyottheLoanOxumentsarbylawupnno�aurrenceotany�ventofDafau�.includ(rtgwltiioultfnit�4tanthar�pMto - -
<br /> .:,; �,>�'fi�'.':�����:�.'';'d exerciae the Qower of eale.Further,Lender's rtghte and remedies under this parsp�aph shall be cumu�aUve with,and in no way s
<br /> 's ' ' Ifmitatlonon,Lender'srightsandromediesundaranyenalgnmentofleasesandrentarecoNedaAainsttheProperiy.Lander.7'�
<br /> ^ .Y�r.�,:;.�;;F`:,:=' and the reCeive�shatl be itebte to eccount onty Mos�renta actually recelved. ---
<br /> -��:�'- •-. � . 11. EvaMs ct O�hut�The following shall conatitute an�vent o!Oa}autt under this Oeed ot Truax _
<br /> ;��r,.,� ,�� �.' (a) Faiture to PaY any Inatatiment ot prinaipal or Interest oi any other sum secured hereby when dae:
<br /> ,�,.,; • (b) AbreachofordefaultunderanyprovfsionoonteinodintheNote,tbiaDeedefTn�et,anyottheLoanQocumenle.orany �
<br /> �t:��,�; _..•,�,� :� , other Iten or enaumbranae upon t h e P r o p e r t v; ^
<br />�}!.. • (a) A writ ot exeaudon or attaohment or any eimilar process shall be entered agatnst Trustor which shalt bacome a Ilen on
<br /> � the Prape�ty or any pordon thereot or Intereat thereln; r'��'`
<br /> ,...• :;�;;;.;..�:. � �--
<br />�f' � (d) There shali be Nied by or againot Trustor or Borrower an aodon under any present or tuture tederal,state or other �,
<br /> :.,_ '
<br />` ' • ", etatute.�aw or reguladon relaUng to bank►uptay.inaofvency or other rallof ta debtors;or there ahali be appoiMad any trustee. ��v
<br /> _ ',,. � _ ., roQeiYer or ilquidator ot Trustor or Bor�ower or o!a�l or any part ot the Propeny.or the renta,isaues or prottts thereof,drTrustor y
<br /> _ <- ° ��
<br /> �'"r�'�• '� ` or Borrower ehai�meke any genera l aes ignment tar ihn 8eeai{t at crsditars; -�
<br /> ''����`�'�`�"" � " (g) The,eate,transter,Iease,aesi9nment,aonveyance or further encumbrance of atl or any part ot or any intereat in the _ _
<br /> ,.:�%'� -
<br /> � • ' %:;�°:v� P�apeAy,efther votuntariiy or involun�rity,without the expreas written cobsent of Lender,provided that Ttustor shail be
<br /> t,.;•�;
<br />-,�, , '" '•::'�4 permitted ta execute a lease ot the Propsrty ihat doee not contain an opUon to purchaee and the Lorm of which doss not exc�ed ;s�;,
<br /> • �.., , "�.,.=.
<br /> _ ;�. one year, "-'�'.
<br /> (q Abandonment of the Propedy;or �
<br /> '�� ••,• (g) If Trustor fs not an indivtdus�,the lasuanae,saie,traneter,aealgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than atotai ,�`
<br />_�; _ � . . � .�; pf,��percent of(It a corporation)its lasued aod outatsnding atook or(If a partnerehip)a tota�of percent of
<br />-ii � pgrtnerehip Interesta d�fring the pedo�this Oeed ot T�ust remaina a Iien on the Property.
<br /> . ���..�..�:. � � ` 12.Rsmedf�a;AccN�ratlon Upon Dsln+H.ln the event o!any Event ot�etault l.ender may,without notice except as requtred by
<br /> � law,dealsre all Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shalt thereupon become due and payeble .
<br /> �ti ; ' • • • wtthout any preaentment,demand,protest or�otlne ot any Idnd.Thereatter Lender m�ay.
<br />-. •"r;.r: �. ;' , , . (�) Qemand that Trustee exercise the POWgR OF 3ALE granted herein,Ar�d Trustee ahall thereatter cause Trustor's ;�
<br /> ��;�,__,.. �,� ':,;•; • interost In the P�ope�ty to be aoid and the proaeeds to be dieMbuted,all i�the manner provided In the Nebraska Truat Deeds .
<br /> , ,1;,} A�k
<br /> , ,. ... •�• • �:� Sl��
<br /> (b3 �xarc{seanyandalt►ightsproy3dadforinanyottheLoanOocumentaorbytawuponoccurrertceotanyEventaf� au t;
<br /> . . , � and ,,:.
<br /> � (o) Commence an actlon to foreclose this Oaed ot'frust as a mortgaga,appoint a receiver,or specfflcatty enlorce any otthe '�i,r
<br /> `'° " aovenants heroof. i;�.,�•`
<br /> ; ';t; • ;,.. No romedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Truatse or Lender Is intended to be exolusive of any other remody herein,ln1Ven
<br /> � ` ''�`r� Loan Qocuments or by!aw provided or pa�nitted,but eaah aha�t be cuttnnlative,shatl be in addiHon to every other remedy g
<br />'�°� • �� " ''�"c�`��;� hereunder�in the Loan Oxumenta or aow or hereatter exlating at taw oc i�equ ity or by statute,and may be exercised concurrentty,
<br />-. a . .. .
<br />- ��• :�, •° independently or successlvety.
<br /> ,,s�J.. , �,,��
<br /> ,�.;� . tg.Tru�t�t,The Trustee may reslg�et any tfine without cause,and Lendar may et any time and wlthout cause appolnt a �•;
<br /> ,� ..l g't��;,,� I•r":•
<br /> rr suaaesaor or substitute Trustee.Trustee shall not ba ilabte to any party.lnaludl�g without Ilmitatfon lender.Borrower,Trustor orany �;. .,.••
<br /> ��''� �' � purahaser of tNe Properly,tor any loss or demage unieas due to recklesa or wll itul misconduot,and ahali not be►equired to takeany y;:;:,
<br /> .:,; �". .,
<br /> ,{�;�°; , ':��' BCUOn in aonnection with the enforcement af this Oeed o!Trust unless Indemn8led,in writing,tor aN coste.componsation or
<br /> � � expenses which may be aosoalated therewith.ln addltion,Truatee may become a puraheser at any sale of tlie Property Qudiclat or
<br /> ;.r�;,. � under the power of eale granted herein);postpone the sale oi ali or any portlon ot the Property,as provtded by law;or seil the `,
<br /> ,��!:, Property as a whote,or In aeparate parcels or lots at Truetee's dtscretlon. �
<br /> ,,,,.
<br /> i �'�'•',,;. 14. Faas aed Exp�mes.in the event Trustee sell9 the Properiy by exeral ae o!power o!sale,Trustee ahall be eMltled to apply ;.�,i
<br />_ ' 1 t:.,��. ,. ' ..
<br />- ,,,,: any sa�e proceeda Nrst to payment ot ail coats and expenaes ot exerolsing porver ot sate,inc�uding all Trustee's feas,and Lender's ;c-:;:•�
<br />� �` �'t�`�' and Tivetee's t►ttarney's tees�aatua�tY InCUrred to extent pemnitted by applicebfe Iaw.ln the event Borrower or Trustor exercises aTy f
<br /> '� '„ '; "��'` ri ht rovldet0 by I�iw ta aare an Event of Detauit,Lender ehail be er�Uotl to�eoover from Trustor all costs artd expensea actua4�y !,���
<br /> s, � .,•;,,�, � p .
<br /> - ,�,s�},:i?,. incun�t d a s a re s u l t o 4 T r u e t o r's def8ul t,Includin g without 1{mitatlon atl Truatee's and a8omey's foas,to the extent permitted by �.,,1.
<br /> ,�.:.i': • applitsabte 18w. '
<br /> �.ir;•�..
<br /> �'�i ,,,1�_'. 16. Rutu�Y Adrant�.U,DOn request ot Borrower,Lender may,at ita opNon,make addiriona{and future advances and re• '�;';1�-
<br /> �Y .. ' advanaes to Borrower.SucO advancesand readvanaes,wlth interest thareon,shatl ba sacured by this Oeed ot Trust At no Ume ehali
<br /> �,, . •�`����' the pdnalpal amount of the Indebtedness 9ecured by this Doed ot Tn�st,�ot inoludin aums advanced to protoct the security of thia ; •� �
<br /> ___�_�___ na�t ot T.ust exaeed the orlginal p►Inctpai amount stated herein,or S 0•0 whichever ia greator. I
<br /> _ --t �----_ ____
<br />