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<br />- � '-�bM���:„•� ,�ti�� ° �EED OF 4RtJ�T WITN FIlTURE ADVANCE� -�-----
<br />- ' • ` ' :" .�` ��.L=,__..[:......t._'_`',.
<br /> � THI8 DEED OF TRUST,la made e�of tho�.�i day of June �99�.�,by an�amcnn ��_-_:�.�:___
<br />� ' '��.'�a:.��;-cz�..4 —
<br />- ,�x�>•• � thd Tiuttor. Visg�aie L. Avala. rs married pereon and Earictue AyalA. her huabaad
<br /> �
<br /> • � "�,-,a ;• ,-., " 688 6 -�._-- --
<br />�` � �'�„ whos�mailinp addr�tf Is 2418 W. Phoani.x. Grand Za9.aad_L�,� Q,3_..,2�rstn"T►ustor;'whaMer ons or mo�e), — -
<br />- F . ... ...`. , tM Truetb, �-` -
<br /> �'1�°a c�i.T��°.o YQIi11R• A �@t!L'88�C$ CiOYPOP8SG�0Y1 � `
<br /> � r�l'�°".�"��'�r°�''°`` -- —
<br /> � '° � whos�m�IUnpaddrsuta p•O. Box 1507, Grand Ielaud, NE 68802-1507 (herein°Trustee'�,artd v=—
<br /> �� �=''���---
<br /> :ti. , �,a tfie Bsrteflcl�ry Bive Poiate Bank _ � �'—�----
<br />_ �ti.,�� ° �� whoae meilinp addreu Is �.^��s��'�'��'A�� Gran siaad NI& 68802- 507 (hereln"tsnder�. ��t;;�;�,�-°=_=---
<br /> -- . � FOR VALUABIH CONSlDHFUTION,inotudtnp�enaer'e extenaion of aredit identii►ed herein to �ir�iais L. Ave1e and �'-�= ___= �
<br /> � �__.,_..,�.�,d��
<br /> '/ � . ' Enri ue A ala °�.��.�,�M-
<br /> ,,. 4 y (herel�'Bor�ower".whother one or moro)and the trust heteln armabed, ,, .�,�_,:_„�a,�,�__
<br /> � ' the�ecslpt o}which Is hereby aoknowtedged,Truator hereby I��avocably granta.transtere,corneys end asslgns to Trustee,IN �". ' _
<br /> „ TRUBT,WITFiPOWEROFSALE.tortt►ebenefltsndseaurlryofLonder.underandaubjecttothett�rmsendcondidonsherefnatterset ':t, !�,:,4�y�;;_=;_____
<br /> �.. ,. torth.ths nfal property,deacrlbed+�totiowa ; �::. ---
<br /> ^�,';,_
<br /> �_ ,: .. . �.",�_°•'��
<br /> , The Esat Thirty-thsee feet (E33') of Lot Twenty-one (21) aad the Hest Forty-oae feet ;
<br /> (N41') of Lot 1�►enty-1"wo (22), Block Ten (10, Parkhill Third Subdivision, Grand �� `�'�"
<br /> , . - -- --
<br /> � Island, 8a11 County� Nebraeka. '�, ��'�""r:'�`;*°;:s�:::
<br /> h. Yopether with aN buildinps.lmprovemente,8xtures,streets. alleye,pasea9eways,easementn,righta.pdviteges and appurte- , .,,;:t;TM-_�_
<br /> � " • nances�xated ihereon or in anywise pertaining thereto,and the renm,isaues and proftts,reverslons and remaindere thereof,and n•• . ..
<br /> suoh peraonal pvoperry that fe atfached to the improvementa eo es to conatltute a tixture,inc�uding,but not Qmited to,heatlng and ,
<br /> .;� •'°' coolin ul menxand ���'� `,Y�`j
<br /> p eq p together with the homestead or madtal fntereste,if any,whfch intereats are hereby reteased and waived;a�l , .�i-•.
<br /> � ' of whloh,inotudinp replacementsand addidons thereto,is hereby deolared to be a paR otthe real esmte secured by the ilen ot thia � ;�,;
<br /> Oeod of Truat and a!1 of the torepoing being referred to herein as the"Properiy". � ''"�� �'�f -
<br /> ,�,, .
<br /> � � Thts Oeed of Trust shall secure Se)the payment of the prinolpal sum and interest evidenced by a promiseory note or credit , � �'.,.�.-.
<br /> ' .
<br /> June 29tb, 1994 July 4, 1997 , � '
<br />== 8gt�ssl�s!!d8ted .heYin�g awturity date ot _
<br /> ( _ = ,:.,,—Yli ��,..
<br /> in the original p�inatpal amount of$��52�-a� - ,and any and all modiffcaUons,extensions and renewals '•"' ;; ;
<br /> „ thereot or thereto end any end ell future advances and resdvences to Bor�ower(or any o!them if more than one)doreunder . ,. .
<br /> ° pursuant to one or more promissory�otea or oredit agreements(hereln aalled"Note'�;(b)the payment of other oums advanced by ,.. �� •
<br /> . Lender to proteot the eecurity of the Note;(c)th9 peAormanco of ell covenanta and agreemente of Trustor set forth herein;and(d)a�l :
<br /> .� present end future indebtedeess and obllgaUOns ot 8onower(or eny of them if more than one)to Lender whether dtreat,tndlrect, � �,"'E .
<br /> � abao�ute or contingent and whether a�ising by eo4e.guaranty,overdraR or otAerniae.Yhe Note.this Oeed of Truat and any and ail %�_'.'-t �
<br /> ° ' , other docuents thet seaure the Note or otherwise executed In conneation therewith,including without Iimitadon guarantees,socurtty � ., �'�`�� �
<br /> �� agreements and assignments of leases and rents.shalt be reterred to herein as the"Loan Dacuments". ,`��.,;:�';;;����
<br /> •; .;• T�ustor covenanls and agreea with Londer ea foltow9: ' r
<br /> ° 1. Payn�t of indN�tMnp�.A��Udebtednesa aecured hereby shalt be paid when due. . .
<br /> . 2.Titi�.T►ustor Is the owner of the Property,has the rfght and authority to convey the Property,a�d warranta thet the Ifen „ `;.��-
<br /> " created hereby le Q flrat and prior Ilen on the Property,except tor Ilens and encumbrancea set torth by Trustor in w�idng and
<br /> delivered to Lunder before executlon ot thts Oeed ot Truat and the exeauUon and deiivery ot this Oeed ot Trust does not vlotate any � ;; � '
<br /> , • contract or other obllgatlon to whlch TruaWr Ia aubjeat '% .
<br /> 3.Taxh,Aa�stm�nb.To pay betore detfnquency all taxes,spoolaf assesaments artd all other charges egalnat the Properiy " •• � .
<br /> now or hereafter lavied. '
<br /> '� 4. Irtsunnc�.Tokeep the Properly ineured against damsge byti�e,hezards Inciuded within the term"extended coverage",and
<br /> . ,. ���� such other hazaros as Lender may requfre,In amounts and with companies acceptable to Lender,namtng lenddr as an addidonal <,. , •
<br /> �� ',�s.i4''�t:: named Insured.wlth loss payable to the Lender.In case of Ioss under such poticles,the Lende�is authorized to adjust,cotiect and , f;'
<br /> ' •�'.���!`�:• '� compromise,atl claims thereunder a�d shali have the optlon dappiying ali or part ot the insurance proceeda(1)to eny Indebtedneas � ''' ''
<br /> .. .'��::;��s• „� seaured hereby and in suoh order as Lender may determine.(Iq to the Trustor to be used tor the repairor restoratlon of the Property ,
<br /> � . . or(Iii)foranyotherpurposeorobjeatsadstactorytoLenderwithoutaNeodngthetlenotthisOeedotTrusttorthetuttamountseoured
<br /> • • hereby before such payment ever took place.Any app�tcatfon ot proceeda to indebtedness shail not ext�nd or postpone the due �
<br /> ' t� • date of any payrtrerds under the Note,or aure aoy default thereunder or hereunder. • .
<br /> ' •� S. Facrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shell pay to Lender,in suah manner as Lender may designate,suiflcient � �
<br /> � aums to enabie Lender to pay as they become due one or mo�e ot the tol lowing:(I)alt texea,aesessmenta and other charges againat
<br /> the Property,(II)the premlums on the propeHy insurance required hereunder,and(tll)the premlums on eny mortgage Inaurance I .
<br /> � �equired by Le�der.
<br /> i � ' , 8. Malnt�runw,R�palra and Complianee with Lawa Trustor ahall keep the Property in good condltlon end repair,ahait �
<br /> promptly �epafr,or replace any Improvement whloh may be damaged or desuoyed:shall not commit or permit any waste or �
<br /> � deterforadon o!the Property;shall not remove,demoUsh or subatanUaliy alter any ot the improvementa on the Ptoperty;shall not ,.
<br /> commit,suifer or pe�rmit any aat to be done in or upon the Property In vlolaUon ot eny taw,ordfna�ce,or regulallon;and ahall pay and �
<br /> � '�'.�,��-t�, � pronnpUy dtsoharge at TrustoPa coat and expenee all Itene, enaumb►ances and cherges Ievied,Imposed or aeseesed agafnst the '
<br /> - ,'``':` . ° PropBriy or any part thereof. •,�,�,,�`• .
<br /> •?�.;.��? �
<br /> . . 7. Bmin�nt Oaro�tln.Lender fa hereby assigned a��compensaGdn,awards,damages and other paymonts or reilef(hereinatter ''°' '
<br /> "Proceeds'�In connaction with condemnatlon or dt�er taking of the PropeRy or panthereof.a forconveyanea in Ileu ot condemna- � � '-�
<br /> t • � Uon.lender ehaii tre entlUed at Its option to comrn�nco,appear in and proseeute in ita own name sny actton or proceedings,snd ; '�';
<br /> : j. shall el5o bo entltled to make any compromise or settlemont In�onnciction w(tA such taking or damage.in the event any portlon o!
<br /> � �, ' the Property is so ffiIcen or damaped.Lender shatl have the op2Jon,In Ita soie and absotu4�dlsereUon,to appiy ait euch Pror.sads,
<br /> - - .. ��.��..�u..��• • �.�11 ww�V�wa�r ---iww���wn�llu�N Iw MA�IOINIA/�WIIIf OIY�Y�P/Mmf�Q unnn anv Indo6tednA96�iFiCLted :....._.._ . ..
<br /> -_ NWrWYVY��YN�V1�V���Y���rvY��Yt�vvl�pv���v�����rv��w�������v�....����.....�.���....�����.�r��.�.__.• . , . . . .
<br /> � � � hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,or to apply aA such Proceeds,atter euch deducdon0.to the restoratlon of the ;
<br /> • Property upon euch condlUons ea Lender may dote►mtno.Anyappllcadon ot Proceeds to Indebtednesa ahall not extond or postpone
<br /> the due date of any payments under the Note,or cure eny dafesult thereunder or hereunder.Any unappHed funds ehall be paid to
<br /> ` �, ' � . Trustor.
<br /> � 8. P�r4ortnann by L�nd�r.Upo�the oaaurrence ot an Event of Qeteutt hereunder,or It any act Is mken or�egat proceeding
<br /> `� �� commenced which meterieity atteots Lender's irttereat in the Property,Lender may(n It$owndiscreUOn,but without ob�igedon to do
<br /> ` so,and without nottce to or demand upon Trustor and wlthout releasing Trustor hom any obllgaUon,do any aat which Trustor has '
<br /> epreed but feila to do and may alto do any other aot it deeme�eceseary to proteet the security hereot.Trustor ahall,Immediatety
<br /> � upon demand Merator by Lender,pay to Lender ali costs and expenaes Incurred and suma expended by Lender In aonneoUon with •
<br /> the exercise by Lender of the foregol�g�Ighta,together wNh Interest thereon at the defauit rate provided i�the Note,which shalt be
<br /> added to the indebted�eas secured hereby. Lender ahall not fnaur any ilabllfty because of anything it may do cv omit to do
<br /> � hereunder.
<br /> �
<br /> .; �.
<br />