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<br /> (o) Forf�nmc�by L+�id�t Ne1 s W�.Any taib�araneo by Lendor In exarclsln9 any ripht ar reme�iy hePwundir,ar
<br /> �-----_--�-__� atherwls�etiorded by�ppllcabie tiw.�hatt not bs a watrer of or pr�ctuds the exerclia af nny eueh�fyht at r�mscy.Th�
<br /> _ prACUrement ot Inf�uranc�o►th�paymont oT tax�s ar othar Il�ns or charp�s by I.�ndet ahall ot01 be�waiv�r ot Lnrtd�r's r{pht!o
<br /> __ eccsterau the meeurHy oi tM IrrdM�Ma►nna e�cund by thl�Dad ot Trust
<br /> �d� Eu�r��d AtiMa+��a�JaMt snp 3w�M I,i�bYlly;Ca�Nlons.Ths coYen�nb end agnemsnb h�rNn cort-
<br /> b�in�d ahtll bind,and th��hb h�raundK ehail Inun M,fhe rKp�ctivo succNSOn and wlQnt of 1.Ntd«'�nd T�w1ot AI�
<br /> - ___-_—_---. ---.� aovanunu and a�rs�menia ot TrusW�ahaii be�olnt and earera�.Th�capUona and head[npa of ths para�raph�of thle Opd of
<br /> Trust�ro tur com�ni�ne�ony anctara not tu Da wed to intsrprst or dsflm ths A�Isiona fixeot , _
<br /> (e) Rpu�t tarllereN.TPN paRis�h�r�by nque�t that a cApy of any rtotic�of dMauit hereundK and a copy ot my notkt
<br /> -- ot aate heroundfr i�m�tled to w�b p�Pt�►to thto Oeed of T�uat at the addross eet toeM abovs in the manrtor pre�eribeel by
<br />- epptieable tew F.�ccpt tor any oMM r�tice required undar appifcable Iaw to be piven In artother martner,anr notl�e providad
<br /> tor tn thia Oeed of Trust thall be Ziren by mailirtp euch notice by certlffed mati addraaasd to the other parties,at ths addre�a sM
<br /> tarti�siszva.Aay natfca pravtd-.d far trt tM3 DcQC1 af Truat shall be eftactive upon mfliing in tAa manner desianated berairt.it .___
<br /> . _
<br /> Tru�or is mtiro than or+e person,�otice eertt to the addresa ast torth above ahall be rtodce to ali a�eb peraona
<br />=- _---- - (t� tn�.adr�n.lender mav matce or cauae►to be mada roaaanabte entrfes uport artd inspeatlons of the Propsrty,provtdod _ -
<br /> tt�s4 Lander aflelt gtve Truator notice prior to any such InapecUort apeciying reaaona0le causo theretor retated to Lendsr's
<br /> f^� fntereat tn the Propert�r.
<br /> Ir (g) Rrcaisrwae�.Upon pnyment of a0 euma secured by thta Oeed of Trust,Lertder ehRll requeat T►uatee to reconvey ths
<br /> ProARrty ttnd ehalt eurrender Mia Qeed of Tnist end nll rtotee evidencirtg indebtedneaa se<surod by this OesO of Trus!to Ttuat�e�.
<br /> Ttustee shettl reconray�tRe Property withaut warranty and without charge ta the peraon or peraona legatiy�nbtted thereto•
<br /> Trustor ahstl p�ey atl coets of recordatton,tt any.
<br /> (h) Pwsoml Prop�b=S�cutf�t A�twrtNnt As eddlUOns!eecurity(or the ps�rmet�C di the Note,Truator her6by graMa
<br /> l.ender under ttte Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code a security interest in ell ffxtures,equtpmenR and other peraonai properiy -
<br /> used in connnctlon with tl►e real eateta or fmprovemertta located thereon,and rtototherw(se�eclarad or daemedto be a Rart of
<br /> the real estato aeaund hereby.Thfa InetrumaM ahali be conabued e.a a 3eeurity Agreemertt urtder aaid C.�ode,and the Lender
<br /> ' ' shaU have ail tha ript�ts ertd rert�edtea of a secured parry under sefd Code irt additton to the rights and rom8dtea created under :
<br /> and accorded ths Lertder pureuant to thta Qeed a�Trua�provfded that Lencler's,►lghta artd remediea under thia parapraph ehalt
<br /> be cumulMi�o with.and in no wa/�limitaUon or+,Lender's dAhffi and remedles under any vther secudty agreem�t afpned by ____
<br /> f 8or►ower or 1lrustor.
<br /> (q Ums+u��Enemnbranc�s.7i�aisto►�ereby warrants and represerns that there Is no detauit under the proviaiona of any -_
<br /> ;.;4�` ` ; mortgage,dead of dust lease or purchase contract deacdbirtg all or any paR of the Property,or other cormac�inadvment or = _
<br /> epreement conaUtutlng e lien or encumbrance against ail or any pert of the Property(coltecNv�ly,"Uens"),existtrtg as of ttre �
<br /> ' r dato o!thle Daed ot T�uaL and that any artd a�t existtng Uena remein u�modifted except as disctosed to Lender in Truator'a F p
<br /> _ �;; A ' r � {` wdtten disclosure of tlens ertd encurnbrances pravlded for herein. Trustor shali dmely per(orm all of Trustor's obNgaUons, �
<br /> ��;�,�+7 �_r�'�.,, covenante,ropreaentaUOns aRd warramfes under any and all exisi8ng and tuture Uens,shati prompUy forward t o L e nder aoples =_
<br /> - of ali nottcon ot�tetaurcsent in connecaon w�th a�ry art�aii existing or fiuture Liens,unci isheii n�i witttaui Lstsd�s'a�slot�r�t �
<br /> �ti �b�'�', i�� cor�seM in any manner modify the prcvtsions of or allow arty future advancea under any exlsUng or future Liena. °--
<br /> �'yr�,�.,,. A icatloaMP l�.Unleseothenirisprequfredb �aw,sumspaidtoLenderhereunder,inoludingwithoutltmitatlon `°"�
<br /> ����"'�� paymsma o prtnc(pal an�d nterest insuranco pr�ceeda,condemnation procc�rads and rents and proflte.shait be apptied by ��u
<br /> , y�._,,�►��:�5�. 4�ender to tha amourns due artd owing ham Tnts:ar and Borrower In such order as Lender in ita sote discr�tlon deertea deatreblo. �;;,_,,.
<br /> _ � � .`s,),:�t�,.',•�,it. (k)8waraeWty.tf any proviei0n a}this Qeed ot Trust conHlcts with appltcabte law or is dealared invalid or otherwfae :._
<br /> .j�����;:°'{��,�Y��<, unanioraoable,suah conftict or in�ratldlty shall not aNeat the other provlsons ot this Osed ot Truat or the Note which can be �,
<br />_, - given ettecS withouttReconflictlng provieion,and to this end the prov{sions of4his Deed of Trustand the Note are declared to be I �
<br /> _ l..�<.'��'
<br /> , ;. , ;•.. aevarabie. •
<br /> .:,. '::•�;'�`"`` Q) Tams.The terms"Trus4or"and"Borrower"shall include both aingutar and ptu�ai,and when the T�ustor and Bonower
<br />- are the same person(a),those terma aa uaed i�this Oeedot Trust shail De+Merchangeabfe. ���� =
<br /> - � (m)QOV�ninp La�r.1'his Oeed of Trust shall be govemed by the lawa ot the State ot Neb eka �� =
<br /> . 1lruator hao oxecuted thls Oeed ot Tnest as ot the date wrkten e. �� � °
<br /> . - � �� � �,„,�=.
<br /> ; .M .�.. >:��, (Virgi ia L. Aqa ) T�r j�►
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