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<br /> ca�idemnm=pn orather tnlcing nf nny�nrt of th�Pri�perty.or fnr cnm�cynncx ln IIeu Rf crzndecnnatian,�re t�:reby nssigaed uncl
<br /> � ehx11 be paid to Lender. '
<br /> tn the event uf n tatal taking af�he('ru}w:ty,ti►e prurccc.ly shall lx;u��iie�l ro tt� sumv r;�ct�rrd by thl� S�urity
<br /> lnslrunxnt.whtiher or sed tlten duo. wlth any cxccss paid to 8orrowa. !e�thc�cvtnt af a�rtial taking o9 the Prap�etty In
<br /> which the fair mairicet value of the Properry immcdiutcly botore tho�n�Cing iw ccival to�r grcater thwn th�nmoueu oP the Kum+
<br /> sxu[ed by thiA Sxudty Insuumcnt immcdiwtely t+cfu�the taking,unless�Brxrawer und L.ender otherwixe wQrco itt writIn�.
<br /> the sums becured by this Securitp Instrument ah�ll be rcduced by th�nmcwnt of thc pnxeeds nxultiplied b the following
<br /> - �-- - - frr�lon: (u)thc to�l umgumt�vf►he at�m4 sec��re�i imm��int�ly M-for�-th�t�kin�,divldr�l hy(h)the feir mr���►vna�te nf�he
<br /> �. Praperty immedtauely beforo tho taking. Any balancc sh�ll bo paid to Borrowcr. ]n chc evcnt of u partl�l tAking of the
<br /> Property in whIch the fa6�markci value uf the Property immediasely before�1�c taking ls lcss than the umount of the sum9
<br /> r,ecur�d lmmedl�tely befan the ttilccing,unless Harrower n�st1 l.ender othemvise ngae in writing or unless applicable Iqw
<br /> athGrwlse p�vldes.�be prooeeda shnll Ix applied to ths sums secu�+ed bp thts Secudty Jnswment whether or not the sums aro
<br /> tluen duc.
<br /> —, If the Property is ubandoned by Borrower,or if,nfter notice by�.ender to Borrawer thAt the cundemnor offers to muke
<br /> - an award or scttic a clairr�for damAges,Bonower fs�ils to respand to L.ender wlthin 30 days sdler the dute the notice Is giveu. —
<br /> I.endcr is audtotized ro oollect and npply the procePds.at tts opt�on, elther to restoration or repalr of the Property or to the
<br /> �i' — sums secured by this Security Inst�umcn�whetf►et or rtat then duo.
<br /> Unless L,ender and Bomower aihenvise agree in writing.any a�Oplication of pmce�ds to prIncipal sh�ll not extend or
<br />_"' pastpone the due date of the monthly payments�efemed to in parngraphs 1 c�nd 2 ar chnnga the umount of such paym�nts.
<br />=;;. ; ll. Borrower Not Released; Forbesirance By Lertder Not a Watver. Extcnsion of the tIme for payment or
<br /> modifi��ution of amortiuttion of tha sums secur�ed by thia Security [nsmiment grnnted by Lender to any successor In inteeest
<br /> - uf Horrower shall not opemte to retesue 1ha Hubllity of the original Botrower or Borrower�successors i�[nteies�I.ender
<br /> - ��� shaU not ba �equIted ro commence proceedinss against any successor in interest or iefuse to excend time for payment or �
<br /> _ — otherwlse modify nmorti2�don of tlie sums secured by this Security Insmunent by reason of any demand made by the original
<br />:�: Borcawer or 8orrawer's successon i»interes� Any fa�rbeaxu�ce by Lender in exercisin�any r�ght or remedy shatl not be a
<br /> waiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br />- 12. Sttcoessors4nd Assfgn�Rounrl;Joint e�td�evera9l,lability;Co-si�ners. 71ee covenants and agreementc c►f thic .
<br /> ' � Security Insttumont shaU bind and benetit the successars artd us,signs of[.ender and Borrower.subject to the provisions of
<br />' ' parngrnph 17. Borrower's rnve�Ants pnd a�reements shall be joint und severi►I.Any Bonnwer who casigns this Security
<br /> Insuument bat does not exeruto the Noto: (n)is co-stgning this Seciuity lnstmment only to mortsage.grant and rnnvey that —
<br /> Boxower�intemst in the Property under the terms of this Securiry lnstyument; (b)is not personul[y obliguted to pay the sums —_
<br /> secured by this Securiry Insuument;und(a)ag�+ees thut Le�der and any other Borrower may usree to extend modify.forbear
<br />= or make any accommodadons wIth regnnd to the tetms of thiy Secutiry Inswment or the Note wlthout that Bomnwer's• __
<br /> consen�
<br /> .--_� l:i. I.aa4p Cher�CC. If ehe loan secured by this Security Inswment is subject to a law which seu maximum loan --
<br /> , � chacges.and that low is fi�ally inte�prieled so thaz tho interest or other loan charges collected or to be coAected in connection
<br /> with the loan exceed the pertnitted limtu;,then: (a):iny such losmn charge shall be redaced by the umount necessary to reduce
<br /> ' the charg6 to tha pem�lu�d lim.i�end(b)any sums silready collected f�um Bortower which exceeded pemuaed IimIts will be =
<br /> refunded to Bomower. Lender muy choose to m�lce this refund by redtacing the principal owed under the Note or by making u -
<br /> direct payment w Botrower. If a refu[ed r�educes principal,the m,duction will be treated as u partial prepayment without any =__
<br /> '� prepayment churge under the IVotc. `w?�;:
<br /> 14. Notfces. My nodce to Baimwer provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by deliverIng it or by ..;::.
<br /> - mailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The norice shall be directed to ttie Properry :
<br /> - Addmss or any athat addn� So•rowvr designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by fiist cluss
<br /> maii ta Lertder's addmss stated herein or any o�er addness L.ender desjgnates by notice to Borrower. Any nodce provided for
<br /> - in this Secwity instcument shall be dcemed to have been given to Botrower or Lender when given as provided in this '-
<br /> ii �
<br /> ` p IS Governi�sg Law;SeverabEllty. '(his Security Inswment shall be govemed by federal law and the law af the - -
<br /> ' � juriadiction in which the Properiy ie located. [n the event that any provision or clause of this SecurIry Inswment or the Note ''
<br /> rnnflicts with applicablo law,such eontlict shall not affect ather pravisions of this Security Instrument or the Note whieh run ` _
<br /> - be given effect wIthout the conflicting provision. 'Ib this ertd the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note an '
<br /> ° declaced to be severnblo.
<br /> " 16. Borrawer's Copr Rorcawer shall be given one confomied copy of the Note and of this Security Insdvment.
<br /> . 17. 7t�nafcr of t4e�Aroporty or a Betteficia!Interest in Barrower. If ull or any part of the Property or any interest in .
<br /> it is sald or tra�tsfernd(ar if n beneficial interest in Borrower 3s sold or vansfer�ed and Bpmower is not a naturul peison) .1
<br />= f '` without E.ender's prior written consen�Lender muy.ut its option, require immediate payment in full of all sums secumd by
<br />—° ` � thisi Secuex}•[nswanant. i{owever,this option shall not be exerclsed by Lender if exercise is prohlbited by federal law as of �
<br /> y�' . , the data of ttni�Securi�y Insmumant ,
<br /> �,� . If 4ettdtm exer�isrs thls option,I.ender shall�ive Bormwer nadce of accelemtion. 7'he rtodce shall provide a period of
<br /> �;. not•lass tltap�a0 days from the date the notice{s de(ivered or maileci within which Bormwer must p3y all sums secured by this
<br /> � � . SeCUri;,y.�L�stn�monL •If Barrower fails to pay these sums prior to the eapiration of this period.Lender may invoke any
<br /> - remedies permivad�by thi�Secwity Inswment wlthout further naice or demand on Bomower.
<br /> `'� , 18. Borr�wer's KigEt to Retnstate. If Boaower meecs certnen conditions, Borrower shatl have the right to have
<br /> er�forcemeat of tAis 5ecurtry Instrunent diswntinued at any tlme prior to the eadier of: (a)5 days(ar such other period ns '
<br /> Singte family--Fannk Mad�+eddk Mac 11N1FORA�!1NSTItUMENT—Unlfo�m Coveannts 9190 (paRe I oj6 paRtt)
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