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<br /> ' perlod,ihat l.ender rcquires. 7'ht insurance conier pmviding tho iiisa.rancs shall be citoxn by Barrorvcr suUject to f.,tsxier�
<br /> - � � appruvnl which shall rtot bc unrcasanably withhcld. if Hustowcr fAi[s to�ualrtialn�ov�ragi dcsctitr.�tt abovc.l,cttclaP uray.nt
<br /> "''�""'_�"�' . l.ender's optian.obtuin cavemgc to protect Lender�ri�ht9 in the Property in nccordattce with pn�graph 7.
<br /> � Ail In.sunu�►ce poUci�s and rcnew�ls shall be acceptablo to I.ender send ahall inelud�e a standard mortg+iga clkusc. Le�vder
<br /> � ' shell have the right to hold tfie policles and renewrals. lf I.�nder etquires,Horcower shail pmmptly glve to I.dnd�r rU�¢ctipks
<br /> i of patd premlums and renew�l not�ces. In the event nf lass,Hortnwer rJ��ll�ivo�Qrompt notIce to the in�uru�ce curler and
<br /> Lcnder. Lender may make proof of logs if not rnade promptly by Borrower.
<br /> - --- --= __— � � • Unit�s I.enctPr ered Hnrro�vee otherwlss ngrree in writing,insnrance�roceeds shail be s►pplIed to restoratlon ot rcpair of
<br /> the propecty damaged, iP the restoradon or npair ts ecanomtcaily feasibk �nd Lenderh secur(ry is not le3sened. If the
<br /> ; � rcstorntIon or repair is not economically feasihlo or Lender'x secur�ry woutd be lessencl� the insurance proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secu�d by this Security Instrument. wttetber or not then dvo,wiN an�y excess paid eo Borrower. iP
<br />-�.;; Botrower ubundons tbe Prnperty,or does not answer within 30 days u notFce from l.ender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> ��h°•�� offered to settle a claim.then l.ender may coilect the insurnnce proceods. l.ender may use ttre proceeds to npair or rcstare
<br /> -�'�: the Propeity or tn pay sums secumd by this Securiry Instruman�whether or not t�en duo. 7ho 30-day pedod wiU begin when
<br /> -_ tha nosice is given.
<br />='�;,• Unless Lender end Bormwer othenvise agtr,e in writing,any appUcudon,4f procoeds to principal shall aot exta�xl or
<br />- '� postpone the due data of the monthly payrtcents ceferned to in pamgruphs 1 and,Z or changa the wnount of ttie payments. If
<br /> � under para�mph 21 th�Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower�s right to 2ny.inswwtce policies and proceeds tesulting �
<br /> � from damage to the Prope►ty pdor to the acq�isitian shall pass to Lr.nder ro t3te�sxtent of the sums secured by thls Se�curity
<br /> ' Insmiment immodiately prtor to the acquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupansy, Preservsttioa, MAtulenance and Proteelton of lhe•�Property; BorroWer's I.osn Applicatlot�;
<br /> Le�se6oWa Borrowver sball cecup�.esta6iish,aad use the Property as Borrawerk principal residence withlu slZty days after
<br /> ,���• the execudan of this Securiry Insmuneas aztd shall contiaue to occupy the Pro�wty as 8omuwera�iclpui resideik�e for et -
<br /> least one year uftet We date of �xupancy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in wrlung, which consent shall not be
<br />-. , unreasona!►ly withheld.or unless eatenuadng circumstartces exist which an beyond Bo�wer's control. Bonower shall not
<br /> "�� " �4i���='' destroy.dnmage or impair the Property.aUow the f'roperty to deteriomte,ar cpmnnit weste an the Property. Borrower shall
<br /> be in default if any forfeiture ucdon or proceeding,whether civil or criminnl. is begun that in I.endtr's good faith judgment
<br /> . �..�e "- - - c�utd ccsuii ir► farfeiture of the Pmperty or ottieewise materially itupair d'�a Ge7 c,aatecS by thla Se�:urity Instrw��cut cn
<br /> .�;�:;;�„�;��y� � Lender�a secwity intecest Bomower may cure such a default and reiasmta.es provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action
<br /> •.: !:�:;�•.�s� �� •� or proceeding to be dlsaussed witn a ruling that, in Lender�s good faith dete�mntian.pmcludes forfeiture of the Borrower�s
<br /> �• � ,.
<br /> ?'��•;'�� •''�w'�` interest [n the Property or other mnterial impairment of the lien emated by this Securicy Instnuneat or I.ender�s security
<br /> � ..�..:,,sti�;, '•,•.;,.:,,; interes� Borrower shaU also be in defnult if Barrower.during the loan application p�oass, gave matedally falsc �ou
<br /> �''' �� • ' ' Inaccurnte infarmatlon or stutemenu to Lend�r(or failed to pruvido L.ender with any material inforniadon)in connection wilh
<br /> ��r 4�:�",,� ��• � ��� the loan evidsnced by the Note� includin�. but not limited to. repmsenmdons conceming Bomower�s occupancy of th�
<br /> -���;'-. '_ •'• Property ns u principaL residence. If this Security Instrument is on a leaseholcl.�onower ahall comply with all the provisions
<br /> •"�Y��''''''''"��� of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee Htle to the Propecty.the leasehold aztd�the fee ade shall not rrterge unless Lender agt+ees
<br /> '`;":�'� � .'� ,� c to the merger in writing.
<br /> •�+°��•��� ' � "`"' 7. Protection o!Lender's Right��n the Property. If Borrower faile ta perfoan tlse covenaats end agcceraeuCs
<br /> ` ` contained in this Security Inswmen� or there is a legttl proceeding that�may signifccantly affect Lender�s rights in�e
<br /> ' '' ''°}�`���'�' Property tsuch as a proceeding in bankn�ptcy.probate.for condemnation or fodeinu�or W e�force laws or reguladons�then
<br /> . �:,.. '• 'gli _, t111
<br /> — ' Leader m�y do and pay For whatever is necessary to protert the vulue cf the Proporty and Lender�s rights in the Praperty. -
<br /> ��'�"`• �.';t`�,'� Lender�s ucttons m,ay iz�clurte paying any sums secured by a lten which has prtority over this Securiry Instrtzsricnt,app�uting
<br />- ��F-'•� � ���`�i'.;�;• in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although I.ender may teke adEan
<br /> '- •'- � � `i :�':<'`�-_- under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not have to do so.
<br /> , �»Mh�';••:�;{��';�"��`�` Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parngraph 7 shall becoae�additional debt of Borrower secured by th'ss
<br /> -�� �"`.�<;''���'.•"r '�'' Securlty insuumenG Unless Borrower und Lender agree to Qther teans of paymant,these amounts shal!beur interest from the
<br /> ,; • �•,`;;�i`.'•��',. ' date of dtsbursement at 4he Note rate and sh�ll be payable,with intetest,upon aodce from Lertder to Bonower cequesting
<br /> _ .,.',;..,.. �.. ,; , paymenG
<br /> • ''` •' �' • 8. Mortgage Insurance. If[.ender requined mortgage lnsurance as a condiaon of making the loan secured by this
<br /> " ' ' � Security InstrumenG Borrower shall pay the premiums requimd to mainWn tha mortgage insurnnce in effec� [f,fot any
<br /> ' ` �• m.ason, the mortgnge insurance coveYage required by Lendur lapses or ceasea to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the
<br /> , , � , premiums required to obtain coverage subswntially equivulent to the mortgage insurunce previously in effect.at a cost
<br /> , . substaatiaily equivalent to the cost to Bomower of the murtgage insurance previously in effect.from an altemute mortgase
<br /> ;�'� � insurer upproved by Lender. If substantially eyuivalent moRgage insurana caversga is not uvailable,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> " Lertder each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance pmmium beiug paid by Boirower when the =
<br /> °'� ' ' insurnnce covernge lapsed or ceased to be in effecG Lender will accept,use and mtsiin these puyments as a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> t �n
<br /> -,U ' of mortgaga insurance. Loss resecve paymenu may no longer be required,at the option of i.ender,if mortguge insurance
<br /> . ~'-'°'� �� coveruge(in the amount artd for the period th.�t Lender requires)provided by .ui insurer approved by Lender ugain becomes
<br /> . ��,,��;.; avuilable und is obtained.Borrower shall pay the pmmiums rr.quired to maintain moctgage insurance in effec�or to provlde a
<br /> � ��•'� loss resetve.until the requirement for mort�age insur,mce ends in ncrnrdence with any written agreeme�t between Bonower
<br /> � � - and Lender or upplicable law. _
<br /> � ' � 9. Inspectio». I.ender or its agent may make re�onnbte entries upon und inspections of the Property. Lender sh�!! -
<br /> � ' �w �ive Borrower notice at the time of o�r prior to nn inspection specifyin�mnsonablo cause for the inspection. ..
<br /> 1 10. CondemnatEon. 'll�e proc:eeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with stny �
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