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<br /> 9
<br /> � Appiicsbte law rney speelfy for ninscatement)before sule af t7�e Property{x��ss�ant to nay powcr of sale�ontxlned�n this
<br /> Security i«suumcnt;ar(b)cntry of n judgrnent cnforcing this 5ecurity InsuumenG '�Y►a.�a conditiQny nr�tim�t lln�r���ser. (�+)
<br /> — - paya Lendcr alt 6umg which then would be e9ue uttder this Se�uriry Wstcurnc�nt and tb�Note ng iP no sccclerutlon hu�!
<br /> occumed:(b)c�ues a�y dcfault of any a�her co�Ynants ac agrtements:(c>puys all expenses incumed in enfi�rrcing this Su:urity
<br /> Insbumene,lnctudIaB,but.na IAmitai to. reasonabie attornoyn'fees; and(d)takes such actioa�as Lsnder msy��b1Y �.
<br /> rcquice to assune ihsi 1he lien of thf�Securlty lnsuument,Lender's ri�hts in the Properiy vnd Baaowrr e o�lig�►don to pa►y Ihe
<br /> suma �sccuoeA by tl�ts Security Instrument ehall coaNnue unch�nged. Upo� nlnsu:emmt by BoRawer. this Security
<br /> ---_ - _-�.—_� instn�mr.nt Artd the obli�atIon9 secured M:reby shall trniain tblty effecdve ns if no oaceleradon t�ad a�cumed. Howcver.this
<br /> � right co reinstue sf�all nat apply in the ca+e of ecceleraNun uader puagraph!�.
<br /> i�. Sak ot Notet CAao�e af Lo�n&rvfoer. 11�e Note or a partial ir�censt In the Note(together with UJs Secudty
<br /> - Inx�cument)may be sold one or more tLnes withont prior notice to Botrower. A r.ale a�y resalt fa u change la the ent�ry
<br /> -- — (known aa the"Loan Servicar"?that collxtn monthlY PaYments due undar the Note und this Serurlty Instrumen� 'I'tuoc also
<br /> may be one or mo�changes of the Loan Servlccr urzr�elated w a sale of the Nose. If Were ls a change of tha L.o2n Serviar.
<br /> Borrower wiq be gtven wrluen aodce of the chnnge iu uccordance wlth paragraph 14 abovo und AppGcablc(aw. The notice
<br /> wilf r,tate tlia name and�deess of the new L.flan ServIcer nnd the addr+ess tc►which gayments ahauld be made. 'll�e nodce wiU - _
<br /> -� also contaL�any otltsr informatton mqulced by applicable law. `
<br />��'� 7A. Huardase Substances. Borrower shall not cuuse or peimit the presence.use.dlspasal,storage.or c+elease of any
<br /> j Hazs�ndous Snbstanoes on or in tLe Property. Bomower shaU not do.nor allow az�yone else to do.anything affecdng the
<br /> - Property tliat is in violaaon of any Eavironn�ental Law. The pnce�Ing two sentences shali aot apply to the presencc,use.or
<br />= storsge on the Property of smaU quantiHes of Hnwrdovs Su6stances tiiat are genernAy re�o8niied u�M:aPP�P�a��po�nal
<br />- residendnl uses and W ntaintenance of the Property.
<br />,,;
<br /> ' Borcower shall promptly give Lender written not�ce of eay inves6gaHon,claim.demand,lciwsnit or otlier acrion by any
<br /> --_
<br /> govemmental or reguluwry agency or Psivate patty involving the.�roPertY and any Haza.s+i�s Snbstartcc or Envi:onaieata! �-
<br /> I,aw of whtc4 Boaower has acwa! kaowledge. If Bomnwer leams, or is nodfied by any.goveramemal ar rPgWsitory
<br /> authoriiy.that any a�emoval or ather remedIadon of any Hazerdous Substance affecting the Peoperty is necessary.Bon+ower
<br /> shall pmmptly calce all�xessary matedial acdons in accotcianse with Env�nonmental Law. _
<br />= As used in thls psragre�►h 20."Hazardous Substences"ate�hnce substanoes defined as wxic or hnzendons substances by -_
<br /> Envlronmentsil L.ew and the following sabstances: gs�soline.keroseae.other tlarn�nable or to�cic petroleum produeta. wxlc
<br /> t
<br /> pesticides�nd hezbicides,volattle solven�s,materialo contalniag asbestos or fom�aldehyde,and radioactive m�terials. As
<br /> used in th�s h 20 "Envimn�nentn!Law"means fedecal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where tbe Pmperty is(ocated
<br /> P�p
<br /> . n
<br /> that retate to healtb.safety or envlronmental pmiecqon. -
<br />- NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bo:rower und Leader further cavenaat and ag�ee as follows:
<br /> 21. Acceleratlon; Remealks. Lender sl�ll give notia w Borrower prEor w acalerafion follo�wtng Borro�ver's
<br />-- � 6rench ot any oovenant or age+eement in thts Security Iagtrument(bnt not pdor W saceleratlon under paragraph 17
<br /> ._ - uniesw aQ�e 1��pmvfdes atherwise). The noflce sl�ll speci�: (a)tbe defsWtt(b)the act[on required to cure t6e
<br /> - •
<br /> detaWh tc)a date,not less t6an 30 dsys trom the date tbe nottce is gtven to Borrow�er,by wLdch the default must ,
<br /> curid;aad(d)thaE[�Ilure to cnre!he defoWt on or befon the date specified in We notice ma9 re.sult in aea�er�Hoa o!
<br /> the sn�sccarcd by Wls Socudty Ltshvmeut and s�le of the Properry. '[1�¢x�Sce sl�ll tiurther inform Borrower of �
<br /> tde dght to ref�sute atter stooeleration and the e#g�t to 6ring a oouut acHon to assert the non-existence of a default or =.
<br />. any other defense ot Sorrower to aca[eratioA ond sale. I[the default is not cw�cd on or 6efore the date s�ect6ed ia
<br /> t6e uotlo�,Le�der at[ls opd[on may requtre Imm�dtute p�y��t ta fuDi of nll sums secured by thfs Securtty I��ent �_-
<br /> � vrtWout tiuther dcmand and may Wvolce We power oi sate and any other remedYes pennttted by epplicsbte law �;N_
<br /> Lender s6all be emitttd to colkct all expemtg Incurred in Rursning t6e reneedies pmvided in tbd�paragraPh 21, -.°°
<br />- tnduding,but nat Waited W,e+eaconable attorneys'fees and+casts of t[Ue evEdence. �`'.
<br /> �_ U the power ot sate is[nvaka1,11rustee s�e.N�+ecord a notice oi defAUlt in eacb oounty in wh[ch anY part oi We �=
<br /> � ..
<br /> to -
<br />-� Property is locatted end sha11 maU rnpies o?sucb notice ia the mumter prPSCr[bed by appltcable Iaw to Bornower and -,.-
<br />_''° the a�tter persons pnscribcd by appticable!aw ARer We time requimd by appUcabk law,'lirus�tee shall�ve public •.
<br />- notice of sale W the peesons and tu the manner prescribed by applIcable taw '1lruvtce,without demand on Borrower, 4?�'
<br /> ' s�ll se11 the Property at public auctIon to the hlghest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desigoated ia ..
<br /> the notice of sale tn one or more paa�els end i�any order'ltnstee determines. 1tusMe may pastpone sa[e of all or any
<br /> � parcel of We Pe+operty by pub�ic ermounce�emt at the tlme and plooe ot any previously schedWe�sale. Lender or ita
<br /> - des[gnce ma9 pun�h�e the Pe+ope�y at any sale.
<br />- tJpon recefpt of payment d tLe piice bid,ltustee shall deliver to We parchaser'IYustee's deed conre�g ehe
<br /> Pt�operts: The recfitpls in the'1lrustee's dee�D sl�all be pdma fade evidepce oi the trnt6 of the statemestts made t�ss�in. _
<br /> ' 1�sLali apply the prnoeeds of t6e sale ic�Che[ollowing order. (a)to�II casts and expeases of ea�sai�tng the puwer �
<br /> _ ,
<br /> • ..}
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