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<br /> ._;�,.�„�,�,� T(?(3E?'1'tiER WL'I'H all tha impr�vements now or txrcafter emcsad on the praperry,w�d sl[eesements,uppurtenances. '
<br /> apc!fiaturea notv or hrnaller a pw�t uf tt�e�xa{serty. AU repL;►cemt�ui�wxE ud�lltiuus s3iall also t►c cuvercd i�y� thi�c 5�curity
<br /> inatrumen� Al!ui�le fore�uing is nfasnd ta in tN�s uecuciry Instnuitc��t a�thc°l�rope�sy:'
<br /> BU[tROWkJt CO'Y8NhN7'S th�t Borrower tw lawtully sciaed�ar she estatQ hereby canveyed��rd has tlie tiBfi��Y�
<br /> and convey tl�e i'rapeny nnd that 1he P�npe►ty is uneneumberccf.ex�G�itt for encnmbrancea of ncord. Barrower werraMs and
<br /> will defend gener�liy the titk to the Propeny igafnse a1t cidms and drmw�.sub�ect tu emy er�aumbnu�ces of rocon9.
<br /> �___.__,_____� � 7tiIS SECURtTY WSTRUMENT combincs uniform cavcnnnta for nudonal �sc and nan•u�iform covrnants wlth
<br /> limited vari�tians by judsdiction to consUtute A unifarm e+ecurity instmnxm coveri»�r�s�i peo�ery. � "
<br /> LTNI�OAM CQVE4dANT3. Homower and l.endcr covcnant and�W�+�f�ottovra: when duo thc
<br /> 1. P�ya►ent at Pei�clpd�nd Inkrest:PrePaYonent ond La�t�CAu�ea. Bnrraw�r shall pcomptlY P�Y
<br /> principal of ancl interost on thn debt evtdenced by ttta Note and any ptapayment and late charges duo under the Note.
<br /> � ��{������pca Subject to Applicabla lt►a�:or to u vqcitten wa�ver by Lender.BoirOwer shali pay to
<br /> 1�,ender on tha�y monthly payments nn duu under the Note,until►he Note ia paid in full,o swn C'Funds')for.(a)yeariy
<br />-_ -- ta�cs au��,ses�mmis�vhfch may uuala prlority over this Secudty Instrumeat as a lten on the Piopercy;(b)yead�,��
<br /> - PaY�nta or gvaind ren�s on the Property. If any: (c) Yearly haa�n�d or ProperiY u►suranca premlums:(� Y Y
<br />-- insa�mnce preraiums. if any: (e)Yeuly mortgage insurnnce pmmtums.if any; aud(�any �ua�s payable by Bonower to
<br />-- Lender,in ucoorclance with the provisians af parugraph 8,In 11ou�of the payment of mortgage insurance pnmiurr►s. 'It�se
<br /> - items are called"Escrow Irems:' Lender may,ut uny time,coliact and hold PWnds in nn amount not eo excad the maximum
<br /> � amount n lender for A fcderally�+elated mortgst�loan muy rcqtµm•for Botrnwer's esct+nw uxount under t}�e federal Real
<br /> Estate 3ealemeat Procedums Act of 1974 es mnended from dme to time,12 U.S.C.�2601 et srq.("RESPA'),unlcss anot�r
<br /> law that npplIes to the Funda seta u lesser umonn� If so.Lender mAy+at any time,collect and hoid Funds in en amount not to
<br /> - excced the lesser amoua� Lender may esdmute the amuuut uf•Funds due on itce hasis of cumeat ds�te and reasonnble .
<br /> -''�._ estimates of expendipu�s of futw�e Escrow Items or othenvise ia t�ar.atdaace with s�plicuble law.
<br /> '!he Funds shstll be hetd in an institution whose deposlts uxa iasured bg a fe.de�ul agency,inst�u�eatality. or eatity
<br /> (uxluding Leader.�f Lender is such an institudon)or in uny Fed�ral Home[.oan Bunk. I.ender shall apply ihe Punds to pay
<br /> — _ the Escrow Items. Leader may not charge Borrower for hvlding aad applyins the Fuads,annually analyzin8 the escrow
<br /> accouai,or vrrifyiag the Escmtiv Items, unless Lender pnys Sorrower Iaterest on the Funds sind applicable law pemrits •
<br /> Lender to make sucd a churge. However.l.ender muy require 8otrowcr to pay a ane-time charge for aa iadependent real
<br /> estate tax reporting service used by Leader in cannection with this laan.unless npplicublE law provides othenvise. Unless an
<br /> agreement is made or appflcable law requires interest to be paid,I.ender sh�ll not be required W pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> eataings on the�nds. Bortower aad I.eader may agree in wridag,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. L.ender
<br /> shall give to Bnrrower.without charge.an annual nccounting of tha Funds,showing credits and debits to�he F�nds and tlte
<br />� puiposa for whlch each debit to the Funds was mado. The Funds tue piedged us additi�nal security for all sums sec�by
<br /> ____ _ , thps Security Inspuntent
<br /> � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amouats pemutted to be held by npplicabie taw. Lender ahali aa:ouni tv °
<br /> Borrower for ttce excess Funds in accordance wlth the mquirem�nts of nppl�cable law. if the awount of the Funds held by
<br /> i�'.�er at any time is not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items wh�n due.Lender muy so notify Borrower in wrlun8�and,in
<br /> suc;�cs+se Boerower shall pay ro I.ender the amount necessary ta make up the deficiency. Bome�wer shaU make uP the _
<br /> deficlency ia no more than twelve montbly payments.ut Lender's sa18 discretion. _
<br /> Upnn payment in fi�l of all sums s�c�ued by this Securlty[nstrumen�Lender shall prompdy nefund W Borrower any N___,
<br /> Funds held by L.ender. U under parn�rnph 21.Lender shall uoquir�or sell the Properry.Lender,pnor to U►e acquisition or �:
<br /> sale of the Properiy. shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisidon or sale as a cc�edit against the sums ��
<br /> , setvred by this Security Insuumen� `=
<br /> 3. ApplicAtlon of Playmenta Unless upplicable luw provIdes otherwise.all payments received by I.ender under F-+�,-�:
<br />�:' parag�aphs I aad�shaU be appGed firs�to any pmpayment charges due under the Note:second,to aB►ounts payable under ���`"'�
<br /> c, �,�,
<br /> paragraph 2:third,to intemst due:fourth,to principal due;and last,to uny tate charges due under the Note. �:;�,_
<br /> d. Ciwrges; Llens. Bomower shall pay all taxes, nssessu�enu.charges. fiaes and imposiHons aarabutable to the
<br /> Aroperty which may attain priorIty over Wis Security Insuvmenk and leasehold paymeau or ground rents.if any. Bornower ��� ;
<br /> shall pay these obligadons ln the menner pmvided in parng��2,or if not patd in that manner, Bursower shall pay them on C-��=.
<br /> tIme direcdy to the pezson owed payment. Bomawer s h a U prompt ly f u m is h to L en der a l l no t ices o f A m o u n t s t o b e p a i d u n d e r � ;�
<br /> tlus pacagraph. !f Borrower makes theso payments dic�ectly. Bomower shall promptly fumish to Lee�der receipts evidenciag _=
<br /> the puyments.
<br /> v $omower shall pmmptly dischargo any lien whIch has priority over this 5ecarity Instrument unless Barower:(a)egees
<br /> _ ��'.•,�� • iu wrttiag to the payment of tha obllgadon secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good fatth the -
<br />=- •.' �,�'t� lien by.or defends against enforcemeat of the llea in.Iegal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion ope►ate to prevent the -��
<br /> �, C;,�' .�..,, enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder nf the lten an agreement satisfacWry to Lender subordanadng the tien „�}
<br /> -..�.�' to this Security InstcumenG If Lendor deteanlnes that nny part of the Property Is subjert to a lien which may attain priority
<br /> ��`M.•'..:: � over this Securiry Enstrument,Lender may give Borrower a notioe Idenafying the Iien. Boaower sholl satisfy the lien or take
<br /> ''.4P •`«
<br /> ' ;, • . ,•..,. one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nodce.
<br /> � �"!:' . S. �rd or Pe�operty Insurence. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exis�ng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> �r,�.;� �' � Property iasared against loss by fire,hazards included within the tem�"extended covera�e"and aay a�ther hazards,including ,
<br /> f � • floods or flooding,for which Lender requires insuraitce. 'Il►is insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> , .-�.*.«� Form 3m28 9190 (Pude 2 ojb pagca)
<br /> b�}.'F3
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