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<br /> perlads that Lcnder reyuincy. The insurancc currier providing thc ln�urcuicc nhcdl be cho5en by Barn►wcc sub}eat tn I.enderk —
<br /> ,y upprovul�vhtch shult nat tsc unrca5onably withhcld. lF 8arrow�r fi►ils to mnintuin cavcruL+c dcxcrtbed.�bovr.,`Lcndcr may.nt ��---f
<br /> Lender�aptton,e�btuin coverage to protect Lendert d�hty in the Property!n accordance with pura�rA�h 7. --=_
<br /> - — A�l insurance policiea and mnewals ehull be acceptable to L.ender und r;hull inrlude u stundurd murtguga ciciu�e. I..ender --
<br /> ; � --- , �hnll havc the rfght to hold the policjes and rertewals. If Lcnder rcyuirc+:.Harrowcr shull promptly givG tp��cndGr n!!rcceip�s
<br />_-= of pald premiums und renewu!notices. In the event af losx,Borrower hhull give prompt nottce tn tha inr�u«nc;G cncrier nnd
<br /> �� l.endcr. l.ender may mnke proof of loxv ii not m�de promptly by Bonawcr.
<br />-:y� �j Unless Lender und BoRO�ver otherwlse a�ree in wr�ting,inaurunce proceeds 4hu11 be upplted tq rGstotalio»or�+epuir of �;;:.
<br /> � the Praperty dumnged, lf the restoration or repuir is economicaliy feusible unJ Le�eder; necurity iti nut,ic��:ncd. If thc !_ --
<br /> ''�: nwtorutton or repuir is not economically feuyibie or Lender!� security would t+e lessened,the insur�t►cG �raceedv �hull be M
<br /> applied to the tiums secured by this Seeurlty lntitrument. whethcr or not then due,wlth any cxce,�s pai�i,.to sorrawer. If .
<br /> Borrower abandons the Property, or dces not unswer within 30 duys u noHce fram Lender that iho in�q�uncc carrier has ��
<br /> 4t3ered to settic a claim,then Lcndes muy collect the insurunce pra:cals. l.endcr muy use the proceccix ta repa�ir�r oestorc ��
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secu[ed by this Security Insuument,whether or not then duc. The 30-day{►cric.x�wfll begin when �;;_
<br /> thc notice is given. 1°��'
<br /> ` Unles.c Lender�nd Borrower otherwise agree in writing,uny application of proceeds to pritecipal���ti nat extend ur �"'
<br /> �j, postpone the due dute of the monthJy payments refemed to in paragrnphs 1 und 2 or change the umaunt q.0'thv[wyments. If
<br /> under para�rnph 21 the PropeRy is acquired by Lender, Borrower:� dght to any insutance polict�s imd.,�+roceeds resultia� �_
<br /> from dumage ro the Praperty prior to the stcquisition shall pass to Lender to theextent af the sum�securr:d by this Security z�`:
<br /> Insttument immediately prior to the acquisition. •���
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservntion. Mei�tenance end 1'rotecdon of the Property; Borrower's l�nan Appllcation; ";`.�
<br /> Leaseholds. Borrower shall occupy,establish.und use the Property as Barrower� pri�cipal nesidence withjp sixty days after �'
<br /> the execution of this Securtty lnvtzument nnd shall cominue to occupy thc Pr�perty na Borrowerx principul residence for ut 3`�
<br /> �...
<br /> least one year ufter the dnte of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agt�ees in wdtin�, whiah consent tihall not be -
<br /> unmasonably wtthhels,or unless extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Bomower's control,.Bonawer shall not
<br /> ,� - ; destroy.dnmage or impair the Property.al(ow the Propehty to detcriorate,or comrnit waste on th�Pmperty. Bormwer xhul!
<br /> be in default if any forfeiture nction or praceeding, whether civit or criminul. is be�un that in l.end�r's good faith judgment «L'
<br /> could resutt tn forfeiture of the Property or otherwise materiAlly impuir the lien crented by this Security Instrument or c
<br /> ��°`' Lender's security interest. Borrower muy cure such a default and reinstate,us prov ided in paragru�h 18,by causing the action ,
<br /> or proceeding co be dismissed with a rulin�tfiut, in Lender's�ood fuith determina[ion.precludes forfeiture of tha Borcawer's s
<br /> interest in the Properry or other muteriul impairment of the lien creuted by this Security instrument ��r Lender's securiry �.
<br /> - � interest. Borrower shall also be in defuult if Borrower, duri�� the loun applicution proce.r•.s, gav� materi�lty false or , '`
<br /> inaccurate informauon or stutements to l.ender(or f�iled to pro�ide Lender with any materiul informatiqa) in connection with �;•:��
<br /> f• „ ? the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, representAtiom conceming Borrow�c's occupancy of the � ;
<br /> !� �;?Y_�y�t. Property as u principal residence. If this Security]nstrument is on u lensehold.8orrower tihiill comply u�ith all che provisions
<br /> of the iease. If Bornower acyuires f'ee iitIc to the Fn,perty�IIIC ICit.'SCIWIIt ililll IIIC fCC tiTl�'.1�11JI i10J iTl4'T�4 1iRI1.SS 2..�iii3L'�i�TfCCn ••+�
<br /> � �..��,' � to the merger in writing. r�fi:.
<br /> ,fj • ;�' 7. Protectlon oP Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perform tha covenunts and Agreements -�:
<br /> ':,:;: contained in this Securlty Inswment, or there is a legal proceeding that may signiticuntly uffect l.enderc rights in the •�. � -
<br /> r•t��'�+r'� Froperty(such as a pro��eeding in bankruptcy,probate.for condemnution or forfciturc or to enforce lu�vror re�ulations),then
<br /> E+:�::St;.`:e. •f
<br /> :r� .,�•• Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to pratect the vulue of the Prc�perty and l,ender:ri@bt�in the Propeity. ,
<br /> '" .'``"-: '�'s • Lender's actions mA include �n an sums secured b a lien which hu�; norit over this Securit Tnsttument,a eurin
<br /> � •.•c:�;,�;,�• y A�>'� 8 Y• Y P � y Y PP S •
<br /> in court,payin�reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to m:�ke repain. Althuugh Let�dar may tuke action
<br /> � �'� i��yt,�; ander this paragraph 7,Lender daes not have to do so. �`
<br /> �'' ''• `` � 'J' Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parugruph 7 shall become additionul debt of Bor.r�wer u�cured by thiti
<br /> '",,,� Securiry Inswment. Unless Borrower and Lender ugme to other tcrms of puyment.these:smuunts shull heur interert from the
<br /> • '"�'�'' date of disbursement at the Note rAte and shull be pt+yubte.with interest,upon noticc from Lender ta Borm�ver requestin�
<br /> �„'•��' payment.
<br /> ;;;{�: 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortgage insurunce u.c u condition of making tha loun secured by this
<br /> ,'sr:}t°�.+�, Security Instru�reent. Borrower shall pay the premiams required to mnint+un thc mortga�c insuranc:e rn effect. If for nny
<br /> `'��.r;�•ru. reason. the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceaus to be in efl'ect. Borrawvr xhull pay the
<br /> :.,.. „.< <
<br /> ;, ��e:•. premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivutent to the mortguge insurance pmviousJly in rffect, at u cost
<br /> ''��'' �. substantinll uivulent to the cost to Borrower of the mort u e insurance reviousl m effect,from rtn:�Itemute mort a e
<br /> : ;`�t.,;,'>:";[�. . Y�1 � S � P Y� �'S
<br /> F insurer apptoved by l..ender. If subsiantlally equivalent mortgage insur.uice coveruge is not avuilubtw,Borrower shaU pay to
<br />.� '''�`�"�';'-�y,,','."� Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgnge insur,utrc pmmium being paid by BoTrawer when the
<br /> - insumnce coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and reeain these puyment�:ax a lo�s r+eserve in lieu
<br /> �;��;",f�:"'"' of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve pnymentc may no longer be required,at the option of I.end�r; if mortguge insurance
<br /> ,+;�;J;�?,, . coverage(in the nmount and for the period thnt Lender reyuires)provided by an insumr approved by t.,ender aguin becomes
<br /> . '�-.,: available and is obtained. Borrower shall puy the premiums requircd to maintain mortgage insurnnce in effect,or to provide n •
<br /> •`��" loss reserve,until the uirement Cor mon u e insurance ends in uccordnnce with nn written a reemunt between Borruwer
<br /> 'b:Y.rd';K:'.: .:: • re9 b' S Y S
<br /> '�;g ;!�►r� ''�, und Lender or applicable law.
<br /> '='��•�' - 9. I�pecUon. Lender or its ugent muy make reusonable entdes upon und iospections of the Pmperty. Lender shall
<br /> '��` �'' ��'�?"• �ve Borrower nodccs at the dme of or nor to an ins ction s if in reusonubk cuuse for the ins ction.
<br /> :.=f .r.r .. g P� I►� p� Y 8 I�
<br /> �• -• 10. Cortdetnsatton. The proceeds of uny aww�d or claim for dumages,direct or conseyuentiul,in connection with cmy ..
<br /> <:. '.,�.:..,:�_•=.
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