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<br /> TOGET[iAR WITH all the Imptovements now oa hereniter crcctcd an the pro�scrty.und nll ens�menti, appu�2enances,
<br />__:_ ____ v,-�.���,� r.ettd fiatturss n�+tiv or hercaftcr n pirt af dte��+�pcety. All rcptncenicnts und nddidona ehnl!niso be ce�vcrcd by Q�3s ScGUrity --_.
<br /> __ _ Inetn�mcn� Ib�h of tho faregoing iarefemed to in�his Sec��rity Insuumentas tha"Praperty."
<br /> —. BORROWER CAVBNANT$thut f3ormwcr is lawfnlly seised of tho estute hei+eby conveyed and has the tight to g�ant
<br /> amd convey tl�e Property and thut the Property ls unencumbemd,except for encumbrances�f record Horrower wariants and
<br /> will dofcad generally the tltte ta tho Property agu�nsr all cloims eutd demcu►ds.subject to nny encumbraucea of record.
<br /> THISt S�CURTfY INSTRUMI3NT combi�e» untform covenants fnr nationsl use and nun•unifo�rta covettnnts wlth -
<br /> - �_--_—_--� litbitcst vasladans by Jurisdfsdon to can9titute a nnifRrm sscurity instn�ment cover�a,real pmperty. ,
<br /> UNIFOI�M COVENANTS.Da�r[ower and Lender covenant artd ugree as follows:
<br />.�� l. �nt oi Prindqll u�InteraK Prepaymeat and Lsite�harges�. Hoaowsr shn11 prompdy pay when duc the
<br /> Y�.� pr)nclp�t af and lntenst on tho debt ovldcnccd by the Note nnd any prepayment and late chargos due undar the Note.
<br /> ` — �. �lttyds for 74xes and I�uraneG Subject w appUcablcs law or w a wdtten waiver by L,ender.B�irower shal!pay to
<br />�:, L.ender on tt�.dn,y monthly puyments ore due under the Note,undl the Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.(e)yenrly
<br />=�- taxes and 3sAe>vamenp which may attain priorlty over thls Security Instrument as a lien on thts Property;(bt�yeazly leaseh��ld
<br />==� payraenu or, g�und rents on the Property, if any;tc) Yeariy bazar�d or property Insurance premiums; (d)ycarly flood
<br /> insw�nce pmmiums.if any:(e)Yearly mortgage insumnce premiwns.if any: and (�aay sums payable by Borrower w
<br /> J. Lender,in uacordanca wtth tba proviRlons of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuranse�Srerniums, These
<br /> - itcros are callmd"Bscrow Items." Lender raay,at eny drae.caUect and t►old P�ads ia an a�nount not to exceed t�e muxlmum
<br />- amount a i¢itder for a federelly r�lated mortgage loan may require for Barrower's escrow a�ccount uader the fedetal Real
<br /> Estate SettLument Pracedures Act of 1974 as amended from Wne to time,l2 U.S.C,§2601 et seq.("RESPA").unless another
<br /> law that ap�lies ta the Ft�uds sets e lesser amounG If so.Lender may,at eny tune,collect and hold Funds in au ainount not to
<br /> , exseed th�le.cser amaunt. Lender may euimate the amount of Fur►ds due oq the basis of current data and reasonable . _
<br /> esdmfltes of expendiWres of future Escrow Items or othenvise 1n accotdance wit6 applIcable law.
<br /> ' The H�uds shall be held in an lastitudon whoss deposits are insured by a federal agency.Insuumentality. or endty
<br /> �, (incladin�Lender.if Lender ls such an 1nstltution)or in any Federal Home L.oan Bank Lender shall apply the Funds to pay _,
<br /> the Escrov�v It�ms. Lender may not charge Borrower for holdiag and epplying the Pbnds,anpuaUy aaalyzing the escrow —
<br />- account,oa verlfyiag the Escrow Items. ualess Lender pays Borroaer fnterest on the F�wds and appllcable law permits
<br /> Lender to make sucb a cbarge. However.I.ender may require Bonower to pay a one-tirae charge for an iadependent mal
<br /> :-;� � estate tax re�ortiag scrvica used by Lender in connecdon with this loan.unless appUcable Iaw provIdes otherwise. Unless an —_
<br /> `"'�'�� � agreement is made or applicuble law requires intecest to be paId.Lender shall aot be requlred to pay Borrower any interest or
<br /> '•'� ,,, ;^� eamix�gs on the Arads. Borrower aad Lender may agree in wclting,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender =
<br />_ .`.� ;�� � shall give to Bortower. without charge,an annual accountin�of the P1�nds, showing credlts and debits to the Fur►ds and the ___
<br /> ,,��'{�;����, ; purpose far wlnich each debit to the Ftmds was made. '!he PWnds are pledged as udditaonal security for all sums secured by c y=
<br /> ,�,� l���, ,r thls Security Itnstrument. .,,
<br /> - '" �' ��;;` If t�a I�itd� hv'!8 by i,eartcr cxcccd i�c amaimis p�mitud to t�e ts�ld by�ticablc I�u;.L�ndcr slt�i!accaunt to
<br /> )��.�i,.�;�t.�'.;� Borrower for the excess Fnnds ia accordance with the reyuirements o f app l i c a b le law. I f t he amount of the F�ads held by `_`-_
<br />. , '�',":!:a�..-z�;W Leacler ac aay time is not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so nodfy Botrower in wridng,and,in
<br />