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<br /> candemnation nr otiter tnking of'nny part�nf the Property.or for conveynRCe in lieu nf condcmnation,nre liereby asst�n�d�nQ
<br /> �°��?�=-°-�=��-:� si�all b�paFd tu Lc�tdcr.
<br /> in the ovem of u toyal takins af thc Praperty, chc pnxceds shalt bc nppiicd [o thc sums seci�rcd by thiy Securiry
<br /> . Instrument.wheth=r or rtot then due.with any excQSy pafd to fiorrowcr. ln thc event of u partial tuking o1'the Pruperty in
<br /> which the fair m�rket valuc of the Praperiy lmmedintely beforo tha tuking is eyuul ta or grcater than tho umnunt of thc sums
<br /> — � secered by this Security 1nst�ument immcdiutcly tseforc thc tnking.unless 8orrower and Lencler otherwise ugree in wr[tfng,
<br /> , thc sums secured by thls Securiry Instrument shall bo•reduced by the wnount of the proceeds multiplied by the fallowing
<br /> fractton: (u)the tatul umount af the sums secured Immediately befare the mking,divtded tsy(b)tho k�ir murket vnlue AF the
<br /> � - - ��' Property lmm2diutely befare the taking. Any batnnce shnit bc paid to Borruwcr. !n thc event of a p:utiul tufci»$of dre
<br /> � Praperty in wh(ch the fair market vislue of the Property lmmedtately before the taking ix less thun the�mount af ths sums
<br />-- — secui+ed immedintely befare the toking.unless Bomower und Lender othenvise ngrea in writing or unless applicable law
<br /> � � atherwi,e prov[des,�he proceeds shs�ll tae applied to ihe sums securcd by thig Securtty Insuument whether or not th$suma urc
<br />-- I then due.
<br /> - If the Property is ubau�doned by Bomower,or if,after notice by Lender to Horrower that the condemnar offers ta mnlce
<br />�,��.,,..�.,�,; an aw�rd or settle u clam for dnmages.Borrower Fails to respond to Lender withip�0 dnys pfte�the date the nodce is glven,
<br /> — i.ettder is authorized to collect and upply the proccedci.at i�s opi�on.cithe�.t4 restoration or repair of the Piroperty or to the -
<br /> '�� I sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen�whether or Rot then due.
<br />=� � Unless Lender nnd Borrower otherwise agree in wdting, any appliG�iQ�af pTocceds to principal shuil not extend or
<br /> _ � postpone the dae date of the monthly payrrtents referred to fn parugraphs I urtd 2 or change the amount of such pnyments.
<br /> 11. Borrower lYot Released; Forbearance By Lender 1Voi a Wuiver. Extension af the time far payment or
<br /> - ' ' modificaHon of umorttzation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument�rant�d by Lender to any sucex.ssor in incerest
<br />-•?���� of Borrower shaU rtot opemte to mlease the liabiliry of the original Barrower or aorrower's successors in interest. Lender
<br /> ;:��� shall aot be requ�red to cammence proceedings agnInst nny succP�.cor in intercrost or�fu.se t�eztend time for puyment or �__
<br /> ���- otherwise modify umortization of the sums r,ecured by this Se�urity Instrument by resison of any demand made by the ur�ginal
<br /> � Horrower or Bonowerh successors ln interest. Any forbeurnnce by Lender in exarctising any r��ht or remedy shall not be u
<br /> '> �vaiver of or preclude the exercise of nny right or remedy. ___
<br /> 12. Succeswrs and AsslAns Bourtd;Jofnt and 3everul Liability;Casigners. The covenants and agreements of this
<br /> Secudty Instrument shall bind and benefit the succes�ors�nd nssigns of Lender and Borrower,�ubject to the provtslons of
<br /> ' para�raph 17. 8ornower's covenants and agreemenG4 shall be joint and severnl.My Borrower who co-signs this Securiry
<br /> Inspument but dces not execute the Note: (a)t�co-si�nin�this Security Instrument only to mortgage,�:ant and convey thnt
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Properry under the terms of this Secudty Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to puy the sums --
<br /> c. • '•�,, - � secured by this Security Instrumenr,and(c)agrees thut L.ender:utd any other Borrower may a�ree to extend.modify,forbetu --
<br />- 'i � or make any accommodations wlth re�ard to t6e tertns of this Security InsUUmettt or the Note without that 8arrower's ___
<br /> ' consen�
<br /> i.��� � � 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this Security lnstrument is subject to u law which sets muximum loan "-
<br /> � ���` chargcs.and that law is finatly inierprcicd�v ihat ihr i�iicrc�i ur utl�C� Iuw�ci�u�gc,.:oii�titr.�i o� tu t,e�uitc�t�t in cannc�tiat► �
<br /> . � with the loan exceed the peRnitted limits,then: (A)uny such loun churge shnll be reduced by the amaunt necessory to reduce
<br /> � ti�e char�e to the permitted limit;und(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceedcd permitted limits will be _
<br /> _ • •,� refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to muke this mfund by reducin�the principal owed under the Note or by mukin�u �;�_
<br /> � �. ��r�:�, direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reductiun will be treated as a partial prepayment withaut uny ��j--
<br /> •r���`•` prapayment charge under the IYote. ���
<br /> . .1�,��•.-,Y�J.. .
<br /> . �:�,,.��� 14. NoNces. Any naice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shull be given by deHvering it or by .
<br /> _ mailing it by first cluss m:sil unless applicablc law requires use of unather method.The notice ahull be directed to the Property
<br /> ���. Address or nny other addtess Borrower designares by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be�iven by first class
<br /> _ ���`• muil to Lender's•address stated herein or any other address L.ender designutes by notice co Borrower. Any notIce provided for � �
<br /> ` in this Security (nstrumern sh:sll be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given us provided in this �;�.;�`
<br /> � .`:R�{i�,' paragraph. . .
<br /> _ � °`° ' 1S. Coverntng Law;Severnbtlity. This Security Instrument shull be governed by fedeml Inw and the law of the •��•�
<br /> jurisdiction In which the P�o�erty is locuted. In the event thnt uny provitiion ur clause af thts Security instrument or the Note
<br /> y '�'' � conflIct4 with upplicable luw.such confllct shall not affect other provisions of this Security Inswment or the Note which c;u� �
<br /> .. � "i`�+� : be given effect withoat thc confltcting provision. 'Ib this end the provisions of this Security Inswment i+nd the Note ure .
<br /> µ� "`� declaeecl to be severable.
<br /> �° ;°�''�?''� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be�iven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Secudty lnstrument.
<br /> �'���'`��''�:'Y' 17. Transf¢r of the Property or u Beneticial Interest in Borrower. If ull ar any p:►rt af tha Property or any intcrest in
<br /> i�-,.,, .
<br /> . .�`'• � . it is soid or transferred(or tf a beneficial int�rest in Bucmwer is sold or tr�nsfemed und Botrower is not a naturnl person) .
<br /> _� !��;���".:t.� � without Lender's prior written consent.Lender mwy,at its option,requim immcdiate paymcnt in full af ull sums secured by
<br /> - (t�.',"•_`,:::.-' � this Securiry Insnument. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federnl law as of
<br /> �,1�•��� -��~� � the dute of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ry_i:.�. i . .
<br /> • • ,,:.., If Lender exercises this optian,Lender shntl give Borrower natice of nccelerution. The notice shull provide a period of
<br /> ,,r,`��r',:.:;,; � not less than 30 dnys from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within whi�h Borrower must pay all sums secured by tl�is
<br /> ��:%• Securit InstrumenG If Borrower fnils to a these sums rior ta the ex �mtion of this nod, Lender mu �nvoke an
<br /> ..,,:;;ti,`�...�:;,: • Y p Y P P� Pe� Y � Y
<br /> • }•� - ; : �remedies petmitted by thi�Securiry Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> ��� ''�' 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstttte. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Barrower shull have the right to have
<br /> �=..^�.,,• : enforcement of this Securi ry Imuument discontinued at any time prior to the eadier of: (a)S days(or such other period as •
<br /> .>.� .
<br /> ::�`G'+.'�b�'�'+ Single I'vmfly--Fnnnie MneiEYeddte htac UNIFORM INtiTRUMENT--Unifonn Coven•rnGw 9J90 IpuAC 4�,jn��cq
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