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:; :�,;,.; ; _ ..� a� r4P'""*' 'rrj�a. � �. _ <br /> .. �;�,.. . . . ' - -. .ani e -a} ,. hl}t��j.l+� � . -` <br /> � ... <br /> ' „ _ <br /> '' . ' r y+%liy«l'-a v�nfbf�. . ..rl� ;�.2� ,. <br /> tlr\.� - - -- ' ' _' _ ' _ `_ <br /> . , _ .. .... _ . ��..... - - _ __ <br /> . ��.� '..�.� <br /> d. 7` <br /> ._ , ...ry�,y,ys,n.. .cL., . . — _ . <br /> .. ._...:...._..„w.. <br /> � . . . .. .�+•„ . - .� - — _ — __-- <br /> ...._. - <br /> '� ' - �-- -- ---?4+ iK�r-.�.��...o�— <br /> affJ7.'�:�•1 _ � sr-_��gw�a,.r.- <br /> .W _ �'a,�.__ -- . ........--- -- - <br /> .�..s.-����r �... <br /> � _ ._-- . .. _ .. _— <br /> ---- , . . g�r�tQS�S.A <br />� --- _ _ _ _ _ � , . . <br /> -- ----- ' ayn�nte �r 6or►cw�t. �t m�aptlon ot e�orraww. H ths total aF tha psrrtNnfs maa►by 8o►roww iw�wn�j��'03� cx iaj is -__ <br /> -�y= � InwMlchrrt to pay th�k�m when dw,tA�n Boaower ahxN pay to l�nder any unour►t n�eeaavy Oo rtrk�up th�d�1loNnay on or <br /> bdo►s th�dets ihs R�n bscomes due. <br /> 4•� .' . ,.�,. °"' {ls u�ed in thl� 8ec��liy �naUumen4, •3ecraUry' meina Ihe 8ucreWry of Houatng and Urb�n Oevdapm�t o► hi� at he� <br /> � . , , , dealQna�. In iry yev in whiah the Lender muai p�y�tnod�qe tnsurance pranium to tho 3ecreury,ench ntonthSy prymont sh�7 �==�_ <br /> � , atso Include elther: p)an tnshAment of the umu�rr�oR�age Insurence premium M be patd by lecider to the Secretary,or pq a <br /> °�;�„�.���.r., rttorrttty ch�rqe Inatead of a mort�pe Inaurence pranWm N Ihta 8neurity InaVusnent Ia hdd by ths 8eo►etuy. Eaah monthy — <br /> � �°�"'��°^•':"� IneUNrnent ot the moRp�g�lnau►anes prert�tum aMY be in�n�mount euMdent to�ccumu4te the iut annwl matp�ps i�aurancs <br /> �x��•„ ' ,..-;r: praNum wkh LendK one manth prlor to the datt the tuN�nnuU moRp�ae Ineuance pro�Num !s due tu the 8acrat�ry,or ff this =--- <br /> ��r�', 3eourly Irts6ument la h�td by the 8eorotary,etah manthly ch�rps ehtN b�(n�n amoant equaf to one-1welRh o!onth�P perca►t <br /> . � .• �� � ' .� ot the nuteUndfnp pdnclp�l balance due on the Note. __= <br /> '' " '` 8 8atrowsr tmdara to Lender ths NA p�yment ot ab aurrta secursd by thia SecurUy inawment,8oaowcYa account ahaN be L <br /> .t ~ .�l�.:iJ..::�.•�rq�` <br /> •� R,.°""�`'�• cxe�ted wHh Me bUmes rMnahing for aq inetaNnNnta for ftema(a�,@)and(o� and rny mortg�pe Meuranae�rerMim Insta�nent _ <br /> - • �.` �• �'"� "', that Lo�det haa not become obllgated to p�y to the 8eorctary,and Lenda ehap prompty retund any oxceaa funde!o Borrowar. �^_y <br /> . •;. Immad�tay prtor to�toradoauro e�te ot the Proparty or ke�cquWiGon by Lender,Bortower'e accouM aheY be credited with any --- <br /> ��"��. .� - balenaa►emthlnp tor aN tnatallmenM fot ftema(e),(b)and(c)• �=°- <br /> ,�. , �-- - <br /> '- . �' . 3. Applieattan af Paym�nta.All psymente under para�apha t and 2 shnp be apptied by Lender as follows: �-'w= <br /> • • �� _ • FIrBt to the mort�efle(nsur�nce premtum to be patd by Lender to the Secretnry or to the momhy charge by the Secretary <br /> � � Inatend of tha momhly mortgRpe inaurance promlum; ��y <br /> �/ ;, � S� any texw, spedat assessments, leasehold paymentts or ground reMe, end Are, Ilood and othe� hazard __ <br /> Jl y ." . Inaurcnao qnmtums,aa requirod; �� <br /> °�,�.., , Thlyd�i to kaerest due under the Narte; ���� <br /> FoteR11, to amortlzaUon at the prindpat of tha Note; <br /> �.. <br /> " � �.. .� F'MRh�ro lete chergea due under tha Note. �;�4�;' <br /> � � 4. Ft�n. Fload and OUher Haz�rd Insuranev.8otrower shap insure aU tmprovemente on the Property,whether '3�- <br /> � � ' "' now in existenee or aubsequo�rtty erectesl, againat arry heze�ds. casuatttes, and corrtingendea,induding 8re,fm whteh Lende► ^;�.� <br /> requkea(nswance.Thta inauranee shaN be mainnined tn the errtounts and for the petiods that Lender requtres. Borrower shali <br /> ' • a�so inpura�aA lmpravanents on the Property, wfiethe►�ow tn existence a subsequenlfy erected, agnfnst toss by tloods to the �-• <br /> extent required by the 3eaetary. All inaurartce shall be cartied whh companies approved by Lender,The insuranee poNcles and <br /> p , , . any ronawo?a nhelt be held by Lender and shnii indude loss payable Gauses i�tavor ot,and In a form aeeepteble to, I.e+idet. <br /> ' tn th� everrt of tosa, 8ortower shali gNe lender immed�te noUca by maiL Lender may make proot of losa ff not made <br /> � promptly by Bortower. Each insuranae eompany concemed Is hereby authorized end dtreoted ta meke pa,yment for such�osa " <br /> � direaty to Lender, instead oi to Bo►rower and to Lender jofnty. AII or any part oi the inaurance proceads may be appNed by <br /> � lender. at Ns opUon, etther (e� to the reductian of the indebtednesa under the Note and thia Seairity Instrument, flrst to eny <br /> dolhquont amourtts appited!n the order in Paragreph 9, end then to prepayment of prindpai,ot @)to the resWraUon ot repair of <br /> . • , the dameged Ptoperly. My appllcation of the procaeds to the pdndpal ahalt not extend or pos�one the due date oi the <br /> monthly payments whfch are reteRed to in Paregreph 2, or change the amount of sueh payments. My exeess insurance I ' . <br /> proceeds over an amouM requlred to pay ali outstanding Indebtedness under the Note and this 3ecu�iry Instrument shaY be paid <br /> _ ,, __ _ , to the entity iegol�r e�ified thereto. f �� <br /> � � In tho eNen7 ot toredosure of this Securiry InsUument or other tranafer oi tiUe to the PropeMy that extingulshes the l�� <br /> • indabtadnttse, aN dgM,tida and interest of Bor►ower in end to inaurence paAdes In torce aNaN pasa to the purehaset. �,�:. <br /> ;s,::. <br /> � 5. Oacupancy. Preservation, Maintenance and ProtecNon of tha Properly; Barrower'e loan <br /> ' � . Applim�tlol�: L9�Seh0ld8. 8artowar shail ocaupy. estab�sh.and use the Property as Borrower's prindpel residence within � <br /> � ° sixly dayn dter the exewtion o}this Seairlly Instrument and shaq contlnue to ocapy the Property as Borrowet's prindpel <br /> ' residonae/a at lenst one year after the date ot occupanay, unlese the 9euetary determfnes this requirement wiU cause undue ' <br /> hardship tor Borrowet, or unlesa extenuating draimatances metst whlch are beyond 8omower's controL 8ortower ehatl noUty <br />- . � Lenders ot eny eutenuatlng dreumstanoes. Borrower ahall not commR wasta or deatroy, daenage or substanttaUy ehnnge the <br /> PropoRy or eNow Me Properly to deteriaate,reasonable wear end tear excepted. lender may tnspect the Propaty B the Propedy <br />�; is vaocmt or abandoned or the laan is in detau�. lender mey take reasona6le aotion to proted end preserve suoh vacent or <br /> -- � ' ° ebandoned Property. 8orrower shall a►so be tn detault It Borrower, durfng the loan appitcatlon proeess,gave matertaiy taise or <br /> ' ineceurete NbmwUon or statements to Lender(or taqed to provlde Lender with ar►y matedal Entortnatlon)in connecUon wrih the <br /> ' � tonn evidenced by the Note,induding,but not IlMted to,represerdaUons coneeming Bonower's ocapanry ot the Properry as a �> <br /> , 1# + � � p�inaipal reaidence. M this 3ecurHy Instrument ia on a leasehold, Borrower shaq comply with the ptovisions of the tease. If <br /> � Borr4wer noquires tee tkle to!he Propeny,the Ieasehold and fee Utle sh$II not be merged uniesa Lender agreea to the merger in <br /> � • writlng. <br /> � '� 8. Ch�rges to 8or�ower end Prntection of Le�der's AigMs tn the Proporty.Bortower ahelt pay ali <br /> ���� . <br /> •ti�� goremmeMai ar munidpal eharges, flnes an�! Impositiona that ere not induded in ?aragraph 2. 6oROwc� shall pay these <br /> , obllgations on time dlrecUy to the enUty which is owed tha payment It tapure to pay wou►d adveraey atleot Lender's Interest In <br /> me tfioaerry,upon Lender's request Bortower ahdl prompty tumish to Lender receipts evidencing these payments. <br /> � H 9er►ower fai�s to make iheae payments or the paymente requked by Paragraph 2, or fatla to perform any other covenanta <br /> ' �� and n ents contatned in this 9ecurily Instrument,or ihere Is a 1 ai roceedin that rtui si cen atfeot Lender's d hts in <br /> � t,',,_. S� BB p 9 rtu Y 9� tiY 9 <br /> : � .� tho Rvperry(such as e proeeeding in bantwptay, tor condermation or to e�orae Iawa or reguiatlona), then Lenda mey do and <br /> �, .� • � +•- • pny whateva is necessary to proteot tha value ot the Properry and Lender's dghta [n tfie Property,including payment of taxes, � <br /> '�?, •,,;,!w..' hazud fnsurance and oiher kemA mentloned In Paragreph 2. i <br /> ' �;:�� Any amouMs diabursed by lender under tNa Paragmph shall bewme an addftlonal debt of Bomower and be secured by <br /> " " this Sewrfty inaWmenL Thsse amounta shal bear interest hom the date ot diabursement,at the Nole rate, and at the optlon of i �" <br /> .. '.i ,.,� � Lender.shal be immedEately due and payaDie. I <br /> .�.�.:.; I <br /> •i��. • 7. Condemnallon. The proceed3 ot arry award or daim tor damages, direat or cortsequenttal,tn connecNon wkh erry ' <br /> '� � � condetmaUon or other taWng ot erry part of the Property,or ta wmeyance In p�ace of condemnatbn, are hereby assigned and <br /> '' , aheli be p�W to iender to ihe extent ot 1ho tuU emount ot the indebtadness that �emains unpdd under tho Note and this � � <br /> - � � „ ��fty InsuumEnx lendEr sha11 eppty such proceeds to the reductton of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security � .. <br /> `- � triatrument,tfrst to any deHnquerr!amounts appYed in tho order provtded in Peragraph 3,and tha►to prepayrtsent ot p�indpat. • <br /> .;� .� My eppQcatlon of tho proceeda to the prhdpat sh�A not extend or postpone the due date of ffie manthy payments,whtch ere , � <br /> •c', referred to h Peragr�ph 2. or chango tho ertwuM ot auch pa�rtrserta. My exeESS pmcEeds ovar en amount reguired to pay aU • <br /> . • outs[�u�ding tn�ebiedn�ss under the Note and thb 3aairity Inswment sh�7 be puid to tho er�[tjr legaqy c�ntlSed th�reto. <br /> �. ,� <br /> 8. F9es.Lender may collect tees end charges euthorimd by thu Seaetary. <br /> ._ � } 9. tirounda for Acceleratlon ot Debt. � <br /> , �. <br /> � (a)D81AUIt.Lender may, except as Iimtted by regulaUons issued by the Secretery tn the case o}payment detautts. , <br /> �. �qulne immedtute payment In ND of eli aums sECUred by thts Ss�curity Instrument H: <br /> (h 8orrower detaults by fa(�ng to pay in NU eny montAty payment required by this Seaptly Inatrument prtor to or on <br /> the due date of the next monthy paymen� o� <br /> � � ., g�Bom�wer defaults�y tal�ng,far a pdbd of MIAy days,to pertortn any arther obUgattons containeai in thls Sacurity � <br /> � InaWment <br /> �� �� ., � (b)Salo Without Credit Appr�val. Lendtt aha�. If penNitad by appltcebte law end with the prlor approvai ot tAe <br /> f• ` � Seae2ery,requfre Immed3ate peymsnt tn tu0 of e{I the suni�aecured Ey this Sewtity�nstrumrnt ff: <br /> 1r. <br /> F5813.�AA0(4�) P¢qe 2 aT• <br /> 1� <br /> , " • <br /> . eaoa� <br />