� ' , �``��+••"'.. . I j � . . . ,^,r: 7. . -...
<br /> .Y�i 'r^ 1 .� l�l
<br /> , - .�... . i�. ."
<br /> y'..�,yt•�: 1 y{r .. :'
<br /> -- �c�.��_. . � n - _ . ,.
<br /> ;_ � i.. --.......,_ --- --__ - -- -
<br /> .
<br /> �, .._'_I „�s+a ��rji�ltli„ . ..
<br /> _� ' � � — — _ —
<br /> �-�e� •._ --__ — — _ —. —
<br /> �--.� ._.. ..
<br /> _ ' ,
<br /> . . • • '
<br /> -- - ___ - -- -- . .� - -- - - ------ g�'"'�U:'��'��,� _.
<br /> . (� INI cx p�rt ol th� PropNty, orr a b��AaW Mwrrt tn � tru�t ownh� �N or p�A v1 th� Prop�rty, k �dd or
<br /> -- ��� oiherxiae tr�mf�rred(othK than by dx��or dncmt)by th�QorrowM,md
<br /> .� '�
<br /> (r)Th�Pmp�ty i�not ocwpl�d hy th�purchai�r w qrantr�wa hle or har prG�ctii�1 r�sidw�oP,crr ihs purclute►or �`'''���
<br /> yncrtn dos� so accupy th� f�apo�ty, bu1 htf a DM CtEdF� hai not bwn �yprovrtd M accordanc� with iho .
<br /> - — �ts of th�Bra�Wy.
<br /> � (0) NO ViI�R H ckeutntt'nca oCeur that woukl pwnfN Urttiu to ��qutn Mfnt�dlets paymmt Y�1wN,twt 6�¢tdv
<br /> -- _ dow oot nquke euoA p�y�nMnq. L�du doM not w�Ne tt�r1�At�wlth r��d to wbuqwnt�vwd�.
<br /> (d) R�uiat�otts o�' HUD 8�or�sry. lo m�ny ckcumst�nca npul�xcns l:w�d by tfi� 8�a�eWy wM NmM
<br /> - -_— -- - -_-- = L�ndw'� �ht�, In th�cas�09 p�ynNnt a�twth,to nq��InxtMdwb pryrtMnt b tuN and bncba�M not p�W. i hie ` _
<br /> 8ecwlty tnatunt�eM doa not wtlto+��1bn a londosun N not P��Nlt�d DY n�Mion�o!th�S�crMry.
<br /> - (�) aAOrt�a� N�It IeWnd. 8oi►oNrN ayrte�that efiack9 thts Soourily ta�trum�nt�rtd th�Not�socunid th�rnby
<br /> not b� aipbM tor hsur�rtee undw th�NadonN Haustnp Act within 8f)dsr� fram tAS+�dtltp h�nof.
<br /> � Lmd�r m�y. at ita opdon or�d notwtthstandinp mythhp In pntapr�pA 9, rp+ica Irtrrndat�ptymMft In Rtl��oliMil•aums -
<br /> .T o�aund by thls 3aewily Inatrwnent A w�lten etat«n�nt W any�uthndz�d ay�nt ot th�Sar�t�y d�tad�sut�sRquent
<br />,�; to�� hom tfia deie hereol. dedln(rtp to In�ro thfa Bea�rily instrusnenl artd tAa Net.� e�ucd .
<br /> thenDy, sM1 be dean�d condtsNe prooi of auch hWp(bWty. NotwriMt�ndng th� tonpotnQ, tAie optlar�,mAy aat.be
<br /> �`�,• exKdsad by Lander when the unarail�hYiry af insurance W aoiely dus to tend�r'a hNuro to romif� mat�trtsur#na�
<br /> ,
<br /> 'r' " �,� pranium to the 3acretuy.
<br /> S ;y,r
<br /> 10. Rlinsht�m�nL 8arower haa a rtght to bs ratnatated if Lcnder has requlred imna�Wts payment Im,fYiff:dicr+use ot. �
<br /> Harowa's failuro to psy�n amount due und�►ths Not� a thb Sxud[y instrum�nt TAIs �ight sppY�a even�eJ�r tprndosure
<br /> pracasdings �re hstkutad.To rohafat�th�Seat�ity tnsCum�M. Bot►oww eh�N tenda M s tump sum aN smru�*.1ts mquJnad to
<br /> ti��,� b�inQ B�iost�'G �t,eotett Cctrtt�st tnCAtdittg, to Me e�dalt ttt6y at'd oOiE$atlon8 ot Bottaw� uttdt,�' ttit� .�,ctu�( IrqsLZirt:&iti -�=
<br /> ��� toredosuro cosb and roaaonabta and austanary attomeys' tees and e�anses proyerty assaclated with ttua toroclosure E�=
<br /> - ,•r�� protnedY�g. Upon rotnatatement by Bartowa,thb Securily Instrument artd tha obigalbns that k sacuros aR�fi iarottN►in el�tci as --
<br /> . .r,�n..-��:. .......� __�;;-
<br /> ' � H lender Aad rto!requiced(mmediate paymaR in tuY. Hawerer. Lendar ts nol requked to p�rmit rcinatate�nanR i�• (}Lcnder has ��!.*'.
<br /> " �'�:��'�, ,; scaptec� roinaGtement e�te► the eom�rtencen�ent ot toredosure proceedinga wNAh two yeare inme�iaLtty pVecedfrtg the """�,`-
<br /> 'a'F,:�::='�� ,'��:;�: commeca�ntex�t of a wrtent toredosuro preceedng,(f�rehstatement w�predude faaeiosure on dfflerent�m�ts N th�et�4�m. ;
<br /> "' i or(ii�ra+nstaternent wiY adrersety atteat the priorlly o}the Nen created by lhis Sncuriry InatrumeM. 5 �:
<br /> �:;�c:�; ..;ti.;;:1�.�
<br /> a,�r:S��''�..,.,;'"..:„!,.�a 11.HoRaw�e lVot Rd�a�d. For�usne� By L�nd�r Not •W�twr. Extanalon of thr� tlma ot payment or �.;_>
<br /> 1�)�. , •�,�',�;y_ modReatton of amoAimUon of the aums securcd by tAfs Searlry instrument granted by lendn to erry aursrsoeaoc I�int�rest of �,
<br /> �'•=?t�;• •` .. '?Ea,�-��� Barower shal rto!operate to retease the ILbiGty of the oTigtnai Barmwer or Bortowds suxessar in 4�tercst: Lr.rtdlrar sh�fl no!be '�°"
<br /> .t' � to eo►rmence mcee�t a
<br /> �;,;. •.. �� � � P 8s 9�►st a�y suaxssor tn irctr�C or refuse to mtend tlme for payntenA�a oihmwiae modity �}.
<br /> •'.h`N� emort�at[on of the sums sewred by this SeatrEty lnstrumeM by reason af any demertd made by Na�originr�)8arower or �:
<br /> - ,_i.�!zrc_ .
<br /> .,���,,;;--+� ` . . Barowere suxesaavs tn tnterest Any forDeeranee 0y Lendar In exerdstng any rfgl+t ar �nedy sna.9 n.s Dt�a weluer o?ot '�`fi�:
<br /> • ,. .. � pndude the e�cerdse ot eny KgAt or remedy. •,��:'•-
<br /> �{` � � t�. Successora and A.�'�ns Bound; JWnt and 8everai Us�btlifY; Co-Signprs. TM covenrcnta ar,d :;��r
<br /> ,�`^ .' agreesri��Yt��ot thia 3ecurity tnsLurree�t�.`sall bind end benefit the suceessors and assi�s ef Lettdar and 8cerauer. sub;sct Lo the
<br /> ;�%'�� ,�r,�.,,�• prorlsbna oi Paragraph e.b. BoROwer's covenaMs and egreements shaY be jolnt and sereral. My Batr�u�r whp co-afgns this ; ��
<br /> ' :;�,G�.:'.,.:,,- Securtly Inetrument b�i does not exeade the Nate:(aa ts eo-stgning this SecurHy Ur�Cument ony to mo�pga,ge�nt artd convey :;;;��:�•
<br /> ,;'i'.�;;il;�; thd 8artowar's tMer�sY 3n the Properry under the t�of thls Securfty Instrum¢ss7:(b)is rtot personniry otrAguL�d to pay the '
<br /> .�;?t'�;;,!'`. . . aum3 secured by thta Saaudry instrume� and(o)agrees that lender end any oNer 8orrower may qqta� ta extendl, rt�oc8fy. ,: ,
<br /> �.'Y,��. :. `��M: to�beet or make eny accommodattons with regard to the terms ot this Securtly Ins4ument or tho Nobr wfdsmut that Barrower's �
<br /> .. ..�„ti,-., .. ,. amsent
<br /> '1 . t s1.5' �� �• 13. Nottes.My notice to Borrowe►provided 6�w in tMs 3ecurity InstrumeM ahall be given by daNve�rtg(t or by ma(Ung k {;
<br /> .. .,�..�,��� - ,. . by Arst e�aaa m�fl uniesa eppUcebte�aw requkes uista oi another method.Ti�e not�Ce ehell be directed ta thu Ptoperiy Addrosa or :
<br /> .•`�•.•'�"' -:' arry oiher ad�eas Borrawer designates by nottce to Lender.My noUce to lertder sluill be gNen by Arat dane mn9 to Lender's 41
<br /> .`.. ..;": •':rf,i:'�i�,� eddress stated herein or any address lender dest�ates by nellce to Borrower. Any noUce pra�ldad Tor In thia Secudry �
<br /> :.r.�!•. ... • .�+,v:.+:,rr;�, � I .
<br /> - �� :�' ���'h�,r,� lnsbumerR sheY be deemed to have Dam gMen to Borrower or Lender when gtven ne provided in this p4r¢Qmph.
<br /> ,�:t�ti�i:''�' . 41, . 14. Qowmtng Law; Sswr�biltty.TAb 3ecurfry Ins�ummt shap be govemed by Fedare! Iaw end the law of tha �I.,
<br /> : ��;::(;•` jurisadte@on in whieh ttv�Property is tocated. tn tho e+renl thut any provl.sEon or dause of this SBacitlt Inetrum4nt or the Nota ��. '
<br /> u
<br /> '��`�'� - confActa with epplicablo 9aw, such conl9at shall net e:�act other provtslona ot this SealMty Instrument or the NoL� whtch can bo �
<br /> _ ',, �:-• . giren¢ttect withait the contlictlng provlston.To tl�Is end Me provisions of Mts Seeu�yr Inetrumert an�thu Noto aro dodared to i�
<br /> ,�,.� ��' tre s2s�aEle. 'J;
<br /> '�,�e;• 1�.80►raY1►Y�'m COpy.Borrawur sAaU 6e ghen one conformed copy of this Security InsRUmnnt �'!�
<br /> '' " 16.Asslgn�n�t�t ot ReMa.eorrower wtco�-�itfonaity assigns artd transters to Lender ali thu��La and nmvenuoa ot the �
<br /> ,` ° „ Pro�bsty.Borrower uuthodzes Lertder or Lender's to coUect the�nts end revenues and he id
<br /> �: �gErrts reby dltaats eaah tartrint ot the
<br /> �,c ' r�'' y,: ,' Propa^,�v to pay tAo ronts to Lertder or Lender's agents.Howerer,prior to Lender'a notice to Bortower of Bortower's breach oS� ��
<br /> ��; „ eny covenaM or agreement in tfie Se�:t�ity Instrumertt. Borrower sheU coqeat and receive aU reMs an�revenaas of tho Properry i�
<br /> r, . ' as bu�tee for tho banaTd o! Lertder and Bortower. TAis asslgnmeM of rents conatltutes an absotuta aesignment and not an (
<br /> ��'� asslgmrtern tx edditlacsal securiry ony. l
<br /> F,�:
<br /> �'��`'�' if L�ender es nalEco oi D►eRaA to Borrower: ep reMs reee�ved b Bortawa sheU be held ir Bomower as truetae br !;,�-
<br />- ;'�::�,. ., 9P► (ai Y / , ,;�:�
<br /> - ' ;,; �mefit ot lender ony,to De appRed to ttte sums secured by the Se�dry Instrumen� (b) Lender sh�11 bo entitled to colieat and ;'�•r'�„
<br /> �' .. `. - recdre eb ot Me rd�ts of tho
<br /> , PrapaZ�r, and (c► each tenar�t of the Property sha�l pay all rente Quu�and unpaid to Lender or '
<br /> - '� Lender'e�ngent cn Lertder's wdtten demanxl to Me tertant. �
<br /> �,.; Bortower Aaa not executed a 4'
<br /> rry prtor essignment of tho rents end has not end wFtl not perkTm eny sot that would prc�vent
<br /> ��:�;• Lendar trom exeneising(ts dghtn ccndet thfs Puru�aph 18. ,
<br /> Lartder sRn9 rtot De requUed to ertter upon,take co�rtrol of or mafntaU�the Prope�ty before or after g1�:ng erotlao af breoeh to ;�
<br /> s Barrowe�.However, Lertder ur a udidal ay y y
<br /> _ J y appointod re;cehrer m do so at an tlme there ts a breaeh. M applEaaUon ot rents 1,_ _
<br /> sta6 rtot cum or waive eny defaufl ar Invulidnta any other �1ght or remedy ot L�da. Thla aaeignmuM•of r�aite ot the Prope►ty ��
<br /> _ ` � �i� .
<br /> 1 sAtU terminate wAen the debt secured by tho Secudly InsUumetrt ia paid in full. ���
<br /> 17. Fo»closun PROqdun. H Lnnd�r roqutrea imm�dtate paymer�t in full ua�loz Pe�eagraph 9, ;'
<br /> '., �iuder mq tmro[n th� powar of sal� and atry other roansdUs parmiitad fary� rappld�bfe taw. ��;
<br /> �. Londsr shatl �a oMitied to eop+�ct all oxp�nsoa ire�urred in pursuing ttn ram�fms proWdad in �!>
<br /> tM� psragrapA 17. iRCluding, but rto! Itmtt�d to, reasonable altomays' fees ana� cost4 0! titto 'I;
<br /> ovtd�nc�.
<br /> f, ,.
<br /> . • ,
<br /> i f� '�- FSBI3.LMd (M3y papo 3 ot 4 ;
<br /> F•f ' �' .. '.
<br /> �
<br /> 94007 i
<br /> ' 4.
<br />