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<br /> tSpace Abov�TN�Ur�e tor Necu3�p G�tal
<br />� FlU1 Cu�Na
<br /> A ' },d'; Stat�of Nsbra�t DEEV OF YRllST s��-»izao- _
<br /> �r .
<br /> . .�..... �rkti .1894 �� �
<br /> ��'. , 'i,_ tHi9 DEED OF TAUST('3eawtty Inafrum�nt)la made on -- �
<br /> ����y.r'�?�?r The trustor ls ai�w��na1 !M R��d�r and L�oel J,�•••a•• a�•��hanA ind tllf'� <� -
<br /> . (•8arow�r'). Ths Irust» \
<br /> ����.�J.' �` ' . `." is riaiionwi eank of C mmores Trust and S +rinae�Associ�tlon i��a 3 A Streat Lincoln. 1oE
<br /> ,y�'��.���'•{-,r� b$5�8 l'Ttuatee').fit benelk�ttY Is Th�Ov�rlamc! Nitionai 8ank�1�ran{�_
<br /> ek�
<br /> `�'. ..`''�` r� Island .whioA ia org�ni�ed�nd e�dstlnp under the hws of
<br /> '?�;':''�^,,y'r45���� 1,.,�Unit�d Statss of Am�ric� .and wAoae address ts 3dt Wnt Thttd S �ru�d Isi�#d�
<br /> .�.�r�.;' NE 8R801 (•lender').Barowa owes Lender ths phdWd sum o!
<br /> �rt%t':�� , ,,.�, OOM00
<br /> SIxtY Four Tlwus�nd Twa Hu�dlm� .e;a.....a
<br /> ."��,"� :',�"'." OoMare(U.B.3 84.2SO.OQ 1. Thts debt la avldenaed by 8arowera �ote dcted the eame dats as tftb Secutfty
<br /> • . . InatrumeM ('Note'), which provldes tor monthy payme�e, wNh the tul de4t, H not p�td eerlter. due and payabie on
<br /> . „
<br /> � � " .t��h� 1 2p�4 . Thta Secur[ty Instrument securea to lenda: (a) the �epayment ot the debt
<br /> .• evldenced by the Nota wtth Uiteresl, and aA renewats, extensions and moQMlattons:�O) the WYment of+di aliror anms.rev►i� .
<br /> � �� � : �nteresL advanced undec paragraph 8 to�proteat tha @eourtty of thls Seatrriy Insdumenx and(oy the pMomMnco ot Bortowerb
<br /> ' covenants and agn�ementa under thla 8eourtty las4nrr�ait and the Note. For 1hSs puipose.Botrower does hertehy matgrQe,
<br /> . '' ,�yY,.. greM bnd eonvay to Truatee wlth power ot oa►e, the tonawqtg desaibad P�opaety iocated U `
<br /> �•" I�od� County:
<br /> � l.�a�!Nina (9).Blook Two (?,�,laland Acroa Number Two(2 ,s replat ot Lale Ons (1).1'wo (2),
<br />- Yhree (3), Flv�(6). SIx(e�, ara�Bev�n(�.Isttnd Acres� �ity of Gr�nd islar�sl, Hall County,
<br />- . NebraskA.
<br /> � . . . . .
<br />� .. .
<br /> s. ,. .. ,
<br /> .
<br /> .,
<br /> ^ ' whiaN has the addresa ot 3012 West 13th Stroe� Qrand Islandt_
<br /> (struee) I�YI•
<br />_ '.,c .. . �Isbroiskw �8� 68883 ('Property Address'!: --
<br /> _ .:, . � [zip coae�
<br /> TOCiETHpi WITH ell Me improvemer�ts novr or horeafter erected on the Propery,end ei easemente,dgMa.appurtenances, _.
<br /> � � rents, royaltlea. mineta�, oil and gas dghts end pro�ts,water dghts end stook and eU t�cdirea now or hereafter a part ot the _
<br /> �,�-���� " property,q0 ��aoemeMs end additlons shaq atso be covered by this Secudty tnatrumen� M of the toregoing fs reterred to In i-'
<br /> this 3ecurity InshumeM as the'Prope►ty'.
<br /> Z. , � ; �' 80RROYYER COYENANT9 that Borrower is lnwiu9�r seized ot the ostate hereby conveyed end has the r1�At to meRgage,
<br /> grant end aonvey the f'�opeity and that the Properiy Is unencumbered, excepi 9ot et�amb�ances of record. Botrower watrenta
<br /> . ��` , and wili detend qeneraUy the dUa to lhe Property agalnat eU daims and demanda, subjeat to any encumbrancea of record.
<br /> � 1. Payment of Principal,IMerest and I.ate Chasge.Bomower ahet pey when due the principal of,end interest
<br /> !' on,the debt evidenr.ed by the Note and late cherges due under the Note.
<br /> � ;' . 2. Moe�tl�ty Peymorns of Teoces, Insura»ae and Othor Cham,�a�.Borrower ahau �ndude in eaah montrtty
<br /> : � � paymont,together with the pdndpal end interest as set fo�th in the Note and any�te chargsa, en tnstellntcmt of sny (�texes
<br /> �. '� and npQaiat assessmenta levied or to be Ievlad against tha Prmpe�y, (b) teasehofd paym�nts or gmund rents on the ProperQy,
<br /> : S, ' � and(oJ premiums for insurenee requlred by PeragmpA 4.
<br /> '�� �
<br /> _ _ u_Y.ar n�..� i�� ia.� �w i..f.1.eu.....et � .se..��nh n1 fAe a�uu� mneu�Mc an roa�••�••wA•cnfimoltul hv
<br /> �
<br /> -:-� . cacn nama�o�o�mo..an.v.
<br /> _ _ .. _' oci�ro �u��\v�w... �q...�..�T��..�...�..�.�. ...��...� �..��""• _' "_""'_'• ____""' _•
<br /> ` � � � Lmder,plu�nn amount sutAdent to matntein an addittonat balance oi not more then on�sfixth oi tho estlmated amounts.The tuil
<br /> 1 annual emount for eseh item shaU be acamu�ated by Lander within a period e�dNg one month before an item would become
<br /> ' ", deUnqtten� lender sheli hold the amwnta coUected h wst to pay ttems(a).(b)and(e)beiare theyr bECOme dellnquent.
<br /> . „ tf et nny tlmo the toffit of the payments held by Lender tor kems(a�, (b),and (a).together wrih the tUturo monthty puymeMO I
<br /> • for such ftems payabie to Lender pdor to the due dates oi sueh ftems,exceeds by more then onasixth the esdmated emount ot
<br /> t� � paymsnta r�equked to pay such ftems when duo, end M paymeMs on the Note ere curten�then Lender aheil either retund the i
<br /> � •� mcaess oves ono-shcth ot the est(mated Paymente or e►edlt the excess over one�sixth af the estlmated paymenta to subaequent �
<br /> �r � , � .
<br /> � F3Bt3.LM0 t�ID�) Pnga t nt s ,
<br /> � o
<br /> 1
<br /> y . 9�U41 �
<br /> . ,� _ _ _ __ _
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