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<br /> 17.Tcamfer ot the Frope�ty or a Benefklwl Intenst in Borrotives.If ali or�y part bf the Pro 1�or any in�crest in it
<br /> is sold or trnnsfenrcd(or if a be-ne�icial interc�st in Banower iA sold or uunsferred and Borrower is not a natacul perwn)wi�hout
<br /> "',�.1_�,��=r,,,,�;�, l.cnder's p�zur written consent. l.ender m�y. ut its aptian, requirc immediatc payment in full of nll sums �ecured by this �
<br /> -- - Security Tnstcument.However,U�is uption shatl not br,exerci�+u!by I.c'nder if exerc�se is pro}iibited by federal law ns nf thr dnte
<br /> �__. of this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> If l.ertder exerctses thls aptian. Lender st�nif give Barrower aotice of ucceletution.The rtotice shall Provide u period af not _
<br /> Icss thnn 3p days from the date the nutice is delivere�or muited within whish Bonower must pay al! sums securcd by this
<br /> --- Sccudty tnstrumcat.If Barrovrer f�ils to pay these swna priur to the expir�tinn of thiH perIcxi,lxnder muy invoke any reme.�!!es _ __
<br /> permittect by this Se�urlry Instniment without 1lirther nutice or demand an&�rmwer.
<br /> t8. Borrv►wer's R�qht to Reiastate. If Bartawer me�Gc certaln condittons. Borrower shntl huve the rigtit ta have
<br /> cnforcermnt of this Security lnspumcnt discontinucd c►t any timc prior tn the carlier of: (a)S d:�ys (ur xucli uilier peried os '
<br /> _ uppiicnble taw may specjfy for reiagtntement) before sele of the Property pur�uant ta any power af sulc cont:tinai in this
<br /> s Secuiity lnstniment;or(b)entry of a judgntent cnforeins this Secudty Tnstrument.Those condittans ure that Borcower:(u)puys
<br />- .�ja Lender nll sums which then would be due under this Secur�ty Instn�ment and the Noto ns if no acceleration had occurred:(b)
<br />- cutes any defuult of c+ny other�rovenan�g ar asreements;(c) pAys all cxpemes incurrod in cnforcin�this Security Instrument.
<br /> - ineluding,but not limited to. rensonable uttomeys' fees:and (di tak�s such action as I.ender mAy ne�asonably require to ussure
<br />- that the![en of this Security instrument, l.ender's righ��in the Property urtd Borcawer's obligatian to pay the sums sccurcd by
<br /> � this Security Instrument shall continue unch�sngud. Upon reinswtement by Barrower. [his Security Instniment anJ die - _
<br /> f • obligations secured hereby shall remuin fully effective as if no acceleratian hud occurred. However,this ri�ht to reinstate shall
<br />� ( not apply ia the case of acceleradon under paragraph l7.
<br /> • 19. Sule of Notet Change ot Loan Servtoer. Thc Note or u p�u�tial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> Instru►nent)may be sold one or more times without pdor notice to Bonower.A sssle may result in u change in the entity tknawn __
<br /> ns the"Loan Servicer")that callocts monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instcument.There also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to A sale of the Nate. If there is a change of the I.aan Servicer, Borrower wtll be
<br /> given�vritten noUce of the ehanIIe in accordance with paragcaph 14 above:uid applicable law.The notice witl stnte the nume and _
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to whIch payments shou(d be made. The nottce will also contain uny other �_
<br /> information required by applicdble law. —�-
<br /> 20. Hezutdous Substances. Borrower shall not cause c.r permit the presence, use. disposal, stotuge, or release of any �___
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor nllow anyone else to do, anythin� affecting the �'""'
<br /> Property that is in vtolation of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or -
<br /> v storage on the Property of small quantities of Harardous Substances that ure�enerally recognized to be appropriate to normal __
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. --
<br /> Bortower shall promptly gtve Lender wriiten notice of uny invest�gation, claim,demsu►d,lawsuit or other action by any �'-°'
<br /> governmenwl or regulaWry a�enry or private pany involvtng the Propeny and any Hazardous Substance ur Environmental LAw —`
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns. or is nat�fied by any governmentai or re�ulatory authority, that --
<br /> any removal or ottier se�nediatton of any Huzardous Subsu►nce affecttn�tho Property is necessary, Borrower shall promptly talce --;- -
<br /> • nll necessary remediaf actions in accordance with Environmental Law. "''-:�
<br /> . , , ,. q��;n � ����p, ^��ri���Cnhuanrrc" are those substances defined as toxic or hauitduus substactces by =_--
<br /> -
<br /> Environmental Law and the following substunces: gasoline. kerosene. other flammuble or toxic petroleum Rroducts. toxic =___
<br /> � r r`f� pesticIdes ttnd herbicides. volatile solvenu,matetials contuining usbestos ur formnldehyde,and radioactive materizls. As used in -
<br /> this paragrsiph 20, "Envimnmentul Law" meuns federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that Ef__
<br /> � • • retate to health,safety or environmental rotection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follo�vs: ���,
<br /> ° • � 21.Acceleradon=Remed6es. I.ender shnll give not�te to Borrower prior to acceleration fmllowing Borrower's breach
<br /> _ �=�r of any covenant or agreement ia th(s Securtty Irtstrument (but not prEor to aoceleration under paragraph 17 ualess ' ;�;
<br /> � . app l tca b le Iaw pmv i des o t he r w is e).T he notice shall s p e cif y: (a)the default;(b)the action r e qWred to cure the deFault;
<br /> ' ; „ ,_ . (c)a date, rtot less than 30 duys from the date the nattce is given to Borrower,by which the default must be cured=and _
<br /> (d) that failure to cure the default an or before the date specitIed in the nottce m�y result ua accelerution of the su�s =
<br /> ; ` secucrd by th[s Securlty InsKrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall further inform Borro�rer of the right to �
<br /> rninstate after acceleratIon and the right to bring a rnurt acttoc� to essert the non�xistence of a default or any oiher
<br /> - detense of Borrower tu aoceleratton nnd s�le. If the default is not cured on or befoce the date sPeciRed in the notice, ; a•,
<br /> .,�. I.ender,nt its option�may require immedIate payment in full of all sums secured by this SecuMty Instrument without
<br /> further demand and may invoke the power of sate and any other remedies permitted by epplicable ta�v. Lender shall be �.
<br /> �' .:��� entltted to collect alt expet�ses incurred in pu�suing the remedies prnvided in this paraRraph 21,including.but not limtted � -��
<br /> '. �� , to.t�essonable attorneys'fees und c�tv of title evidence.
<br /> � If thepower of sale is invoked.Trustee shall record a notfce of default tn euch county in �vhich any part oE the
<br /> .':",�: Property ts l�cated and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribrcS by appticable law to Bormwer and to '.`'
<br /> � i'`"`�'' the other persons pr�cribed by upplicable luw.After the time requlred by appUcable law,Trustee shall�iv�public notice ;;:;�=
<br /> T='ti f ,,;' of stile to the pecsons nnd in the manner prescri6ed by appNcable law.Trustee,without demand on Bnrrower,shall sell
<br /> - :�� the Property at publtc auctton to the highest bfdder at the time attd place and under the terms desi�nated in the notice of
<br />:� '•• z�, sale in one or more pa�cels and in eny order Trustee determines. 'Trustee may postpone sale of alt or any parcel of the ,;i�,; '
<br /> ,�, ' Pruperty by public annourtcement at the ttme and pluce of anv previously sche�uled sale. lxnder or its designee may ��
<br /> .ar : �:, purchnse ttte Property at any sale. ����`:
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