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<br /> 9�°" �j(] �,� �oa�tt�� _
<br /> Upon teaipt oe p�yment of tlrr p�ice btd� 'Pnutee e�iWf Aetiver to !IM Ru�se`�'"r"i'lii�ex'� dxed caevey��the _..
<br />� � Property. '1't�rccitalx t��thE Trustee'A cleed shall be pdru� f¢ele evidence nY th�truth af the state�nen�9�nAde iherele.
<br /> 'fl U1iltC 6IlAIO Y�Iy IIIB N60�CClI,Y OP 1ltl'f,i1�2 Ill lhC POIIi3WIilR OPdEiJ(3l)t0 AU CASt9 Uli(I CXglCii`:t9 OY CS�Ci�P��.i�ts thc�+�K•cr«P
<br /> r,ale�wnd��►��.inrluslis�U�c�y�tunt otiha'i'eustte•n fees wcluAl.iy Incurred.nri0 to excecd ��
<br /> ot the pr(ncijwi wmnunt oi the rwte ut th�e time ift the declarsittcrn o[det�nult.ond re�sonable attorneys'f¢es a9 permitted
<br /> by I�aw; (b)to all r�wny sectered 1by this�ccurity Gistrume�tt�n�(d s�ny excesy to tlhe per�n or pe�r�s trxa0ly entttled to
<br />. It.
<br /> xa. Rtconveyartce. [ipcm paynient oi idl sums secumJ by �hi� Scc�►r�ty Instrument. Lendcr shall request Trustea ta
<br /> mcanve�r tite Prapetty and shall sumerKicr �biw �u��ity i�iitr�m�d ia��d atl nutws cvidcnetng dcbt sccurcd hy this 3ecurity �-
<br /> tnstn�mem�u Tiustoc.Trustee�h�N rcronvey the Praperty without warr-anty uad wlthuut chargo to the person ar persons legalfy
<br /> cntitlal to it. Such pet:u►n ur persons shuli pay uny recardution casts.
<br /> 23.Subatit�rte Trustee. Lendcr. nt its optiun, may fi•om tiine w timc rcmovc Trustec and apgoint n successor trustce to
<br /> nny Tnistee uppointed hcreunder by an instrumcnt�ocarded In the county in which this Sccurity Instniment ts rccorded.Without
<br /> canveyance of dtc Property.the succe�+sar t�ustce shall succeed to:ill die title,power und dutles conEerred upon Trustee hcrein
<br /> und by upplicable Inw.
<br /> 1A.[ttqutst for Notic�.Bomower requesta tiuit��pEes of tl�e notices of default and sulc bs sent to Qorrotrer's uddress -
<br /> which Is the t+[ope�ty Address.
<br /> 2S.Ridere to this Securlty �nst�vment.If onc or more riderz ure ex.ccxuted by Botrower nad cr�corded tugethee wlth th�s
<br /> Security Instrumea►t,the cavenants und agreemenu af each such riderahall be inco�porated into and shail nmerea arn!suppfement
<br /> the covenans and a$reements of thls Security Instrument us if the nder(s)were a part of dti9 Sccuriry Insuument.
<br /> (Check applicable box(es)J
<br /> 0 Adjustalslo Edatc Rtder Comlominlam f�ider �I 1-4 Fa�nily Rtdec .
<br /> C]tiraduated Paytnent Rider Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment itider
<br /> [�Balloon Rid�r Rate Impmvement Rider �Serond klome Rider
<br /> [�V.A.Rider. �OtheKs)1�1�ifY] —
<br /> BY SIGN1Nti BELOW.Borrower xccepts and ugrees to the temLS and covenants conwined in this Security[cistn►n�.�ent und
<br /> in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and rea.rorded with it.
<br /> Witnes.ses: 1�-`�� �'�-�- (Seal)
<br /> KENNETH L FREIDT -Borrowcr
<br /> .
<br /> (Sea!)
<br /> L A L FR I EDT -Borrower
<br /> (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> •Bomowtr -Borrower —
<br /> � STATEOB 1VEBRASKR►, County ss:HALL _
<br /> Thc foregoing insirument wasacknowledged before me this 29TH day of JUNE 1994 . _
<br /> Witness my hend and notnrial seal atGRANa I SLAND, NE HASKA �n said County.the date aforesaid.
<br /> My Cormnisskn Expires: �' ' -
<br /> `� p�•���t� Idonry Prblic =
<br /> . �WIK6.ItER 1� --
<br /> 7iry�l�aExRAu� .
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