a,x:. ,,.
<br /> �}m�.e. _ ._. _--.
<br /> a - ---_--. _— ..
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<br /> paymrnt,g rnay t�o loriger Uc required�at tho�pti��1 nf�.e�xler.iP martgage insurance cdeenge l�n nc��t 1�'�
<br /> thut i.cnsise rcquires3�ravldGd by t►n lnsurcr r,�pr4�G d by L c n der ngn in b e cotnr.s sv n i l a b l c a n d i a o b t a i n e d.8 s�r r a w e r s h a l l p r�y
<br /> thc E�rc�=.�lu�uy reyuire�l to fii�intnin mort��a�;c fntit!ronro in�ffect,ar to pravt:ia a luss rescrvc,untiO th�raq,uiremcnt for tnortgage �_
<br /> fn�ueance c�uis in accprdance wIN�uny wduen u�recntrnt 6etween Bonower n�sd i.e�ider ar upplicuble Inw.
<br /> 9. Innpe�etlan.,Lender vr its ngcnt m;►y make reASOnable entrics upo�and inspectians of Q�c Propc�ty. 4cndcr shnl!�Eve
<br /> Borrawcr nutive ut th'e time of ur prior ta nn iaspccf(un�pecifying►�easnnaG�R�Fause for the iaspection.
<br /> l0.Candemntqtlon. The prcxeMlg of uny uwurd ar claim fac daQtpgfif�,��irect or ccrosequertt�al,in connection wtth uny __
<br /> condemnatbn or oth�r tukinU of any part of tho Prope;rty,or for,co��vu>u�it�•►n lieu of co�emnatian,nre hereby assigned end
<br /> shali be naid to L.cndc;r. `-
<br /> In tho evcnt of p rotal taking of tho Pr�pcRy.th�praGCeds�hall!re:,pp{��d to the sums serurcd by this Sccurity Instntment.
<br /> whethcr or not then due. with any excess puid ta Acrrtawer. In tha,r:v�t,pt�partiul tnking of the Property in�vhich the fa�r
<br /> market value of the�'roperty immcdiately bofore the taking Is equal co ot.�gl�Ater thun thc amount of�he sums secur�ed by this
<br /> Securiry Instturrtent.immedintely beforc�hn takin�.unlsss 8orrower and Lendl�t oWenvise ugrce In writing.the swns secure�l dy
<br /> this Secudty Instrnn�ent sh�ll be reduced by tha amaunt af the proceeds mult�plled by the following fmctIon: (a) the total
<br /> amount of the sum� secured i�mnedlately before tha ta{;in$, dividcd by (b)the fair murkc-t vtilue of t)iee Property itnmr�liutely � _-
<br /> before the taking. Any balaace shall ba paid to Borrawer• in the event af u partinl taking of the Property in which the faIr
<br /> market value of tha•�'mperty immedjately before tho taking Is less than th�s r�naunt of the sums secured immedlately before the
<br /> taktng, unless Borrp���er s�nd l.ender otherwise agr�e6 in writing or unless applicable Is�w otherwise provides.the proceeds shalt _
<br /> be upplied to the sut�s securod by this Secudty In�trument whether or not the sucns are then due.
<br /> If the Propertyr is ubandaned by Borrower.or if.aftQr.no�ice(ry Lender ea Borrower that the condemnor affers to make rsn
<br /> award or settle a clnim for dntnages, Bomawer failF to res(�oRd,to I.ender wlthin 30 d:►ys after the date tlte nottce is given.
<br /> Lender is authoriud ta collect nnd npply the proceeds.at its aptfaq�,�ither to resturadon or repair af the Property or to the sums �
<br /> secucod by thfs Security Inswment.whether or not then dua,
<br /> Unless Lendec und Botro�ver othenvise agrec in wridng, any appfication of praceecis to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postporte the due dute af the monthly payments referred to in parugCaphs 1 and 2 or chsu�ge the amount of such payments. —
<br /> 11.Barrower Not Released;Fori�earaace By Lender Not a Wafver.Extension of the time for payment or modification
<br /> of emortization of the sums serured by thls Security Instrumant gr�u►ted by.l�,atxisr to any successor in interest of Borrower shall
<br /> not opernte to rele�ase the Itability of the original Bormwer or Bomawer's suc�sors in interest.Lender shall not be rrquimd to �
<br /> commence proceedings A�a�nst any sucoessor in intec�est or refuse to extensl teme for payment or othenv[ss modify amortiration
<br /> of the sums securad by tbis Securiry Inauume�t by reason oP any demaad made by the original Bc�rrower or Borrower's
<br /> successa�s in interxst. Any forbearance by [xnder in exercising any right.or.rernedy shall not be a waiver of ar preclude the
<br /> exercise of any r�ght or remedy. --
<br /> 12.Successols eud Asslgns Bound: JoEtet and Several Llabiiff�yt t��signera. 'tt�e covenants ar�d a�re�menu of ti�is
<br /> Secudty Instniment shall bind and benefit the sucoessors and asaigps�of lxnder and Borrower, subject to the provisians of
<br /> paragraph 17. Bc�rrower's covenants and agreementa shaN 6Q Joint end several. Any Bomower who co-signs tiris Securiry
<br /> Inshument but dues not execute the Note: (n) is co-signing driH Secur�ty Instrument only to mortgage, grant and wnvBy that —
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Prop�rty under the tesms of this Sec��tiy Insznsrne.nt; (b)is not personally abligated to pay che sums _v _
<br /> serurod by this Socurity Instrument;artd(cy ugm�es that Lendet and w�ry oth�r Borrower may ngres to extemd.modlfy,forbear or =:-.-
<br /> make any accommodations with resard to the terms of this Secu�I�y In.srxum�t or the Note withot�t that Bonower's consent.
<br /> 13.Loan C.�arges. If the lottr�secured by this Secudty,Instxument is subject to a law which sets maximum laan charges. --
<br /> and that law is finalt inte reted so that tha interest or othar loan charges collected or to be collected in connection with the �~'
<br /> Y tP rL:ti�
<br /> loan exceai ihe pemutted limit�,then: (n)any such loan charge shali be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the chacge ,—��,:
<br /> to the permitted limit;und(b)any suma already coUaaed f�om 9orrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to �'='
<br /> Bormwer. Lendac may choose to mako thie refund by reducing the prIncipal owed under the Note or by making a direct �;`T
<br /> paymectt to Bonower. If a refund reduoes prinaipai, tho,reductlon will be treated us a partial prepayment without any �`%!�_
<br /> prepayrneat ch�e under the Note. �~S�'
<br /> 14.Notioes.Any notice to Bormwer providad for ln this Securiry Insmiment shall be�iven by del[vering it or by mailing �'""
<br /> �w
<br /> it by fitst class mail unless uppltcable Iaw requlr�use of another method.'Che not{ce shall be dfrected co the Property Addmss =
<br /> or any other aciQ.ress Boaower designates by noriCe to Lender. Any notice to i,ender shall be given by f rst class mail to �
<br /> Lettder's address stated hercin or any athet address I.ender designates by rtotice to Bomnwer. Any notice provIded for in this ;>;�:
<br /> Seturity Insteument sh�ll be dcemed to havo been given ta Aotrower or Lender when�iven as provided in this paragraph. �,_'
<br /> I5.Govetatfng 4aw; Severability. This Security• Inst�ument shall be �overned by fcderal law and the law of the ---
<br /> jutlsdicdon in which the Property is locatad.ta the event that uny provisIon or clause of this Securiry Insuument or the Note ��� �
<br /> oonflicts with applicuble law.such conflict shalf nat affect other provis3ons of this Security instcument or the Note which can be r`'.�
<br />,__ given effect wit�out the conflIcttng provision.Ta this end thc provistons of this Security Instrument and the Not�are declared ,
<br /> to bc severablc. �; ,
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowe�ahai!ba�iven one conformed copy of the Note and of this Socurity Insuument.
<br /> Form 3028 9/80
<br /> POgO 4 018
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