<br /> � � _ ____ -- -- -- — _ -- � -___
<br /> . ...--- - ��- �,a�� - . - — _
<br /> ot a�k�a�r�d tbe s�le.lnetudi�{tPoc�yonent ot the'Iruetee'�►te��tus�liy Incuered.not 4o excecd 3.0 9fa ot _
<br /> the NrWcl�!�►ma3nt oi the�eote�t fiie tlme of the dectye�l{a�n of defauEQ.and eeasa�uUle�ttnrncys'[e�:�a.g nermitted ____
<br /> by I�w;(b)tu a11�aesured by tPlati SecurEty Y��trument;ond(s)s�►y exasa to the pernon or persons kgally entiticd
<br /> a�.
<br /> Z2. IteeanveYaocs. Upon paiyment af ull sums �ecured by this Sccurlty Inswment,l.ender shall request'(kustee to
<br /> reconvey tlw+Property and ahall siurender qtts 5ecudl�y inatrument uad�Il note�evidensing dcbl secured by this Security
<br /> " IniqWment to 7tustee. 'Itustee shall reca�vcy the Propetty without wartanty and without rhargc to the person or petsons
<br /> (ePnflv entitlal to i� Sush persan or persons shull pay any cecardadon rnsts. � ,.,_
<br /> 23. &t�ttq�Ge 7Fu�t[e. ➢.,ender.at ita optic►n.may from time to time removo 7lrustee and nppoint a succeswr wstee to
<br /> any'thistee appointed heneunder by an insttutnertt�ecarcied in the county in vvhich this Se�curfty Instrum�nt is rrcorded
<br /> Without conveyanco of the�iopetiy,the euccessor trustoe shull sucreed to all the tide, pov�er und dudes conferred upon
<br /> 7kustea herein an�1 by applicable law.
<br /> 24. 4[equest[or NWlces. Bo:rower rcquests ihat copies of the notices of defnult and sale be sent to Bormwer's nddress
<br /> whtch ia the Property Addtrss.
<br /> ?,�. l�itkn M th1��rity[r�trumenb If ane or more ridera uz�e execueed by Borrower and necorded togeti�er with _
<br /> thls SecurIry Instramept,tho covetmnts nnd agt+eemenss of cxb such rider shall 6e incarpamted into and shaU amend atM
<br /> . supplement the covenants and ag�eemenu of this Secwity Iaswment as if the ddec(s) we�u part of this Security InsuumenG
<br /> [Ctteck appltcn4le box(es)]
<br /> �X A,djustuble Rute dtider �Condominium Rider �!-4 Family Rider
<br /> �Grt�dt�ce�1 Pt�yment Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biwe�kly Payment Rider
<br /> �Bafl9on Rider �Rate Improvement Rider �5econd Home Rfder
<br /> �X O�her(s)[spectfy) ASSIGNf�EIUT OF RENTS
<br /> BY SIGNIN(3 BELOW.Bumower necepts nnd a�cees to the terms and covenants canmined ia�ttus Securiry insm�ment
<br /> uted in any rider(s)executed by Bomower and cecorded wiW It.
<br /> Wimess: wtness:
<br /> _�%�F'k.�!/p
<br /> �5�� J�. F�LGITJIto�.i (Sea!)
<br /> -eorro�er OE80RAH K. BRENNAN -��w�
<br /> (Seai) (Sea!)
<br /> •Boimwer -Bonnaer =-
<br /> STATE OF 1VEBRASKA. HALL Couaty ss:
<br /> On this 21 ST �y o f JUNE 199�a befon me,the urtdersjgned,a Notary Public ��-
<br /> duly oammissianed and quaiified for said oounty,personally came WILLIA(+�i G. BRENNAN AND DEBORAH K. '_'�'
<br /> 8l�ENNAIV�. HUSBAND AND WIFE .to me kaown ta be the .�
<br /> identical penons(s)whose nazne(s)aze subsedbed to the foregoing instYUment aad acknowledged the eaecudon thereof to �"�`
<br /> f�..ry�
<br /> be THEIR voluntary act and deed. t�'���-
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at GMNO ISLRND, NEBRASKA in said wunty,the �°-
<br /> dau aforesaid '��d-
<br /> My Co • � ¢�
<br /> �-. .�
<br /> �������� Notary Pubtic -
<br /> ar�rf.a� ' ,.
<br /> w����►� REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE ��="�
<br /> TO TR • `;"'�
<br /> The undersigrted is the holder oF the note or notes secured by thts Deed of'�us� Said note or notes,together with all '
<br /> other indebteda�s secui+ed by this De�d of'itust,hsve been paid in fup. You are hereby directed to cancel said note or Qotes :};;;
<br /> and tbis Deed of'Iivs�whtch are deltvered hereby,and co recm�►vey.without aaRanty,all the estate now heid by you under
<br /> this Deod of 11ust to the person or persons IegaUy ea6tled thereto. �"
<br /> r�.".
<br /> Date:
<br /> Sam 3p28 9Jlp (page 6 ojb page:l
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