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' ' .. ..,... . .� .. <br /> .'_-_' _ ` .. . __.. <br /> ' _. . .__. •_. __. <br /> ._'�.. - . ��.. -r�� R�� ►lnY� <br /> .— ;•'• J ..__--.-- _ . _. ... <br /> _ _. -- —._. _ . <br /> _ .._ _ - -__,.-, - <br /> — _ . ._.. —.___. _ � <br /> — ..... .. _ _ ' ,��_... � <br /> �aswnt�ENr oF r�NTa�uu�a 9�" 14.'�°�2 . <br /> — - — ---'��"ririeih i ur'tiEH i�niu�H is mto��reif ex�oc��ni�. ��L diy oi 33� . -- �tv°=�-.�ieo�s — <br /> Incorpaat�d Into�nd�h�ti 0�dM�d to amond�nd wppl�rrwnt ttw l�ortp�p�or DerQ of Tru4t,hsretnaitN rel�rr�d to a�tiN <br /> __ _.______ _ � "S�curity Imtrument"� of the sam�d�ts pivso by the underalpned.herelnstter reterred to ae fhe��Borrower".tc pec��e <br />_..��..��,�� 8arrowa►'s InAAbteclnesa,heretnAiter reTe�red to ae the"Note",Qo MOME FEDERA�.BAVINQ�AN8 LOAN ASSAGIATtdiN A� <br /> ' ___ aRANC9 I61.�RND.Mwlnrtter��terrad to��tlt�"Lender".of theeams date and cwrerinp the prapsrty dsscrlbttf Ir+the I�eourity ,. <br /> — tnstrummt and loc�t�d�� <br /> _ —= 3024 DALEANS �RIVE� GRAND ISLAND N� 66803 <br /> (Prop�rty <br /> --- - <br /> wirN�ssErM: <br /> _ _-----__—� <br /> WFI�REAB,Borrow�r md Lsnd�r hare eprs�d that any r4nts and proflts attrlbutabfe to ths property ahaurd constituts <br /> ��� addlllQnil e�curity to tM L�ndsr for ths payment of the Note; <br /> �" NOW�TNEREFOfiE�It lo apr�d th�t ths Secu►Ity Inatrument shall be amended hereby and deemed to include the followinp <br /> -`�r: <br /> �,:. provi�iont: <br />�'Y'�� _ - <br />''` 1. As��pr+rtwM�f Rants an�l.ertaer Rent�i Collectton RlnAts.Bonower hereby abaoiutety and uncortditionally asafpna all <br /> � �ente, Issu�a and protit� 01 the propeRy to Beneflciary. Len6er ehall hara the rl�ht, power end authodty dur�np the <br /> . continuance of tM 8�tcudty fnatndment to aoitecl the rente, ieauea artd pro(Ita of the properly and o}any personal property <br /> looated thereon with or wlthoat takinq paaaesalon of the propsrty afteotmd hsreby. Lender� howevsr,hsreby coneente to <br /> Borrow�er'a coitsotlon and retentton of auah�ente,laauea and proflta ae 4Asy acerua and became payabte.eo IonA ae BonoMrsr <br /> ia not,at such time.ln detault with respect to p4yment oi any Indebtedneas sscured hereby.or In lhe perfomiance of eny <br /> apreetnent hereunde�. <br /> 2. Aonoi�tment of Recetve�. If any event ot default In�espeot to the Security Inatrument shail have occuaed and be <br /> continuinp. Render, as a metter of�ipht and without notice to Borrower or anyone ataiminp under 6orrower, and without <br /> r:�z;:, � repard to the valae ot the trust estete or tha Interest ot the Borrower theretn.shaii hava the right tq apply to any court heving -- <br /> judadiction to appofnt a recairer ot the property. <br /> 3. 81p(�t ta Ros�earslon.In case of default in tbe payment of the satd prinaipa�Note or Intoreat.or any pad thereaf�afs It <br /> shall mature.o�In the caae ot taiture to keep w pertorm any ot the corenante or apreementa contafned In the Securlty lostfu- <br /> ment,tben ths Lender.its auccessore or aastpns,shalt be and ts hereby authorized and empowered to take Immedlate <br />. ..,�;:;h��..�.�,.. posseaaton ot the satd premises thereln descdbed ana to collect tho renta thereirorto,ared to appty the proceezlstttereot to t�s <br />�„ . - :,:,h_J,g� payment of the Note. <br /> y 'f"��"i����l��� 4. penpcation of Rents.issues and P�oftts.Ail rents collected br lender or the receiver sha��be applied ilret to payment <br /> .�ff,'4��:.t:•�� <br /> e ���r.,,,:-.k•� of the coste ot manapement ot tha property and collection of�ents,irtcluding,but not Iimited to.recetver's feea,premlums an <br /> — ' �aa,���.;,pw.•- ' recetvet'a bonda and teaaonabte attorney's fees,�afd then to the suma secured by the Securlty Instrument. I.ender and t9�e ' <br /> �';`'-'u����: `' recelver shall be Ilabte b a�count only tor those rents aotuall��eceived. <br /> � ��%Y:`.;�3�:-,{ <br /> "' �''��''���`�'`��°� .`.' S. �n st r u a tio n o t P r o vi st on s.E a c h o t t h e p r o v i s i o n a c o n t a l n e d i n t h i s A e a l g n m e n t o f R e n t e R t d e r a n d t h e S a�c a�t i ty I n a t r u• <br /> - .i``y"�"i�;�'����,�5, . ... <br /> �� .�•�r, •,i. ment shali, unlose othenrise speclficaily construed in accordance wlth Nebreska law,and t�n t�t�event any <br /> . � ,�,.,;{�?a�:s;�r'.,. ; provision herein ar therein contained sball be determined by a►coart of competent(urisdlation to be unentorceable,the aame <br /> .�.t::��:<�•,� : �� shall be construed aa tho�egh euch unenfarceabte proviston were not a part hereof or thereof. <br /> j ���u�` � ^ ��` B. EHect ot Ridar.Excopt as speclticaEly 4ttmdlfled by or inconsistent with this Assfgnment ot Rents Rider or <br />-; -� ,.. ;�:_�Ar +bYanyother <br /> . , " ;,,,,r,,F.:�.w,4...• � ay�a6feable�Ider,atl of the terms and provlsions contatned tn the 3ecurity Inatrument shatt continue in futl force and eifect. <br />_ . � ' ':'�;�:-�+�r "�a.�t+�r� -- <br /> � .��. .�� -•s��:.� lN WITNESS WHEREOF. Borrower heo executed thie Asal nment of Rente Rider on the date firat noted above. <br /> .s•w.�` �.1:., g <br /> ��'�� s:;.� �,� _�I,�un�L�i,lQl�/!/1ai! � <br /> ,, ., ���; WILL7A1�' .�8 E l�T�l eonower .�. <br /> :%it�:;,';��;-��• , i_:_... <br />_ .,� ' ,�:".;;►;p.,�,,,„;.,� E /�7.d,�JSldt.l�. 1C�. �t/tcu�r/ �--_ <br /> .. .i�. ������. g D BO i�TR . 9orrower b�• <br /> ,. ,r. <br /> _ , .. �' -' <br /> • STI�7E OF NEBAASKA) <br /> �\ 't;:i:' r,• COUNTY OF HA�L j a� .�- <br />_ ,". ,}s,�,,,-... 21 ST . <br /> �;•, „ • On thM dayot JUNE ,�19�pefore rtta,the underolpned�a Notary Publlo duly commisstorted artd � <br /> � X,ip:^,�.; qual(fted br add countr�peraon�lly came ���TL TAm ._ A NNAN AN� I� RfIRAH K RRF0.�MA��� HUSBALUD <br /> �:�,:.t�r,, . ;, <br /> ,.^s�.a;�;..� � ANO WIFE .to be the tdentica7�erso�(s)whoae namo(s3�►ere subaodbed <br /> •=��''t�"'�' , , to tf�s foreQolnp inat�ument,and ho/ahelthey acknowted�a the execution thereof to be htalAerlthel�volunteryr aet and deed. <br /> s.r��"��"'�r' <br /> � ',';�� Witnema my Aand and Notarla18ea1 at GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA <br /> k M.� :•.� •� in sal a unty,tha dato afore Id. <br /> �lr <br /> �- ��l`,�,`.a J ������' ��C � i <br /> 'y ._,'�F'f.R`... .. a� Yr��1�, <br /> My Commiaslon exptron: �� <br /> �c, _ _._ _ ���� <br /> }j =�-- <br /> . .,:t.,". , <br /> _R�rr <br /> _ ��..�� _ <br /> �7. � <br /> ^•C�3 aM y ` �• � • <br /> _"f�+i•, , ?'tY <br /> 1� _ ';�_ ( <br /> -••�b.`- � <br /> ,��:}__�__.:�•,_�g;�:, � . <br />- `�'!..tR <br /> ,.,. <br />- '`�',;;.��.. <br /> 4 <br /> . <br /> �.> n <br /> .�. . ' ___.___.—.__ .___—__.._...�_—_—_____— __ . __—.__._. _"_`_.. .—._ <br />