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<br /> ----- , appficable inv�moy spccify for reinsuaLCm�n,t)„befo�salc of the Pro�xrty pursuant to any�wcA�`����lMAMed in thfs _
<br /> - Security Instrumcnt;ar(b1 entty of a judFm��?�nfoircin�this Security Instrurrsent. 1Ttosc condttions c�ne that 8orrnwcr. (a) �;:;,
<br /> — —�_;— _ pays Lender nli sums which thea would b�o�du� under this Securlty 1nstNment a�cd tho Nate a5 if Ro accalemtton hud
<br /> occurrcd:(b)cures any defuult uf any othes�cpv4'zsunts ar Agrcements;(c)p�ya u11 cxpensE;s insumd in cnfoning th9s Scc�dty
<br /> � Insdumen�including,bi�t not liauted tq,.tes�q'�able attameye'.fees; and (d) tukes �such uctton as I..ender may reuwnably _
<br /> reqnim ta nssure that the llen af thi�Sex+idt,y,tnsJaument,Lender s righu in the Property nnd Borrower s obllgution ta pay the
<br /> Rums secured by this Securlty InsuumGa�t,�ul1 continua uachanged Upon reinstutement by Bormwer. this Security
<br /> --' Insuument artd the obligutipns saured herGby;t�nll r�em�in fully effectlra us if np nccelemdon had occucred. Nowever.this
<br /> --�—'' right to reinstate s4a11 nut apply a►tlw c�a af ac�+cIcrado»undcr p:�agrapla 17. �
<br /> - =_--- _ ,—
<br /> � 1! Sale d Note= Chat�o!I,oaut S�v,icer. The Note ar u pardal intemst in the Nate(together wlth ttds Sccudty
<br /> - �� Instrument)mny be sold.on�ar�rton tlmas,��ithout pdor nutice to 8oirower. A sale muy result in a change in the cntiry
<br /> (kaown as the"Loan Senric¢r")thatcaUcx�s monthly paymentsdue under the Nate and thls 5ecucity IasuumcnG Them also
<br /> �� may be one or rt�ore chang�s of the�•l.aan Ssryicer uc�nelated to a sale af th�Note. lf thete ia n change af the Loan Servlcer. _
<br /> ;�:, �j Borrower wlll be givea writtan notice af thq,change in accondai►ce with paragraph l4 ubove and applicnbla luw. The notice
<br /> - --' wllt state the nema and address of the new Loan ServIcer and�addness to which payments should be mudc. �'he notice wili
<br /> ` � :tisa cant�ain uny other infamnatlon rcqui�d bp•,appf�cabte lnw. �
<br /> j i ZQ. Ii�rduus Stt6sGnncka. Bot�ur�a,bhal!not cause or permit the presence.use.dlsposol.sWmge.or cplease of nny
<br /> . � Hazardous Substsnces on or ia ths Pcapetty. Boirower shall not do.aor aUow anyane else to do.anytli3ng affe�dng the
<br /> - � Property thut is in violacian of aay�nviranu4�au�1 Law• The prcc�dtag two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use.or :n.�.-
<br /> swraga on the Property of ssuul�qua,adties,of Hazandous Substaaces that are genemlly reco�mized to be appropriate to rtormal ��r�.
<br />_ ; residentlal uses and to taaiaEeaaa�ce of ttto;Prqperty. - -
<br /> - � Borrnwer shull promptly�[ive Lenci�v;v�'itten notice of aay invesugado�,clt+im,demund lawsuit or other acdon by nny �__-
<br /> I goverainenml or negulat�ry ug�mcy or privctts party involving the Propeny aad any Ha7ardous Substance or Eavironmenml w:�i-_
<br /> Law of which Bomnwer has c�ctuul lG�towladge. If Bomower leams,o:is natitied by any goveramentnl ot regulatory ��';;
<br />= sutl�ori that ua s�emavaS ororthet�m�diadon of an Haaa�dous Substance a�'ectin the Pro is aeces �"t�-
<br /> �Y• Y Y 8 periY sary.Burrower
<br /> shaU prompdy take aU a�essar•y remadia4�,ctions ia accordance with Envimnmental Law. ��
<br /> As used Ia this parag[aph?A, "HazaniAtu Substances"are those subseances defined as toxic or hs�.ardous substances by �_�-='"-
<br /> - EavimnmenW Law ead the follo�vL�g �udstances: gasollne.kerosene,or]�er flawmable or toxic petroleum pradacts.toais ---
<br /> pesticides aad heibicides,volatilo solw�nt�,materials coataining asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and rzd:oacdve macea��ls. As
<br /> used in this parapaph x0."Eavirot�mcntal.i..aw"meads fadera!laws aad lawa of tha jurisdi�tion where the Pro�rerty is located '�--°
<br /> z
<br /> that�elate to health,safety ar environmantal pmtection. �`�:.:�
<br /> NON-UN�ORM�OVENAI3TS. Anrtower and Lender further covenaat and agree�.s follows: }��::_
<br /> - 21. Acaleratiop; Rcmadia. Leader shxll gjve aoNce to Bonuwer prfor to acoelerai�ca�foUowing Borr�wer's _-
<br /> bread�of any oQVenant or ag�+cea�aqt dn.this Secur[ty InsErument @�E not prtor to accelerat6cxa uader parag�ph 17 �h-=`
<br /> ��; unkss appUcabte law p�avides ot4enwis�). The notice sLall spediy:(a)tde defp.ra�ts(b)the act�mm required to cure thc ' �,�_
<br /> - sktzs� (t)a s�.asi.!�tl�.30 c3aya li�sss tlts d:Se!6c a�3c�!a g�:xa!c���r,��� '�!e!!se sleS�ats�t� °
<br /> cw�ed;and(d)thnt faittu�ta eurc�the�defaWi on or 6efoa+e the date spedAed im t5e uodce�y a�nsult ia eood�era@on oi �=_-===
<br /> thc sums securod by thts Seau�ty.In�s3rument and sale oi the Pro�y. The no31ce shs!!fur¢Itier iaform Borrower of �`•-
<br /> the right to reftastAto after ae�elee�qdap and the right to brlug a coart�edton to assert the non-e�dstence of a defitult or ����»_:
<br />- any other defa�se of 8onrowe�tw pe��tion and sala lf We defeutt i�not curat on or before the date spedtted in .,:rw'@
<br /> the nottc�I.ender at tts opt�wn mey regn6re iwmediate�,eyment in fuU of sII s�uns secured by this Secarlty Iasdviaent -_
<br /> - vFiWait iurther dermand�c3•may iuvoke the power oR sate aad any other remedtes permitted by appUc�ble taw -
<br /> - I.eader shaU be eafitkd Eo a�arllast aU,�cpenses 1ixwYa�d in pursuing the �emedles pmvfded tn this par�rapb 21,
<br /> includtag,but aot Iimited to.t+easonnb}u�uoraeys'fees ead oosts oidUe evidertce. '�
<br /> _. U the power ai sa[e Ia invokal,'irustee shaU record a aotloe of defaalt in each county In whtch any psrt ot the
<br /> �,, Properiy is Loatted swd sha11 mnil,aup�twcv of such notice in the manaer prescrlbed by uppllcable law to Borro�er and to � •
<br /> the other pensoas pnscrEbe�l Dy applicable law Atter We daie nequjred by appllcabie taw.'lyvsiee shail give publfc
<br /> �' notice of sale to the pes�a��,nd i'in�he manner prc5cribai 6y appliceble Iaw 7lrusteG without demand on Borrower,
<br /> _ s6Wl seq the Pe�operty pi�ic anctton to the highest bidder at the tlme aad pluoe and under the termv desigauted in
<br /> � the aatEce of sale W on�or mar�,panoQls uad in nny arder 1lustee determSnes. 1lrastee maY pastpoae sele of ull or any
<br /> ,. paroel of the Pnoperiy by pubUo aunauncement ut We t@ae eud pl�ce of uny prevtonsly srheduled sale. I.ender or its ,
<br /> designe�may put+ehase ide Pnopaaiy.s!uny sal�
<br /> � Upon receipt of paymeat of tRa pdce bid,'Ita.stee shall dellrer W We purchaser 7tiustee's deed conveyt�tlm .
<br /> '. Property. The r�ec[tals tin the�tu.stse's deed shaU he pasln�a facle evtdena of the truth of We statements made tAerein.
<br /> ;�,,, 'It��stee shall apply the praeeed9 istt9te saIe in the f�i9a>aving urder: (e)to ell costs aad expenses of exerctsi�t�e power
<br /> _��.
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