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<br /> ro►ide�nnatio�or athcr taking of any part of the Property.or for convcyunce in Iteu of canAenmae'+�an,arcy�f�ercby�sslgned and
<br /> '�'�`�•� sltafl lta paid ta I.r.nder. ---
<br /> in the eveut of a totcd tnkirig ot the P�+operty,tho prcxeed9 shuU bo c►ppltcd to�hc sums�:cnred by thts Securi�y
<br /> — lttsitumcnt,whether or not then duc.with any exceas ps�1c1 to Borrawer. In the avent of a p�uti�l tu�cing af the FMperty in
<br /> whici�tho 6au m�ricct value af the E�mpexty immediarely befoco the taking is a�unl to or grcaser d�an the�mount af�he sums
<br /> reaured by thls 5ecurity(nvtniment lnunediwtely before the tsdcing,uniess Bonower und Lcrtder alr=nvlsn agree in wdting,
<br /> the swns secund by thts�cudtY Inauument ahRl1 be reducsd by the amount of the p�ceed+ multiplkd by tfio followln�
<br /> �� fractionc (u)thc totul umount of the sums securcd immedintcly bcfore the mking.dividcd by(b)tAe faie maticet value of tho
<br /> - -- _ - --�
<br /> Ptoperiy immediatKly beEac tho ¢aking. My Aalance eAal!be paid to Bmrower. In the avent of'e Rwiiui tAl►tug of uw �
<br /> praperty In whish the fair murket value of thc Prope�ty immedleuly before the taking is less tAan the amount of the sum9
<br />�.;�- secured immedintely beforo the tolcing, unlrss Harrower und L.ender otherwlse ogrce in wrldng or unless nppticable ls►w
<br /> — othcrwise provides,the proceeds shu1Q be applied eo the sums secum!by thls 5ecurfty Instmment whcther or not thc suma un
<br /> _� thcn due.
<br /> -� U the Propecty is uban�oned by Boreuwer,or if,after notice by L,onder to Borrowet that tlee comdemnor offeta to muke
<br />____+�� nn s�ward or settle a claim for damages,Horrower faits to�espond to Lender within 30�ays aftar the date the notice is given.
<br /> ���� Lender is nutho�ized to rnAect und apply the pmceeJs. at its option.either tp restorutton or repair of the+Property or to thc °"'-
<br /> �"��� sums sccured by thts Securiry lestrume��whether or not then due.
<br /> Urtless Lender and Borrower otherwIse Agree in writing.s+ny appllcation of pruceeds to prin�ipal shull not extend ar
<br />- � postponr,the due date of the monthly puyments nfemed to in parngruphs 1 and 2 or change thG amaunt of such paymenu.
<br /> 11. �orrower Not Reteased; Forbatrxnce By Lender Not a Waiver. Extenston of the t�me for payment or
<br /> mvdificuttoa of amoRiznsion of the sums secwed by this Secutity Instniment granted by l.ender to any successor In interest
<br /> of Borrower shall not operatc to nnl�ascs the liabillty of the original Bomower or Borrawer�s sua�essors in inter�es�l.ender
<br /> shall not te required to commenre pcoreedings against any successor fn interest or refiise m e�tend time fot payment ar �
<br /> otherwise modity amort�zation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of uny demand made by the original --
<br /> : Borrower or Bomower's successors ln interes� My for6earnnce by Lender In exercising any r�ght orremedy shali nol be a -
<br /> ,. waiver of or pmclude the exercise of au►y dght or c�emedy. �'�--
<br />. ]Z. S�cessors and Asstgns Bound;,loiat apd Several Liab[Ilty;Casignera 'Ihe covenants and ngn�ements of this - -
<br /> Security Iestrument sh�ll bind and beneFt the successo�s and assi�ns of Lender and Bonrower. subject to the provisions of _
<br /> ���� paragraph IT. Borrower�s covenants and ag�eements shall be joint and several. Any Botrower whoco-signs this Security _--
<br /> �• _ Inspument but does not execute the Note: (a)Is co-s�gaing tMs Security Inswment oniy to mortgage,gmnt and convey that _—
<br /> Borrower�interest in the PropeRy under the terms of this Securlty InsUUmenx (b)is not personally obliguted to pay the sums _
<br /> � '' � secured by this Security Instrument;and(c)agices ihat I.ender un�2ny other Borrower may ag�ee to extend,modify.fo�beBr ___
<br /> or make pny accommodadons with re�ard to the terms of this Secwity Insdvment or the Plote without that Borrower's ',
<br /> n
<br /> �� consenG '`�
<br /> �� ..s�. `�_
<br /> �,. ..� 13. Loan C6arges. If the loan secured by this Secutity Instrument is subject W a law which sets maxlmum loan ---
<br /> .�. .. �:��._ -
<br /> charges.nttd tfiat law is finaily inte�Rted so that the interest or other loan chargey coiIa:teci oi ta�tr�wilcctEC!iss costtxstioss
<br /> � with the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shull be mduced by the amounx necessary to reduce -
<br /> the charge to the pemeitted limi�end(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limiu will 6e °.
<br />� � refunded to D�-nrower. Lender may chonse to make this refund by reducing the principal owed v�der the Note or by makh�g u __
<br />- • `" �' dlr�ect paysxiEnt to Borrower. If u ref+�d reduces principal.the reduc6on will be ueated as a�rtial prepayment without auy ;F
<br /> .A„ `"� prepayment charge under the Note. °°1_
<br />_ ''' " ;'`�"' 14. NoUces. Any c�otice to Bomower providad gor in this Security Insuucrr�,a�t shaU be �iven by deliverin&it or by ��'=
<br /> - �j� mailing it by fitst cless mail unless applicable law requires use of anottter method.'�he notice shal1 be directed to the Property �`;'�°
<br /> Address or any ather adcL�ss Bomower designates by nouce to Lender. My nouce to Lender shall be given by first cl�ss ':
<br />--• mail w Lenders address steted herein or any other address Lender designates by noace to Borrower. My notice provided for '���
<br /> '� in this Security Instcument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender wt�n given as provided in thts �,"�
<br /> ,�. rt, °�:3': � h '.
<br />__ p 1�5. Governing II.aw; Severability. This Securty Inswment shall be govemed by federal law aad the law of the >;
<br /> urisdictIon in which the Pro �s locuted. In the event that an vision ar clause of this Se�uti Instn►ment or the Note "'"
<br /> J Pert3'� Y P� LY •�:-
<br /> confliMs with applicnble lnw.such conflict�hall not affect oiher provisians of this Securiry Ins�rumentor the Note whtch can .,.
<br /> - ' �,.;}. be given effect without the conflicting�rovision. 1b this end the provisians of this Security Instrument und the IYote um
<br />_ •,M. �,� deslared to�be severable. _�
<br /> �'k"-�' ` 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowar shali be given one conformed copy of the Note atd of this Security Insuument. '
<br /> �.� ••;�� ���,� 17. ltansfer of the Property or a BeQeficial Wterest in Borrower. If nil or any part of tlie Pt+o�erty or any interest in "�'•:
<br /> '` � it is sold or transfemed(or if a beneficial interest in iBomower is sold or aansferred and Bon+nwer u not a natural person) ,,;:-.
<br />�1.. �Y '.':._:: '1
<br /> - �,�wa.��- y,a� wfthoat tx�der�s pri�r wriuen consen4 Lender may,at its option,require immedlate paymens am fuil of all sums sectued by ,�
<br /> -- �-;,r--�;;� this Secwety InsttumenG However.this opdon shall not be exenised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal Iaw as af ,
<br />:`,, ' u;T•-';C; the datc of this Security Instivment. ;!
<br /> ��� If Lender exercises this opuon.Lender shaU give Borrower norice of acceler�sion. The noace shul!provide n periad of •
<br /> . � .M..'...f .
<br /> . •;Y.•;.: ' not less than 30 daya from the date the nodce is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay�Il sums secured by this
<br /> � '�•� .�;%: Security inswmen� If Borrower feils to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke any �
<br /> �� - � � oemedies�crtnitted by this Security Instrument without further not{ce or demand on Borrower. ,�
<br /> ,K„r,�.._:. •;''
<br /> ertn
<br />_ . ,�zr�;;� � 1& Horrower's Right tu Reims�te. If Borrower meets certain conditlons, Borrower shall have tho right to have
<br /> ��w-:'�����;..�:�`:,,,• enforcerttent of this Security Instrument discominued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days (or such other periad ns
<br /> fd*��s�w'��� . Single Family»Flnnie MQeJI�YeAdM Mac UNIFY)RM INSTRUNLENT—Uniform Corenw� 9/90 f/wRe 4 ojb pa�e.rl
<br /> 7 �� p� � ,
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