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<br /> s. Hpzard or Prce rt IruvrAncc. Barrc+war shail k w 10���
<br /> pe y ecp the improvemcntx n'aw existins ar hercufter erected on the
<br /> Prapeny insured ugninst lass by fire. hazcuds included wlthin the tenn "extendeti coveruge" nnd uetiy Mher haznrrts, including
<br /> �''�--'"�"n,� flua�is or A�radin�{. fi�r whfch I.ender requires insurance.'Chiv insurunce nliull l�e mu�ntuin�:d in ths umaunts und fiir tlto prriuds �---
<br /> thnt I.ender�•eyuires. Thc i��.sur�nce carcier provldin� the insurunsu hhall be cliusen by Borrower 4uhicct tu I.CI1dCT�!i A}IPFOVOI —
<br /> which �haU nat bc unrcawnubly with4cld. IP Borrowet fuils ta nwintt►irt covcrugc d�cribcd abuvc. l.cndcr muy. ut l.cndcr's
<br /> --- --- aptimi,abtuin coverage t�►proter�Lender's rightR in ihe Property!r.uccnrdance with pumgnaph?.
<br /> All insurance policles und renewuls ahall be acceptnble to l.cnder und shall include u stundurd mortguge cluune. Lcnder —
<br /> shalt have the ri�tht to hold the pulicies und renewafa.If I.ender requires.�arrawer shall promptly give to l.ender nll receiptR af
<br /> paid premlums and renewni notices.In the event of ioss.Banower shail give prompt noticc co the insumrtce carrier and l.ender. `
<br /> :_-+� [.ender may muke praof of loss if not mude pramptly by Bonawcr.
<br /> Unteiss[.cndcr and Borrower othenvise a�re�in wrfting,insuranrc procceds shall be upplicd to restoration ur repAir nf the
<br />, Propeny dumuged.if the restoration or repair is cronomicully feusible and Lender's secur�ty is not lessened.If the restoratfon or _
<br /> repair is not economically fca.ciblc or Lender's sccurlty would bc lesscned, the insurnncc proceods Shull bc npplicd ta the sums =
<br /> secured by this Securlty Instrument. whethcr or nat then due. with uny excess paid ta Bortuwer. If Borrowcr abundons the
<br /> t Property.or doc� not answer within 30 dttys a notice from Lender thut the insurnnca rarcier hus affered to setttc n ciaim. then "
<br />°�;� Lender may collect the insurance procceds. Lender may use the prorecda to repair or restore the Property or to pay sum.�
<br /> serured by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. _-
<br /> Unless Lender And Borrower otherwise agrce in �vritin�. any appllcation of proceeds to princlpal tihnll not extend or --
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly payment�referred to in paragruphs I und 2 or change the umaunt af thc puymcnts. If �;�
<br /> under parngraph 21 the Properry is acquirod by Lender.Borno�ver's right to any insurance policies and pracceds resulting from ---
<br /> _. damage to the Property prior ro the acquisitfon shalt pass ro Lender to the extent of tha sums secured by this Secudty Instrument ��--
<br /> �'� �''�"' immediutely prior to the acquisition. �;__
<br /> �:4'� � 6.Occuptincy.Pr�ervation.Mtiintenattce and Protect[on of the Prnperty;Borrower's I.oan Application;Leasehofds. ---_
<br /> ��"T� �' ' Borrower shall occu establish, and use the Pro e as Borrower's rinci residence within sixt dn s ufter the execution of
<br /> ' PY• P �Y P P� Y 9 �.�
<br /> �'.;;
<br /> this$ecurity Instrument and shmll continue to occupy the Pmp�rty as Barrower's principal residence for at lenst one year sifter �
<br /> ,� - :,;.;,.;"�-..�•,;;�,''.; the date of occupancy, ualeas Lemder otherwise agrees in wricing, which consent shatl not be unreasonably withheld,or unless W
<br /> `r. extenuuun circumstances exist which ere be ond Borrower's contmi. Borrower shuU not destm dumA e ar im a�r the �=�-
<br /> ' .,r,'�''� P l' Y• G P � -._�_.
<br /> '�� n��."^',3-,t���,p`... Property. allow the Property to deteriorate,or commit waste on the Praperty. Borrower shall be in default if any forfelture �!
<br /> .; � .�,��:;�: '� uction or proceeding, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in I.ender's gaad faith judsment cauld result in farfeiture of the '�
<br /> - � 'i�'���'t�'�' Property or otherwise materiatly impuir the lien created by this 5ecuriry Instrument or i.ender's security interest. 8orrower may °�%
<br /> ,,r.; •;�:
<br /> �'. 1 J,�:4`��;�?�.�.� ! cure such a default and reinstate. as provided i�paresraph l8,by causing the uction or proceedi��g to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> . . ���K�
<br /> � � §:et�.:�.L�,'Ji.'..; - =.
<br /> thut, In Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfciturc of the Borrower's interest in the Properry or other muteri�l '=�'
<br /> h,.. • .,__
<br /> '��^��'�h�`��� imp�rment of the lien crcated by this Secur�ty Instrumcnt or I.eader's security interest. Borrower shall�Iso be in default jf ��,�.
<br /> Y �:�
<br /> '�'�{�"n,�.:a�:<• Borrower,during the loan application process,gave materially faise or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or&iiled `°'�'-`�=
<br /> ��` . . _...; „�...
<br /> �v� 'r..��r•t� !,i�:M:. , .a•:
<br /> t,�.,;,�:,L,,;;;,:�j...,;���' to provide Lender with any material informatton)in connection with the Ioan evldenced by the Note, including,but not limiteci . ,,:�
<br /> <. _ ,.��,.�,•,,: :•:: �.�,
<br /> ��:���;��.,•,,� •,��.:Y to,representutions concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property uti a principul residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a
<br /> ;':'1_":.^ ' ``',����'" leasehold. Borrowcr shall comply with all thc provisians of the lcase. If Bormwer acquires fce title to the Property, the '
<br /> . �v..•....�. ...: .•� �:
<br /> ����~,•e,^r���:;•�:^?.^,, leasehold und the fee title shull not merge unless i.ender agrees to the mer�er in writing.
<br />�. �i,�y.R;;t7��" 7,Protectfon of Lender's Itights in the Property.[f Bonower fuils to}�erform the covenunts and agreements contained in
<br /> .+,.•
<br /> ;r,A,�¢'�,��'�e'.;:,:,�•�'�" thls Securiry [nst�ument, ar there is a legul proceeding that may significantly uffect Lender'� rights in ehe Property(such as a
<br /> "'�'�'�'"'n'�' roceedin in bankru t robate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce luws or re ulutionsl.then l.ender ma do und
<br /> ,,,�, f �nr�;,� _„�,_ P b' p�S'•P � Y
<br /> �'�" , pay for whatever is necessery to protect che value of the Property and Lender's righcs in ehe Propeny. Lender's uctions may
<br /> . .'M+T', :.'C.1 1::'�..�:' �
<br /> '-• 'f� b, ' i
<br /> " •+• =•�:`J• i»clude payin� any sums secured by a lien which bas priority over this Securiry Instrument, appearing in caurt, payin�
<br />_ ` �. ���•• Y B P�rtS' P 6 Y P � P
<br /> ', ,;. ,�cr:,�f�r;• r+easonable attorne s'fces and enterin on the Pra to mako re airs. Althou h I..ender ma take action under this ara ra h
<br /> - , _ ��• •�+t^ 7.L.ender does not have to do so. �
<br /> ' •�' "°;" An timounts disburseci b Lender under this ara rn h 7 shali become additionul debt of Borcower secured b this
<br /> ���'°". r. Y � Y P S P y
<br /> �' �"'^`''1� .:� Securi Instrument.Unless Borrawer nnd Lcnder a rce to other terms of a ment, these amounts �hali beur interest from the
<br /> ���' � date o�disbursement at the Note mte und shull be payable, with interestp upoc� notice ti•om Lender to Bonawer requestin�
<br /> £�'1. .. .:' payment. "
<br /> ; W:•'. ,.., . 8.Mortgage Insurance.If I.ender required mort�uge insurance as a conditian of muking the toan secured by this Security
<br />�-" f'`,:�'�;�:.�?;'' Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain thc martgage insurunce in effect. If, for any re�.son, the
<br /> • -�: � " mortgage insurance coverage required by I..ender lapaes or ce:ues to be in effect, Borrower shail pay the premiums requircd to
<br /> � »�'�` obta�n wverage substantially equivalent to the mort�a�e insurnnce previously in effect,ut u cost substuntiaUy equivalent to the
<br /> , , r•`�'�^ �, cost to Borrower of the rnortgage insurance previously in effect, from an silternate mongage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> ��� `y� � sabstantially equivulent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay ta I.ender each month u sum equ;il to
<br /> .;� •��' ��'.���`" one•twelfth of the earl mort a e insurance remium bein ntd b Borrower when the insurance covera e la sed or ceased to
<br /> ,.-r�_. y Y ��' P 8P � Y E P
<br /> - �� ;:� be in effect.l.ender will accept,use and retain these pnyments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortguge insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> ���'4' Form 3028 9190
<br /> ;.:�::�r , pogu 3 0�8
<br /> w
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