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<br /> pnymenta rttay na langcr bc roqutrcd.at the op�tan of Lendcr.if morrgagc insumnw cov�rug��rr�anwunt a�fAr the porlod
<br /> — that l.endcr requires)pravidod by ttn insurer nppmvt�d by 1.cnder nBain becom:s nv+iilablo�nd is abtainod.Dr�rmwer shall pay
<br />_.. ��,�� ihe pcemiums rcquircd ta maintnin mortgugo fnsumnr.c ln effcct,Ar to provide n loss rescrve.until the rcquiremcnt far uton�uge ___
<br /> - __------- insirunco cndv in accardanre with st�y wrltten��igr�cinent betwccn Barra�ver nnQ l.endcr nr applicnble law.
<br /> 9. in9�tian.I.ender or ita agcnt mny makc ceusnnable entries upnn und inspectians af tho Property.Lendcr shali give -
<br /> Aarrawer noticc at tho tirne of or prior ta un inspcction specifying reasonablu cuuse for tho inspectian.
<br />_ 1Q. Condemnation.The proceeds of uny uwurd ur clnim far damuges.direct or coi�.sequentiul,in connection with eny
<br /> rondcmnutlon or other tuking af any part af the Propeny.or for wnveyancc in licu oP condcmnntian.are Ixreby assigned and
<br /> _ �_ �s --_� �,itall{w puid tu lA:�idcr. � _
<br /> In thc event Qf u totat taking of the Propeny.tha pcnceeds shnll be oysplicd ta the sums secured by thia Secudty Iostrument.
<br /> - - whethcr ur nat then due. wlth uny eacess pa}d to Borrawer. In the event of u partiai tuking of the Property in which thc fuir
<br /> = markct vufue af the PropeRy immediutely befor�c thc taking is equal to ar greater than the amount of the sums secured by this
<br /> �' Secusiry Instrument immediatoly baforo the wking.unless Sarrower und L.ender othenvise n�ree in wdting,the sums secured by
<br /> `�, this Secnrity lavnument shall be reduced by the umount of the pmcceds multiplied by the following fraction: (n) the total
<br /> umauat of iho sums sccured immediutely bcfore the tuking.divlded by(b)thc fair market value of the Properry Immedietely -----
<br /> jn: beforo the taking. Any bnlan�e+shall be paid to Borrower. In the cvent of u pattlal wking of the Property in which tha fair
<br /> . market vu(ue af tha Nroperty lmmodiutoiy before the tuktng is less thun tho nmaunt of thp sum.c secured immediately before ths
<br /> taking,unless Horrower and L.ender otherwise agree in wti�ting ur unloss applicable law otherwise provldes,the proceeda shall
<br /> be applied to the sum.g secured by this Security Instcument whether or not cha sums are then due.
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Bormwer,or if.ufter notice by l.ender to Borrower that the condemna offers to malce an
<br /> uwurd or scttle u clnim for damages.Borrower fails to respond to Lender wlthin 30 days ufter the date the notice is given.
<br /> Leader ic authorized to collect and apply the proceeds.at its optian. either ta restoratian or repajr of che Property or to the suma �
<br /> secumd by thia Secadry Insttument. whether or not then due.
<br /> llnless Lender und Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or _
<br /> postpane the due date of the monthly payments refermd to in pamgraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br /> 11.Borrower Not ltelea.�d; Forbeaeance By Lender Not a Walver.Extension of the time for payment or modificat3on
<br /> of amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument grnnted by i.ender to eny successor In interest of Bonower shell
<br /> not operate to mlease the liability of the original Bonrower or Borrower's successors in inrerest. I.ender shall not be reyui�d to
<br /> . commence proce�djngs against uny successor in interest or refuse to extcrtd ttme far payment or c+therwlse modify amortizntIon
<br /> _ of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument by reason of uny demund made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> successc�rs in interest.Any forbearance by L.ender in exercisin�any rlght or remedy shall noe be a waiver of or preclude the -
<br /> exerclse of uny right or remedy.
<br /> - 12. �uocessors a�d Assigns aoun�;�oint and �everai Liabiiity;Co-sigRe�s. The covenants and ngr�menu of�his
<br /> Seturity Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors und ussigns of Lender und Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> parngraph l7. Borrower's covenants und ogreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security =
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to►riort�age, grnnx and convey thut
<br /> ' , Borrower's intemst in the Property under the terms of this Secur�ty Instniment(b)is not personally obligated ta pay the sums
<br /> ,� ,+�}:{. :. �;_�
<br /> ,�'; ,�Y', secured by this Serurity Insuument:nnd(c)a�i+ees that L.ender and uny other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,forbear or -�:--
<br /> - j .. � 1 �'._-
<br /> make any�ccommodadons with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument ar the Nate without that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Lotm Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a!aw which sets maximum loun chArges. �-~_
<br /> - � and that IAw is finaily interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected im m�nection with the �'=``"
<br /> .,", ; loan excee�the permitted limits.then: (a) any such loan chtuge shall be�educed by the amount necessary to reduce the charge "
<br /> to the pemutted limit;and(b)any sums almudy collected from Borrower which excealed permitted limits will be refundtd to
<br /> ' Borrower. L,ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principai owed under the Note or by maktn� a dimct -
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund redures principal, the reduction will be treated us a par[i�l prepayment without any =-
<br /> • `"' �b prepayment charge under the Note. ,,;;
<br /> _ � �� 14.Notice�.Any nodce tu Borrower provIded far in this Security instrument shnll be given by delivering it or by mailing -��.=
<br /> x it by first class mail unless applicable Iaw requires use of sinother method.The notice shull be directed to the Propeny Addmss �:�,;
<br /> � n
<br /> ';...��;,�:� or any.other uddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be �iven by�irst class m�il to -`
<br /> ;..,._.:'
<br />_• ''y�f: ,;�.,��` L.ertder's uddress state� herein or uny other address Lender designutes by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this .
<br />--'� •r,,•,�rrc Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this pura�raph.
<br /> �v.•'_•,s•_:.�.
<br /> , �s'���.� 1S.Governing Law; Severability. This Security Instrumc�t shull be govemed by federal luw and the law of the
<br /> ,., i��.r"�+:;;•
<br /> ,_:,r . �- jurisdlction in whIch the Property is locnted. In the event that any provision or cluuse of this Security lnatrument or the Note
<br /> "�j�y"�'" , conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shull not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note whlch cnn be
<br /> � `i"�'U'� �iven effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note ure deciared
<br /> �t.; ;'���';�°'"' .
<br /> ,. „ .`�.,`�y�. to be severable. �
<br /> ,s..�.
<br /> .�.,,�_•:;� ;,�,..:; 16.Borrower s Copy.Borrower shall be�iven one conformed copy of the Note und of this Security Instrument.
<br /> - ;?i, {� �r•'���' Form 3028 9190
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