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<br /> --- -- candernnatlon ot other tcilcing of any pan of the Property,or far conveyance in lieu of cos�demnatian,nna t�eroby asslnacd and
<br /> --�� '`�'�-+•�"°'�' shall tsv patd to t,cndar. ���`•
<br /> - _— In the event oP n towl taking af th� Prc�perty. the pmreeds �hali be u��rlied to the �ruma seeur�d by this Security
<br /> (nstrument.whether ar not then due,with nny ezcesw Qatd to Borrowcr. !n the event of a piuiial tnkinA of the Praperty )n
<br /> _ _ _ wAich the falr mazkct value af the Property lmmedtutely bofore the tukinQ ie oqunl to or grenter thnn tha amaunt of tho sums
<br /> -- securcd by this Securiry inapu�ent in�mediately 6cforo the taking.unless�]orrov�cr und Lender othar►vlea ogree in writln�,
<br /> tho auma secured by tht�Sccurity inswment sha11 be rcduced by the nmaunt of the proceeda muldpllcd by thc following
<br /> _ __ _, frncdon: (a)tho tatnl umount of the sums aecured imrnedjutcly t�faro tha taldnB.divided by(b)tho fnir,mtukat vnlue af the ,
<br /> Property imm�diatoly before the taking. Any balance shall be puId to 9orrower. In the event of a�puriiul tnking of the
<br /> _ _ Pmperly in whloh tha fnir mtuket vulue uF the Propesty immediately befo�+e thc takIng ia less than the nmaunt af tha sums
<br /> � �er.ured lmmcdiateiy before the taking. unless Borrower and i.ender atharwIxe agrec in writing ar unlasa upplicable !nw
<br />"'�_ otherwise pmvldes,the proceeds shnll be epplied to tha suma secuc�d by thiA Secudty Instrument whathar ar nat the Fum�are
<br /> •���' then due.
<br />�'`�' If the Propetty ts abundoned by Borrower.or iP. a�er notice by Lertdur to Romower that tho condamnor affers to make
<br />- an award or settle a clalm for damages.Borrower fajls to respond to i,ertder wid�in 30 days ofter the daus the notice is given. ,__.
<br /> - Lender is�uthnrized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its opti4»,eithar to restoratton or repair of thn Amperty or to the
<br /> ,( . awru secured by this�ecurlty Insuument,whether or na then due.
<br /> j Unless Ler�der and Borrower othenvise agree in writings anY application of proceeds to principal ehall not extend or
<br /> postpane the due datc of the monthly payments refemed to in paragiapha 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of such paymenGg.
<br /> 11. Barrower No! Released; Florbearance By Lender Wot a Waiver. Extension of tho tima for paymen3 or
<br /> madificatlon of amortizetIon of the sums secured by this Security Inetr�ment gcanted by Lender ta any successor in inte�st
<br /> of Bormwer shall not operate to release the liability of the origirtal Bocrower or Bomawerh succeasat�ir► interest. Lender
<br /> - ahaQ not�c requl�rcd ta commcncc procccdings�gainst any successor in interest or i+efuse to extend time for payment o� :---
<br /> otherwise modify amortlzation of the sums secured by this Security Inetrument by reuson of any demand mnde by the origirnal �•�
<br /> Bormwer or Borrower's successois in interest. Any fabearartcg by I.snder in exercising any right or remedy shaU not be a �=`�
<br /> � ,,. .•• .;Y • .�<<i waiver of orpreclude the exercise of any d�htor remedy. �;."-?
<br /> 1Z. Saccessors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Sevcrei Uability;Co-signers. The covenants and agrecments of this - -
<br /> ;�.,., , Security Instrumsnt shau bind and bene8t the succeasas and ass[gna of Lender and Borrowet,subje¢t to the provfeions of �y--
<br /> . :�;.��? � � paragraph 17. Bnrmwar's covenanGc und agreements shalt,be joint and sevcral. Any Barrower wha co•aigns this Security ���yJ�
<br /> • � '�: i I nstnanent but does not execute the Nate: (a)is casigning thi�S�curity Jnsuument only to mortga�a,grant and convey that �•.
<br /> Borrower's�tterest in the Property under the tcrme of thh Security Inetrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay thc sums �;9+�-
<br /> •.'j �, secureci by this Security Insuument:and(c)agrees that Lender und eny other Borrower muy asreo to axtend,modify.forisear ��;�n���
<br />��,c'" or make any accommodations with c+egard to the tennE of thie Sercurlty Insuument or the Note wIthaut that Borrowerk ��_�-
<br /> � ; con 13.Loan Cha es. If the loan securcd b this Scauri. InHtn�ment ia sub�ct to u law which r,�ta mnximum loun �,�
<br /> - --
<br /> :��..:�., r8 Y CY 1' ����='
<br /> .
<br /> charges,and thstt tew!s tinully tnterpneted so that the �ntcrest or attter tonn c wges col ccted or to ca eate tn connecnon
<br /> � with ttee tosu►exceed the permitted limits,then: (o)uny euch loun churge,rhail be rcduced by the umount n¢aosaary to mduce ��
<br /> , the charge to the pertnitted limit;und(b)uny xums nlready callected from Horrower which exceededp�tmitted limitw wllt be �i�,.�
<br /> refunded to 8orrowor. lxnder may choose to mulce this mfund by reduaing the prjncipul owed under tho Nate or by making u '"ti,s,:
<br /> direct payment to Bamower. If A refund rcduces princlp�l.the oeductiun witl tx:treuted uti u purtiul propayment withaut uny -
<br /> prepayment churge under the Note. ' •
<br />° 14. Wotices. Any nottce to Borrower provided for in thix Sacurity Inatrument shap be givon by delivedng it or by =°
<br /> maGing it by first cltiss muil unless uppiicable Iaw r�quims use oPunothar mothod.The notIce shall ba diresated to the I'roperty ; ..;'
<br /> Addmsa or any other address Bomower designutas by nocice to Lendor. Any notice to Lender shaU be givon by first cluss k ;
<br /> ? meil to Lender's address stated herein or any other ndct�sa L.endar designatew by notice to Borrow�r. Any noticu provided for :;•.._.
<br /> � � in this Secuttty Instrument shall be deemed to hsve 6een giv¢n to Borrower or Lender when givan as pmvided in this �
<br /> P�SPh• .i
<br /> - 1S. Governing Law; Severability. 'Ihis Securiry Instrument shaq be govemed by federal law and thc luw of the �F:
<br /> � jurisdiction in which the Property js located. ]n the event thut any pmviaion or cluuse of this Security Insuument or the Note
<br /> -F ;:,,,, conflictswith applicable law,such confllct shall not uffat othor provisiona of this Security Instrumont�or the Note which cun •
<br /> ^� � be given effect without th�conflicting provision. 'Ib this end the provieions of this Security Instrumant and the Note nre ,
<br /> declaredto be severable.
<br /> � � 1�.Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given ano confonncd copy of the Note and of this Sacuriry Insuument.
<br /> 1'R'tYansfer ot the Property or a Beneflciet•lntereat in Borrower. If�ll or any part of tho Prnpeny or any interest in •
<br /> "�� j it fs sold or transferred(or if a beneficinl intere�t in Borrowcr iti sold or transfermd nnd Borro�var is not a natural person) �
<br /> ° ��' � without Lender`s prior wdtten consent,Lcnder may,at iu� apuon,rcquire immediate payment in tl�ll of all sums secured by
<br /> ^� f�z;.=:x ; this Security Instrument. However.thls option shall ncxbe exencised by Lender if exercise is prohibitad by federui law us of
<br /> • .' �..,`.;�;,' the date of this Securlty Instrumen�
<br /> ••��� j If Lender exercises this option.Lender shall give Barrower notice of accelec�ation. The notice shall provtde a period of
<br /> � � n'"'��:+�''r, �
<br /> ' q;t z not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered qr msiled within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instmmen� If Borrower fails to psy these sume prior to the cxpiration of this pariod, Londor may invoke any
<br /> remedies permitted by thia Seturlty Instrument without futther notice or demund on Borrower.
<br /> � . 18. Borrower's Rlght to Reinstete. If Borrower m¢ete ceruiin conditions, Botrowor shall have the dsht to have
<br /> ' '`'� enforcement of ihis Sec�uity{nsmiment discontitwed at any time prior to tho earlier of: (a)5 days(or such other perial as
<br /> - Stngk f4mUy»FlannteMudllreddhMac UNIFORM IN9TRUMENT-•Uniform Covmants 9/90 (/rage 4 ojb pages)
<br /> _ �.? � '
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