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<br /> � appiicable law may spesit'y for r�ln�tutoaiont)beforo Rnlo of thc PropcRp pur�uant to nny power af sole contained in this
<br /> ����=���*n�=�� Sccu►9ty Inswment;or(b}cntry af ta f ud�inant�:nforcinB tHi�.Sccurity Instniment. '�hosa condittons aro thnt Borrower. (a)
<br />_ -- — Faye Lender i;ll Fum9 which thcn would bo dua undor this Security [nstn�mcnt wtd the Piatc Ws if no uccel�rndon had
<br /> occari+ed;(b)cures uny defuult of any other covennntx ar a{;[eement�;(c)pa�ys siU expcnr,�s incumed in enforcing this Securlty
<br /> --- [netcument,Including,but not limtteil to,rcusanabla attameys'fees;antl.(A) tukea suah oction as i.ender may reasanably
<br /> requiro to assura that the lien of this Sccudry Insuument,Lendcr's dghts in thc i�+operty and Bormwerk obligadon to puy tho
<br /> sums aecutcd by thie Securtry Inst:ument shall contInue unchnnged. Upon relnsuuement by Horrower. thfa Security
<br /> Iuatruraent and U�e obligadai►a Recure:d hereby�hali rema�n fully effictive as if no uccelemtion had accucrcd. However.tl�is
<br /> �� -� � -� rlgdt to ceinstete sAalt nat appty in Ute cnso of accelomdon undvr ptuagcapt��17. �-- -
<br /> _ 19. S�le ot Nou; Chen�e of Lw�n Servtcer. Tho Note or u partiul�intcrest ia the Note(tagether with this Securlty
<br /> Yj lnsuument)may be sotd onv or moro times wIthout prlor notIc�co 9oirawer. A�wle may result in a change in the entity
<br /> I (kuown as the "Loan ServIcer")tbat coUocts manthly pAymeats due undor,the Note and thia SecurIty Insuumen� lhere also
<br />;,- j may be one or more chaaiges of the Loun Setvtcer unnlated to a sale of the Note. If theae is a chnnge of tho Loaa 5ervicer,
<br />� � Barrower wUl be given writtea nodce of tha change in accordancci with pata$naph 14 above and applicable law. The not�cc
<br />�;��s1��1 wi11 state the name and address of the new Laan Servtcer and the address ta which paymeats shauld be made. The aotice will �
<br /> � also contaia any other tuformadaa rcqw�red by appl3cable law.
<br /> 20. Hazardaus Substnaoes. Borrower shati not cause or perniit tha preseuce.use.disPosel,etorage,or release of any
<br /> Huzardous Substances on or ia the Property. Borrower shall aot do, nar aUaw sayone elso to do,anything affecdng tho
<br /> .' I Property t6at is in violation of any Envirnnmantal Law. The precedtng two sentences ehall aot apply to the presence,use.or
<br /> storage on tde Pmperty of smaU quaadtles of Hazardous Substances that tue generaUy resognized to be apprnpriate,to aotmal
<br />-��! reaidenttel usus and w maiatenance of the Pcoperty.
<br /> Bomawes ahall pmmptly give Lender wrltten nodce af any Investigation.claim.demend lawauit or otLer acHan by any �,,,_
<br /> i ovesnmeAtat or ragulacory ageaoy or private party invotving the Property and any fTaza:daus Substance ar Envlranmental =-__
<br /> �w of which Borrowor has actual knowledga. If Harrower leams, or ia notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br /> ••,+ � autt►ority,that nny remaval or other ramediaAon of any Hazardous Substancc affeadn$the Properiy is necessary..Bortower � ;V'
<br /> shall pmmpdy take all necessary remedial acNons ta accardnnce wtth Envimnmental Law. ��;
<br /> ���.r`: I As used in this paragaph 20,"Hazardaue Substances"ure those substances defined as toxic or hazardona substances by —
<br /> `'�? Bavimnmental Law and the foUowing substances: gasoline, kerosene.ather flammable or Wxic petroleum pmducts. wuic
<br /> ' pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, mausrIals contaIniag asbesros or formaldehyde.and radIaacdve materisls. As
<br /> used in this paragraph 20,"Enviroameatal Law"means federal laws and lawa of the jurlsdiction where the Property ls locuted
<br /> that relate to heatth.sefety or environmental pmtection.
<br /> NON•UMFORM COVENANTS. Bonawor nrtd Lender further coventtnt and agree as foAows:
<br /> 21. Acocleratton; Remedles. I.ender sha11 givo nottee to Borrower prlor to acceleratlon fotlowing Boreower's
<br /> brestch o!eny covenant or agreeutemt in thla Security Inst�umont tbut not pe�tor to acceleratlon under paragraph 17
<br /> unless epp8cabte la�y provtdes otberwlse). The nodce shall specity: (a)the defAUlt;(b)tho action requtred to cun the
<br />_ ` defaui�(ci a date.not iess tiwa 3i)ds�,irom iiriro u�iEe tit���s fs���ia Barr�wrr,byr w!slch!!tg�f�l!rnunt be
<br /> cwtidi and(d)thstt iAilure to cut�e the default on or before the dato Rpaciftcd In the rtoUce mAy result tn accelerattor+of T
<br /> tbe sums secured by tWs 3ecudty Instrument and sale ot the Property The aoUce shaq fuether intorm Borrower of
<br /> the right to reSnstitte atter acceleratton and the cight to bMng e court actton to assert the aon-exiatence oi a default or —.
<br /> any otber defense of Bon+ower to 8oceleraUoa end sole. U tho defiAWt ts noi cured on or before the date specifled in
<br /> the nottce,Leader st its ogtion raey require tmmediate payment in t1il1 of all sums securPd by this Security Inqtrumeat
<br /> wiWout[urttur demand end may tnvoke the power of ssle and any other remedles permDtted by applEcable law "'_�-
<br /> Lender sla�l be enttUed to coAect ail expeasc� incun+ed in pursufng the remedles provtded in tbls paragraPh 21, _,q
<br /> iacludin$,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fces and costs of t(tlo evidence. ��__•
<br /> It the power of sale ia invoked,'1lrustee shell record a notloe ot default in each county in whtch any part of the '.,�z�
<br /> - Property ts located aud shall mail wpies of such aodce in the manner prescrtbed by appltcable law W Horrower and to ��;,;,'.::
<br /> the other persons prescdb¢d by appUcable law After the time reqWr�ed by appllcuble law,lYustee shall glve pubDic .�r,,
<br /> notice ot sele to the persons and in the maaner prescrtbed by appflcable law 7Yvstee,wlthnnt demaud on Borrower, -;�
<br /> stwll seU tde Property at publlo audton to the highest bldder at We time end place and under the tenns desfgnated in °:�,
<br /> - �. the not[ce oP sale in one or moe+e pAroels and tn any order'lirustee deteradnes. 7 l rustee maY pus h i ane s a le of el!o�an y (;,;>.,�
<br /> ��;,;�
<br /> - ��'i� paroel o!t6e Property by public aanouncement at the tlme artd plaoe of aay prevtously scheduled sate. I.4nder or its ,,.yi:'
<br />- deslgaee uwy pur+chase We Property at any sale. �.'s--
<br /> Upon recetpt of paymeat of the prtoe bid�7tustee shaD deUver to the purchoser'Itustee's deed conveying t6e �"''
<br />. x Property. T6e recitals tp tlte'11rustee's deed shall be prlma fade evidence ot the truW of the statements made tAeretn. �=_
<br /> ' 7Yvetee shall spply the prooecds of the sale in the folloatng order. (a)to a!1 costs ead�xpenses of exerclsing the power ��"
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