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<br /> period9 that i.ender requir�s. The lnsurnnce c:urier providins the:inRUrnnce shull be chosen by Borrower subject to Lenderh
<br /> ,.��,'�':'-� npprovul which sh;►11 nat be uan:asanubly withheld. IF Borrower fnlls ta mnintnin covcra�e dcscriBed above,Leuder mny.at =___.
<br /> �"""� . Lenderk option,obtnin covemgc to pratect Lertder'�dghts ln the Pro�erty in accordnnce with pamgmph 7. _.
<br /> _ _- — - Ail insurance policies und rertewuls ehall be accttiptable to Y.ender unsl ehup include a at�tdard mortgage dnuse. l.ender
<br /> -' °— shall huve the right to hald the policies and renewals. If Lender c�equires.Borrower ehall promptly give to Lendcr aJt rereiptx
<br /> - - of paid premiums and mnewnl naticeA. ln the event of loss. Bonrower sh�ll give prompt nodce to tha ineumnce cnrrier nnd
<br /> Lendet. [.ec►der moy maka proof of la9s if nos made promptty by Bormw�er.
<br /> UnleRS Lender and Botrower othenv[se ngreE in writin�,in�:urwtce proceeds shui!be applied ta mstoraHon or repair of
<br /> _� — - - the Property demaged. If the restorattan or repair is economlcs+lly feasibla nnd Lender�s securitar ia rtut leasened. If the �-
<br /> :�� restoration or�epair la not economicully feusible or A.enderk securjty would be lessentd. the insumnce proceeda shnU be
<br /> upplted to tlta sums secured by this Security instrument,whether ar nat then due,with any excess paid to �om�wer. If
<br /> ,,., Borrower abandona the Property,ar does not enswer withln 30 days a notice from Lender thut the insurance carder hus
<br /> offered to settle a clnim,then l.ender may copect the insumnce praceeds. I.ender may use the proceeds to repudr or t+estore
<br /> - • the Property or to pay suma secured by this Secudty Insdvment,whether or not then due. The 30�day perlod will begtn when
<br /> =:� the nodce is given.
<br />-'.;; ' Unlesa Lender and Borrower�thecwlse ag�ee in writin�,any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or `
<br />:i post�wne the due date of the monthly paymente referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> E under paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lender.Borrower's dght to any insurance palicies and proceeds resuldng
<br /> from dnrnnge to the Praperty pr�or to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security ��
<br /> Jnstrument Immedintely prior ro the acquisiuon. "--_
<br /> 6. Occupancy, PreservaHon, Matutenance and Protecdon of the Praperty; Bonower's Loan Applicatton;
<br /> Leaseholda Borrower shatl occupy.establish.and use the Aroperty as Borrowsr�s principal residence within slxry days after
<br /> - tbe execudon of this Securiry Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower?s principal residence for uc .__
<br /> ,t least one year eftcr the date of cecupancy, unless Lender otherwIse agrees in writln�, which consent shall not be =
<br /> unneasonably withheld.or uniess extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Horrower's control. Boirawer shatl not
<br /> :, 'i`': �. � destro . dam e or im au the ��'
<br /> .t, , y ag p ' Properry,Ailow the Prope�ty ta deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Bon'awer sholl ,,,,
<br /> � i be in default if any forfeitwe acdon or praceeding.whethcr civil ar criminal.is begun that in Lender's good faith judsment �:•�
<br /> .,,�°,. ,, � . �� , coutd resvlt i�farFeiture of the Property ar othenvise matedally impair the 1'sen created by this Scaurlty Insuument or =:``
<br /> �:r;'j ?:�;����>::��'-� ' `•' �` i�ender's securiry interes� Borrower may cure such a defuult and reinstate,as provided in paregaph 18.by causing the acdon 's`"`�
<br /> ,,,,n-,, ;,
<br />-`���� ti,t�,;. . ,,••, or pmceedin�to be dismissed with a niling that,in Lender�s good falth detertnlnation,ptecludes forfei[ure of the Hotrower�a �:;
<br /> . ;;�; �' ' intenst in the Property or other matedal impaimtent of thc lien created by this Security Instrument or Lender�s security ��;,•
<br /> :i��.'r,:,•. ,•' ,,,
<br /> , ,�.• .,.., int�ms� Borrower shall ulso be in default if Borrower, durfng the loan applicution process. �ave materially fulse or ,:.t,.
<br /> �a�,�.'�+i�;� inaccurcite informatlon or statements to L,ender(or failed to provide Lender with any materlal informadon)ln connecdon wlth
<br /> ,�.�,�, ,;k.,:,;:..a ,-.
<br /> .,`t.��,,.,;�;.1 the loan evidenced by the Note, inctuding. but not limited to. representations conceming Borrower�s accupancy of the s�
<br /> � �. �,.� , ,_:,,�_ Pmperty as a ptinclpal.residence. If thia Security Insuument is on a leasebold,Borrower shall comply with all the pmvistons ��
<br /> ,�x; y�; of tha lease. If 8omower acqu'ves fee ade co ciie I�roperty,the iea+ehoid anr3 tt►e fcc titic sim1i aot citeege untess I.endcr agtccs -.
<br /> ss �s�,S� .k � w the merger in writtng. � -
<br /> ,,K,. • , 7. ProtectEon of Lendu's Rlghta in the Property. If Borrower fuils to perfortn the covenunts und �geements
<br /> .�g xr .: con ta irte d in t h fa Secu r lt Insuument, or t here is u le a l roc e e din t hut ma s i n i f ican t ly u f fec t Len der�s r f h t� i n t h e '--��
<br /> ..�''��. �.�..�',., Y B P 8 Y • 8 8 �
<br /> { �,�� ,<E:;r�: Pmperty(xuch as u ptoceeding in bunkruptcy.probute,forcc.ndemnation or forFeiture ar to enforce luws or reguluNons).then
<br /> • . _ ��'!'��"`�' l.cndcr mny do and pny for whutever ia neces�ary to protc�:t thc vutue of the Pmpeny und Lender;rights in the Propcny. ��
<br />;� �.:r. �;,_;�..,�, Lender!c action�►muy include puyfn�uny�ums�ecured by u lien which h�s priority over thir�Security Instrument.nppeunng ..;:
<br /> � ��y1 in cuurt.paying rensonnblr uttomeyy'fees und entcring�m thc Pmprny to mukc rcpuir�.A�though I.cndcr muy tuke ucNon
<br />- �::,� undcr thix pumgruph 7.Lcnder docs not huve to Jo ho.
<br />= Any umauntK diabur:icd by Lender under thiw parugruph 7 shull Ixcume nddittnnui debt uf Borrawer sccured by thix
<br /> • �r�+',�;, Sccudty I�strumenG Untesx Borrowcr und Lender ngmc to othcr tcrms of puyment,thcsc amount�shnll bear interest from the �
<br /> i '�'''•'«� date af dlsbnrsement ut the Note rute and shnli bc a ublc. with interest,u n noticc from Lender ro 8orrower r uestin
<br /> , ;:.�;�,h P Y Po W !3
<br /> •�}r^• payment. ..
<br />- 8. Mortgage Insurattccs. If Lender oequired mortguge insurance uv u condidan of making the loan secured by this
<br /> '"���; Securiry Inatrumen�Bo�rower shall puy the pmmiums required to maintnin the mortgage insurnnce in effect. If,for any
<br /> � �.��.�.»• reason, the mortgage insurartce coverage reqaired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effec� Borrower shall puy the
<br /> • ' "� '��� '�'' premiums required to obtuin coverage subxtnnually eyuivalent to the mort�uge insurance previousty in effect, at a cost �
<br /> ���::;��;�� subslentiully equivatent to the cost to Borrower of the mortguge insurnnce previously in effect,from an alternute mortgage ,
<br /> ...,��' insurer appraved by Lender. If substantially equiv�elent mortguge insumnce coverage is not uvuilable,Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Y.`•`� . I.ender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yenrly mortgage insurnnee premium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> �:•���: ��-r:.�;'��� insurunce coverage lapsed or censed to be in effect. Lender wiil accept,use and reusin these puyments a�a loss reserve in lieu b
<br /> ,-���` ��!"',•'`�'�` of mortgage insw�ence. Loss mserve payments muy no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mort�age insurance -
<br /> ^r:�•:,":;�� , coverase(in the amount und for the period that Lender requires)provided by un insurer approved by Lender u�ain becomes
<br /> .i�.. .
<br />. � .:F;..' •� .,. available end is obteined.Borrower shnll pay the premiums required to maintain mortguge insurance in effect,or co provide a °,�;�`
<br /> . �-�''t'� �� : loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in uccordunce with any written agreement between Borrower
<br /> ~�`�f���` ertd I.ender or appUcable law.
<br />` ` �:'���'{�:�; 9. Inspect6on. Lender or its agent may makc reasonable entries upon and impections nf the Property. Lender shall
<br /> r '�'.,-�:,.";•_.
<br /> ..,;�`��.,,, give Borrower notice ot the tIme of or pdor to nn inspection specifying reasonuble cause for the inspecdon.
<br /> �'•�•'•�- • - 10. Condemaatlon. The proceeds of any uward or claim for dumoges,direct or consequential,in connection with any
<br /> .aY _..
<br /> R;i".:,'.::i..'.::.i Single fumily--Fbnttie MaelFYeddto Mac UIVIFORM INSTRUM6lV1'•-Un{fortn Covenuntx 9/90 fpuge 3 njn pages)
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