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<br /> , , �Upcs�n receipt of pryr�aeat o! the pritx bld� Tr�nee eh�ll del6vas ta the Qarcb�e�r Trnitbe'� d�4
<br /> � convoyia�tht Property.'Che recital�in the Trustee'e dstrt a�t��i hc p�iYn�lac�o ov�tdonce�!the truth o�l�te ��
<br /> nt�temen�i r�a�de thnreln.'fruD4ee Ah�1i apply the praeeoA� of tb.o a�le in t1�o i�ollarin;order: (�)to a11 c:at�
<br /> �nd otpen�ei A! e�ussoisin� the power oi ule. und the ale, iacY�din= the p�ymeat ot the Trnttee'� fees �
<br /> actwlfy inoarred.cot to ezcead � p�p� �"R o!the pria��ip�A�monnt of fhe note�t t�e tim�ot �
<br /> t�A deols:�tion o�detanit�iutd�nnable attorneys'f.oei aa petmitted by 1��; (b)to dl suma wourad hy tblr
<br /> Seourlty In�tsuaxe,ut;�nd(c)�ay eYOe�to iche person or per�ams le��ly Qatltledto it� �
<br /> - ---__-- ----- 22.PM�veyat��.UFm►psYat�mt oi atl�auma c_curc3 by t6iu Stcurtty ia..^aumcrt,I.end��1wlt requ�''I'rs�
<br /> �- to r�a�oavey tha Propettq u�d elbll e�rnader 3hie SxurIty Iastrumeat aa@ ali aotas evideaclna�¢ebt exured b)r thir �
<br /> _ SecurFty Inetrument tq Trustse.Trwrtae aha11 roconvoy the Pmperty wIthout wa:r�nty aad without oh�rge to the pereon
<br /> or pareone�le�sUy ondtied to it.Such peraan or txrsons ehell p�y any recordation coats. •
<br /> Z3.Substltute Traaateo. Lender,at ite option,mty�rom timo w tlme n,mave Trustce and appo3at�succea�enr
<br /> trustc�eto u►y Tivsta+appointed hereunder by na iaetrumeat recorded In the couttty in which th3s Secudty Ia�tumentie
<br /> -� _ recQrdcd. Without conveyeaco of the Pmperty.the succe�or trustes etull eucscxd to all the titla.power.nnd dut3�
<br /> confarrod upon Truete�e harein and by applicatble law. �
<br /> - 24.Requo�t tor Notices. Bomswer tequeste tbat copies of the noticr.�of default cnd ealo be se�at w$orro�rer'a
<br /> addc�eas whIah ie the Property�iddrese.
<br /> 2!.R�dors to tLis Seourity Iaatrumoat,I!one or more ridara era exeauted by Borrower aad rocorded tog�othar_ �
<br /> . with tbis Socurity Iaswmaat,tho ooveaante aad agreomeate of ench euch rtdar ehell be incorporatad iato aad ehall
<br /> ea�ond e�ud supploment the wvenaata ead agreetaents oi this Secudty Inswmesit eg�i the dder(s) wan��.a part oi thle
<br />-- �` - � SocurityInstrument,IChecYapplicabla box{es)) , .. .
<br />'' Adjustable Rate Rider � Comdominiusn Rider 1-4:I�amily Rlder ,
<br /> -- ----- Graduata.i Paymeat Rider Plaanod Unit Developm�nt Rider Biwerk�lp Payment Itider �
<br /> Salloon Rider Rata Impmveme�t Rider Seeox�d�Homo Rider
<br /> - � V.A.Rtder Othar(a)'IspeeIty]
<br /> '�
<br /> BY SI(3NIIJG BBLOW� Bormwer accepte end agras w tha terms and eovenaats conteitted in this Seaurlty
<br /> Instrumentead ia any rtdar(s)eaoautod by Borrower aad recorded alth it.
<br /> - - � Wiuic� . .
<br /> ' ���
<br /> �9lLi'[C J -Bormwer
<br />= o�...,._ �'. ,_... cs�) _
<br /> r�a�r R$�n�aa�r -a�:��or
<br />_ ts�) ts�)
<br /> -Borrower -Borrowe:
<br />".� STATE OF NEHRASRA. Countq sa:��t,T, -
<br />= T!►�e foregoing iastrumeat was ackaowledged before me tble a�g daY oi �i@� , �,994 . �;--
<br /> bY �tr�tr =-
<br /> .� _ , Witnesa my hand aad aoterIal seal at In said County.th date eforesatd.
<br />_- My Comatission Expin� �E��tAilY•State ot t�brztka y���,������,
<br /> . �MICNpLLEM.CA�LA1f/1N Noteey PubIIc
<br /> S ' �Y Comm.�'xp.Aug.18.1996 ,
<br /> •�r ��� I�II��T �, �D Ai�D Wd1�E
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