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�+` ;. .:� : ,_�''f _ '���V11'� �i yy,�;��;F�:��� . . �'��"�W``';���4� .. <br /> � \ if �P�j".�YT'ej��A� rv i � -M'[:. . . _ . . _ <br /> �+mr _ 1�iF�S ' +K^ � . :.�t�' , _ . ._ . . . .. — <br /> u_ ' _._— <br /> , '� �.. . . —__i �,..�.�k,.:�.,..�......... - ' -- _ __ _._ — <br /> , . ._ �°! <br /> _:.,:. <br /> ,-......1 4 <br /> ' �yPVI(!^'.;1'i .._� ... _�... <br /> . . .. � .....�. .�..�..� <br /> � _ ' 1:!"___:�^L._:_..':'� '��- . .. <br /> a..._ �rvn. ���7�_.J._ __ <br /> . . _"_. _. ..__.__ __...__'. _. .._ . ._ _. <br /> �.__ 94.� 1��� � ,. - <br /> � � a 6.Hoxravrer'a Copy�Harrower ehell bo given one contormo4 copy mf the Note ead of thie Secudt Iswttume�a� <br /> ' 1?.Traasler oi tho Prope�et�or a Bemefioial Ir�taroet ia Borrower. U elt or eny pert of the�ropertcy or eny <br /> � interest in it ir�:eold or ttansierce:i�or if a beneYtcial inter�t tn Borro�var Ie sald or tranrfoPr�d an�Ilorrnwer ie�rot a -- <br />- natural persana wtthout Lender's priar wdtten coneont,Lender mey,at Ite option,require Immediato p�ymant 1n tull of <br /> — ell eurns eooutvd by tbie Seaurlty IAetrument,However, thte opdon eh�ll not ba exerateod by Lender lf eaarolee I� <br /> ---- pmhibioed by fodorat la��eia o!the d�te of thie Seaurlty Inetrument. <br /> ,.- Ii Lendat axorctsee thisaption,Lender ehall�iva Aorrower nadco oi aecetentton.'Y'he aodee ehv�provIde a perIod <br /> - of not leea tbut�30 dsye fmm the date the autice te delivered or mdled witbIa ahioh BorroMer rnuet pay all eume eeoured <br />_ `_.�, • by thts Seaurlty Inetrumea�.I!Borrower faile to pay these sume prior to the expiratton oi thts periad,Lender�nay invaka <br /> ,� =--- -= any remodtce p�rmittod by this 3eourlty Ynatrumeat without�urthar notice or demuid an�orrower. ` <br /> 18.Borrotrrer'e Aljht to Reinetate.It Bonower maeta certaia oondltiaas Bormwer ehal!have the d�ht to have <br />� � . enforcement Af this Secwity IAetrument dtecontinual at any time prlor to tha eer�Ier oi:(a)S deye(or evch other perlod <br /> es appIicable,iew msy epocify far rei�otaatemeat)bofore eele oi tho Peopo�y purauant w eaypower of esle wntntnad in <br /> ..,.:;;����,;,,"� tl�is Sooudty�aatrumeat; or (b) ontry of a1'udgment euforcing thiis Soaurlty Iastrumani.Thoee coadidone ue tha! <br /> T Borrower: (a�. Ays I.euder elf aume whtoh then would be due under thie Socwtty Iastrument ead the Note�s it no <br /> . �. �.h?'�°�'`�"-'�.. accalaratlon ha�Aceurted; (b)aures nay default oi aay othar coventata or egramante;(e)piYs ell e:pe�a Iacurred iA <br /> � � �';f��,_�w, eaforcing this�&acurity Iastrus�aent,inoludtag,but aot limited to�raaeonsble attorneps'feea=nnd(d)tetcee such�ation as - <br /> . �. Lendar may caasanably require to ase�re thst the liea oi thia Seaurity Instrument�Iandar s dghte ia the Property ead <br /> i i�� Y'.,'`'•� <br /> �.. �;�;�;�''z'^,."�?��:;,` Barnawor'oe�blf�gadontopay thosunasseoured�by thie8ecurltyIastrumeatshallooattnueuachauged.Upoaceinat�temeat <br /> w,•�:,'�.,°•"r:��- by Borrow�r� tafe SeourIty Instrument�nd the obligattoas seCUred haraby ehaU rematn fu11y eiteative es if ao acceleration <br /> `�f y'';`''� ��"'"� had ocourred.�I�wover�thie right m rdaatats ehall aot a 1y in tho oeso oi accaleration uader paragraph 17. _ <br /> -��:r:,'�,-:�''s'�i::•�;, <br /> ;,_•,- �.� r.:;� 19.Ssle.o!.Note;Change o�Loaa Servlt.e,r.The ote or a partie!taterest ia the Nota(together with this Seaur�ty <br /> 4��^`ti���'��' " Iastrumaat)rlta bo sold one or more timos witha�t prIor aodoe to Borrower.A eale mey re9ult in a cheage in tho mttty <br /> a r.,;,.,,.. �.,.,:_ <br /> .•..�-�.�. _� .--�'- lknowa na th�:" n Servicer")thet eolleam muathlY PaYments dua under the Nota aad thie SoaurItyr Insttument.Thare . <br /> �� °��°�=. � ^? elso may ba ons or more ebaages oi the Loaa 3arvlcer unrelated to a sele af the Note.It there is s cheagt of the Latui Q, <br /> '�"�F'�"�'' •' ,..�."� Servicer�Borroaret will be glven v►riitai nottce oi the ohaaga� In accordaace with paragreph� 14 above and applicablo law. _ <br /> .� � � ` T h e a o t i c e w I 1 C�t a t e t h a n a m e a n d a d d r e s s o f t h e n e w L o a n S e r v I c e r a n d t h e a d d r e s s t o w b i a h p a Y menta ehould be mnde. ��,�., <br /> �.�,�.: � The aottce wI1I plso contaia enq other�nformatian teqvired by applicabla law. �;'•T_ <br /> '� .�� . • ... �� 20.Haaa�d�aus Su6afiaces.Horrower ehall Aot causa or it the presence.usa,dtsposal�atora8e,or release oi - <br /> ` aqy Hezardoua�Subetances oa or ia tha Praperty.Borrower shal not do,t�ar allow anyone elsa w do�aayWtt�eifecting r�Y;« <br /> .,�A���' � � y s tha Propm�ty th�t ie ia violatton of any Eaviroamentel Law.Tha preceding tW0 8031tBQiCf9 8�18It AOt 8pjfly t0 LI10 p1+C80IIC0. �:;�;,.' <br /> ;_�,:,� usa, os et�n�ga-an tho Prnperty oi amall qnaatittae oi Hazardoue Su'b�tances thet are generelly recogntud to be -,.-�: <br /> , appro ate to nrnmal restdea-ti�i uaea end to meiatenaaca of tha Prnperty, � ;. <br /> .. �wer�all pmmptly give Lender writtan aotice of anq iavescigation,aleim�demand�lawauit or othtr eation by :_��� <br /> � aay govemmc�Gsl orngu latory agency or prIvate party iavolving the �ropern+ aad anY Hazerdous Subeteace or �1�- <br /> EavIranmes�tai JLaw of w h ich Borcower h a s a c t v a l k aow l e dge.u B orroaer learns,or is ao d fi e d by an y go v e rn m e a t e l o r r•,;� <br /> r_+gulatory �ot?�?txy,.tt�nt nny removal or other remediation of eay Hezerdous Substeace atfeetinB the Property ie ';�. <br /> _ aec�sarY�Boraawer shall promptl�teke all a�ry ramediel actlone ia eccordance with Eavironmaatal Law. �,.g_,- <br /> As usod In;t�ie paragraph 20. Hazardoua 3ubsteaces"are thoso substances defiaed as tos�a or hazerdaus eubsteacea c;m=.- <br /> by Bavironmont�l Law ettd the following eubeteace�gasoliae,kerosene,other flammabla or tosic petroleum products. ,�„ <br /> '` toxic �e,sttcIdc9 aad horbiddea, volatile solveats� inateriala conteimag asbestas or fotmaldehyda, ead rsdiosadve C <br /> ,.,., <br /> '-: • matanals.As uaad ia thie paragraph 20, "Envlroameatal Law"meane fedarai lawe aad lawe of the juriediotioA when the � <br /> = Property is loa�tr,d that relate to healtb,safaty or envimnmeatal protectioa. <br /> � � .. -NON'UNI�ORM COVENANI'S,Borrowor and Lender ftmher covenant aad agree es follow� ., <br /> � � .. 21. Aaaeleration; Remedtes. Leadar ahall give notice to Borrower priat to acceleratloa folloaing . <br /> - � Borrowsr's bse�ch oi any covenaat or agreemeat in thie Securtty Instrument(but not prtor to acceloratiou <br /> � uader puagr�►ph 17 ualesa applicable 4w providos otherwisej.The nottce shall apecify:(a)the defanit;(b)the <br /> , . . actloa raqeeiasel to cure tho dofault; (c) a date. aot lese thsa 30 days ftoaa the date tho notice ie given to <br /> ��which the default must be cund;aad(d�that tdIure to cure the deiault on or befora the date <br /> �• � speai�ied i�e th�a aotice mry result{a acceleration of the sums secured by thie Secadty Iaetrument and salo ai <br /> � � the Propvrty.•Tha aotice ehall further iaform Borrower of the right to reiaetste aiter accoleratiaa�ad the <br /> rlght to bpi�g s court actioa to essert tbe non-ezistenco o��default or�ay other defease of Sorrowet to , <br /> • accoleratioa erad sale.U tha default is aat cured oa or bofore thc date speciPied in the aotioe� Leader� At ita <br /> � optlon�m�y�e�equire iaamediate paymeat in full of all aume seaured by this Securlty Inetrument wi�thout <br /> m <br /> further domand and may invoko the power oi sale and aay otber romedies permitted by spplicabie Itw. <br /> Lemder shnll�e entiEled to collect afl ezpenses iacurred in pursuing the re:nedlos provided in this pareg�ph <br /> ' 21,includtte�.but not lirnited to.reasoaable attornoys'fees sad costs of title�videace. <br /> � ' Ii tho p�v9er of s�lo is invoked,Trustee ehsll record�aotice of dofault ia each couaty in which aay part oi � <br /> �`-� � ' the Property is locat�d end ah�ll mail copias of auch aotice ia the manaer prescribed by applieable law to <br /> `� Sonower aa�d to the otber persons proscrlbed by appl�cable law.After tho tlme required by applieable law. <br /> �� � ` � Trustee shuil gf�ve public noticeoi eslo t�thopersoas nnd in tbe maaaer prescribed by applicable l�w.Truatee� <br /> ~ �.?'. aithout donaa�nd oa$�ll sell tho Property aY pu�lic suction to the highost biddar at the time aad <br /> 9 place and the ter�ns designited in the aotice of sa9a in one or more parcels and in aay order Trustem <br /> determiaea.Tt�uetee may poatpoae sale of all or any par�oi of the Property by public saaouacemeat nt the <br /> time and pWao o!any previously scheduled sale. Leader or its designee msy purchase the Property at�ay � <br /> " � sale. <br /> .� . <br />. " Fw�e SOia�,�90 �� <br /> ..�,'. ��Q(1((1(�jId100L01 Paq�0 e}6 inlNllsi� � . <br /> � �. � � <br /> , <br /> � • - -. ------.. ...... .. . <br /> .._._�._..--------...._.....,.,�_.,�-----•-----�_�__._.T_ ._..._ -_ T.._. �tv-----���--�-^�- <br /> �y.. ;�� ��sr' :�. , ...fa��.`a <br /> r' � . . .. '•`:. . c_ . _t .. . . , <br /> --- . <br /> .._ , - ------ ------ �----:i--_ __.__ --..___._. . ---.__ . _:-----—--- �-�--------.____ ___---__ _ .._ _.. - - --. <br /> 1. , . . . ' . .. � <br /> � , _ . , . . „ - . . � 1, .� ' . <br /> C. , . � . . . .. . <br /> .. ' _ ' _ - . - ' . <br /> , � _ . ., .. ,� ., �. � <br /> . .. �- . � ` , - � .i , - � .., -. <br /> • r'• ' - . . -� .. • � �' .. . <br /> ., .. ', � �. '� � ` • �� „ .. � ' � • .. . <br /> .� . . .. ., � . . - .. i <br /> . <br /> � �� � ., � . _ . .. <br />