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. . .�f:1m ; - i :��'��.��n,,�1b1���Y'�•ii.�j r �i tjif��Y in- t . ;� _ . ..;: ..c�.ts;., . . _ . <br /> � . k + . _.r=�.�1bH"*� .S „�', "����lil�fu'�r`4 ��f/rjj��f ;!� ti��{��� � .. --- ° <br /> , . <br /> . �y� • .r� <br /> .... c. t � � `. ..f!_.��� +._:_...� A�JS .' �'� ts��'��i�uf`�{�Jia ,j�",1.lS.a - _ __. __ —_ .____ _. _ <br /> , . N� � , y.��_�:.u:,.- __. ... <br /> - . .., s. .�Y.� .._....-.._..�.,_._ <br /> .. <br /> �� � .1_ �� r{��. ��r 7�": _,_.�. <br /> �k�"�7�.eii-i:K, — _ � — <br /> - _., ---=�,�''�`.�--_�_ -- _--- — — <br /> - T�X��1 61��� .. <br /> , � <br /> , . t. ADJUSTAB�.E RATIE ItIDEIt f'�.r�+�q <br /> _- � ��'r �l/�+�t�l�� <br /> � (6�Aiorath T Blll,Weck41 Auet4on Aver�ge(Inveate►ent)-Rate Cap) <br /> ;r�. ,. �„,;.:_ <br /> TEIIS ADJUSTA�I.B RATB RIDER is mada this �7'!H day aY �[�, 19� .utd f�fntat�wtatedlnto asui�1rn11 <br /> - b s dce�ued w amend and aupplemmc the MAetgage�Deed of Tmat or Secarity Deed(tha"Securtty(astsument")of tha e�me dato eiven hy <br /> u <br /> • A tt�uaderaigned(tho"Bon�owef')w secure�moweY's AdJustable Rato Note(the"Notew)to — <br /> !'� � �il�Cf�1t+ l'�!L� ��lT <br /> -_..'�� ,� _. (the°LEn�let')of tho eame date and covertng We proPertY descri6ed fn the Seeurlty Iasteument u�d loeaud ats <br /> s a817 B� ffi+�17tS. (�1�D I�,�ta. I�1 688Q3 <br /> [Prop�rtv Rddru�l <br /> - �. ,, TH�NOTE CONTAINS PROVISIONS ALLOWINCi FOR CHAN�F81N 4H�INTEREST R�1TE AND THE <br /> x,��'''"� : RA�(�1T9i1»Y.1'AYMENT. THE NO'TE LIMITS'fF1E AM�UNT THE BORROWER'S INTEA�BT RATE CAN _ <br /> �•'��'1�' ..��..�,:� CH�i1��fiB AT ANY ONE TINIE AND THE MAXIMQJM RATE THE BORRAWER 11f1UST PAY. <br /> .,, z�. <br /> • <..� �a -� <br />��/ ' �''�`�}���;: ppDT1TONAL UDVBdJAA1T9.In addidan w the covenants and agreem�.,nts mcde in the Seeurlty Imtrument,Bortower�ad Leadea _ <br /> JJ ""' r���'.,;.�`�.;;� ftiuthercovcneat ead ag�ca as follows: _ <br /> . �;�:,.';f;' �°. <br /> �?x�::�r,.;.�;�A,�:.`� A. IIVIFRFST RATB AND MOIVTHI.Y PAYNIFdVT CHANCiE3 <br /> m•s;.:;�.����t, '1'he aou provldea for an init�nl inunst iate of 5.Q00 9b.'iho Nou provides for cbanges in tho intoreat <br /> .Vf�.'i��� .� <br /> .-.. �- . :� : rata aad the montLly paymenta��s follavu� � <br /> ,t,R.,�.�,,.': . ...,': .,, 4. U�TTFRFS"f RATB AND M�I3TNLY PA1lMFdNTCHANGIFS <br /> -. • (A) Quage Daus <br /> ..:,- , 7ho interesttata Iwill pay may cl�aage on the ti�st day of �[ .19 95 �aad ont6.atd�y every tith taonth �ry-, <br /> �" :;•,", ,�• thatestter.F�eh dote oa whieh my iatenscrate eould eheage is called a"Chaage Data." _- <br /> � ti `. , (8) 'ltto Ltdex �+,��'- <br /> , . �PI��B with the atat ehaage}nterest eate wiU be based om an Indax.'A►e"Indwc"is the weakly aiuflon avenge -_ <br /> " (inveat�ent)on 6�aath iceasiuY biiLg�es madc available by the Federal Reserve Board.lha most recentlnde�c Bgure availablo ta of tha �1-:� <br /> , dato 43 dsys bofor�eueh Change Date ia called the"C�erent Iadex." � <br />_ ' � � U the index is tto longer availablc�the Nou Holder wiU choose a new index which ls bas�ed upon comparabla Infaimtdon.'[he Noto =�- <br /> , _ � HolderwWgivema�aut�eeoYthischoice. �,''� ` <br /> �-. <br /> .. � _,�• t�j Ca!^ule�l�u.�f chungcs A�n T�� =;•a� <br /> �� . Before each Change DatE.the Note Iiolder wUl calcutatemy new�ntereat tate�ding peroeatage points( 3.37&9b) ��: <br /> to the Cutrent tudex.Tha Note Holder will thea muad the result of this sddition to the nearest one-eighth of one percentage point �n- <br /> (0.1?,Slb).Subf ectto the litaits stated in Secdon 4(D)below,ti�s rounded amount wW be my Aew laterest rate unW tho ne�ct Chrnge Dato. �;?." <br /> sl�. <br /> " �' 'llio Note Holder wW thcn deurmiae the amouat of the monthly paya►ent t6at wauld be sufScient to t�epay the uapaid prinaipai that I <br /> . . . am oxp¢ated to owe at We C6nnge Date ia faU on the maturlty date st my new interest rate in substaadaUY equal paymente.The teault ot , <br />- � ' thle catculaUoa wW be tha ncw amount of my montLly paymen� .:4. <br /> � • '. (D) Umlte aa Ittterest Rate Chaages <br />_/J , <br />- 71io Intcrest nto I am trqutrod w pay at tha fiest Change Date wlil noi be greater than 6.150 �l,or less then 4.650 �b.Thcre- <br />�� . �, ' iatcnat rate wUl never be iacm,asedor decreased on eay singte Chaage Date by morc than 3/4 percentage points 10.75096) <br /> j �. `",- . flrom the rsto af interest 1 bave bcen I�Y�B for tlie greceding sIx montbs.My Interest raw wW aever be greater than 10.40�►. ��• <br /> ' (� 6fiectivo Date of Changes ' <br /> , ,�� My now intetnstnu wU�b¢cume effeeHve on each Change Datc.I wlll pay the amo�mt of my aew monttily payaaart bsgtnniag on tho „ . <br />- , • . fltet monthlY puymcnt dtte attcc the CGange Date until the amount of my raontiily payment changes agein. <br /> ' �� (F�NodcootCluages <br /> 7ha Noto Holdar will dellveror mail to me a ao8ce of any ehanges in ary intereat rate and the amouat of my monthly paymart before <br />-� � Y , Qw offeetive dite oY tny cLange.The nodce wi111nelude iuforn�adon requ9m,d by law to be given me aad also the dde and telephoae <br /> ,` '' number of a pataoa who wiU aaswer eny question I may have regardiag the notice. <br /> �`.'�': F3. TRANSFER OF'I�B PROPF1tTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST 1N BORROWER <br /> �.," , r: Unlfom�Cnvetw►t 17 of the Securlty Insprument is ameaded w read as follows: <br /> ' 7Yansfor of tho prnperty or a benaRcial Intereat in borrower.If all or any part of the proporty or any iaterest ia it is sold or naasfccred <br />,� '� ,.: ' (or iP�bcnotlot�sl lntereat in Botcower is so18 or traneferted aad Borrower is not a natucal peison)without Lender's prior wrttten c�nsent, <br /> ,� Londer m�r,at lts apQon,cequim ianmedtate payaient fn ftill of all swns secured by this Security Insavment Lender also shall aot eaercise <br /> thin upQ�m its(n)Bormwer canses to be aubmitted to Lender informadon requimd by Lender to svaluatathe iatended ttan.sfenee as if a nRw <br /> � � ° la�n weto boing nwdo ta tho traasferee;oad(b)Lendet reasonably detetmines tbat Leader•s secutlty will aot be impait�d by the loaa <br /> �� . a�.wmptton md th�t tho dak ot a breach of eny covennnt or agreement in this Security Inatrument is aocepteble to Lender. ( <br /> _- �;. � ° � To tho oxto�tt pcmtlRcd by applicable law�Treuder may cLarga a reasonable fee as a condidon to L,ender's con.cent to the 1oAn I <br /> , �temption�l�enQar m�r alsn rcquire the uamvfr�s to si8a►az►assumPdon agreemeat that is acceptable w I.ender end that obligates the <br /> ��. ; . tru�sfcteo ta kccp all tha pmmiscs and agnaments made In the Note and in tl�s Security Insttwnen�Borrower wlll continue to be <br /> . 1 : � nbll�ttccl unekr tha Nuw and thls Seeurlty Instivment unless Lei►der releases Borrower in wxldng. �? <br /> �� IP I.endcr oxcrclscv tho option w cequire immedinte payment in full,Lcnder sheU glve Bom�wer aodr.e of acceleratton.'�e notice <br /> sh4�1 pravttlo a perind af ttut lc:c9lhaa 30 doys froas the date the nodce is dnlivered or meiled within whfeh Borrower must pay all sums <br /> ,, � , <br /> a ---------- - ---..�_.u_o_l..�...��...�........ tI w.....,e.o.Feite rn nov thPSw mm�a winr tn thr.nYnlmdnn ef thic r�t�d.i rndes mav involoe nav <br /> . -_ — _ - BL6'U/P{t O�Httif o9Nw��)umww.....w«��+.�"�—�i•—I •••_-'••—r_'_'"' __' _"�_' <br /> - , .-_..__--__--______- <br /> __ � � remedlcs p�raittici!by thlx Sccurlty Instnuaeat wtt�rorut�urther notice or demaad on Bonnwer. � . . � <br /> 8Y 9I�NIN(3 HE3[AW,aum�wer accepts end agsc�to the terms aad covenants containedin this Adjustable Rate Rides. ;. <br /> . . �1 .. �� �• � <br /> "' ��gj.i,�t� ($eal) tSeaq � <br /> � t-- _e�. e«�«.« ; „ <br /> �� . , ___._,.�..e - - (Seaq tSeaq ,.. <br /> �• -�•► <br /> [Sign Ortgtnol OnlyJ ' <br /> :� . <br /> - , ; <br /> ?+n � '� • <br /> MULTISYATE ADJU9TAQl.G Fi/aT@ RIDER-ARM 6-2-Singlo Fetrily- � <br /> ' Fanni�Me�/Fr�ddl�(1A�o llniform Inetrumtnt Form 3111/3/8fi EG3033(REV 03/83► : <br /> .. � I <br /> I` <br /> .. ' 4 . _—_._. 1 ._ <br />