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<br /> „ at tl�e optlon �t I.�ade�,it mort���e inedr+uue covenAo (in tho unou�nt And !or the period tlwt Lendar tequlra�
<br /> provldat by an Inaurer appravec�by I.ciidor a��in bocomes av�iltbto and Ie nbtatned.D�rrawer ehil�g�y the premiumd
<br /> caiuixod to mein�in martgeQo inautance in etPect,or to provIda o lae� seserva,undl thc caquiremcnt tor rnc�rtYAYa -----
<br /> lnsuranco anda in accordancr,w1t.Ii eny w�itte�earxment betwoen Aorrower and Y,onder or epgllcsbla►rw.
<br /> - =— 9.ln�peetioa.Londer arlte a�snt mry m�lca reaeonable entrlea upon�aA lnepootion�oi tM Property.Ler►der etuU
<br /> give Bare+oWar aottce et tho s9m�of ar prto�to an inapeatlan epcctfylny�ce�onable csu�e tor tho iaepeatlon.
<br /> 10.Caademaatioa,The procoede oi any twua or aldm ior d�m��eu,dtroct or consequeatld�ia connootlon wtth
<br /> - any condemn�tlon or other uktn�of iu►y pirt oi tho Property�or far conveytnce in lteu of wnden�u�tion�aro heroby
<br /> � - - �si�ncd�ad si�a111w�Id t�Lcfadce. �—
<br /> =i• In the eveat mf a tot�l tiklno oi tho Property,the procaed�shill be rpplled to tbe sume eeoured by tt�e Seourlty
<br /> L�etrumant,whetAer or not tlxa due�with eny e:ceas patd w Borrawer.Ia the evont of a p�rti�l takiag oi the Property ta
<br /> � whicb the fair market vaiw at the Property irnmedtntely boiore the takiA�ie oqual to ar Rr�eater thui the amount ot the
<br /> sums securad by thia Securi ty k�trumant immedi�tely boiore tho t�king�unlaee Borrotver end L.ender othe,r�riee��ree
<br /> in w�tdag,the aums eoaured by this Seaurity Iastrumant sha11 be redu�od by the amouat o!the procaods multiplted by
<br /> tde following traetioa:(e)tbe total amouat of the eume soowed immedlately beforo the tsktag,divided by(b)the fdr _
<br /> ' , merlcet value oi the Propersy immediately before the taktny,Auy belnaa�ehall bo pid to Borrowor.Ia tha evGnt of a
<br /> �� > parttal taking oi the Property ia whlch the iair market value oi the Property immedletely beforo the t�kis�te leee th�a
<br /> �1 ' �� the arnount of the sums sectued immediately before the tekiag,unlese 1Borrower and l.ender otherwtse sg�cee tn wrlt�ag
<br /> ��a.w ~ or unless applicablo law otherwieo prov�des. the proceeds shall be npplied to tho eums secured by ttus Sacurity
<br /> t�ti� .�. R,,�� ;�_
<br /> �� �"�� Instrumeat whother or aot tbeeums aro then due.
<br /> �;� Ii the Praperty ie abuidaned by Bonower,or if.after aotice by Lender to Borrower that the condemaor oitere w
<br /> a.,.�...,s:,t.;•,e.__:., mak�aa award or settle e cld�for demeges,Borcower fa{le w resg�oad to x.endor with�n 30 d�ys after the date the
<br /> .::���'��•,��"� L�. notice{e gtvan�Lender ie authorizad to colloat aad apply the proceeda,at tte option,eitker to restoratian or repnir oi the
<br /> �.��`::,�?�''���!!'.";.'. Property►or to the sums seourad by thie Seeudty Iaetrument�whether or aot then due.
<br /> Uatese Lender and Bonoroer otherwisa agree in wdting,any appllcation of proceeds to priaaipnl she11 aot extena ot
<br /> ����,�.�;,..;.�;:.�;;;...,.. postpoae tha due date ot the nnoathlY PaYmeats refened w tn P�S�Phs 1 aad 2 or change the amount of suab
<br /> . r' "." paymeate.
<br /> � :� . .� �` 11, Horrowar Nos Role�sed; Porbearaace By Leader Nat a Walver. Exteasioa of tha timo far paymeat or
<br /> ., � ,.--_:. •>.. ; , -' moditication of amortizadoaof the sums secured by this Secudty Instrumeat granted by I.eader tv any�or in
<br /> � •�- iatateirt of Bornower shaU aot operata to releasa tice itability of the orIgiael Borrower or Borrower's succeseors in
<br /> �+ interest. I,eadar e}�ell aot be required w commeace procee�i�gs egainat eay sucassor ia inurest or rei�sa to ertend
<br /> � � time for psyment or othawise modify amordzetion of the auma sxured by thie Saurtty Iastru:nent by reason oi any
<br /> �. demand mada by tha origlnal Borrower or Horrower's successore in taurest.Any forbearaace by Leader in e:erclsing
<br /> �� . - . -�_ n�r right nr rerr�edy eha11 not be a wai�er of or preclude the eaerctsa of say rIght or temedy.
<br /> ` ° 11.Succeaeors�ad Aaclgne Bouad;do�nt nnd Sovcral L�abilitq;Co-signore.The coveaaate aad a$roe�nente
<br /> " � a4 this Securlty Instrument ahall biad and beaeiit the successors and esstgna of Leader aad Borrower. su�yeat to the —
<br /> -- '. provieione of paregraph 17. �orrawer's covenants and agreemeats ehall be joint and several.Any Borrower w?to co sigas __
<br /> .. this SacurIty Inetrumemt but daes aot execucte the Kotet (aj is co-signiag thIs Security I�strument only w mortgage, -
<br /> graat and convey that �orrawer's interest in the Property under the terma oi this Secudty In�trumaat; (b) ie not -
<br /> - " personelly obligated to pap the suras secured by this Security Inatrumeat;and {c)agt+e�s thnt Leader aad eay other '�'
<br /> , . . . Borrower may agree to extend,rnodify,forbear or make aay accommodationa with regard to tha terme of this SecurIty �:sN�
<br />_ , Iastrument or the Note withaut thet Harroaer's coasent. �;,`;;
<br /> ' . 13. Y.oan Chuges.If tha loan sacured by this Seaurity Inatrumeat ie subject to a law atuch sota mextmum loan = -
<br /> � . � :, charges, aad that law ie tinaUy iaterpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coll� or to be collectad ia
<br /> �� . �� ' conaectioa with the loaa asaad the parmitted limite,then: (a)aay suoh losn oharge shell be reduced by the amouat
<br /> -� � � axessary to reduce the charge to tha permitted Ltmit; and (b) any sumB already colleoted from Borrower ahich
<br /> . �� �� ' exoeedcd parmitted limits aiq ba refunded to Horrower. Leader may choosa to maka this refuad by reducing the � '
<br /> ., prIncipal owed uadar the Nc�te or by making a direct payment to Horrower.If a raiund reduces priacipal.the reductioa "
<br /> . � „ , ' will ba treated as a partisl prepayment aithout any prepayment chtarge under tha Nota. '� �
<br /> , 14. Noticea.Ar�y notiexto Borrower provided for in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> � � meiling it by firet class mail unleas applicabla lew tequiras use of ar�other method.The notica shell ba directed to the �..
<br /> -,;.<<: Propertq Address or aay other address Bortower designates by notice to I.ender.Aay notice w Lender ehall be givea by
<br /> %���;At first clese mail to Lender's adda�eas etated herein or aay other address Lender de�sigaates by aotics to Horrower.Aay
<br /> � �"�':'�''"� notice provided for in thie Security Instrument shall be dewned to have beea given to Borroaec or Lettdet when given
<br /> . • ':. . as provided in 4his F��Pb.
<br /> � � '�v'` �� � 1S. Ciovorniag Law;Severebtlity.Thie Security Instrument ehall ba goveraed by federel law ead tha law oi the
<br /> • ;�;",'.?, .
<br /> -:.�;.- �:� . jurisdlcdon in which the Property is located.In the event that any provision or clause of thie Secudry Instrumeat or the
<br /> "��' � .'�:.;� Note wntlicts with applicablelazv,auch conilict ahall not aftect other proviaione oi ttus Security Inetrumeni or the IJote
<br /> „ �• which can ba given effect w ithovt the conflicting provisIon.To thie end the provisions of this SecurIty Instrument and .
<br /> I tha Note ara declared to be severable.
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