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_.� .. �r: „ _ _ <br /> �.. • ,•. <br /> — .� � �;,;,;:i� .. _ .,._. _ _----- <br /> �__ . <br /> �� .. �.. — . .. , - -- <br /> �, �: .-��- - - <br /> — ------ - -- <br /> _� --.-- ,;�.�:.;::f .� <br /> - - -------- - ----.- --_ »_._..�_��_ <br /> -- -- <br /> � . . ��� <br /> • _- e,�,- Rcriode ettat Lcndcr c�yuires. The t�sumnee cnr�let proetdln�the insurnncc shnll be chosen by Qarrc�wcr i��7Y�tt t�u � i�er1� <br /> -_ — � npprava!�vhich ahall not be mnret�sonnbly withheld. !f Bartower 4'o11R to maintain coverage descril�ed Above.E.encler mny,nt <br /> � Lenderk option,obtain coveraga w protect L.enderl�rights in the Property in acconionce with pnragraph 7. <br /> AU insurance pollc(es su►d mnawala ehnll bo acseptable to Lender and ahell Inclndo u etandard mortgage clauisc. Lender <br /> shnll 1►ave the dght to hold the pollcics attd rertowAls. tf Lendcr requires,Boaower shall pramptly�ive to Lcnder nl)rec�ipte -- <br /> ' af pntd pamiums end renewal noticra. In the event of loag,Bonnwer ahall glve�Snmpt nolice to the inaurance curier and <br /> -- --� Lcnder. L.ertdcr may make proof of loss if not mud$promptly by Borrower. <br /> -�--,---__- � <br /> Unless l,,enctcr und Borrower othervvise agtro in wrlting,insurance praceeds shatl be apptied to restoration or rcpaIr o ` <br /> the Propeny damoged,if the rcstoratIon or repalr is ceonomicelly feanibte and I.endcr� security ia not lessened. if th�e <br />- restomtlon ar repsiir!e not ecrmomicully fexs�ible or Lender's secudty would be lessened. the lnaurance proaeds shull bo <br />--- applied w the suma secuned by this Secudty lnstrument,wh�ther or not then dae. with nny exceEa puid to 8ormw=r. If <br /> 8orrower ubw►dons the Property.or does not answer wlthin 30 duya n nndce from Lender that the insurumce carricr has — <br />_�i� offered to settle u claim.then l.ender may co4lect the insumnce procceda. Lender may use the proceeds to mpair or restore <br />'�'' the Property or to puy suma securrd by this 5ecurity Instrument,whether or not then due. 'Ihe 30-day perlod wlU lxgin when � <br /> = the nadce is}�von. <br />-- Unless Lender and Rorrowar otherwlse agree ln wrfUrtg,nny applicatlon of proceeds to prineipal shall not oxtend ac <br />-� • pastpone the duo dnto of the manthly payments r+efemed to tn paragruphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of'the payments. If <br /> ,;� urtder pumgraph 21 the PropeRy is ucquired by I.ender, Borrower's right to any insumnce pofictes und proceeds resulting <br /> � from damege to thc Property prior ta the acqut�ition shnll pass to l.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security — <br /> Ingttument immediately prlor to tha acquisltton. <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preservallon, Malntenanco iu►d Protcction of the Property; Borrower's I.oan ApplEcattoa; <br /> , Lea..�l�ulds. Borrawer shall occupy.estublieh,and use the Property as Borrowerk princinal re.ctdence within siary days after _ __ <br /> the execudon of this Securlry Inatrument and ahall condnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at <br /> lerast one yeur ufter the date of accupuncy, uNess Lender otherwlse agrees L► wrldng, whIch consent shall not bo <br /> , unreasonubly wlthheld.or unless extenuoting circumstertces exiat which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not _ <br /> destroy. damaga or impair the Property,ellow the Property to deterIorate.or commlt wavte on the Property. Borrowcr shall <br /> � be in defau!t if any forfeiture ucdon or proceeding,whetteer clvu ar crimInal,is begun thst in L.ender's good faith judgment _ <br /> � could result tn forfeitune of[he Property or othenvise materially Impair the lien created by thls Secwity Insuunsent or <br /> I I.ender's security interes� Borrower may cwe sucl�a default end re�nstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the actIon = <br /> or proceeding ro be dlsrNssed wIth a ruUng Lender�s good faith determirrntion.precludes forfeiture of the Borrower� <br /> interest in the Property or other mater�al Impairment of the Gen created by this 5eciuiry Inswment or Lender�security <br /> interest. Boirower shall also be in default if Bomower, dur(ng die loan appltcadon prucess, gave materially false or <br /> �, ,. �� inaccurate Icsformadon or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender with any material informadon)in connecdon wIth <br /> the loan evidenced by the Noie, including. but not limited to, representadons conceming Bomower's accupancy of the <br /> -` ` ' ,'i;' •:'"-� Fsoperty as a principaI re�ideace. ff ihis Su.-tttity Inattwneni is un a leaneiivld.Svr[irWtr S�itlII i:0itij�Tj�W 1�i dIT tll�pCCsitlbl0il5 — <br /> ir�q� I of the lease. If Bo:rower sicquims fee dde ro thc Prope»y.the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees <br /> ,�.,�'j����,,. , to the merger in wriang. _ <br /> � ►,;,X��?; i 7. Protect[an of I.ender's Rights in the Property. If Borrawer faits to perform the covenants and agreements _ <br /> w��+,�n; � contained in th[s Security Inswment,or there is a legal proceeding that may significandy affect Lender's rigdts in the __ <br /> �':: 4�`ts;"''��"'°� :` Property(such as u pioceeding in bankrupuy.probata.for condemnation or forfeicure or to enforce Iaws or regulations),then -- <br /> �`,�"'�•'.":r:�,'sr�;;�.a.,�: k Lender ma do and a for whatever is neces to mtect the vatue of the Pto e and Lender s ri ts In the Pra �;:*'-'" <br /> ,.r,;3t;�:;;, �.�.; , Y P Y �5' P F rtY � pertY• <br /> �� a� � �•' { Lender's actions moy include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument,appearing �:�����= <br /> ' � � , t , in court,paying reusonable nttomeys'fees und entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action _ti. <br /> __ � ��`�``���� � under this paragcaph 7,Lender dces rtot huve to do so. . _ <br /> My amouats dIsbu.rsed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Boirower secured by thls "'" <br /> ^ ''-•?` •%�` Securit lnstrument. Unless Borrower and I.ender a to other terms of a en�these amounts shaU besr interest from the 4�''' <br /> � ;'�.; -;. �Y., Y S�'� P Ym ; <br /> .•���4,, �' date of dlabutsement at the Note rate and shuU be payable.with interest.upon notice from Lender ro Borrower requesting ��_`. <br /> paymen� .. <br /> " '' 8. Mortga�e Insurance. if Lender requued mortgage insurance as u condition of making the loan secured by this <br /> • ��•.�� . <br /> '`•:,# �:; j Security Insuument, Borrower shall pay the premlums tequined to maintain the mortgage insurance in effecG If, for any ' �. <br /> ; reuson, the mortgage insurance coverage required by L.ender lapses or cesises to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the <br /> 'L"� *�•�-r. ' pr�emiurns nequired to obtain coverege substentially equivalent to the mort�age insurance previously in effec�at a cost � <br />- ` � �`'=�� � substantIally equiv�lent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage inswance previousty in effect.from an alternate mortgnge t'�.��� <br /> �'�r;' �' insurer roved b Lender. If substantiaU uivalem mort e insururtce covera e is not uvailuble.Borrower sholl a to ' ' <br /> �', i�,;�:s.....�:. � �P Y Y W 886 8 P Y t�,::,;r: <br /> �.�_., t'r;r:l: <br /> .�=.�;-, •`��; � Lender each monch u sum equnl to one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> r�'•�`''•'_'"'• ; insurance covetage lupsed or ceased to be in effec� L.ender wiU accept,use And i,tain these payments as u toss reserve in lieu <br />- -�......,...._. <br /> -�?�t::s�•:,,;- � of mongage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mortgage inswance <br /> , " ..i;;;;:; .-•;.. ; covera�e(in the sunount and for the pecind that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> . .�:.:.. .. <br /> ,Y, �y,... ; available and is obtained.Botrower shall pay the premiums required to maintein mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a . <br /> �:���,••a�>;: loss reserve.unnl the rEquirement for mortgage insurance ends in acrnrdance with uny written agreement between Borrower . <br /> � ���'�� �5"� I and Lender ora llcable law. <br /> g'�. �?"<,"''; i PP <br /> ,':!,:�`"�'�"� :::� ; 9. Ire�pectfon. Lender or its agent may mnke rcasonable entries upon and inspecrions of the Property. Lender shall <br /> �?�"`�-'-•-5���-,. ! give Borrower r�otice at the time of or prior to an inspectton specifyin�reasonable cnuse for the inspecuon. <br /> :,;7�'r�,i.'���»� • :; 10. Condemnatfoa. �e proceeds of any award or claim for dama6es,direct or consequenual,in connecdon with any ; <br />- �'`�`*,�%��i;�;•'.::�z',;:•. Singlo Famlly—Fanaie Ma¢l�+Ok Mae UNIFOAM QVSTRUME[VT••Unifoan Covenanta 9190 (paRe 3ujb pupts� <br />.�. f! <br /> . . -..,.._ <br /> +�... GYeat tatee Bualxse Fam4 loe. � <br /> .c;�ks._ire... <br /> ro ceu�1800�U3083B3 0 PAJI616781•11]t <br /> N��� <br /> ....,.�:...� ..,._ <br /> , .::. . � • .�.,.. L.� cr. + e: . . . . ._�1—.__�. ,. <br /> . ,:,t.r-- - .� ; . .. . - r.,�:•. . ,....-._....a�t.c�r.iac:::�:`, . . . •. . . . <br /> .��� d.• . .. .. . . . . .. _ . <br /> �.... s'_ _.� .__—_ _ -,-._-__---__-_-_.-_�____-_—_ -_-._.__—__-_- _--_ _--__ __—_ ___ � --__-_- - - __`-____ __-________-__ ____ -_. <br /> _..�r "__ -.•._�-� ____-- ._._- _-__..-____-.-___. _ __.._ ____ . .___ _ _ - ___ __-_,________-___- -_- _ _._ .--._ _______ _ .._. __-_ ______-.._____..___ <br /> .. ._ .-_-, � � . - � . <br /> ,' � .. . .. - .._. 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