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_i�.� + ...,:,.. . � .: ,; _ x�r,�r\I` ��, . . . .. ` .�r� ,.'�: . . <br /> .�l'" , <br /> i t, ��:� <br /> � � --.�s���_�� �.. ..-. • _ . _... �_ <br /> _ __ ._._ � � - <br /> -— �. ' -- - � .— i,� .._ <br /> __ "�� , - -- - <br /> ,:�:� .�.��::� _ - - �_ �_._�_.__.� <br /> i 4_ <br /> � �a�3 <br /> -,.�„�;�,,����� c�nAemn�tlon or olhcr takEng of nny part of the Praperty,ar for convcynncc in Iicu of�c hcreby assign�ed and <br /> ehalt bc puid to Ltndcr. <br /> (n tho cvent of a total taking af�he�'raperty. thc proccmds �6u11 bo uppiied to tha xume secured by this Sccurity <br /> lnauunKnt,whcther or nat thcn due,wtth any exccss paid to Harrawcr. Gi thc event at li partlal taking of the Property in <br /> which th�fair mwket vuluo�f the Praperty i�nnxdiatQly befare the talcing iR equal to or grenur than thc�unount of tho sums <br /> seeurcd by thle Secudty Instrumcnt immrdfatcly bcforc the tuking.unless 8orrower and Lender othenytse agtee in writfng, <br /> the euma secured by thfs Sscur[ty Inatcument ahall be redutcd by thc amount of the pmce�ds multiplied by thc following <br /> �-----_—_--------� fr�ctlon: (o)thc total amaunt of tho sums sesund immMlntsly bcforc thc tal:fng,divlded t+y(b)the fair mA�ct vaiue of thc � <br /> Praperty immedi�tely befo�e tho taktng. Any balnnco shall be paid ta Horrower. In the cvcnt of u partial taking of tho <br /> ' Property in which tha fo�r morket vafue of thc Property immediutely before the tukfns is lesa thun tho nmount of the sums <br /> secured intmedlnuly before the wking,unless Borrower ond lxnder othenvise agree in wdting or unless npplicabie Iaw <br /> otherwtse provides,tt�e proceeds shall be applied to the sume secured by this Secudty Inauument whether or not the sums are <br />- then due. <br /> - � If the Property is abarrdoned by Bomower,or if.nRcr nodcc by l.snder to Horrower that the condemnor offere to m�tl�e <br /> - � an awatd or seulo a clatm for damages,Banower falls to�+espand to Londer wfthin 30 days uMr thc date tha notice is givcn, --- <br /> Lender Is suthoriud w collect and apPly the proceeds,at Iw opdun,elther to restomtion or rep�ir of the Property or w the <br /> ' sums secureci by thIs Secudry Instrument,whe�her or not then due. — <br /> !� Un1esA I.ender nnd Borrower othenvise agree in writing, uny appltcadan of procceds to principei shall not extend or <br /> postpone the duo date of the monthly payments referred ta in parngraphs 1 and 2 or change the nmount of such payments. <br /> ll. Borrowec Not Released; Forbearstnce By I.eader Not e Waiver. Extcnsion of thc dme Por payment or <br /> moditication of amortlzation af the sums sectued by this Securtry Instrument gattted by Lender to any successor in inurest <br />= of Borrower shell not operate to releuse che linbility of the originul Borrower or Borrower�successors in interest.I.ender <br /> ehall not berequ�red to commence proceedings againat tiny auccessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or � <br /> otherwlse modlfy amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by reason of any demend made by the original <br /> ,. Horrower or Horrowerb successors in interest. Any forbearactce by Lender in exeretsiag any right or remedy shaU rtot be a <br /> waiver of or preclude the exerclse of any dght or remedy. <br /> li Suaessars aad Asslgns Bound;Joint and 3everal Liabil(ty;Co-slgrtera 'IUe covenants and agreements of thia <br /> SecurIry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors und assigns of Lender And Bomower.subject to the provisiona of <br />= para�raph 17.Borroweris covenants and agr�ements shall be joint and several.Any Bomower who co-signs this Securlty <br /> - Insaument but does not execute the Note: (a)is casigning this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant nnd convey that <br /> Horrowcr's Interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Insuument: (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums <br /> sesured by this Security Instrumenr,and(c)ugrees that Lender and nny other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbear <br /> or make any accommodatIons with regnrd to the terms of thjs Securlty Tnsttument or tho Note wlthout that Bomnwer�s <br /> consenG <br /> ,-, ___ _ . 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by this SecurIty instrument is subJect to a law which sec4 mauimum laan <br /> char�es,and that law is tinally interpreted so that the interest ar other loan chazges collected or to be collected in connection <br /> w[th the loan exceed the pemdtted limits,then: (a)uny such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necesseuy to reduce <br /> the charge to the permttted limit;suid(b)any sums already cotlected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wiU be <br /> su <br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make thjs refund by reducing the principa!owed under the Note or b makin a <br /> Y � <br /> - „�,;,o dit�ect payment to Botrower. If a refund��educes p�Incipal,the reduction will bc treated us a partial prepapment without any <br /> x� ..u4i prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> 14, Notices. Any not[ce to Borrower provided for in this Secur�ty Inswment shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by fust class mail unless appltcabie law requires use of another method.The notice shall be dfrected ta the Pcoperty _ <br /> �� Address or eny other address Borrower desi�,mates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class <br /> mail to Lender�address stated herein or nny other uddress Lender deaisnates by not(ce to Borrower. Any nodce provided for ,�;.�,_ <br /> �' in this Security Insuument shnll be deemed to have been given to Borrower or L.ender when glven as provtded in this =-- <br /> .-, ��ph, _ <br /> IS. Governing Law;Severabllity. This Securlry Instrumant sh�ll be govemed by federal !aw and the law of the —_ <br /> judsdicdon in which the Property is locuted. In the event that a»y provision or clause of this Securlry[nswment or the Note �-. <br /> conflicta wtth upplicable luw,such contlict shall not nffect other provisions of this Secuciry Instrument or the Note whtch can �,�° <br /> be given effect without the confl3cting provisian. Tb this end the provisions of this Securiry Instsument and the Note are �., <br /> - declared to be severuble. <br /> + �A�,,, 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note:ind of this Securlty Instrument. -�__ <br /> ' ,r s:'z•"'' 17. 'Ihansfer ot the Pm rt or a Beneflcial Interest in Sorrower. If all or An art of thc Pro or:u► �nterest in "�'• <br /> ,tE : .i Pe Y Y P PertY Y� �?.. <br /> •=t�u:�;a� it ls sold or transferred(or if u beneftciul jnterest in Borrower is sold or transfemed and Borrower is not u naturnl person) �-;v` <br /> � ���:�� withuut I.�nder's dor wrltten consent.Lender mu at Its o uon,r uire immedinte a ent in f'ull of all sums secnred b �� �= <br /> 'ara �.: . P Y� p� e4 P YR► Y a�.:-:- <br /> � „�,�„�; this Security Instrument. However.this option shall not be exercised by L.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of .� <br /> s, �..�•» the date of this Securlty Insuument. <br /> ,���'� . � If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall�ive Borrower notice of arcelemtion. The notice shall pmvide a period of ''�"� <br /> '��'r , not less than 30 duys from the date the notice iu delivered or mailed wtthin which Borrower must pay ull sums secuc�ed by this � <br /> �:r� . Securlry Instrument. If Bocrower fails to pay thase sums prior to the expiration of this period, Lender may invoke nny � <br /> � � �,}= remedles petmitted by thts Securiry Instrument withoat furtfier notice or demnnd on Borrower. • <br /> �F�� .:��• 18. Borrower's Rt�ht to Reinstete. If Borrower meets certuin conditions, Borrower shall have the r�ght tu have <br /> "x',w enforcement of th(s Securiry Inswment discontinued ut any time prior to the earlier of: (u)S days (or such other periad as <br /> .,3 • <br /> r i'��. <br /> Singlc Family--Fannic MaelFYeddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT--Uniform Covenanb 9l90 IpaRe a ojb pugesl .. <br /> ,� u . <br /> . � <br />- �.i:_':i�"I. - <br /> • �i. ' killilHll�!��3!�EE��W�iti:iKdb'f. . . ��daa.�,-----`-- -�---- :' <br /> ���:.:�`:..i� i� . <br /> ..�.: ♦f� ir " . _ „ , ;.'�,":�,�{.yi::,. . , <br /> ._ . . ,� •. . . <br /> .. ..., :_ , . .... ,, .. . . <br /> . � . <br /> - ._ �cC_,__ , <br /> ,. - - - ---- -- -------- -----.�_1 �.- - -- - --_ __—�--- --= <br />