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<br /> :�� TOOETHER WITI•I a0 thc iinpravcmcnsa ttow nn c�rcaRer erected on Qi��rop�rtY�c�nd nll cu��enu►�,«p���?+n�:cs,
<br /> and f xtur�s nov�or hereafter A pan af the pro�ert�. All replacements And add�ttons shall elso bo covered by this Sccnriry
<br /> Insuument.�+►11 of the foregoing is nfemd to in this Security ingtrument ns the"Property."
<br /> Y�ORItOWER COYF.NANTS thut Horrowcr is lawtlslly seiaed of the estate hereby convoyed end has the dght to g�utt
<br /> end convey the Property and thu the Property is unencumbered.except for encumbrances of rccord. Horrower warrants and
<br /> ---- _
<br /> will dcfend gen�ratly ihe dtte to U►e Aoporty agatnst alt claim9 and demands,subJe�t to any emumb�anas oi r�ccmd.
<br /> -- - ----�
<br /> 7'f1i3 S�CtJRIfY iN51RU1V�iVT combia►es aniform c�veriwits for nadonal use and csan- arm covennnts �v e
<br /> limitad variadons by jurisdiction to consdtute a uni.form secudry[nsuument covering neal ptnperty.
<br /> _ U1Vli'pRM COVBNAN'1'S. Hort»wer rind Lender covenant and agne us follows: a when due the
<br />_:,•: 1. Ryment ut krindptl snd Interrst;Prtpxyment and LatE Charges. Bor�+ower shall prompdy p y
<br /> - _ _ _ _ princjpal af end intenst on the debi evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note.
<br /> . y fi�nds tor 71�ces and tasurance. 5ubject to appltcable law or to a wrltten waiver by Lender.Boao�ver shali pay to
<br />"- — -_--- l.ender on ttse day monthl.y payments are dua under the Note,until the Note is putd in full,a sum("Autds") for.(a)yearly
<br /> toxes and assessments which enay attain priority over this Security Insuument ns A lfen on the Property:(b)yearty leasehotd
<br />�;� payments or ground rents on the Property, If any: (c) yearly hazard or property �nsurance premiums; (d)yearly flood
<br /> ' ' insumnce premiums.if any; (e)Yearly mortgage insurance premtums.if any: and (�°nY sums payable by Borrower to
<br /> '- Lendet,in ac.cordance with the prnvtsiona af paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mo�$age insurance premiums. These
<br />^.;:� items are caUed"Escrovi Items" Lender may.at any time,collect and hold PY�nds in an acr�ount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> amow{�a lender for a federally r�elated mortgege loan may require for Homnwer�escrow accouat under the federal Real
<br /> Estate Setttement Procedums Act of 1974 as amended from time to tlme.l2 U.S.C.$2601 eJ seq.("RPSPA").unless another
<br /> law that applies w the Funds seu a ksser amoun� If so,Lcnder may,at any t1me.coAe�t aeul hald Funds ia aa amount not to _-_
<br />- eaceed the lesser amoun� Leadec may es�mute the amount of PUnda due on the basis of cwrent data.su►d s�easonable
<br /> � esdmates of expendinu�es of fuwre 8scmw Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> _ 'Ttie Punds shall be held in an insdtutIon whose depacits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentulity.or entity
<br /> (Includiag Lender.if l.ender is such an institutton)or in any Federal Home Loaa Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may riot chacge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds,ennually analyzing the escrow
<br /> accoun4 or verifying tlte Escrow items, unless Lsnder pays Bonower irttetest on the Fl�nds and appllcable law permits
<br /> � l.ender to make such a chazge. However.I.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-dme char�e for iut independent real
<br /> estate ta�c reporting service use,1 b�r Lender iu connecdon wlth this loan,uniess applicable law pmvides oYhervvise. Unless an
<br /> ` agreement is made or applIca6le law requires interest to be paid.Lender ahall not be reqnired to pay Bomnwer any interest or -
<br /> {'�:�. eaminga on the E§�rtds. Bocrowec and Lender may agree in writieg.however.that intere.st s'Aall be paid on the Funds. I.ender
<br />__.. ��'�`-
<br /> shall�ive to Bomower,without charge.an annual accounting of the Funds�showjng credits and debits to the Funda and the
<br /> ' � '`�`•" purpose for which each debi�to che Fuads was mnde. The Funds are pledged as additionai security for all sums secu�ed by —
<br /> � _ _ �.:.,.,.,. ,
<br /> this SecurIry Insuumen� _
<br /> ,, ��,• If the F1u�ds held by Lendsr exceed the amoants pemdtted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to -
<br /> ��� Barrower for the excess FLnds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the FLttds held by -
<br /> �, � s+ ti L.ender at eny time Is not sufficient to pay the Escrow[tems when due,Lender may so nottfy Borrower in wrlting,end.In
<br /> b� such case Botrower shall pay to Lender the amouat neressnry to make up the defciency. Bomower shalt m�lce up the
<br /> � '.s deficienc y in no more dian twelve monthly payments.at Le�tder�s sole discre6on. _�_
<br /> � " %, , 'r__ , Upon pxyment in full of aU sums secured by thla Security Insuumen�I.ender shall promp Ay r e f un d to Borrower any =- .-
<br /> ''' Funds held by L,ender. If.under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or se11 the Property,Lender,prior to the acqu�sidon or �"'°
<br /> �+' � '" sale of the Property,shall apply any Flmds held by l.ender at the time of acquisitIon or sale as a credit agatnst the sums � --•
<br /> secw�d by this Securicy Instrvmen� �^�'
<br /> _ � 3. Applicstfon of Paymente. Unless applicable law provldes otherwise.all payments received by I.ender under �-_�
<br /> �� J patagraphs 1 nnd 2 shall be appiled:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note:secortd,to emounts payable ucider
<br /> ''' pategraph 2;third.to interest due; fourtd.to ptinclpal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note. �
<br /> ,� 4. Ch�ges; Liens. Bomower shatl pay ait taxes. assessments.charges, fines and imposit[ons aaributable to the �Y���
<br /> PropeRy which may attain priorir�over diis Se�urity Insaument.and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Bo�wer �+:�-
<br />- shall pay these obligaHons in the manner pmvIded in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner. Bormwer shall pay them on �•
<br /> - time dlrertly to the person owed paymen� Borrower shs{li pnomptty furnish to Lender all nodces of amounts to be puId under �;.�
<br />- thia paragrapb. If Brnrower mekes these payments directly.Borrower sh�11 Promptly fumish to Lender receipts evIdencing -
<br /> .;.:`,,-,..�..� thepayments. ��;•
<br /> .°~�°���~;�� Borrower shall promptly disct�ar�e any lien which has prfority over this Security Insdvment unless Borrower.(a)ugrees .
<br /> '^;�•� -�-'``��� in wridng to the payment of thcobligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender. (b)contests in good falth the
<br />-�� "�,�;��,���� � lien by,or defends against enforaement of We lien in,legal proceedings which in the L.ender�s opinion operate w prevent the �
<br /> �a ,.:....
<br /> -'"< ��1y;�'x.�,;. enfonement of the Uen;or(c)secures from the holder of the Ilen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien
<br /> "i�'�•����•,'� to this Securiry Instmment If I.�nder determines that eny part of the Property is subject to n lien which may attain priority
<br /> � ., ,,,,,�
<br /> , N ���:-;+.�.�� over tdis Securiry Instrumen�Lender may give Horrower a notice identifying the lten. Borrower shaU satisfy the Iten or teke
<br /> f�'"` one or more of the actions set forth above within l0 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> rr
<br /> `� ` 5. H�urd or Property Insurance. Botrower shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> � -�"`�'��`f. , Property ins�red agatnst loss by fire,hazards included wtthin the temi"extended coverage"and any other hezar�ds.including
<br /> ...,.t.'��"-..�
<br /> � � :.s._:"+�::.�:" flaods or flooding.for which Lender requires insw�ance. 'Jhis insumnoe shnll be mainta{ned in the amounts and for the
<br /> ,�. ��. �:✓'r.f'���IM1Yy�^A• '
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