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<br /> "���r''='r"�.'� condcm�atlqn or othcr tnking of atiy pa►h of the i'rap�:rty,or for ccsnveyance in licu oY concicmnoti�►n,are hen:by nssigned nn�l
<br /> - shn11 bc pat�to l.ender.
<br /> [n the evant uf a total t�ktng af the Propatty. the procceds Ahall bc applicd to th►° 5ums �ecured by thiA Suurity
<br /> Insuument.wtuther ax nd then due,with any cxccsa patd to Bornnwec I�the evtnt of a Farttal tak�n�of thePrope ny in
<br /> which the foir market vnlue oF tho E'roperty immediately before thc taking is cqual tu or grtnter thyn tho amount of tfie nums
<br /> —
<br /> secund by thia Secudty InRUUment imme�liuely befae ihe taking.unless Borraw�r and Lendec otherwlee a�roe in wdtln�,
<br /> _ --___— the sums secured by t1iIs Socudty Instniment shall be reduced by the um�unt af the proc�d+multiplted by the o�towlna
<br /> -- -' fraction: ta)the total amount of the sums securrd imnraiistely beFora tlw¢akiug,divldui by (b)tlu.f�ir ma�cct value of ehe
<br /> Property immedincely before the taking. Any balonce FhaA bo patd to Bomower. Tn the event af s putial taicln�uf tixs
<br /> � Property in which th¢ fatr rc�urket value o�tha Property[mmediatoly befon the tnking is tess than the amount of the suma
<br />-�= securcd inuncdlately betore the toking.unless Bori+ower und Lender otherwlse ngree in wdting ar ixnless applicable iaw
<br /> -`-i. otherwise provides.the proceeda shull l+c uppiied to the nums Secund by this Securlty In.guurttent whether or not tlx sums ure `
<br />_>: then due.
<br /> "�` If the Frnperty is abandoned by Bomower.ar if.after notice by I.ender to Bonower�hcit ihe condemnor offers to muke
<br /> = an award or seule a claim fur dumages,Borrower fa�is to respond to Lender wid�Ui 30 dnys efter t1�e datc thc notice is gtven.
<br />-��� Lender is authorjzed to collect end npply the prnceeds,at Its optiort,either to rextoratlon or repair of the Property or to the
<br /> J ' sums secwed 6y this Security Inauumsnt,whether or not then due.
<br /> Uiiless Lender and Rorrower otherwise agree in writing,any applicadon of proceeds to principal shull not extend or
<br /> ' postpane the due date of th�manthly paymenta rcfemed to In paraQapha 1 and 2 or change tho amount of such puymente.
<br /> il. Borrower Not Iteleased; Forbeatance By Le[tder Not e Walver. 6xtenaion of the tlm� for payment or
<br />�' modificaHon of amartization of the sums secwed by thls Secudty Inadument geanted by Lender to uny succeasor in Inurest
<br /> • of Bos+nti�er shall noi aperat$to relense the liability of the ortglnal Bomower or Boisower's suacessors in intemst. Lender
<br /> shali aot ba quired to commence proceedings against any successos in interest or c+efuse to extend tjme for payment or
<br /> _ otherwise m dify amortizntion of the sums secured by this Secutity Insuument by reas�n of any demartd made by the original
<br /> .r ;; Borrower or Bornawerk sucsxgsora in interest. My forbearance by Lender in eaercising any dght or remedy shall not be a
<br /> waiver of or preclude the oxeroise of any right or rcmedy.
<br /> .::;� r 12. Succ�ors and Assigns Bound;Jotnt and Severa!Ltability;Casigners. 'Iha covenaate and ag�+eements of this
<br /> Security Insuument shaU bind and benefit the successors urtd assigns of Lender end Borrower,sabjeSt to the Frnvtsions of
<br /> ,;: paseBraph 17.Satrower�covenants and agreements shalt be joint and several. Any Bosower svho co-si$ns this Securiry
<br /> Insbument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inswment only to moRgAge,�rtt and wnvey that
<br /> " s� .?�. Borrower�fnte�est in the Property under the terms of this Secw'ity Instrumenr (b)is not personaUy obGgated to pay the sums
<br /> ne
<br /> � secured by this Security Instrumenr and(c)ugrces that L.ender and any other Borrower may ag�ee to extend,modify.tarbcar
<br /> :.?�a.'f���
<br /> , .���,.�,�;;;:.;•� or make uny accommodations with regard w the te�ms of this Securiry Insuument or the Note without that Bonowerk
<br /> , .:.•`,�1•Z ., , ,: consent —
<br /> - ,x�.'�eyE.:�_ i3. Loan C6ar�a. If iltc lutui e2�.ili� �3j+i�iiB SCCiii�i� IriS�i1t11CitS�s sa�jeci tu a �aw whlch�ta �nximum loan
<br /> �+:. ., _ s^r�. chstrges,and that law�s finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be coUected in conY►ection
<br /> .,1 �' ""�""" with the loan exceed the peannitted llmits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be.redluced by the amount necessary to reduce _
<br /> . 1 �p`:'t .;� �._ '�-_
<br /> �`�' ' Y �,` the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums alnady coilected fmm Borrower wh{ch excceded permttted limlts w1U be
<br /> .:�5.'� '���1'•'� .;':y�.
<br /> rt•�����•�� ? •��;F,. refunded to Bmrower. Lender may choose to make tl�is refund by md�cins the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> • �'�s�*�'•� � "''•��"'��' direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the reducEion will be trcate.i as a part'sal prepayment wIthout any _
<br /> .:�,;:.•.-�::�'.:.'-•'.;=� • —
<br /> `,�,a,;�,.;� ,, ..,i , prepayment charge under the Note. _
<br />_ • �M;;F,.,,w,�;.�,;�,� 14. Notices. Any nmxice to Borrower prov�ded for in this Securiry Instr�ment shall be giv�n by delivering it or by __
<br />� ,�.�,.,�;5�:- . ..;:;.,,,•,, mi►iling it by first class m�il unless applicable taw requires use of another method.The notice shall be dim�ted to 1ha Pi+uperty --.
<br /> m
<br /> , �� ;y;,,,,,,,,�,,,,�„�+=?. Address or az►y other address Borrower designaces by notice ro Lender. Any notice to l.ender shal!be�3ven by fust class
<br /> - � �w�:�• .,-. •,•�.,-� mnit to Lender�s address stated herein or any other uddcess L.ender desigaates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for =
<br /> . ,+�:..
<br /> '�-�+;:�'�.,`::' . in this Securiry Inswment shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or l.ender whem given as provided in this �
<br /> :` 1'.:''':;.;::":.�: P�B�Ph• �
<br /> .'���. ��n�-; !S. Govcrning Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by federel law and the law of the l.,,,
<br /> •�+��r:?��*�e*:e. � jurisdlctian in which the Praperty is(ocated. In thc event thut aay provision or ctause of this Securiry Insuumcnt or the Note !�,,,t;.
<br /> M�.�r�,��•;•. conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security InstNment or the Note which can �':=::--
<br /> .�' ��'' be iven effect without the conflictin rovision. 'ib this end the mvisions of this Security instrument and the Note ate --_ _
<br /> �:�r`�»"�. . :s B �P p =
<br /> �� �.: declared to be severable. _-
<br /> � r•.�. •. 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shal!be given one conformed copy af the Note and of this Security Insaument. _
<br /> '�.�, .U.,.,�..�'� ste�of the Pro e or a Heneflciul Intwest in Borroeer. If all or any purt of the Property or any interest in =
<br /> . �, .,: 17. 7Fan p rty �
<br /> 4=� it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial Interest In Borrower is sold or aansferred and Botrower is nat a natura! person)
<br /> x � � without Lender�s prior written consent.Lendec may.et!ts opuon,require immediate payment in fnll of all sums secured by ��"=
<br /> l�'� -n""^��°� this Security lnsttument. However,this option shell not be exercised by Lender if exerc►se is prot�ibited by fetleral law as of �'
<br /> 4.-.
<br /> '�-� �� the date of this Securtty Insdumen�
<br /> � If Lendet exereises this optlon,Lender shall give Borrower�otice of acceleradon. The notice shall provide a pedod of �'.'�.�
<br /> ,:.�a�: not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or matled within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this ���,;;•;,
<br /> ' � ';:�- .•� ° Securtty InsuumenG If Horrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this peciod, Lender may invoke any ;:�•�
<br /> • • �emedIes pernutted by this Security Insnument without further notice or demend on Bomower. '��'�
<br /> •�. � • 1& B�rrower's Rtght to Reinstate. If Borrower meets cer¢ain condirions. Borrower sriall huve the right to have
<br /> ����... - � enforcement of this Security Inswment discontinued ut any time priar to the eariier of: (a)5 days(or such other pedod as
<br /> � . . . Single Eamity-•Funok ModFl+eddie Mac UNIFORM INS7'FtUMENT•-Unifomi Covenonu 9/90 fpaRe 4 oj6 poRes) r.
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