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� . af5;"� r. . :i:,, _'!._ _. . ., —_.... <br /> ..�� . . tm�_� .. . _._ .�_-•'. . .. __„ � ._ u,. <br /> � ._. <br /> " <br /> -� � ��. . � .. ._._—__ <br /> . ::�, _��.._ .._. ., _ _ —" _' _ -- —. <br /> . "^ ._ _ .__—_ ____—.___—.. .. __ <br /> .___—._ _ ... .. <br /> . __...�.._,______. .. .. .. <br /> _.__ - ___ . _—_._.._ �— <br /> . } <br /> ���...1���5� ' <br />�::..����� �ipplicable!mv inay s{�cify fur rejastntem.nt)beforo snte of thc Pdnperty pursu�nt w uny power af sale cantaiued In this <br />-- — 3ecur(ty Instrumen�nr(b)entry of a Judgment enfoccing thiq Secndty Iasuumen� Those condidons ura that Banower. (a) <br /> � . peys Lem{er all 6uma whtch then would ba due under this Securlry [n�tru»�ent aud the Note as if no nccelerat3on Lad <br /> occurrcd;(b)cur�cs any default of stt�y other covenante or agteements:(c)p��l�s �ll eapenses incurnd fn enfoicing thia Secsulry <br /> Instn�ment,Includtng,but rtot timited to.rcasonablc attomeys'fees;and(�)takes such acdun as I.endcr may rea�nabiq ' <br /> reyulre ta assuce that the lien of thls Secudty(nauunxnt,Lendel�r�ghts�n tlie�Pruperty and Botrowe�'s ubligat�on to ppy tha <br />-- — — eums stcur�d by this Saudry I�steument ahall conHnuo unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Hon+aurer. lhis Security <br /> -------- -=� II1S{fWi12111 di�ljlB OI)II$tlI�OAY 6Li:Ui�ZiEl�by eha11 rcn:aia fuUy cf�ccQve as if u.o accelcrsdou had arcune�. Hui��� � <br /> dght to reinaU�te shall aot apply!n tho caso of ncceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sa1e of Nate;Change ot Lo#n Servkxr. The Note or a partIal iatenest ia the Note(togcthcr with this Security <br /> '�� Insaumeny muy�be sold one or mota times without prlur notice to Horrowex. A sale may rosult in a changa in the endty <br />?�`��; (known as thc"Loan Servicer")that collecta monthly puy�nente due under the Note and thia Se�urity InstrumenG Tl�eere elao <br />=�'��?' may be ane or innre shanges otthe La�Serviccr unrcla►ed w a sule of the Nate. If thcne ts a chunge of the Loaa Scrvloer. <br />`'�. Honower will be given wdtten aolice of the chnnga ln axordaace with paragrnph 14 ubove and dppllcable law. The no�ce <br /> wili state the nnrm and address of the new Loan Servicer nud the to wldcl�payn�ents ahould be mede. The nadce wll! --- <br /> �,:= -- Wso contain any othtr infomnadoa requited by applicable laa�. <br /> ' 20 H�tMoos Substanoes. Bomnwer shall not cause or pemAit the�,disposal,atorage.or nlease of any <br /> J�- Haza�dous Subswnces on or in the Praperty. Borrower shn11 not do,n.or allow anyone else w do.aaythiag affecdng tde <br /> Property that ls in violatlon of sny Bnvlionmental Law. The px+•ceding tao seatences ehall noc apply to 9he presence,use.or <br /> - storage on the Property of amall quandtiea of He7aMous Substences thaat as�geaerally mcogaized to ba appmpriata to narmal <br /> ' t�esidenda!uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> •• Bomnwer ahnU pmmpdy give Lender wrltten notice of any invesdgadon.claim.deataad.lawsuit or oxher action by aay __ <br /> ' govemmentcill or regulatory ageney ar private party lavolvlag the Property and sny Hazardoas 5ubstance ar Envlronmental <br />= af which Borrower has acwal knowledge. If Bor�ower learas. or Is aotified by any govemmeatal or cegulatory <br />-� suthodry.that eny�emoval or other remediation of eny Hazerdous Substance affectips the Property is necessary,Bornnwer _ <br /> . shall pmmptly take:ll aecessary remedial actiona in acc:ordance wIW Eavironmental Law. ., <br /> � As used in this paragraph 20."Hazaridoas Substances"uc�e those substances defined as wxic or ha�ardons substanoes by <br /> Environatental and the following substances: gasoline,keeoseaa. other flausmable or wxic petrale�naee products,toxic <br /> • pestIcides and heetricides,voladle sotvents, matcdals cuntaiaiag asbestos or farmnldebyde.and radioactoxe macerials. As <br /> used in this paca�aph 20."Env�nonmental Law"meuns federel laws and laws of the jurisdicHon where the Properiy is located <br /> that relute to or envlronmental pmtectton. <br /> NON-�JMFORM COVENANI'S. 8otrower and l.ender funher covenaat and eg�ee as foAaws: <br /> : 21. Acaeleratlon; Remedies. Lender shsll give noti�to Borrower prior w acae2eratlon folIowing Borrower's <br /> 'r:� breach oi uuy coveuent or ag�+eement tn tWs Securtty Instrument(but not prior to aooeleratlon under paragrnph 17 <br /> , . . `"_ uat��!�!a�ga arid�u!l�rs,-�cj. 'i'!se aatice vlsa!!��• ts?t�e s�as�lt;{�)tl:e s�ic�e�q�tres�tsa seir�!he = <br /> ���� _m��, defaWU(c)a date,not les4 th�n 30 days trom the date the notice ls�ven to Borrower,by whic6 tl�e defanit m�ast be <br /> " ='���t'� cu�rd;and(d)tfiat[atlure to cu�the defAUlt on or before the date spectfied in the natf�e may result iat riooeIr,ratdmn of <br /> �' �r{�1�'� "' We sum�secured by this Sectu6ty Iosteument and sale of tde Pi+operty. 1'he not[ue abu91 liurther iafaos�p Borl�osv�r of <br /> ``• ��".'-.`� the etght to reiustate�fter acceleratEon and the right to bring a court edtan to assert We aon�dstense of a ddault or <br /> > • •.Y�r:'r� eny other detense of Borrower to aoceleration and saJe. If the ddadt is not cured on or befone t6e date speclfied in <br />- ' "'w *^`:� f='� the nottce,Lendcr ai Ita o tton ma Wre tramedla4e ment in full of all sums secured b this Sea�ri Instwment -- <br /> � .�'�':i��'�` P Y�1 i�S+ Y tY =. <br />- �' , ,.,,.,�,��"� wlWout turther demand nnd may invake the power oi sale abd aqy other remedies permitted by appllcable law <br />.� � w'�.+,;:�1�t�:• I.endeX shall be entltled to collect all eupenses incurred fn pursWng!he remedlPS provtded in t6ls paragraPh xl, -- <br /> -. .«:• .•� �. Including,but aot limited to,reusoaable attorueys fees and costs of title evidence. ,�,�_�_ <br />-" �p �, If We power oi sale Is invoked,ltustee shall record a aotice oi default in each couaty ta whtch any part of the - <br /> • - w���*�°ir:��• Property Is toceted and sdAll mail oopfes of sach nottoe in the manner presedbed by applicable law W 19orrower and to ��_-..: <br /> j �.���p� the other peesons prescrtbed by appltatble law After tt�e time reqWred by eppUcable laa,lyvstee shell g[ve publlc �:i <br /> •�•r;�.•,�+"�� notice oi sale W the pensons and ia the manner prescribed by appIIcx�ble law 'hvstce,wtWout demand on Bonowu, — � <br />_ _ •�;�;•s t�•. ���e Pi+operty at publ6c auct[on to the hlghESt bidder at We time and place und under the terms desl�ated!n �`'•� <br /> .�i ..'' •1`E;#;�',} ,�.. <br /> h We notice of sale in one or mo�+e parcels and in any order'ltiustee determines. 7tustee may postpone sale of all or aay ,:,.,;,- <br /> �4�� ,�.� paroel oi the Proprnty by pnbllc uunouncement at the time aad place af aay prevtously scheduled sate. Leader or its �� <br /> #��'r��y;`'r::"'',''c design�e may pan�tue the Property at any sele. --- <br /> r ,,_�:'`c;;•� •.t;.%:. Upon t+eceipt oi paytaeat oi We pdce bid,'11rt�stee shsll dellver to Qhe p�u�cheser'[tustee's deed conveytn�the - <br /> ��;4y;,•,.,.:,;��`;•:__, `: Propertys The recitals in the Thmstee's deed shaDi be prtma Tade evidence of t6e truth of the statements made thes+ein. �: <br /> `�?F"d'��;","`. 'ltustee shsll apply the proceeds of We sale in the foilowing order. (s)to ell costs and expenses of exercising the pawer °: <br /> .,\`s^ �; ..�.R_ <br /> i '�i;, ., <br /> :� <br /> .-�:���:��,�4,. , <br /> .` � <br /> �;; ��''. � � . <br /> =.: <br /> :�s:�:'�.:�.:. ... <br /> :'�i:�t,};,; ; <br /> �':..�,.r'-:lt,'1. <br /> as:� '��."'�Ij:}l. <br /> <}'��A};��'1: . . <br /> „: 1°!'tkj' � .\ . r. <br /> -. ,,.;_}-i_.��,y�J'..iy�;< I <br /> �. ._.. <br /> . ...� .., � �'. .. . . . �. .. . � a - �: . .. , , .�,..w, . .. �f�. 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