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<br /> -'�""'°°°""� � peri��►ds that l.�cndcr�quin�y. 77ie iusuetu��e car��lcr pwvidl�g tt�c i�isuraticc Fliall t�c stsasc��by i3orcuK•er subj:ct tu I.enticr+
<br /> � aprpnwal which sl�aq nnt be unreusanAbly wi�hheld. If karcower ta31s to maintafn�overa�o dexcdbed a'bo4e,Lrncier m�y,at _
<br /> � � Lend�rY aption,oWain cov�rage to�rrotxt LentkrS�righ�.s in tho P1rap�My in xc:corilance wtth pRra�r�ph 7.
<br /> All instu�nca poHrtet��Knawal�shdl be ucceputble to 1.ender and ehall f�xlede a�tnndard mort��go cl�use. I.er�der..
<br /> th�ll tµve the r�ht to hold the pol[ctas and rcnewals. IP Lcndec rr.quines,Bonrower shull promptly give ta l.ende�$U reCei�ts
<br /> . oF pald p�rmiums u�d ronew�l sioticoA. In the event ot tasa.8axower RtW! g[ve prompt notke W the lnsunu�cur�er and
<br /> -�_ _ - _-- - I.em4*r. i_ender mqy make proof of lasA if not made promptly by Hanmwer. �__
<br /> Unleas Lender md Bomnwer ahenvisa agnoe ia writing.insurance ceda shall be applted to restoration or repatr of
<br /> tt�e rty damaQed� if the restoration or rcpair �a xanomically fe�.c ble and Lender�s�urtry ia not leesenr.d. If the
<br /> e .
<br /> restorat o�or rcp�ir iR not ezonomically fcasibfe or Lendcr4►secudty woutd be lessened,the Insuretx�e pr�ic�cda shel!be
<br /> eppl�rd to the sums secuned by thla SeCUrity Instrumen�whether or not then due. with any exc.ess pald to Aorrower. If
<br /> Homower abandona the Pi+operty,or does not answer within.30 duye u notica from Lender tliut ede insurance canier has
<br />— ot�'ered to seulo a claim.then I.ender may cotlut the insurance praceeds. Lender may use the proceeds ca repair or nston
<br /> — - - ths Ptoperty or to pay sums r,ecured by this Sec:urity Inatrument,whether ur not then due. The 30-day perlad wtU btgin Whea
<br /> ' the nodce ts given.
<br /> Unless Lender.and Barrower othsrwise agnee ia wdting,eny applicadan of proceeds to principal aha!!not extend or
<br />;� postpone the dus date af the monttily payments refemed ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amount uf the payments. If
<br /> - under paragraph 21 the P�operty is acquired by Lender. Bomawer�s nght to any insurance policies and praceeds cesultin8
<br /> = from daariage to the Property pdor to the acquisidon shall pass cu I.ender to the eatent of the suma secw+cd by thie SfxurIry
<br />_ Insitument immedlauly prIor to the aoquisitton. •
<br />-- 6. Occupancy, Preservadon, MxGttenance and Protection ot the Properiy; 8orrnwer's Laan Appitcattan;
<br /> -- Leaseholds. Banower shait occupy,estuUflsii.u��d use tite Fi�perry a8 Borrower�prir►cipai.�sidrnce within sixry days s:fter
<br /> the exeaadon of thls Secwity Instrument ond shaU continue to occupy the Pimperty as Barrowerk principal oesidence for at
<br />-- — temst one ycar ufter tha dute of occupancy. unless Lender otherwlse agsees in wrtcing, whIch consem shall aot be
<br /> uncaasonably withheld,ar unless extenuatIng clrcumstencea exist which are beyond Borrowar's control. �ormwer shall not
<br />_ desu+oy,damage or impair the Prope�ty,ullow the Pfroperty to detoriorate,or commit waste on the PropGrty. Bornower shaU
<br /> be in default if any forfeiture action or proceedIn�. whether clvil or criminal.�S begun thstt in Lender`s good faith judgment
<br /> ;;—�— could re�sult ia forfeitw+e of the Pruperty or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Insnurneat or
<br /> Lender�sec�uity Interest Borrower may cure such a defuult and reinstate,ac provided in paragraph 18.by caus3ng t�e actlon
<br /> or proceeding to be dismissed wlth a iuling that,in Lenderg good faith determination.precludes forfe[tw+e of the Bomower�s
<br /> Interest in the Property or other matedal impairment of the lien c�euted by this Secunty Tnsuument or I.ender�security
<br /> interes� Borrower shs{U �lso be In def�ult if Borrower, dwing the loan applicution process, gave mater�aUy fatsc or
<br /> U
<br /> inaccutate informadon or statements to L.ender ior failed to pmvide Lender with any materia!infonnadon)in connecuon with
<br /> � __ _ _ = the lavt evidenced by the Note, i�tcluding, but not limited to. representatlons conceming Bomowerk uccupaticy of the
<br /> Preperty as a principal�residence. If this SecurIty Instmment is on a leaselrotd,Borrower shaU comply wit�ail the provisions '
<br /> �I of the lesue. If Borrower acquires fee tide to the Prapetty.the leasehold and the fee tltle shaU not merge unless I.ender asrees
<br /> ��. to the merger in writing.
<br /> 9, I'rotectlon of Lender's Wghts in t6e Properiy. If Borrower faila to perforru the covenenu Aad agreeme�its
<br /> _ contcilned in tfiis Security Insuumen�or there Is a legal praceeding thet may significantty affect[.enderk rights in the
<br /> : �; Propetty(such as A proceeding in bankruptcy,pmbate,for cond,emnation or fo�'eiture or to enfarce lnws or regulations),then
<br /> Lender may do aud pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property suid Lender�s rights in the Propesay.
<br /> Leaderk actions may irtclude paying any swns secured by a lien which hes pdoriry aver this SecurIry Insttument,appearing
<br />_ in conrt. paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the P[operty to rnake repaus.Atthough Lender may wke action
<br /> under this parngraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so.
<br />,,; My emounts djsbuised by i.ender under this paragrnph 7 shall become udditional debt af Borrower secured by this __
<br /> `' Securlry InstzumenG Unless Smmwer and Lcnder agree to other temis of payment,these umounts shaU bear interest frnm the
<br /> data of dlsbursement at the Note rate nnd sha11 be paynble.wfth interest,upon notice from Lender ta Bomower requesdng _
<br /> , Lt payment.
<br /> ��. 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required mortguge insurance as a condition of making the loan se�u�! by this _ _
<br /> .,�, . Security instrument.Borrower shal! pay the premiuros requlred to niaintein the mortgagc insurnnce in effect If, for any
<br /> � neason, the mortgage Insurarice wverage reqWrcd by Ixreder•lapses or reases to be in effect, Bortower shaU p�y the
<br />:r�"., �;��, ;�. premiums requtred to obtain coverage substan8aliy equivalent to the mortgage insurance prevtously in effe�t.at a cost
<br /> �•' 'S f�� substantielly equivalant to the cost ta BorrowBr of the mortgage insurance previously 3n effect,from nn �Itemate mortguge
<br /> �;: ^�-�..',.:,'..�_t;
<br /> ,��. Ly_�..•.,,.�:... insurer approved by LendEr. If substantially equlvalent mortgAge Insurssnce wverase is not available,Borrower shaU pay io =- .
<br /> ; '�'1� • Lender each month u sum equal to one-twelfth of the yeariy mortga�e insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the __
<br /> '�r.: ,�,..;..,,. �,..
<br />:�;,_. ��� insurance covorage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender wiU rucep�use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu -
<br /> � " of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments muy no longer be require,d. at the opt�on of Lender,if mortga�e insurnnce ��
<br /> � :�:�::'.
<br /> ,'�-' •:��;,�-. I cwerage(in the amount and for the g�eriod that Lender mquires)provided by an insurer approved by I.ender uguin beromes :�;=
<br /> . s�.'•,::� available and ts obteined.Borrower shall pay the premiums nequired to maintain mortgagc insurance in effect,or to provide a ,:.�
<br /> . %�-9���::��� �� � loss reserve�until the requirement for martgage insurance ends in accordance with any written ag[eement between Borrower ` -
<br /> "` `�'''��;,`�_ ' and I.ender or applicable law. '
<br /> :n r'n:^., � - i ..��.
<br /> . �;-".', _ �;�,-. � 9. Inspection. Lender or Its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shali .�
<br /> :... ..�s • �ive Borrower notice ai the tisne of or prior to an inspection specifytn�c+easonuble cause for tho inspectlon.
<br /> Y'•'���°�•�;� •��°r�-=+ 10. Condemnatfon. The procetds of any awaid or claim for dsut►ages.di�ect or consequential,in connection with any
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