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<br /> . TOtif'sZEiBR WITI� nll the iiuPrati�.mcnts nnw ar fstrc�fte�e�c;cted on thc pra}�;,rty,und�►11 cascmct�ts,.��rp«rtenancc�,
<br /> - nnd fixtures now or hercaftcr a paxt uf the prope�ty. AI!neplacements and addltions sh�lf also Ise cuveried by thiy Security
<br /> insUume�G Al1 of tho for�going is roferred to in tbiR Secudty Insttument as the"Property."
<br /> BORROWER COVP.NANTS that Horrower is lawfaUy �eised of the estxte henqy conveyRd and hae the dght tb gruiY
<br /> anel convey the Propeety aind that the Pmperiy is unenciunberGd,except fur encvmbrances of rocord. Samwer warrunts-and
<br /> will defead generally the title to the Property,agaiast all clai�ms and demands,subjact W any encumM�ances c�f roeotd.
<br /> =��_----- --=- 'x'FSIS 3£C(JP.1TY WS'!'ItUh'IE:AiT cambtucs ttnifoxm cocenants for nadonAl nse nrtd nnn-unifarm covenpnts with
<br /> — limited varlationa by jurtsdiction to c,�asdtute a wdfona securiry insttutnaat coazring real pmperty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'd'S. Borrower and Leader covenant aad agree us followa:
<br /> l. P�y�ueut of Prfndpd a�d Intereati�MY�nt and Late Cha[ges. Borrower shaYf pramAaY Pay when due the
<br /> — principal of end interest on the debt evid�nved by the Nou e��d any pnpnyment aad lata cdarges due under thhtt Note.
<br /> = 2. FLnds for 7iues and Iusunnee. Subject w upplicablo law or to a written waiver by l.eud�r,B�ntrower shall puy to
<br /> _�__ � i,ender oa thc day monthly psiymea[s nre due uader the D1oLe.untjl the Note is paid in fu(1,a sum("Punds")for.(a)yearly
<br /> -----��
<br /> ._ wuca nnd s�ss�ssmenta which may stttain pdorlry qver tWs S�curIry Insurument as a Uen on We Property:(b)yesely lease S
<br /> --- Payments+or gro�u►d mnts on t4e Pmperty. if any:(e),y�asly hazaid or pmperty insumr�ce premiums:(d) Yearly flood
<br />��, insurur�ce premiums,if uny; (e)yearly mortgage insurAnCe prerarwns. if any:and(fl �►Y s� PaYablc by Boirawer to
<br /> Lendcr,in uccordauce w[tti the prnvistons of pamgreph�,ia�ieu of the payment oi mortgnge insurance premiums. ThMs�
<br />- ite�ns are calle�"Fscrow Items." Lender may,at any tL�ne.collect aad hold Pund.S in Aa amowtt noi to eaceed the maximunn
<br /> = amoant a lender for n federuUy neisud mortgage loan roay reruiie for}3ormwers escmw account nader the federel Real
<br /> e
<br /> -_- — Estau Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time co wne.12 U.S.C.§2601 et aeq.("RESPA").unless another
<br /> la�v�hat uppUes to the Fuzuls sets a lesser amount. If�►.Ixnd�r may,at any wne,r,�ltcxt pud hold F�nds ju an amaunt not to .
<br /> exseed ehe lesser amouat I.ender may estimate the amount of Fur►ds dae on ths basis of cument data a»d retuonahle
<br />' estimates of expenditutes of fuUUe Escrow Items or otherwise ln accotdance with$pplicable law.
<br /> 'I1ie Funds ahaU be held in an insdtution whose deposits ac�e Insumd by a federal ageacy. instnimentulIry. or endty
<br /> (including L.ender..if Lender is such an insdtudon)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. Leader sl�aU apply the Funds W pay
<br /> w
<br /> U►e Escrow Items. Lender may aot charge Rorrower for holdin� end apply[ng the E�►nds.unnuaUy aualyzing
<br /> the escro
<br />•„} accoun�or verifyiag the Escrow items,unless Lender pays Bomower faterest on the Funds and appiicable inw perntits
<br /> [.ender to m�lce such a charge. However,I.eader caay mquire Bonower to pay a one-time chatge for an lndependent nal
<br /> estate tau seponing service wed by Leader in conrtecdon with ihis loan,naless applicable law paovidRaothezwise. Unless un
<br /> agreement is made or appllcuble luw requ�s intemst to be paid Lender shaU not be requimd to pay 19omc�wer any int�rest or
<br /> �' eamings on the Funds. Bomawer and Lender may ugee in wridng.however.that interest shall be paid on the bLnds. Lender
<br />� shall give to Bomower.wiUtout charge.an sinnual accountla�of the Fuads.showing em,dits and debits to the Fittccls aad the �
<br /> purpflse for which each debit to the Fnnds was made. The Fuads are pledged as add�tfonal security for all sums seciu�ed by --
<br />_ _ ` tius Securiry Iasuumen�
<br />• If the F�nti� hetd by Lender exceed We tunounts permitted to ba t►eld by applicable law. Lender shall uccount ta
<br /> Bosower for the excess Funds in accordance with the m,�uimments of applicable law. If the amount of the Fnnds held by
<br /> -� — - l.ender at any time is noc sufficient to pay che Escrow items when du�e.Lender may so notify Borrower in wriGag,aud tu �
<br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to muke up the deficiency. Borrower shaU make up the
<br /> deficlency In no more t6an twelve monttily payments,at Lendsr's sole discretion.
<br />- Upon paymeat in fulf of all sums secu�ed by this Securiry InstrumenG Lender shall pmmptly mfund to Bomower any __
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,wnder para�rnph 21. L,ender shall acqui�e or seU the Properry.Leader.prior to the acquisidan or °
<br /> _�;>� sale of the P[operty,shall apply any Funds held by Leader at the dme of acquisition or sale as a credit against We sums _
<br /> - secnred by tt►is Security Insuuraea� c--
<br /> ' 3. AppUeadon of Payments. Ualess appllcable law provtdes otherwise. all payments recetved by L.ender under e: -
<br />'Y; parugraphs I end 2 shall be applie�:firs4 to any prepayment charges due under tP►e Note;second.to amounts payable under �.
<br /> :..�� parasraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth.to principal due:and lest,to any late charges due under the Nate. �'�:.=.
<br />_ 4. Chs�r�es;Lkns. Borrower shall pay aU taues, assessments.charges. fines aad imposidnns attri6utable to the �,,r•
<br />_�:��,,1 Property whIch may auafn priority over this Seciuity Instcument,and leasehald paymcnts or grourtd reats.if any. Borrower �� 5�
<br /> - ' shall pay these ab�igations in the manner prvvided in parep�aph 2.or if not paid in thut manner.Borrower shall pay them on C-��
<br /> time directiy ta tke person owe�payment Homower shall promptly fumish to Lender afl aotices of amounts to be paid under ;�.`-
<br /> , this paragraph. Tf Borrower mnkes these payments direc@y. Bomower shall promptly�'umish to Lender secetpts evitlenctng --
<br /> the payments. ��--
<br /> " '' - Bomower s}�Atl prumpQy discharge any lien wt�3ch has priority over this Security Inst�ument unless Bornower.(a)agees =-_
<br /> :�� ; in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to[.ender.(b)contests in good faith the -�-
<br /> :.:..
<br /> lien by,or defends against enforcement of tl�e lien in,legal pmccedings which in the L.ender's opinion opernte to prevent the
<br /> " enforcement of the lien;or(c)secums fmm the holder of the l�en cin agreement satisfactory to Lender sui�ordinadng the lien
<br /> � .,�:��s;w: ro this Security Iaswment If Lender detemtines that any part of the Property js subject to a Ilen which muy attnin priority ..
<br /> ` �. . �5 over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a nodce identifying the llen. Bormwer shaU satisfy the lien or tnke
<br /> .�'��. one or more of the actio&s set forth above within 10 days of the glvtng of notice. _
<br /> '.� 5. Rarsr6 or Property Insurance. Bo�rower shall keep the impravements now exlstin�or hereafter crected on the
<br /> `+� ''' Pcopetty ins�red against loss by fire.hazards iacludsd within the tefm"extended coverege"and any other haTatds.including
<br /> fl�ads or floodin�,for which Lender requires Insurance. This insurnnce shall be maintained in the cumounts aad for the
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