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<br /> ----- S.H�untrd �►r ltroperty In�urWncs. Iinrrawtr n1iu11 k�p {he fo�praivc�itc►it9 naw cuititing ��n c�rea�te�r rt�:st�S e>n the
<br /> Pr�perty insured �a�n+� toss by flrc. hsuxrds i�Kl�sdcc� withh�the tcrm "cxtei�eil raiverugd" unQ an�athcr�tu'rarcl.r, tnciud4np
<br /> paxiq or tlocKlip�,fi�r whtch l,endrr requirr.+Inwun�nce.Tldn luxurwnc��h�ll lx nwtnt�ined(n thn rnxwntn�rW far 1hc Pcric�
<br /> th,►t I.rnder rcx�ufre�. Ths in�un+nco earr4er providing Nio inhur:uke nhKl! I�e chaMn by Hc+trt►we�nubjtct te�I.ender'K wppxovNl
<br /> which tih�ell ncK he unrcas�Mably withhrld. IP ik�rrawce fill�tu mx{nt�in covenRa�k�crit+od rbove� Lendc�m�y�.�t I.a�xlet'N
<br />--�---- --� o�xtn�t,ohtafn covciArtc tn�rutact I.s:ixicr'e dghtw(n�hc hrc►petty in acrnrclnnrc with p�mgrnph 7.
<br /> All insurxnce pc�licies and[enewAld ahwll t►o wccepi�ble tn l.euder and shplt ftwCiude A standard martgagd cl�use. �►wSr:r r--
<br /> sMull have the right to hold the palicies and renowalA, If I,cnder rcqvfces.Bormw�r Kh�ll promptly gEvo to Lxnder all ret�eiptr c►f
<br /> paid pren�iums acad renewat nat3ces.in the event af la:is,SarrUwsr shalt givo prompt natice to the Insu�carrler end Lendet�.
<br /> Lcndec nuay makc pruaf af losa if not made prampdy by&+rrower.
<br /> Unicss Le�xier c�nd Bormwer otherwisa ag�c in wdNnB�insurance proceeds shall be applted ta restorado!n ar repair of the
<br /> �� Property dnmaged,if the testoration or rtpair is c,�onomicallY te�slble and Lendcr's security!a not lessened.If the ratoration or
<br /> rcpr�ir is nat ernnomicalfy feasibls or Lender's socurlcy would be lesseneci,the insurnnoe p�ds shail be applted to the Fums
<br /> socura!by this Secudry Insttutnent, whethcr or rtot then due. with any excess paid to Borrower. lf Bortuwer nbandons the
<br />- Property. or does not unswer within 30 duys n notice from Lender thut the insur�►nce tmrrIcr has offerod to setlle a claim;ihen
<br /> — Lender ms�y colfect the Insuc�nce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeda to repuir or restoro the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Securlry insuument�whether or not then due.The 30-duy period wi�l be81n when the notice ts given.
<br /> Unless �Lec�der and Bomower otherwise agree in wdttng. nny upplicnrion oF proceeds to principal sh�ll not extencl or
<br /> - ° posip�ne th,, duc data oS!he monthly payments rcfer�+od to in parnSruPhs I andl 2 or change the wnount,of tha paymeata. I4 `
<br />- under paragcaph 21 the Pmperty is ticquired by L,ender.Borrower's dght to any insurnnce po[ieies ar_d F¢�oceeds resulting from
<br /> damago to the Property prlar m 1he aoquisitIon shall pass ta l.ender w tttB extent of the sums s�cured by this Securlry Iusmunent
<br /> tminediately prior to tha aCquisftion.
<br /> 6.Occupnncy,Pre�rv�tion,Mstinteasnas and Protection of the Property;Borrower's i.oaa A�ptication.I.easettolds.
<br /> -_- Borrower shall oecupy,+establtsh.and uss the PropErty as Bormwer's principal�esidence within sixty days after the executIon of
<br /> this Security Instnime�nt and shali continue to occupy the Pmpeaty as Born�wer's pdncipal residence for at teast one year after �
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless I.ender otherwise agre�s in writing.whIch consertt shall not be unreasonably�vithheld.or unless
<br /> �;:— eactenuating circumstances e�ist which are beyond Bomnwer s rnntrol. Borrowcr shall not destrny. dt�ma�e or irrqp�r the
<br /> " -- proprrty. ullow thc Properry co deteriorate. or onmmit waste on the Pmpercy. Borrower shail be in default if any 4or�'eltw�t .
<br /> ��:� - action or proceeding.a+1►ether civil or c�imtnal. is begun that In Lender s good 3aith judgment could resielt In fodeitara of the .
<br />'.,�,{:..
<br /> -,�_ •_.- --_, . . p�,; �r�����P�a�)y impair the tien created bY this 5ecuriry Inst�ument or[.�nder's security imerest. Borrower may
<br /> cure sueh a�Fefault and reinstate.us Provided in paragraph l8,by causin$the action or prooec�ding to be dismissed with a miing
<br /> thas� ;n A.�ender's�ad:faith determination, precludes forfeiturcE of the Bozrowcr's interest in the Property or other material _
<br /> impairment of the[ien created by this Security Insnt�ment or Lender's securih• intetest. Bornower shall also be in default if
<br /> i Borrower.during the loan application process.gave materially false or in�avrate InFormation or statemenu to I.ender(or fiuled
<br /> to pmvide Lender with any matedal information)in connectlon with the lonn evidenced by the Note.irtcluding,but not![mited
<br /> to.representattons conceming 8ocrower s occupancy of the Prnperty as a princ�pal�esidence.If thls Security Insuument is on a
<br /> leasehold. Borrower shall oomply with uli the pmvistons of the lease. lf Borrower acquires fee ttde tn the Property. the
<br /> leasehold and the fee titie shall not merge untess Lender n�rees to the mer�er in writlns.
<br /> 7.Ptntect[on of I.ender's Rights in the Property.If BorroweT fuils to perform the rnvenants nnd agreements contained jo
<br /> .
<br /> this Security [nsttument.or there is u legul proceodins thut may significuntly affect Lender s rights in the Property (such as n
<br /> procceding in bankcuptCy.pn�bate. for rnndemnation or forfeiture or to enforce taws ur regutations),then Lertder may do und
<br />- pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property und Lender'�rights in the Property. I.ertder's stctions mny —
<br /> include paying any sums secured by n Iten which has priority over this Security Instniment. appearing in court. paying =
<br /> reasonabie uttorneys'fces and entering on the Property to make repa�rs. Althou�t►L.ender may tuke�ction u�er this parasruph
<br /> 6i".
<br /> ?. Lender does not tiave to do so. �
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this parugrnph 7 shall become addltional debt of Bomower secured by this �
<br /> Securitp instn�ment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other temu of paycnent,these ainounts shall bear tnterest from the lt�,-
<br /> date of�dlsbausemzrat at the Note rate and shntl be payable. with interest. upon aotice from Lender to Borrower cequesting �__-
<br /> paymettt. ----
<br />-_ __ __ .t,��i 8. 1VforSgt�e�msivance. If Lender required mortguge fnsurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> - Instrum�rrc, Borcowxr shuli pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any �.son. the
<br /> mortga�¢insurance coverage mquimd by Lender lapses or ceases to be i�effect,Borrower shall pay the premi�uns requind to
<br />. obisin ooverage wbstamlal�Y equivalent to the rnortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substsnti�lly equivalent to the
<br /> ••� �� oast to Bomower og ths mortgage insurance prneiously in effect, from sn �lcernate mortgage insurer approvai by [.ender. If
<br /> +:=''' � substmntially equivb�eni mortgage insurnnce cov�ge is not available,Borroa�-r shall pay ro Lender e�fi innnth a snm equal to
<br /> o ' one-nve4flh of the yearty mort�age insuriuice premium being p�id by Borrower when the insurance rnversge lapsed or ceased to
<br /> �''' be in ef�;ct. Lender will accept,use�nd retain these paYR►enu as a toss reserve in Iteu of mort�age insurance. Lass reserve
<br /> �`.,'i'�..'�.�',•r- Form 3028 9/90
<br /> _ Poge�d 6
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